Chapter 133 - The Gathering of the Three AdmiralsAlthough Kuzan’s cold air directly froze one of the heads, the head on the opponent still bit Sengoku’s golden Buddha.

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Sengoku who was bitten by Inogami Guren sucked in a breath of cold air, the burning pain coming from his right arm was even more intense than when he was in the magma.
However, Sengoku didn’t care much at this time. The most important thing was to defeat the opponent’s magma fruit ability. If the capture failed, then the attack and defense would be reversed.
With this thought, Sengoku endured the pain in his right hand. While falling, he still raised his left arm high, ready to take advantage of the falling force to end the attack.
At this time, although Sakazuki, who was standing in the magma, saw Sengoku coming towards him, with his injuries, he couldn’t dodge. He could only watch helplessly as Sengoku’s golden Buddha fist smashed towards him.
Although Sengoku’s right arm was still dragging Inogami Guren’s remaining head, this punch still accurately hit Sakazuki who was standing in the magma.
However, Sakazuki, who was hit, didn’t fly out. Instead, he turned into a ball of magma and instantly collapsed in front of Sengoku, scattering in the surrounding magma.
“Fake?” After seeing the scattered magma, Sengoku didn’t think that this was Sakazuki’s original body.

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But at this time, he didn’t have time to care about whether Sakazuki was real or not. The head of Inogami Guren in his right hand and the magma on the ground posed a huge threat to him.
In order not to be burned by Inogami Guren’s right shoulder, Sengoku punched the head of the three-headed dog that was biting his right arm and directly smashed it.
After completely destroying Inogami Guren, Sengoku, who was still in the form of a big Buddha, stepped forward with his left foot and stepped into the magma.
After Sengoku’s left foot fell, the magma in this area was suddenly blown away, revealing the charred ground and Sakazuki who was melted in it.
“Sure enough.” After knowing that his guess was right, Sengoku suddenly accelerated and punched at Sakazuki who appeared again.
Because this time Sengoku’s movements were very coherentand there was no magma around Sakazuki to dodge, so Sengoku’s fist fell on Sakazuki’s body again, and with a domineering fist, Sakazuki was directly sent flying into the air.
However, at this time, the magma around him had already rushed back, and Sakazuki, who was still flying in the air, also raised his hand and summoned several arms in the magma, firmly grabbing Sengoku’s legs.
“Ice Age!” Kuzan, who was outside the magma, saw that Sengoku couldn’t escape for a while, so he could only reach out and touch the magma in front of him, preparing to freeze all the magma.
“Yakasani no Magatama!”
Just as Kuzan’s Ice Age started and the magma was gradually frozen, countless light spots suddenly appeared in the sky.

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“Did the other person break through from Fujitora?”
When Kuzan saw the light bombs falling from the sky, he frowned. The other side’s flash fruit was so fast, it was likely that Fujitora had already lost.
But this time, Kuzan didn’t have time to think about this. The light bombs in the sky were not only attacking his frozen magma, even he himself was also covered by the light bombs.
Although Aokiji had the ability to elementiumized to avoid the Kuzan of the light bombs, defense alone couldn’t solve the problem. If the Fire Tyrannosaurus came again, the marine might suffer a great defeat.
“Ice Block: Partisan!”
While dodging the bullets, Kuzan found an opportunity to shoot a giant ice bird at the fruit user.
After the giant ice bird appeared, it hit the light ball along the way and quickly flew toward Borsalino.
“Kusanagi!” Borsalino saw that the giant ice bird was about to get close to him, he quickly made a light sword and slashed at the ice bird from above.

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Although the ice bird that Aokiji summoned was huge, it was still vulnerable to Borsalino who was holding a light sword.
However, although the ice bird didn’t cause any damage to Borsalino, it still achieved Kuzan’s goal. At least the light bomb in the sky had disappeared.
When Borsalino stopped, Aokiji’s Glacier had already frozen the magma arms under Sengoku’s feet, giving him a chance to escape.
With the help of Kuzan, Sengoku suddenly felt his feet loosen, and the suction of the magma hand disappeared with the ice.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sengoku stepped on the ground and directly shattered the ice around him. He jumped back to Kuzan.
“Where is Fujitora?” After returning to Kuzan, Sengoku didn’t see Fujitora.
“He hasn’t come yet.” Kuzan looked up at Borsalino in the sky, he was also worried about Fujitora’s safety.
At this time, the Marines couldn’t afford to lose any more people. After two battles, the Marine had been forced to start the world recruitment. If they lost another Admiral at this time, even if the Marine was still strong, they would lose control of the four seas.
“Gravitio – Moko!”
Just as Aokiji and Sengoku were worried about the safety of the new general, Fujitora’s voice came from behind a giant tree.

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With Fujitora’s voice, the surrounding trees and houses seemed to be oppressed by an invisible hand and all fell in one direction.
After Fujitora’s voice, a dragon-shaped creature with huge wings suddenly flew out from behind the giant tree and spat out a dragon flame.
“Fujitora is fine, let’s go.” After Sengoku looked up at the familiar fruit user in the sky, he took Kuzan and jumped towards the place where Fujitora and Bell-mere were fighting.
Sengoku also knew that when the fruit user bypassed Fujitora’s reinforcements, his plan to directly kill Sakazuki was ruined.
At this time, Sengoku could no longer take the risk and chose to retreat.
Borsalino, who was falling in the sky, glanced at the two people who left but did not have any intention of chasing them.
Just now in the sky, Borsalino saw that Sakazuki in the magma seemed to have been hit by Sengoku. She had to see Sakazuki’s injury first.
“Sakazuki, are you alright?” Since Borsalino had already located Sakazuki’s position when she was in the air, she only flashed and arrived in front of Sakazuki.
“Cough.” Sakazuki, who was about to answer, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that he could no longer answer.

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