Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

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SoulGod6-7 minutes 16.06.2021

Although Warehouse said so, Wexford felt that the strength of the random characters would not be too bad.

After all, in the last mission of Katakuri, the choices of the three characters were also not bad, and if their luck was good, they might be able to produce even more powerful characters.

“Let’s choose randomly,” Wexford said to Warehouse after thinking for a while.

Alright, sir. I am currently selecting a character for you.

After Wexford chose random, the warehouse also began to select candidates.

Warehouse has randomly chosen three identities for you. Please choose one of them to carry out the mission.

-Magellan: The person with Doku Doku no Mi ability, the director of the big underwater prison, Impel Down. Because the big underwater prison was destroyed, he is moving from the big underwater prison to Marineford to catch the pirates who escaped.

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‘Buggy: Bara Bara no Mi user, just escaped from Impel Down, is being pursued by Magellan.’

Edward Newgate: Gura Gura no Mi user, the Sea Emperor of the New World of the second parallel world. However, he does not have much contact with Ace of this world.

When Wexford saw that the character selection had the Whitebeard Edward Newgate, this unexpected task, he was immediately happy, “It seems that the choice this time is not wrong.”

Although the world where this Whitebeard was in was different, as long as he was called Edward Newgate, then this person’s strength would definitely not be weak.

Moreover, the introduction of the Whitebeard also contained information about the Sea Emperor. Since he could become the Emperor of Sea in the 2nd parallel world, then the Whitebeard should be in his peak state.

“Let’s directly choose Edward Newgate.” Since there was Whitebeard in the choice, Wexford naturally would not choose Magellan and Buggy.

There was no need to say that Buggy was directly abandoned. In Wexford’s opinion, his strength was not enough to change the battlefield. Although Buggy was lucky, it was only luck.

Apart from Buggy, Magellan might be strong, but the side effects of ‎Doku Doku no Mi were too strong. Wexford didn’t want to experience the days he spent in the toilet.

Alright, I have chosen a character for you, Edward Newgate.

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Do you want to enter the second parallel world immediately?

After the warehouse question, Wexford first glanced at Dressrosa who had not revealed his face. In two hours, the pirate ship should not be able to reach Debye.

After a simple calculation of the time, Wexford said to the warehouse, “Let’s enter directly.”

“Yes Your Excellency, preparations have been made for you, this mission will open immediately.”

Wexford had just finished speaking when he felt the space around him fluctuate. As time passed, the fluctuation grew larger and larger until Wexford felt that the entire world was about to collapse. Only then did the fluctuation stop.

When the surrounding space gradually stabilized, the pirate ship, the sky, and the sea reappeared in Wexford’s field of vision. His identity had also changed.

“Dad! Shanks is almost at Marineford. It seems that he is really ready to rescue that’Fire Fist’ Ace.”

Just when Wexford was feeling a little dizzy, the pirate who thought that the pineapplehead had already come over to talk about the other Emperor of the sea, the Red-Haired Shanks.

“Marco.” Wexford glanced at the pineapplehead and directly called out the other person’s name.

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“What’s wrong, Dad?” Marco hurriedly asked when Wexford called out his name.

Just now, Wexford had just casually said something after he regained his consciousness. In fact, he did not have anything to ask Marco. However, since the other party had already asked, Wexford also combined what Marco had just said and asked, “Is there any movement from the others?”

“The golden lion didn’t do anything. Before, he had always wanted to rope in Roger. Now that Roger’s son has been caught, he didn’t seize the territory of the other party in the New World because of the departure of Red Hair.”

“In addition to the Golden Lion, the Big Mom Pirate ship is somewhat interested in Shanks’ territory. However, the Big Mom Pirate group may also want to see the outcome of the war with Marineford to judge whether they should attack the territory of Red Hair.”

After reading out the general situation of the warehouse,

Only then did Wexford know the configuration of the New World’s Four Emperors.

It seemed that in this world, in addition to the Golden Lion replacing Kaido, there was not much change in the influence of this world.

However, although the power of the Four Emperors did not change much, just as Wexford thought before, Ace joined the Whitebeard pirate group, but Shanks’ Red Head Pirates in this world.

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After this change, the Top War of the Marineford that was about to start became the marine VS.’Red Hair’ Pirate group.

“Where are we now?” In order to participate in this mission and successfully rescue Ace, Wexford had to find out where he was first.

“We are about to reach Marineford.” Marco estimated the position and continued, “We are not far from Red Hair Pirates. We will be able to catch up in half an hour after they get close to Marineford.”


Although Wexford didn’t know why the Whitebeard Pirates followed Red Hair Pirates to the outer seas, this saved Wexford a lot of effort.

“Dad, will we join the battle?” Marco asked after introducing Wexford.

“Of course.” Wexford controlled Whitebeard’s body and nodded slightly, then he stood up and walked towards the bow.

Although Marco predicted that he would catch up with Red Hair Pirates in half an hour, half an hour was very fatal for a battle.

If the war between the Marines and the pirates ended quickly, then Wexford’s mission would be ruined.

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