After the handcuffs were removed, the successor of Red Hair Pirates only nodded slightly and did not say much. Then, he directly jumped off the execution platform and went straight to the red hair.

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However, now that Red Hair Pirates’ pirate ship had been sunk, even if he escaped to Shanks’ side, he would not be able to leave immediately.

Although Borsalino, who had fallen from the execution platform, had returned from below and saw that Ace had left under his nose, he did not dare to chase him directly. After all, the Whitebeard controlled by Wexford was right in front of him. If he let the sea Emperor chase after Ace, the risk was still very high.

“Borsalino, don’t worry about them. Leave Marineford.”

Sengoku on the dock also saw what happened on the execution platform. Since Ace had left, he couldn’t carry out the execution in advance.

Since there was no way to kill Ace in advance, then let Pluton deal with these pirates.

“Kuzan, let our people evacuate quickly.” In addition to letting Borsalino leave immediately, Sengoku also didn’t forget to let Kuzan inform the other Marines.

When the marine continued to shrink the line of defense and began to leave the island, Marco and the others also found that something was wrong.

After Dragon and Garp left Shanks, Marco also flew directly to the execution platform and asked the Whitebeard controlled by Wexford, “Dad, the marine seems to be retreating. Are they going to give up on Marineford?”

“I saw it.”

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Of course, Wexford noticed the movement of the marine. When Borsalino left the execution platform, he had already set his eyes on the ‘Pluton’ in the outer seas.

“That should be the ancient weapon of the World Government, ‘Pluton’. You go to Shanks and take Ace away.” In order to successfully complete the mission, Wexford could only let Marco, Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix user, take Ace away.

However, Marco did not immediately carry out Wexford’s order. Instead, he stood there and said to Wexford, “Pluton? Dad, we have to leave quickly.”

Although Marco had never seen Pluton before, he knew how powerful ancient weapons were.

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates only came to help Shanks, but there was no need to leave the Whitebeard controlled by Wexford in Marineford to save Ace.

Because of this, Marco didn’t want to take Ace.

“Go quickly. Leave this place to me.” Wexford did not have any intention of leaving with Marco. In order to allow his character to successfully complete the mission, he could only stay here and confront the ‘Pluton’.


Just as Marco wanted to say a few more words, Wexford waved his hand and said, “Go quickly.”

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Under Wexford’s continuous urging, Marco could only transform back into a giant bird and fly down from the execution platform towards Shanks.

After Marco arrived beside Shanks and Ace, he first gave Wexford some instructions and then prepared to leave with Ace.

Although Shanks didn’t know why Wexford did this, even if the white beard under Wexford’s control was still good with Roger in the past, it shouldn’t have reached this point.

IfKong was really driving an ancient weapon, ‘Pluton’, then no one on the island would be able to leave alive.

However, although Shanks was very puzzled, this was not the time to think about it carefully. For Shanks, if he could send some away now, he should send some away.


So Shanks did not refuse Marco’s proposal to take Ace away. However, he did not follow them. Instead, he told Benn Beckman and the others to go first and jumped onto the execution platform.

“That is ‘Pluton’. Are you still not leaving?” “This has nothing to do with you,” Shanks said to Wexford as soon as he landed on the execution platform.

Faced with Shanks’ question, Wexford said without looking back, “It has nothing to do with you. So what?”

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Shanks could only be silent when he heard Wexford’s words. As the strongest person on the sea, Wexford was indeed qualified to say such words.

If not for the appearance of ancient weapons, there wouldn’t be anyone who could defeat Whitebeard.

While Wexford and Shanks were standing on the platform looking at the ancient weapons, Sengoku was also brought to the top by a marine who had the ability to fly.

“What is going on?” As soon as he arrived at the large deck, Sengoku looked at Kong with anger and asked.

“Sengoku, this is Five Elders’ decision.” Kong crossed his arms and said softly.

Sengoku came to the ‘Pluton’ deck when he already knew it was the plan of the Five Elders, but this kind of battle itself would not require to use ‘Pluton’. It should be known that this ‘Pluton’ was now in a state of disrepair, with one time use, maybe after this use, this ‘Pluton’ would be directly scrapped.

This was also what Sengoku was puzzled about.

“The top has decided to eliminate all the pirates. Whitebeard and Red Haired will be the first target.” Kong looked at the pirates and the Marines that were still running away and continued, “Destroying two Emperors at once is not an opportunity that happens all the time.”

“When the World Government knew that Whitebeard Pirates were rushing to Marineford, I already came with the Pluton.”

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“Sengoku, this is an opportunity, the best opportunity for the Marine.”

After Kong finished speaking, he prepared to turn around and walk towards the captain’s cabin.

However, before Kong could take two steps, the entire sea shook violently, just like how Wexford had just moved Marineford. At this time, the sea surface seemed to be lifted up by someone and was rapidly moving upwards.

“Whitebeard?” After Kong felt this power, he turned to look in the direction of Marineford. “As expected of the strongest person in the world.”

After Kong said this, he waved his hand at a group of special forces members on the deck.

When Sengoku saw this scene, he quickly walked to Konge and said, “Our people have not completely evacuated!”

Although Kong didn’t say anything, Sengoku already knew that he wanted to let ‘Pluton’ attack directly.

But now, there was still a large number of Marines that hadn’t evacuated. Except for the Vice Admiral and the powerful Admirals who had quickly boarded the ship, everyone else was still on the dock of Marineford.

“Another force is in the New World, if we can directly annihilate the Red Hair and Whitebeard Pirates, the Golden Lion and Big Mom in the New World will also be attacked at the same time.” When Kong saw that Sengoku was so excited, Kong only informed the World Government’s plan to the Marine Fleet Admiral.

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