“I might still have some time to see Whitebeard, but I will be able to see Kaido and Doflamingo soon.”

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As for Enel wanting to see Whitebeard immediately, Wexford couldn’t help him at this time.

But even if he didn’t see Whitebeard, Enel asked after Wexford said Kaido, “Kaido? Is it Kaido who is working for Rayleigh?”

“No, it’s’ Sea Emperor ‘Kaido.” Wexford smiled and then waved to the crew behind the deck, indicating that he could set sail.

“Sea Emperor”

It was obvious that Enel was very surprised that Kaido could be the Sea Emperor. In his world, only the captain of Kaido, Rayleigh, sat in this position. Even Bullet, who was stronger than him, was only a deputy to Rayleigh.

“Yes, the Sea Emperor. We should be able to see him soon.”

Wexford knew that Kaido was in Dressrosa. If there was no accident, Kaido would appear when he got close to Dressrosa.

“Kaido?” After Wexford finished speaking, Enel also looked in the direction of Dressrosa. He also wanted to see how Kaido, who was supposed to be a subordinate of Rayleigh, was able to sit in the position of the Four Emperors.

Just as Enel was looking forward to going to Dressrosa, Wexford received another notification from the warehouse.

Sir, you have successfully copied five people again and have a special mission.

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This special mission will be randomly generated. It may be long-cherished wishes, rescue, conquer, and so on.


Wexford had actually heard of this sudden mission once. When he left Alabasta, Wexford had received a long-cherished mission.

It was also because of this mission that Wexford had the same strength as Katakuri and obtained the ability of the Mochi Mochi no Mi.

If this mission could directly bring Wexford the strength of a general or above, then it would also be a very good news for Wexford. After all, Katakuri alone had the strength, when facing Garp and Whitebeard, these old experts, it was still a bit lacking.

“I almost forgot that there was such a thing.” Before the warehouse notification, Wexford almost forgot that there was still this mission.

After his consciousness returned to the warehouse, Wexford asked the warehouse, “Can I know what kind of mission it will be in advance?”

This mission will be randomly generated, temporarily unable to know the content of the mission.

The mission reward will also change because of the mission content.

‘Long-cherished wish quest: If you fulfill a long-cherished wish for him that had been left unfulfilled, you would be able to obtain all the abilities of that character.

[Rescue Mission: Save the original body of a certain parallel world Pirate King. Upon completion of the mission, you will obtain all the abilities or parts of the character. ]

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[Mission: Conquera parallel world. You will receive a random reward. ]

“Are there two this time?” When the warehouse listed the two missions that would appear this time, Wexford recalled the last mission. That was Katakuri’s long-cherished mission.

Compared to the long-cherished mission of the wearhouse, rescue and conquest missions seemed to be directly sent from the parallel world to carry out.

With this pull, Wexford would break through the world barrier.

With this idea in mind, Wexford directly asked the warehouse, “Do we need to enter a parallel world to rescue and conquer?”

Yes, sir. The last two missions are to directly enter a parallel world.

“How long is the mission executed? How much time will it take to enter the later main world?” Wexford was still relatively cautious about the appearance of this new mission. If he lost control of the main world after entering, it would be unacceptable for Wexford.

Now, although Wexford and his group were already in the position of super-class pirates in the main world, everything was still unstable before the World Government began to act.

The instant flow of time in the parallel world is very fast. The longest time a mission ends will not take two hours in the main world. The warehouse directly answered Wexford.

Wexford was very satisfied with the answer of the warehouse. If a mission would only take two hours, it would have no effect on the next battle of Dressrosa.

“Do you need to complete the mission immediately after the selection?” In order to be more stable, Wexford was still prepared to ask more questions.

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No need. Before the next person is remodeled, you can choose whether to complete the mission or not.

This news was very good for Wexford. Twenty days of time was simply free of any restrictions for him.

“Then let’s just draw it directly. I want to see if I can draw those two new missions.”

After asking about some important information, Wexford directly began to draw missions.

Alright, sir.

It is currently in the process of drawing missions.

Mission: Rescue.

Mission World: 2 parallel worlds;

Mission objective: Ace;

Mission location: Marineford.

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Mission content: Rescue the’ Fire Fist ‘captured by the Headquarters. Ace, let him leave the Headquarters safely.

In fact, when the warehouse mentioned rescue and Ace, Wexford had roughly guessed what the mission was going to be.

If there was no mistake, this 2nd parallel world should be similar to the original world, and this battle should be the famous Top War.

But since it was a parallel world, there must be a different place. Perhaps Ace belonged to a different pirate group, or maybe the personnel composition of the navy was also different.

If Ace belonged to Red Head Pirates, then it was likely that Shanks was the one who came to Marineford to rescue him, and if the Admiral was a character like Kaido or Shiki, it would be an extremely special scene.

“Do you have any specific world background information?” In order to prevent himself from being in the fog of war, Wexford even specially asked the warehouse about the situation of this mission world.

-Sorry, sir, there is no information about the world background for the time being.


Since the warehouse didn’t have any information about the 2nd parallel world, then Wexford hadn’t asked the question about the pirates. Of course, he didn’t need to ask anymore.

However, although he couldn’t ask about the background situation, Wexford still had other things he needed to know. “So this time, do you want to play the character or enter directly?”

Due to your current strength, you can directly choose to enter the mission world.

However, if you want to play the character, it is also possible. However, the strength of the character is not certain. The randomly appearing character is likely to be lower than your strength.

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