Chapter 116 - The Four Emperors' Clouds Move

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With apprehension, Borsalino still departed with Bell-mere.

Although Borsalino didn’t really want to meet Sakazuki, he had to go even if he didn’t want to go because it was a mission from Wexford.

After the departure of Borsalino, Wexford and others also began to prepare to go to the New World.

Compared to the somewhat weak first half of the Grand Line, the pirates in the New World were the real powerhouses.

Whether it was the Emperors of the sea, or a few strong people in the Seven Warlords of the Sea, they were all active in the New World.

Of course, in addition to these pirates who dominate this era, like the Golden Lion who had a big trouble with the Marine Headquarters, the former crew of the Pirate King Roger Crocus and other remnants of the old era were also active in the New World.

So the New World was where the real challenge laid.

But for the current Wexford and others, they had already had the strength to be able to gain a foothold in the New World long ago. Even, there was no single pirate group in the New World that could defeat them, not even the former Four Emperors.

If Whitebeard, Kaido and Big Mom could join forces, restoring the scale of the original Rocks large group, perhaps they had the strength to defeat the current pirate group of Wexford.

But, once the Rocks big group was gone.

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Even if Kaido and Big Mom could laugh off the feud to reunite, Whitebeard, the first person in the world of pirates today, would not be involved.

For Whitebeard, his family was far more important than fighting and fame.

It was because of this reason that after Blackbeard Teach left the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard sent someone to look for the ‘son’ who left for no reason.

“At Kaido’s?”

After receiving the news about Teach, Whitebeard even put down the wine bowl in his hand.

For Whitebeard, Teach left very incomprehensible, and did not have any communication with Whitebeard, so Whitebeard had been trying to get a reason from Teach about this matter.

After Whitebeard asked, Marco, who had also just been informed, nodded and said, “Yes, it’s near Wano Country.”

“It was after Kaido left, Teach began to move around.”

Because the country was surrounded by towering cliffs, the entire country also implemented a closed-door policy, so it was difficult for outsiders to observe the situation in Wano Country.

Blackbeard Teach could be seen by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, mainly because he had left Wano Country several times in the last two days.

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After hearing that Blackbeard Teach actually ran to Kaido’s base camp, Whitebeard’s eyebrows immediately frowned.

“Marco, you send someone to contact him. That boy, why he left.”

Finished, Whitebeard just picked up the big bowl again, drinking tons and tons of wine in the bowl to the end.

When Marco saw this, he also knew that his old man was in a bad mood. Although only Blackbeard Teach left the entire pirate group, the old man was treating every ‘son’ the same.

“Okay, I’m on my way.” Marco responded, then go directly to arrange for manpower to contact the Blackbeard Teach who was in Wano Country.

In Wano Country, Beasts Pirate had left Wano Country after the leader Kaido to go to Dressrosa. King also took over the management of Wano Country, Kaido’s hideout, Onigashima Island.

Because Kaido also often left before, and even captured by the marine many times, so King was already familiar with this job.

However, this time, after Kaido left, King looked a little uneasy.

“Queen, I always have a bad feeling.” King stood at the pier of Onigashima Island, looking in the direction of Dressrosa, said.

“So what? What does it matter to me if you have an ominous feeling?” Queen, who had never dealt well with King, looked down and fiddled with his mechanical arm, not even glancing at Inferno King.

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The other All-Star, whp only in his early twenties, and was also the weakest of the three. Jack, seeing the two eldest brothers fighting each other, didn’t dare to blend in at all.

“Queen, Onigashima is in your hands.”

After saying that, King did not wait for Queen to reply, then directly went to arrange the manpower, ready to go to Dressrosa to see the situation.

The main reason why King has this feeling was that he knew that Wexford’s group had already reached the Fishman Island below the Red Line and was ready to enter the New World.

After the pirates arrived at Fishman Island, they were only one step away from the New World.

Dressrosa was very close to the entrance of the New World, and Wexford only needed to pass through a few islands before he could reach the kingdom controlled by Doflamingo.

King was worried about it because of the recent fame and popularity of the big pirate group.

Although Kaido was claimed to be immortal, there was always a limit to the strength of a person. The marine couldn’t execute Kaido through ordinary means, but it didn’t mean that the pirate group couldn’t.

Because of this, King intended to take people to Dressrosa to prevent the possible transit of Wexford and his party.

No wonder King was so worried. It was mainly because the previous battle of Sabaody Archipelago that was a bit out of King’s expectation. Only one member of the Wexford Pirates, could resist the attack of two Admirals, and also made such a magnificent move.

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It should be noted that King’ Devil Fruit was also had the flame attribute, but compared to the huge barrier made of lava in Sabaody Archipelago, King felt that he was still slightly lacking.

Wexford Pirate group could send such a person to defend Sabaody Archipelago, then their people on board was very unlikely to be weak than that magma fruit ability.

Such a pirate group, just by virtue of the defense of Dressrosa, was likely to be unable to hold on. Even with the addition of his boss Four Emperor Kaido, King also felt that there was no possibility of defense.

“A new pirate group, actually can stir up such storm clouds.” King was actually concerned about Wexford when he first appeared in the East Blue, but he never thought that the rise of a pirate group would actually be so swift.

In just a few months, this pirate group defeated the Marine Headquarters.

Even if Beasts Pirates elite crew came out, they did not dare to say that they could call with the Marine Headquarters, but this new pirate group did.

This idea of King was actually not a least, before he had gone to the first half of the Grand Line to watch the battle of Shanks, and he was also puzzled.

Red-haired Shanks was once followed the Pirate King Roger, but he had seen the strength of Wanxiu and others, and even felt that this group could surpass their former captain and become the real ‘king’.

In the meantime, Shanks was also entering Fishman Island from the first half of the Grand Line, ready to return to the New World.

The Fishman Island had come to lead the two emperors of the sea at the same time.

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