Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 16: Kaido Was Also the Four Emperors

From Cocoyasi Village in the archipelago to the outpost of the upside-down mountain, Loguetown was located at a very long distance. There was basically no other large island, which was a few days away from Cocoyasi Village. Wexford and others did not encounter a pirate group.

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Because Buggy Pirate ship was not a fast sailing ship, they could only pass the time on the ship since there was no way to reach Loguetown quickly.

“Four Emperors? What are there?”

Garp and Doflamingo, under boredom, began to talk about the powerful forces of this world.

Doflamingo, who arrived recently, didn’t know the situation of this world yet and was cleaning up the pirate group all the way. So, Wexford didn’t have time to introduce the situation of this main world to these people.

“The Four Emperors of this world are Whitebeard Edward Newgate, Red Head Shanks, Kaido of the Beasts, and Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.” Wexford took a simple map, pointing to the location of the New World to the crowd.

Although Garp came a while earlier than Doflamingo, what he knew was still information related to the Windmill Village and the marine. It was the first time for Garp to hear about the New World.

After hearing the names of these four people, the aging pirate Garp, who was standing at the railing, looked sideways at the simple map and said, “The Four Emperors? Kaido?”

“What’s wrong?” Wexford saw Garp seemed to have some comments, looked up to him, and asked.

“Is he the Strongest Creature?”

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After saying that, Garp walked to sit next to Wexford before continuing, “In that world of mine, I have heard Kaido’s name, but somehow I can’t remember about it.”

Wexford drew a circle at the New World location on the map and said to Garp, “Kaido here is the New World’s Four Emperors. His body is very strong, and also formed Beasts Pirate group.”

After drawing the approximate location of Kaido, Wexford then drew three consecutive circles and said, “In addition to Kaido’s Beasts Pirate group, there is Edward Newgate’s Whitebeard Pirate group, Shanks’ Redhead Pirate group, and Charlotte Linlin’s Big Mom Pirate group.”

After Wexford introduced all Four Emperors one by one, Garp tried hard to recall what he knew about Kaido.

After thinking for a while, Garp seemed to remember who Kaido is, “I remember, there is such a pirate, but he is not as powerful as you say.”

After gradually remembering the previous memories, Garp continued to speak up, “This guy was a newcomer in the New World when he came to challenge my group. However, he was defeated by Rayleigh under me before he could show his skills. Such a pirate, how can he be here as the Four Emperor?”

After Garp finished, Doflamingo also said, “Hohoho, yes. How can this Kaido guy be the Four Emperor?”

From the words of Doflamingo, it could be heard that Kaido of the Beasts did not seem to be good in Doflamingo’s world either.

However, compared to Kaido, Wexford was more interested in that Rayleigh that Garp said.

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“Rayleigh is still one of your man? That’s interesting.”

It’s the first time Wexford heard information about his pirate group from the mouth of Garp. Wexford was very surprised at the appearance of Rayleigh.

In fact, he wasn’t the only one who was surprised. After hearing Rayleigh’s name, Buggy and Shanks, who were chatting on the side, also hurriedly came over.

Shanks, who hurriedly ran to the middle of Garp and Wexford, asked, “Rayleigh? Are you talking about first mate Rayleigh?”

“Yes, it should be that Rayleigh.” Since the worlds of Garp and the young Shanks weren’t similar, so this time, it was up to Wexford to answer.

Regardless of the world, who else could it be that could fight under Garp but Silvers Rayleigh?

Although Wexford said so, Shanks still looked at Garp. He wanted to hear what the elderly Garp had to say.

Under Shanks’ watching gaze, Garp reached out and pressed Shanks to the deck before saying, “If you’re all talking about the silvered-haired one, that’s it.”

“So first mate Rayleigh also appeared at Mr. Garp world, this is really great.” Shanks rarely could talk about people he knew well. So, at this time, although he was pressed on the deck by Harp, his voice still seemed very joyful when he spoke.

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However, standing behind Shanks, Buggy was different. He was from the main world and could not understand the conversation.

“What the hell are these guys talking about?”

The unclear Buggy white glance at the ground Shanks. This group of guys chatting about something that was not nutritious. Thinking of this, Buggy directly turned around and left again.

After Buggy left, Doflamingo said, “These few people in my world are quite strong.”

“Whether it is Whitebeard, Charlotte Linlin, and Rayleigh, in my memory, they are very strong pirates in the New World. Although Kaido does not have the strength of the Four Emperors, in the New World, he is also considered somewhat famous. However, the redhead Shanks you guys said, I have not heard of.”

After hearing his name, Shanks, who was not yet pressed on the ground, hurriedly looked up and said, “It’s me. I am Shanks.”

Doflamingo looked at Shanks, who struggled to raise his head to speak, and grinned, “You, boy, is still a little weak.”

Although Doflamingo’s words weren’t bad, Shanks was unusually frustrated after hearing this. After all, in this One Piece World, weakness was the original sin.

Of course, Shanks’ ability to resist blows was still good. After a short pause, the teenager Shanks said again, “I will become stronger and will definitely become the kind of sea pirates you are talking about.”

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“Hohoho, maybe.” Doflamingo could only say that since he really hadn’t seen the so-called powerful red-haired Shanks.

Just when Shanks was about to say some words that he would definitely become stronger, Buggy stood at the front of Kaban, turned back, and shouted, “Lord Wexford, we’re almost there in Loguetown!”

After Buggy’s voice sounded, Wexford and others all stood up directly towards Buggy’s side.

When the people stood up, the shadow of Loguetown in the distance also appeared directly in the eyes of the people.

“The wind is just right today, so it’s a little early.”

As the crowd had previously spat out that their ship was too poor, Buggy certainly had to praise his pirate ship on this opportunity to show his face.

“Not bad, it seems we are about to enter the Grand Line.” As a native of the East Blue, Garp still had some impression of Loguetown.

After getting out of this Loguetown, they should be entering the Grand Line from the Reverse Mountain.

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