Since Sakazuki couldn’t answer the day after tomorrow, Borsalino didn’t ask about his few acquaintances.

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As for Sengoku, Kuzan, and the others who were in a hurry to leave, Bell-mere naturally couldn’t stop them alone, so after Sengoku got close to Fujitora, Bell-mere flew towards Borsalino.
“How is Sakazuki?” Bell-mere, who had returned to her human form, landed beside Borsalino and asked.
Borsalino pointed at Sakazuki who had already closed his eyes and said, “It doesn’t seem like much.”
Bell-mere lowered her head and saw that Sakazuki’s mouth was full of blood, and his body seemed to be seriously injured. He said, “Such a serious injury?”
“He was hit by Sengoku’s Buddha, and it must have been more than once.” Although Borsalino only saw Sengoku hit Sakazuki once, but since Sakazuki didn’t dodge, it was likely that he had been beaten up by the three men of the marine.
“Is the battle over?”
Just as Baiers was about to transfer Sakazuki, Rayleigh, who had been on Xiangbo Island, arrived.
“Rayleigh” When Borsalino saw Rayleigh appear, he immediately assumed a fighting stance.
However, just as Borsalino was about to make his move, Baiel suddenly grabbed his shoulder and said, “He is not an enemy.”

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Since Borsalino had never been to this world’s Sabaody Archipelago, this was the first time she had seen Rayleigh on the island.
After Baiel finished speaking, Borsalino glanced at Rayleigh again, and then said to Baiel, “Send Sakazuki to treatment first.”
“Bring him to me.” When the two of them were about to carry Sakazuki away, Rayleigh approached them and said.
Rayleigh had lived in the Sabaody Archipelago for more than ten years, so he was more clear about the situation on the island than the two of them.
After Rayleigh finished, Bellell and Borsalino looked at each other and finally chose to believe each other.
And when Rayleigh was looking for someone to treat Sakazuki, Sengoku and Aokiji had already returned to the warship.
“Lord Fleet Admiral!”
Momonga and the other Vice Admiral saw the place where Sakazuki was burning on Sengoku’s body and ran over.
At this time, Fleet Admiral’s coat behind Sengoku had disappeared, and his right arm was charred because of Inogami Guren’s bite.
“It’s fine.” Although he was seriously injured, Sengoku still waved his hand to the crowd to indicate that he was fine.

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After stopping Momonga and the other lieutenants, Sengoku said, “Stop the bombardment and return.”
Although Momonga and the others didn’t know what happened on the island, they guessed that there must be a big battle on this island.
And after this war, Fleet Admiral didn’t bring back the magma fruit ability, which means that the Marine lost this battle again…
Thinking of this, the several Vice admirals were very depressed.
Before Wexford and others appeared, the Marine could be said to be the crownless king of the sea. Although the four Emperors of the new world were strong, they couldn’t compete with the Marine alone.
But after the appearance of Wexford and his group, the Marine suffered successive setbacks, and their prestige in the sea was shaken.
For the current Marines, they were constantly thinking about how to eliminate this new pirate group.
However, the successive losses of the Admiral and Fleet Admiral made the marines start to doubt their strength.
Just as Momonga and others began to think, Sengoku, who was about to enter the cabin for treatment, turned his head and said to the Vice admirals: “Inform Morgan that the person with the magma fruit ability is codenamed Chi. The reward is 2.5 billion Bailey.”

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“2.5 billion Bailey!” Momonga and the others were shocked when they heard this bounty.
Although Wexford’s bounty had reached 3 billion now, and Garp had 3.6 billion, but the Magu Magu no Mi user was only rewarded for the first time. He didn’t even show his face before and was directly affirmed by Sengoku.
One must know that the strongest pirate on the sea, Whitebeard, was only 5 billion and 6 million Belly. This Magu Magu no Mi user had just issued a bounty for the first time, and the bounty was directly 2 billion.
If he increased his bounty after that, wouldn’t he directly surpass Whitebeard and become the highest bounty in the sea?
However, when everyone looked up and saw the obsidian rock that surrounded most of the Sabaody Archipelago, they calmed down. With such terrifying strength, he was worthy of the two billion bounty of the Marine.
“Yes.” After being shocked, Momonga and the other Vice Admiral didn’t forget to reply to Sengoku.
On the second day of Sengoku Period’s withdrawal, the news of the defeat of the Five Emperors Red Hair Shanks spread all over the world.
At the same time, Sakazuki’s unprecedented bounty of 2.5 billion could only be ranked on the second page of the newspaper.
However, even though the defeat of the Sea Emperor Red Hair attracted a lot of attention, the bounty of 2.5 billion bounty of Sakazuki still shocked many pirates.
What they were shocked about was not only the bounty of Sakazuki, but also the feat of him fighting off the marine alone.

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Before, when Sakazuki was fighting Akainu and Fujitora at the dock of the Sabaody Bay, that scene had shocked many pirates. This kind of power that directly changed the environment was something they usually didn’t dare to think about.
And this time, although the marine didn’t announce what happened, but on the last page of the World Economy Newspaper, he still got some information from the enthusiastic residents of the Sabaody Archipelago.
Before the two pirates came to help, he withstood the attacks of Sengoku, Aokiji, and Fujitora, and even injured Fleet Admiral.
He caught the meteorite from the sky, but Sengoku didn’t directly knock him down.

These information that they didn’t know where the World Economics News Club was searching was put on the newspaper.
After the pirates of the four seas finished reading the newspaper, they only felt that the world had changed greatly. The sea that was once calm seemed to be about to change.
And this change would probably start after Wexford and his group entered the new world. One had to know that it was the gathering camp of the pirates in the world. When Wexford, the pirate who defeated the navy, entered, there would definitely be a bloody storm.
Just when the people of the four seas were still guessing that something big would happen after Wexford entered the new world, Wexford had already set out from the Fishman Island with his pirates and started the flight to the new world.

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