Chapter 126 - Where to Go

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For people who didn’t know the great killing weapon of Poseidon, tought what happened just now was like a dream. 

Among the pirates under Wexford, the oldest Garp glanced at Shirahoshi who gradually stopped crying and whispered. As a pirate king who was over eighty years old, Garp knew a lot of things. 

Although he didn’t care much about many things, his people would automatically collect some things and report them to Garp. Because of this, Garp had some impression of Sea King Poseidon. And if he didn’t guess wrong, this Sea King Poseidon was likely to be the crying Mermaid Princess, Shirahoshi. “Yes, this is Sea King Poseidon.” 

After Wexford finished speaking, Doflamingo looked at the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi with interest, ‘Sea King Poseidon?’ 

If it were forin his own world, ‘Pirates King’ Doflamingo would definitely use this information to the extreme, and would not let go the Mermaid Princess. But now that Doflamingo was in the pirate group of Wexford, everything was still under the command of Wexford. 

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And just as Doflamingo looked at Shirahoshi, his brother, Rosinante, who was standing behind him, frowned and looked at his brother, ‘Even if the world is different, you still haven’t changed. ‘For Doflamingo’s character, he never liked it. 

After all, the difference between him and Doflamingo was too big. Just when everyone was focused on Shirahoshi, a huge figure with brown hair suddenly appeared at the exit of the Fishman Island. 

It was the king of the Fishman Island who had evacuated the residents. Shirahoshi, who had just finished crying, had been staring at the direction of the exit. When she saw her father swimming out, she rushed over. 

The terrified, frightened, and helpless Shirahoshi crashed into Neptune’s arms, followed by her cries. But this time, the cries were not strong, and the intent it carried was not big, so Wexford was not afraid of attracting the sea kings. 

Neptune rub his chest that was hit by Shirahoshi. 

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When he was in the Fishman Island just now, he was hit by a big wave on the stone, and the ribs inside were broken. If not for the strong body of Neptune, if it were foran ordinary merman, it would have taken their lives away. 

Even so, he did not push his daughter away. Instead, he smiled and ruffled Shirahoshi’s hair. Then, he turned his head to the back and said, “Come out.” 

Everyone followed the voice of Neptune, but they did not see a shadow behind the Fishman King. 

Just as everyone was puzzled, a few fishman ‘heads popped out from Neptune’s fluffy hair. 

After they poked their heads out, Neptune reached out and held the dozen or so little fishman in his hands. These fishman looked to be three or four years old. After the shock in the Fishman Island just now, they were quite frightened, so even if they escaped from the Fishman Island, they still looked ignorant. However, among the fishman that had escaped before, there were the relatives of these little fishman. After these little fishman revealed their heads, their parents cried with joy and quickly took their children from Neptune. 

Although most of the ten-odd little fishman had found their parents, Neptune still had a worried look on his face. 

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Shirahoshi thought that his father was worried about the situation on Fishman Island, so she pointed to the top of the island and said to Neptune, “Father, the bubble has been repaired by the Sea King.

” When Neptune was inside, he had already seen the appearance of the Sea King, so what he was worried about was not what Shirahoshi had said. 

After Shirahoshi finished speaking, Neptune held the few little fishman who had not found their parents. He turned around and looked at the Fishman Island that had gradually regained its calm. He said, “I don’t know how many of our people died in this turmoil.” 

After saying that, both Shirahoshi and her parents, who had just taken over their children, fell silent in an instant. Although, before the water became stronger, Neptune had already summoned many Fishmen to escape, but ordinary Fishmen were still weak.

They couldn’t all escape. Some of the already aged Fishmen and young Fishmen were carried by the waves just now, constantly hitting the rocks of the Fishman Island. If there was no miracle, these Fishmen would have left forever. 

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Wexford didn’t know what to say about this matter. In this deep sea, the devil fruit ability was still not very useful. Wexford took his pirate ship to the exit of the Fishman Island and looked at the sad Neptune. 

After hearing Wexford’s shout, Neptune came back to his senses and looked at the pirate ship. “Mr. Wexford, if not for the shot from the Red Hair Pirates, this wouldn’t have happened, right?” But many coincidences happened in an instant. If Benn Beckman didn’t lift the gun, Doflamingo wouldn’t have pulled the gun, and Benn Beckman wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. If not for Mihawk, things wouldn’t be so complicated. If it were foron the surface of the sea, even if this battle started, it would only be a slightly bigger battle. 

Even the previous battle in the Water 7 did not cause too much damage to the Water 7. However, for the Fishman Island in the deep sea, the battle was too dangerous. 

A great battle would determine the life and death of all the Fishmen. Wexford looked at the Fishman Island that was no longer shaking and said, “Looks like the Fishmen should indeed go to the land under the sunlight.” 

Although the island had regained its peace, as long as the fishman returned to the island and expelled the sea water, the island would be revitalized. But for the fishman outside, the destruction just now was too horrible. If they wanted to live back, they still needed some courage. And most importantly, no one knew if the same thing would happen in the future, and whether they would encounter such a crisis again. For the first time, these fishman began to think about the request of Princess Otohime to move the fishman to land.

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