In the New World, Punk Hazard Island.

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“Wexford will probably pass by Punk Hazard Island. Now their relationship with the world government is very tense, and they have fought with the Marine in the Sabaody Archipelago twice. The headquarters is worried that we will be attacked by Wexford.”
“Therefore, the headquarters suggests that we withdraw from Pangk Harde Island for the time being.”
The leading scientist of the marine, the one known to be more intelligent than the human race for 500 years, was telling his subordinates the news that the headquarters had just sent.
As the secret research base of the marine scientific army, the headquarters had always attached great importance to the island, so this time, Wexford’s crossing made Sengoku very nervous.
Although the marine scientific army was a secret base built on the island, if they didn’t search carefully, the other side shouldn’t be able to find the location of the scientific army.
But even so, Sengoku still had a bad feeling. This was the reason why he directly asked people to inform Vegapunk to hide first.
“Leave for the time being? What about our things?” One of the scientists standing in front of Vegapunk pushed away the people in front of him and stood at the front of the group of scientists.
This scientist obviously didn’t agree with the methods of the headquarters, and he wasn’t satisfied with Vegapunk’s attitude towards the headquarters.

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Seeing that someone was against the order of the headquarters, Vegapunk was a bit unhappy, “Caesar Clown, this is the order of the headquarters. Moreover, Wexford and his group are very strong. If we are found, there will be no chance of escape.”
“Whoosh whoosh!” The scientist called Caesar Clown laughed and pointed at the research results around him. “We are the team with the highest technology in this world. Even if they come over, can’t they just beat them directly?”
Caesar Coolang was obviously very satisfied with his research results. When he talked about defeating Wexford, even he seemed to believe it.
However, in this base, apart from Caesar Clown himself, no one else had ever thought this way.
After all, Wexford had defeated the marine in a row and defeated Red Head Pirates in the Fishman Island. Now, no group in the sea dared to say that they could defeat them.
“Caesar Clown!” Vegapunk was already dissatisfied with Caesar Clown’s arrogant words.
“This matter is settled. You guys go and pack up. We have to leave before Wexford arrives at Punk Hazard Island.”
After Vegapunk finished speaking, he did not wait for Caesar Clown to speak again. He turned around and left the hall of the research facility with his guards.

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When the rest of the scientists saw this, they quickly began to clean up their things in the research institute. Wexford’s fierce name had already spread in the research institute a few months ago. This pirate group was definitely not easy to deal with.
And most importantly, they were like enemies with the World Government and the marine. This was not good news for the marine scientific forces under the jurisdiction of the headquarters.
“You guys!” When Caesar, who was standing in the middle of the hall, saw that no one supported him, he suddenly became angry, “Damn!”
After cursing fiercely, Caesar didn’t pack his belongings like the other researchers. Instead, he walked out from the side door of the hall.
Before walking out of the hall, Caesar looked back at the direction in which Benghazi disappeared and whispered, “Just watch, I will defeat all of them!”
That afternoon, Vegapunk boarded the warship of the headquarters under the protection of the guards and left the island, while a scientist of the marine scientific army disappeared in the process of retreating.
Although Vegapunk still wanted to find the missing Caesar Clown, from the information of the marine, Wexford Pirate ship was about to reach the island. If they left a little later, they might not be able to leave.
In such an urgent situation, Vegapunk finally chose to leave. After waiting for Wexford and the others to leave, he returned to the island to look for Caesar.

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Half a day after the marine warship left with the scientific forces, Wexford Pirate ship appeared on the outer sea of the island.
“Why did the captain come to this island?” On the deck of the pirate ship, Garp looked at the empty island in front of him and said.
In Garp’s world, this island was no different. It was just an uninhabited island, so Garp didn’t know why Wexford chose to come to this island.
“If I remember correctly, this island should have a research base of the marine?” Standing behind Garp, Robin had some impression of this island. The marine seemed to have caught an illegal research organization and placed them on this island.
After Robin finished speaking, Wexford walked to the bow of the ship and said, “Yes, Robin is right. There is a research base on this island, and the scientist on the island is the famous Vegapunk.”
“Vegapunk?” Hearing this name, Garp frowned. He seemed to have some impression of the name.
“Yes, it’s Vegapunk, the most valuable scientist in this world.” While Garp was still recalling, Wexford had directly told him the identity of Vegapunk.
As soon as Wexford finished speaking, Rosinante remembered the memory of Vegapunk. “I know, it’s the scientist who claimed to have 500 years of technology beyond this world. Vinsmoke Judge was once his companion.”

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At this time, the pirate ship had already docked. Wexford, who was at the front, did not look back and said to the crew behind him, “Let’s go to the island and take a look.”
After that, Wexford didn’t stop and directly jumped off the deck and walked into the island.
When Garp and the other crew saw this, they quickly jumped off the ship and followed, leaving only Katakuri to guard the pirate ship, in case they were robbed by the passing pirates.
“Whoosh! Whoosh! Finally!” On the hill closest to the shore to Wexford and the others, Caesar Clown was observing Wexford and the others who had already set foot on the land of Punk Hazard Island.
Caesar Clown, who had not yet experienced defeat, was now in extreme conceit. In his opinion, no one could resist his ultimate weapon.
“After you enter the base, my plan will be…”
Caesar, who was still muttering to himself, suddenly paused, and his whole person seemed to be stiff.
At this time, his eyes were looking at the ground, and his own shadow had been covered by a taller figure.
“Hey hey, what base are you talking about? What plan?” Behind Caesar, Doflamingo’s unique laughter sounded, as if he was mocking the clown behavior of Caesar.

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