Chapter 125 - Our King

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“Father, what’s going on…” The young Shirahoshi looked at the water that was flowing like mercury in horror and asked Neptune. 

To Shirahoshi, the surging seawater was as terrifying as the end of the world. The seawater poured in from the hole at the top and fell directly on the house in front of the palace. 

With just a touch, the houses in that area were instantly hit by the reduction in dimension and turned into ruins. “Let’s go, let’s leave the Fishman Island first.” 

At this time, Wexford did not dare to let Katakuri and the other devil fruit users risk their lives in the Fishman Island. If the Fishman Island really could not hold on in the end, it would be a huge loss. 

Although the Fishmen could survive in the water, if they were in the Fishman Island, the turbulence caused by the influx of seawater was not something that ordinary Fishmen could withstand. 

Neptune looked up at his palace. He had lived on this island for more than 60 years. Although the living conditions here were not good, it was still a thousand-year-old hometown of the fishman. 

If he just watched his hometown being destroyed like this, he still could not bear it. However, although he was very reluctant, he still had to consider his people. 

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Not all the fishman were as peaceful as him, who had strong physical fitness, so at this moment, he had to organize his people and escape from the Fishman Island as soon as possible. 

Since Fukaboshi, Shirahoshi, and the others were still young, Neptune was not going to let them take the risk with him. Under the instructions of Neptune, Wexford glanced at the frightened Princess Shirahoshi and said, “No problem, leave it to me.” 

Seeing that Wexford had agreed, he did not delay any further and rushed to the residential area on the Fishman Island. Since there were no fishman under Wexford, and all of them were basically devil fruit users, Wexford had no way to help the king of the fishman in this matter. 

So after Neptune left, Wexford directly pulled Shirahoshi’s arm and headed towards the dock of the Fishman Island. 

Although Shirahoshi really wanted to leave with her father, Neptune, after Wexford grabbed her hand, the Mermaid Princess calmed down and left with Wexford. 

When Wexford brought Shirahoshi, Fukaboshi, and the other Princesses to the dock, the Red Hair Pirates had already left. 

Because Wexford’s ship was parked at the Royal Family’s pier, the area they were in was still a bit far from the Red Hair area. 

Although the Red Hair might not be able to destroy Wexford’s ship, it was still good to stay further away. 

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After Wexford brought the three Shark brothers onto the ship, he said to Shirahoshi who was too large to board the ship. 

At this time, Shirahoshiwas looking back at the Fishman Island that was constantly being washed by the seawater, and his face revealed a sad expression. 

Under Wexford’s urging, Bai Xing followed Wexford’s pirate ship and left the Fishman Kingdom. 

After everyone left the Fishman Island’s passage, they stopped not far from the Fishman Island. 

At this time, there were already many Fishmen and Mermaids swimming out of the passage to avoid the impact of the sea water. And among the second batch of fishman, Wexford also saw the fishman who had taken the way to the Fishman Island. Cami, who had just come out of the Fishman Island, quickly swam to the front of Wexford’s ship and shouted to Wexford, “Lord Wexford!”

At this time, Wexford did not see the Fishman Island King, Neptune, in the passage. 

The king who had gone to tell his crew to retreat seemed to have not come out yet. “His Majesty is still inside.” Cami was also very worried about the situation of the Fishman Island at this time. 

She had never thought that the Fishman Island would encounter such a situation. 

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Boom! Just as Wexford and Cami were talking, a loud sound suddenly came from the Fishman Island. The gap opened by Fishman suddenly increased, and more seawater poured into the gap, causing the Fishman Island to tremble. 

When the Mermaid Princess, Shirahoshi saw this, she immediately became anxious. If she was not next to the pirate ship and her wrist was dragged by Wexford, this Mermaid Princess would have already rushed in the direction of the Fishman Island.

Because the tremor of the Fishman Island was getting bigger and bigger, Shirahoshi became more and more worried. This young Mermaid Princess also began to softly cry while holding the railing of the pirate ship.

When the three brothers saw their younger sister crying like this, they also began to circle around their younger sister. 

However, besides constantly comforting her, they did not know what to do for a while. Yet, the more they mentioned Father King Neptune, nothing would happen to him, and the more Shirahoshi cried. 

However, just as Fukaboshi and the others were helpless, there was a commotion in the dark sea around them. Countless fish swam around in horror, and after this strange situation appeared, a series of huge sea kings heads suddenly emerged from the dark sea. 

These sea kings were too huge compared to the sea beasts of the four seas and the sea kings in the Calm Belt. Each of the Sea Kings that appeared was as big as a quarter of the Fishman Island. The number of Sea Kings that appeared at the same time could not be counted. 

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Outside their line of sight, in the dark sea, there were also huge figures that were faintly discernible. 

After these huge sea kings appeared, they first looked in the direction of Shirahoshi. Then, two of the huge sea kings swam towards the hole in the Fishman Island and gently spat out a bubble. 

The bubbles that the two sea kings spat out quickly merged with the bubbles surrounding the Fishman Island, blocking the seawater that was constantly pouring in. 

After doing all this, the huge sea kings that suddenly appeared looked in the direction of Shirahoshi and nodded slightly, as if they were greeting their king.

After doing all this, these sea kings turned around and quickly disappeared into the dark sea. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Not only the fishman like Shirahoshi, but even the crew under Wexford, Rosinante, Kozuki Oden, and the others all looked at the torpedophile island bubble with an inconceivable expression. Shanks, who had passed the battle in a coma, was now looking at the dark sea with his hands on the railing. 


With so many Sea Kings, not only did they not attack them, they even repaired the loopholes in the Fishman Island. This was really too strange.

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