As a gunman, although the Busoshoku Haki was strong in the four seas, it was still not enough to compare with the swordsman.

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Although the punch of Lucky Roux was extremely sharp and domineering, when his fist collided with the ‘Togen Totsuka’, his defense was broken in an instant.
And following ‘Togen Totsuka’, the cross blade of Kozuki Oden also waved, two cold blades cut into the chest of Lucky Roux, and one cut on the right arm of his right hand.
If it were foran ordinary pirate, these two blades would definitely take their life, but Lucky Roux also had the protection of Busoshoku Haki. The two blades of Kozuki Oden only cut the flesh, but not the bones.
But even so, Lucky Roux instantly felt an unbearable pain, and he didn’t have the strength to defend against the new attack of the Kozuki Oden.
Fortunately, Shanks, who had just repelled Katakuri, saw this scene. When the Sea Emperor saw that his two crew members were about to die in the hands of Kozuki Oden, he quickly wanted to go forward to block the attack of Kozuki Oden.
“Do you want to help them?”
Just as Shanks was about to leave, Wexford turned his arm into glutinous rice and rapidly expanded, turning it into a giant mace.
While Wexford rotated his arm at a high speed, his mouth did not stop. “I really want to know what the Five Elders said to you. Do you want to clear me up and restore the order of the four seas?”
Shanks, who was originally going to help Lucky Roux, suddenly stopped after hearing Wexford’s words. “Do you know?”

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The matter that Shanks could contact people like Mary Geoise was not known. Even the members of the red-haired pirate group did not know the relationship between Wexford and Mary Geoise.
But now, the two words “Five Elders” came out of Wexford’s mouth.
“As long as you do something, there will always be someone who knows, right?” Wexford said to Shanks as he raised his spiked arm that was wrapped in Busoshoku.
Shanks did not answer Wexford’s words. Instead, he turned around and gave up on his help on the road.
However, this time, Shanks’ eyes clearly changed. His originally sharp eyes became more murderous, “There are some things you do not need to know.”
After saying this, Shanks held the sword with one hand and pressed his whole body down. Then he stepped on the ground and quickly rushed toward Wexford.
Wexford saw that Shanks had no intention of discussing, so Shanks rushed over, his raised arm also smashed down.
“Shin Sekai e no Ichigeki”
The huge mace, which was extremely powerful and fast, swung toward Shanks when Shanks was about to approach Wexford.

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Shanks, who originally wanted to chop off Wexford’s legs, saw that this powerful blow was about to land on his body, so he could only withdraw his blade and block it above his head, preparing to block this blow first.
However, Wexford had already seen Shanks’ reaction with his sight. When the other party mentioned about blocking, Wexford forcibly moved his arm a foot to the side.
Although Wexford could not move too far because of his speed, this one foot only allowed Shanks to block half of the ‘Yanagi Mochi’.
The remaining half fell from the left side of Shanks’ body, hitting the shoulder that had already broken his left arm.
However, to Shanks, the force of this attack had been reduced by more than half because of the block of ‘Gryphon’ in his hand. Therefore, when the mace landed on his body, the impact was not particularly strong.
However, the remaining force hit Shanks’ legs into the ground. Only after his knees sank into the ground did he stop.
Although the clothes on Shanks ‘left shoulder had been damaged, revealing the blood marks from rice cake’s mace.
However, Shanks did not even look at it. He crossed the long knife in his hand and slashed at Wexford’s right wrist, which had become a mace.
Shanks’ sword seemed ordinary, but Wexford could feel the great energy contained in it. If he used his right arm covered with Busoshoku, he would definitely be cut in two.

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So when Wexford chopped down, Wexford could only return his right hand that had turned into a mace to its original state, instantly reducing the length by half.
Because of Wexford’s shrinking,
Shanks ‘attack failed, but even so, he still failed to make Wexford use the second’
At this moment, Katakuri, who had just been sent flying, returned to Wexford’s side.
Although Katakuri’s special effect was very slow when he flew out, and the walls of the Ryugu Kingdom were knocked down, and he did not suffer any damage.
“Captain, you are much stronger than me.”
When Katakuri rushed over from the palace wall, he had already seen the scene of Wexford blocking Shanks’ attack. Compared to himself, Katakuri felt that Wexford’s use was much stronger than his.
The reason why Katakuri had this thought was because of Wexford’s age and physical condition.
Although Wexford had only obtained Katakuri’s current strength in the previous special mission, due to Wexford’s age being at the peak of physical strength, as well as the many missing parts on Katakuri’s body, it also affected Katakuri’s strength.

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Therefore, in the same combat strength, Wexford still had some advantage over Katakuri.
However, just as Katakuri finished speaking, before Wexford could reply, Shanks swung his sword at the two of them again.
Since Shanks was very close to the two of them this time, the moment Shanks swung his sword, the sword energy from the blade had already arrived in front of them.
“Kaizoku no Takami e!”
“Kuzu Mochi!”
When the sword energy was about to touch Wexford, Katakuri directly made two huge palms and slapped towards the sword light.
While Katakuri was defending, Wexford summoned Kuzu Mochi the sky and attacked Shanks from all directions.
When Shanks faced the attacks of the two glutinous rice fruit users, he could only retreat and avoid the attack range of Kuzu Mochi.
But just as Shanks was retreating, the Red Hair Pirates were already turned upside down by Garp, Oden and others.

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