Chapter 121 - Oden Nitoryu!

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Although Yasopp praised the other party, the gun in his hand did not stop.

The sniper of the Red Hair Pirates had a slight intention to compete with Kozuki Oden, so the target of this shot was also the Shogun from Wano Country.


As soon as Yasopp’s gun was raised, without even any aiming, the bullet already flew out from the long gun in his hand.

The man who had already been shot by Yasopp’ gun was already on high alert, so this time, just as Yasopp’ bullet left the barrel of his gun, Kozuki Oden moved his entire body and sped towards Jesus’ gun.

As the Shogun of Wano Country, the former second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates, Kozuki Oden’s strength had stood the test of time.


In the process of advancing, Kozuki Oden cut the bullet shot by Yasopp in half and let it fly out from both sides of his body, while he continued forward from the middle and swung his sword towards Yasopp.

“So fast?!”

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Yasopp did not expect Kozuki Oden to move so fast, and he did not even have time to retract the lance in his hand when Kozuki Oden was already close to him.

In Yasopp’ eyes, he only saw a cold flash of a blade, and the lance in his hand had broken into two pieces.

If it wasn’t for Yasopp’s own hand shrinking fast, his left hand holding the lance might have been chopped off just like his own captain.

“You dodged pretty fast.” After Kozuki Oden cut through the blade, his mouth did not forget to mutter two words.

At the same time as he spoke, Kozuki Oden’s hand did not remain idle, and the long blade he had just swung out at once turned back and continued to slash towards Yasopp’ body again.


Seeing that Kozuki Oden was about to win this blow, the nearby Lucky Roux of course could not let his teammate be attacked in this way, so he hastily drew his short spear and struck towards Kozuki Oden’s body with one shot.

Although Kozuki Oden glanced at Lucky Roux’s strike, the long sword in his right hand did not stop. As a swordsman of the two-blade, his left-handed sword was equally sharp.

Just as Lucky Roux’s finger touched the trigger, Kozuki Oden’s left hand brought down, and the other famous sword was then pulled out, and then swiftly swung the sword in Lucky Roux’s direction.

Under the swing of Kozuki Oden’s sword, Lucky Roux’s bullet that just came out of the chamber and was cut to pieces by Kozuki Oden’s sword energy.

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The sword did not stop after shattering the bullet, but flew towards Lucky Roux with an even more powerful energy.

The first timethis sword energy was about to fall on him, his obese body jumped back a distance of ten meters before he was able to dodge this sword energy of Kozuki Oden.

Lucky Roux retreated, and let Yasopp immediately fell into a crisis.

For a gunman, the gun was the capital of their lives, but now Yasopp’ gun in his hand had been cut off by Kozuki Oden, which was equivalent to directly cutting off his ability to counterattack.

An archer who lost his gun was like a beast that had lost its claws, and although he still looked fierce, he had lost his fighting ability.


So after Kozuki Oden forced Lucky Roux away, Yasopp also thought of retreating.

However Kozuki Oden was close, Yasopp just wanted to retreat, Kozuki Oden already crossed his swords, then pulled in the opposite direction, wrapped the sword woth Bushosoku Haki and swung towards Yasopp, “Oden Nitoryu!”

Yasopp’s face looked bitter in the face of the sudden approach of the two sword energy.

The speed of the other side was too fast, and Yasopp was unable to dodge at this time. At this time he could only temporarily give up the idea of leaving, hands raised only half of the gun with Haki covered on it.

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The long swords crossed by both hands pulled to the sides, the cold energy blasted directly on top of Jesus’ broken gun, and the long swords wrapped with Haki collided with Yasopp’ Haki, directly shattering Jesus’ broken gun instantly.

Although with the broken gun, Yasopp who was supposed to be cut into the chest only broke the surface of his clothing, but this also consumed a lot of Yasopp physical strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kozuki Oden leapt directly into the sky and jumped behind Yasopp.

“Oden Nitoryu!”

Because Yasopp’s spear was completely broken, he could only cover his Haki over his hands at this time, and looked up at this opponent who was crossing over him.

‘No attack?’

Just as Yasopp was wondering if his opponent was just jumping over him and not attacking towards him, he suddenly felt several golden lights fall and the entire sky seemed to have countless spear tips stabbing towards him.


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”Oh no!”

Faced with this sword light coming from all directions, Yasopp had no time to resist for a while. Although he kept meeting those golden lights with his Bushosoku Haki covered fists, the storm-like attacks were too many and the area covered was too wide.

By the time Kozuki Oden crossed Yasopp and landed on the ground, Yasopp’s body had already been poked with dozens of wounds.

Since the battle between Kozuki Oden and Yasopp was really going too fast, so before Lucky Roux could re-target, Yasopp had already fallen straight down towards.

“Yasopp!” Lucky Roux watched his teammate fall before his eyes and became anxious, raising his hand and firing another shot at Kozuki Oden.

But this time, Lucky Roux wrapped his own Haki around his own bullet, even if this time Kozuki Oden slashed with his sword, he definitely could not stop his own bullet.

The actual fact was that it was a very good idea to use Haki, and he could see the intention of his opponent after Lucky Roux made the shot.

So this time, Kozuki Oden did not directly swing his sword to slash the opponent’s bullets, but crossed his swords in a cross, and then quickly swung forward, the crossed sword qi like a pop in the air, quickly flying towards Lucky Roux, “Oden Nitoryu!”

After the sword energy flew out, Kozuki Oden also fiercely lowered his head and pressed his body, avoiding Lucky Roux’s bullets and running towards Lucky Roux right after the cross flying chop.

This world’s Kozuki Oden was able to hit Kaido with this move, leaving two huge scars from the cross cut on the body of the sea emperor, who was extremely strong in vitality and defense.

The other party was not expected to dodge bullets at such a close distance, but compared to the sniper Yasopp, Lucky Roux himself could only shoot this thing.

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