Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 15: The Admiral Who Visited the East

Just when Wexford and others settled Arlong Pirates in Cocoyasi Village, in the last stop on the East Blue to the Grand Line, a large number of marine forces had gathered in the Loguetown.

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“Captain Smoker, I heard that these people are just the advance troops, and Marinford is going to send an Admiral over.”

On the marine dock of Loguetown, a Lieutenant of Loguetown marine was chatting with Smoker about those marine forces that had just landed on the dock.

Smoker took the cigar that had been burning out of his mouth off and then glanced at the bounty list of Wexford in his other hand, “Admiral? Just for a 100 million plus bounty pirates?”

Although Smoker was the local marine, the Marine Headquarters didn’t inform the marine of these divisions about Garp and Doflamingo. Making Smoker and others wonder why the Marine Headquarters would send such a huge lineup.

The Lieutenant beside Smoker couldn’t figure it out either.

After Smoker finished, he could only guess, “Maybe they think this pirate is growing too fast? After all, he can get hundreds of millions of bounty directly in this weakest East Blue. His strength may also be very high.”

When these two Loguetown marine chat, the marine from the Marine Headquarters had completely landed to the pier. However, in this group of Marine Headquarters soldiers, Smoker didn’t see the figure of the Admiral.

The Marine Headquarters had traditionally consisted of only three Admirals, each of whom was an object of admiration for marine forces everywhere. They were all familiar with the looks of these three Admirals.

“No Admiral?” Smoker said with some disappointment after relighting a cigar.

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“There doesn’t seem to be one, did we receive the wrong information?” Loguetown Marine Lieutenant scratched his head. He also did not know what the situation was.

The previous message from the Marine Headquarters was very clear. The Marine Headquarters would directly send an Admiral to come, but when this Marine Headquarters had landed, there was not a single Admiral.

“Let’s go. Although the Admiral did not come, there are still two Vice Admirals.”

Smoker did not think about why there was no Admiral. He took a puff of his cigar and then led the Lieutenant, who had already finished assembling the marine.


“Two Doflamingo, this thing is too bizarre.” Momonga’s right hand staked his saber, frowned, and said.

For this mission, Momonga felt very strange. According to the information received from the Marine Headquarters, Wexford brought a person as strong as Vice Admiral Garp, and then there was a Devil Fruit user who also had Ito Ito no Mi.

Onigumo and Momonga didn’t think the same way. With a fierce face, he grinned and said to Momonga, “No matter who the opponent is, we’ll just settle them in Loguetown. This time, we have Admiral Kuzan here, even if the opponent is strong, they can’t get past Loguetown.”

Just when Onigumo and Momonga were talking, Smoker brought the Lieutenant to the side of the two.

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“Vice Admiral Onigumo, Vice Admiral Momonga.”

Smoker approached the two men and first saluted the two Vice Admirals.

When Momonga heard the voice, he turned his head to look at Smog and said, “You are the people from marine branch in Loguetown, right?”

“Yes, Vice Admiral Momonga.” Smoker nodded and replied.

After hearing Smoker’s answer, Momonga pointed to the assembled marine soldiers and said, “First, let’s arrange for our Headquarters’ marine soldiers to be housed. Admiral Kuzan will arrive in a while, and Onigumo and I will wait here for a while.”

“Okay, Vice Admiral Momonga.”

After Smoker and the Lieutenant got the order, they turned around and walked towards the group of Marines.

After moving away from Onigumo and Momonga, the Lieutenant said, “There are indeed Vice Admirals. Even my favorite Admiral Kuzan is coming. I didn’t expect to see Admiral Kuzan after being sent to the East Blue. This is really great.”

Although the Lieutenant was very excited after hearing Kuzan, Smoker’s expression did not change from the beginning to the end. Now it was only an ensign, and Smoker was only thinking about why the Marine headquarters would send such a lineup against the pirates of the East Blue.

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‘The situation is definitely not as simple as the news from the headquarters. Wexford’s pirate group is definitely not as simple as what they said.’

Thinking of this, Smoker looked back in the direction of Onigumo and Momonga. At this time, the two Vice Admirals were waiting for the arrival of Kuzan on the pier.

‘It seems that the Loguetown will usher in a big battle.’


At this time, Wexford was cleaning up Arlong Pirates group and didn’t know that the marine in Loguetown had been gathering heavy forces.

Right now, Wexford was tying up a group of fish people, all thrown in the lair of the Arlong Pirates. However, compared to the captured fish people pirates, their leader, Arlong, wasn’t so lucky. Garp’s punch directly ended the life of this extremely evil fish-man pirate.

“Thank you, my lords! Cocoyasi Village can finally get rid of this group of pirates.” Genzo, the sheriff of Cocoyasi Village, who was attracted by the sound of battle, hurriedly thanked Wexford and the others after seeing the members of Arlong Pirates who were all bound together.

Although Wexford’s group looked like a group of pirates, Genzo still boldly came over. After all, this was a great opportunity for Cocoyasi Village to get rid of pirates.

“We will take the fish people pirates, and leave this little girl to you.” Wexford looked to Genzo, who was respectful to them, and pulled Nami aside.

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Sheriff Genzo saw that the other party would really take away Arlong Pirates and quickly said happily to Wexford and the others, “Thank you very much! Thank you very much, my lords. Nami, why don’t you quickly thank these lords.”

“Thank… Thank you….” Nami, who had walked to Genzo’s side, raised her head and said to Wexford, who was in front of her.

Wexford reached out and rubbed Nami’s orange hair, then turned around and said, “No need to thank me. We’re just a group of pirates. It was just for the bounty of this group of guys.”

Nami stood frozen in place, looking at the constantly distant Wexford. There was no telling what was on her mind.

After the departure of Wexford, Genzo smiled and said to Nami, “Come on, Nami, let’s go back to the village to tell Bell-mere that Arlong Pirate group is finally gone.”

After Genzo finished, he ran directly towards the direction of Cocoyasi village. He had to tell the people in the village about this good thing first.

After running a few steps, Genzo saw that Nami did not follow, so he turned back to Nami and shouted, “Nami, go quickly.”


Only at Genzo’s urging did Nami withdraw her gaze and run after Genzo in the direction of Cocoyasi Village.

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