Wexford had this idea mainly because the warship that Kong was on was too huge.

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The black warship in the lead was completely black, and it was two times larger than the black warship behind it.

When Sengoku also saw the warship, he frowned. The World Government sending this warship was definitely not a good thing for Marineford.

Why did they send Pluton?

Sengoku was very puzzled about what the World Government was doing, because once ‘Pluton’ launched an attack, it was very likely that the entire Marineford would be directly thrown into the sea.

The legendary Pluton that once destroyed a country had such powerful strength.

In this 2nd parallel world, Pluton had always been held in the hands of the World Government, but due to years of disrepair, it was rarely opened by the World Government, which was one of the reasons why Sengoku was puzzled.

Logically speaking, in this situation, it was not the time for the ‘Pluton’ to act.

Do they want to directly eliminate the two Sea Emperors?

In this way, the New World will have most of its territories, and the whole One Piece World will be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Sengoku seemed to understand why the World Government did this. ‘Do they want to catch all the pirates in the New World?

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When this idea came out, Sengoku also felt that it was more and more possible. After all, this was a rare opportunity to eliminate the two Sea Emperors at the same time.

However, although this opportunity was hard to come by, he had to pay for it. This was something Sengoku couldn’t accept.

More importantly, there were tens of thousands of marines in the headquarters. If the Kong launched an attack, then the marines would have no time to retreat.

“Borsalino! Tell Kong not to attack for the time being!” At this time, Sengoku could only let Borsalino, who was the fastest to inform Kong.

At this time, Borsalino, who was entangled with Red Hair Pirates and others, heard Sengoku’s order and directly pulled out from the battle. He changed his position to a ray of golden light and directly moved towards the direction of the ‘Pluton’.

Borsalino was an Admiral of the Marine, of course, he had contact with Kong, so after boarding the ship, he told Kong the news that he had stopped attacking.

However, Kong didn’t agree. As the Commander-in-Chief he was more powerful than Sengoku in terms of authority. How could a Fleet Admiral couldn’t command Kong, the Commander-in-Chief.

“You don’t agree?” When Borsalino returned to Sengoku’s side and informed him of Kong, Sengoku’s face became even more ugly.

Compared to Sengoku who was worried about Marinford’s safety, Borsalino had an indifferent expression.

“Above?” Although Borsalino didn’t point out the specific character, Sengoku already knew that this decision came from Five Elders.

“You go back to the execution platform and let them execute the sentence in advance.” After Sengoku understood that the attack of Pluton could no longer be reversed, he could only execute Ace in advance.

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After the execution, the Marine would withdraw from Maraudon as much as possible. After all, once the attack of Pluton came out, there would be no Marine or pirates.


After receiving the order, Borsalino quickly rushed towards the execution platform.

Wexford, who had already landed on the dock, saw Borsalino’s series of actions and knew that the marine must have a way to deal with it.

And Borsalino’s route was to the execution platform. If Wexford guessed correctly, the marine would definitely want to execute Ace in advance.

Wexford’s mission was to save Ace, so he must not let the marine complete the execution.

When Borsalino rushed to the execution platform from the dock, Wexford punched the dock below him, directly destroying the area of the dock.

Because the dock suddenly collapsed, Sengoku’s golden Buddha could only retreat to the inside of Marineford. At the same time that Sengoku retreated, Wexford also left the battlefield and followed Borsalino to the position of the execution platform.

“Stop him!”

After Sengoku saw Wexford passing through the air, he suddenly became anxious. At this time, he must not let Wexford get close to the execution platform.

Once Wexford got close to Ace, then this carefully planned execution would be completely ruined. If Pluton attacked Marineford, then the marine would not get any benefits and would suffer heavy losses.

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Under the execution platform, Dragon, who was fighting against Shanks, looked up at Wexford who was about to fall beside Ace and was ready to leave the battle with Shanks.

Although Shanks didn’t know why Wexford brought the Whitebeard Pirates to help him, but since the Whitebeard under Wexford’s control had already made a move, he must cooperate.



Shanks swung his sword forward and blocked the way that Dorgar retreated.

“Even if you stop me, Roger’s son will die here today.” Although Dragon had been fighting Shanks, he also heard the voices of discussion about steel bones around him.

Although Dorgar did not know that Kong brought the ancient weapon, ‘Pluton’, since the World Government had already come, the marine still had the strength to stop the two sea Emperors.

“This is not up to you to decide.” After Shanks stopped Dragon, he raised the sword in his hand and waved it at Dragon’s neck.

Because Dragon was stopped, when Wexford fell on the execution platform, only Borsalino stood in front of Wexford.

Although Borsalino had always been undisciplined in the marine, at this moment, Borsalino would not dodge and give Ace to others.

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Therefore, after Wexford landed, Borsalino raised his right leg and quickly swept it. “You’re dying now!!”


Although Borsalino’s kick was extremely fast, it was still blocked by Wexford’s arm.

Wexford’s domineering arm directly pinched Borsalino’s right leg, making it unable to directly elementiumize and dodge.

After twisting Borsalino’s right leg, Wexford suddenly pulled Borsalino to his side and pulled him in front of him. At the same time, Wexford controlled Whitebeard to swing his naginata and cut towards Borsalino’s upper body.

“Kusanagi Sword!”

Although Borsalino was controlled by Wexford, as an Admiral, his strength was not to be underestimated. At the same time Wexford pulled him over, a sword made of light appeared in his hand.

In order not to be cut by Wexford’s naginata, Borsalino directly blocked the Kusanagi Sword in front of him and collided with Wexford’s naginata.


After his naginata made contact with the Ama no Murakumo, Borsalino was immediately sent flying and fell off the execution platform.

“You are free.” After Wexford shot Borsalino off the execution platform, he moved his naginata in his hand, and the Seastone handcuffs that bound Ace were removed by Wexford.

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