For the new Pirates King, Wexford actually preferred that he was aware of the World Government’s cards, or had traveled to the Final Island to see the Great Secret Treasure.

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In this way, Wexford would have a deeper understanding of the World Government.

Although previously Wexford had reshaped such as Garp and Borsalino flow, even if these two dominated the New World, and one became the high position such as Marine Fleet Admiral.

Gut Garp was not interested in the Poneglyph, and did not go looking for the Final Island, while Borsalino came when her was only twenty years old, and not even become the Admiral, so what important information he would know.

In addition to these two boys, from Wano Country, Kozuki Oden was also the most likely to touched and understood the Poneglyph, but this experience was different, he did not even participate in Roger’s fleet, only follow the ‘son’ of the Whitebeard for a period of time, there was no opportunity to interpret the Poneglyph.

This was precisely the reason. Even though Wexford had reshaped nearly ten Pirates Kings or would become Kings in the future, he still knew very little about the secret of the World Government.

Because of this, Wexford wanted to make a copy of the Pirate King who could have more knowledge of the world government.

However, the information reported by the voice of the warehouse was slightly disappointing to Wexford, because this Pirates King was probably another person who did not know the inner workings of the World Government.

But no matter what, Wexford could get another Logia Devil Fruit user to join in twenty-five days, and not surprisingly, Enel’s age was appropriate, and would be a powerful help.

‘Copy of consciousness body completed, in the process of remodeling ——‘

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‘Name: Enel.’

‘Belonging to: 1024 Universe.’

”Copy remodeling time -25 due to increased reputation, estimated copy remodeling time 25 days.”

Enel, a ‘God’ from Skypeia, and the first Devil Fruit user that Rosinante deprived after coming to the main world.

“It’s him? Did he go down to the sea?” Wexford’s impression of Enel was that he was the one who controlled Skypeia as a ‘God’.

If this one wanted to become the Pirates King, the road seemed to be quite long, at least longer than Rosinante and Doflamingo.

“Got any other information?” Although this new Pirates King would probably not know too much about the World Government and the main Poneglyph, but Wexford still wanted to find out information about this one to see how he stepped from Skypeia to the Four Seas.

‘Only partial information, would Your Excellency like to hear it now?’

”You have some of it? Then tell us, it’s fine now anyway.”

Wexford, who was in the banquet hall, had nothing else to do at this time, and the matter of informing Bell-mere and Borsalino was also left to Rosinante, so Wexford didn’t really have anything to do except to watch the others feast.

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”Yes, Your Excellency.”

After receiving Wexford’s reply, the warehouse then directly began to tell about the information about Enel that had just been updated.

“After becoming a ‘God’ on Skypeia, Enel had been working on the construction of the golden ark called Maxim.

Because there was no one to disturb during the construction, so the construction of the Golden Ark ‘Maxim’ went exceptionally well.

After the construction was completed, Enel ……’

The sound of the warehouse from here abruptly stopped, it was clear that the warehouse for the new Pirates King’s information display was not complete.

But just a few information was able to let Wexford get some useful information.

From the warehouse he learned, that Enel did not board Skypeia, which also allows Enel’s golden ark to be completed with ease.

As for after that whether to board the moon to obtain mechanical technology, or open the ark into the blue sea, it depended on how that world’s Enel chose.

“When this one arrives, it is also possible to consider building an ark. In this way, there is no need to be isolated by the Red Line and the Sabaody Aechipelago.”

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The golden ark built by Enel was able to fly in the air, so it could completely ignore the Red Line and the Calm Belt that isolated the four seas.

However, if it was really built, Enel could only be a humanoid battery.

Just when Wexford thought of Enel being locked in the golden ark as a humanoid battery, Rosinante had already brought Bell-mere and Borsalino.

“Captain, is it necessary for us to return to Sabaody Archipelago?” Bell-mere approached, then asked directly to Wexford.

“Well, there may be some trouble at Sakazuki’s place, so you and Borsalino should go there together. After settling the matter in Sabaody Archipelago, when we arrive in Dressrosa, you two come directly over the Red Line to find us.”

Now since Sakazuki could resist the marine head-on, that Wexford was also ready to continue to clutch Sabaody Archipelago in his hands.

Sabaody Archipelago’s wind an important node connecting the first half of the Grnad Line to the second half for pirates who couldn’t get out through the Red Like.

To be able to grasp this place, then he could control the throat of the pirate world. If the new generations wanted to enter the New World, they would have to pass through the land of Wexford.

But to really control Sabaody Archipelago, Wexford must arrange some necessary manpower. After all, Sabaody Archipelago was too close to the Marine Headquarters or the Red Line.

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“Your Excellency Wexford is going back to Sabaody Archipelago?” While Wexford and Bell-mere both spoke, Neptune also came from the main seat to the side of several people.

“No, it’s just the two of them going back.” Wexford said as he pointed to Bell-mere and Borsalino in front of him.

“Two people?” Neptune took a look at the two Bell-mere before saying, “If it’s just two people, I can arrange for Megalo to send the two of you straight back to Sabaody Archipelago.”

Megalo was a unique vehicle of Fishman Island, which could send the fish people directly to the water.

Fishman Island had its own coating process, and was able to send both Bell-mere into the coating bubble, also allowing the two to depart directly with Megalo.

“In that case, it will be able to increase the speed quite a bit.” Wexford saw that Neptune was willing to provide transportation, and did not refuse, so that it could also improve a lot of efficiency.

“Okay, I’m going to arrange it.” Perhaps because Wexford helped Shirahoshi get out of trouble, and after that Nico Robin interpreted the information in the Penoglyph for Neptune, so Neptune was still very grateful to Wexford and the others.

While Neptune was arranging for the personnel in the palace to prepare the giant mouth shark to carry Bell-mere and Borsalino, Borsalino came up to Wexford.

“Ahem, Captain, that Sakazuki you mentioned, is it ……”

Although Borsalino hadn’t finished his sentence, Wexford already knew what he wanted to ask, “Yes, Sakazuki, ‘Red Dog’ Sakazuki.”

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