Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 173: 173

At the same time that Kozuki Oden discovered the Whole Cake Island, on the Whole Cake Island that had been on guard the entire time, the allied forces of the three pirates also discovered the existence of Wexford Pirate ship.

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“Wexford has already arrived.”

After receiving the report from her children, the Big Mom directly said to Kaido and Golden Lion.

“Finally, he came.”

As soon as he heard the news that Wexford had come to the Whole Cake Island, Kaido picked up the mace beside him and prepared to rush directly to the dock.

When he was in Dressrosa, Kaido suffered a big loss, now with the addition of the Big Mom and the Golden Lion, Kaido was ready to fight in the Whole Cake Island.

“Kaido!” The Big Mom saw that Kaido was ready to rush out alone, and she quickly shouted to stop this rogue.

Everyone was very clear about Wexford’s strength. Even if Kaido was the Sea Emperor and had extremely strong strength, it was absolutely impossible to defeat his opponent.

This could be seen from Kaido’s defeat in Dressrosa last time.

But Kaido didn’t listen to the Big Mom’s advice. He directly ran out of the room, turned into a huge dragon, and jumped into the sky.


The loud dragon roar echoed in the cake island, and thick dark clouds gradually appeared in the sky.

When the Big Mom and the Golden Lion who were still in the room saw this, they could only hurriedly follow. The two of them did not dare to let Kaido fight alone. If he was directly defeated, the scales of victory would be instantly reversed.

When Kaido appeared in the sky in his dragon form, Kozuki Oden, who was on the mast, smiled and said, “This guy finally came out.”

The last time he let Kaido escape, Kozuki Oden was very regretful.

This thief, Kozuki Oden must bring the other party to justice.

Especially when he knew how Kozuki Oden died in this world, his resentment towards Kaido deepened.

So when Kaido began to occupy the sky, Kozuki Oden also used time to pull out two long knives from his waist.

However, unlike the previous battle with Dressrosa, Kozuki Oden’s weapon had changed a lot.

Although the two famous knives were no different from the last battle, because Wexford had asked Caesar Clown to study weapons, the long knife in Kozuki Oden’s hand had been infused with the power of the Devil Fruit.

On Kozuki Oden’s right hand was a Devil Fruit that was injected with the Snake Devil Fruit.

This Devil Fruit was like its name, and it was poisonous. Once it touched the sword, it would immediately be poisoned and could not get up.

Even if Kaido had high resistance, under the attack of Kozuki Oden, he would not be able to withstand the attack of the Devil Fruit of the rattlesnake.

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On Kozuki Oden’s left hand was a long knife with a Devil Fruit injected into it.

After this sword was injected with the ability of the Devil Fruit, it could replicate dozens of swords in the air.

Looking at the direction of the attacker, it seemed that his surroundings were surrounded by swords. This kind of scene was very oppressive to the attacker.

At the same time, Kozuki Oden, who held these two swords, directly jumped from the mast to the direction of the Whole Cake Island, ready to find trouble with Kaido.

“Let’s go, the field is already on, we can’t pull it down.” When Wexford saw that Kozuki Oden was the first to rush out, he also shouted to Rosinante and others beside him.

When Wexford’s voice just fell, the Goro Goro no Mi ability user Enel was shot out from the back of the ship with lightning, and the modified ship suddenly rushed forward.

The speed of the ship that accelerated through the thunder and lightning was very fast, so when Kozuki Oden was rushing at the sea in order to not let himself sink, the pirate ship had already surpassed Kozuki Oden.

“Quick! Fire!”

When Wexford Pirate ship was getting closer and closer to the dock, Queen, who had been hiding near the dock, immediately shouted to the nearby Beasts Pirates.

With Queen’s order, dozens of Beasts Pirates raised a thick iron pipe and pointed it in the direction of the pirate ship.

After everyone aimed at the pirate ship, Queen’s specially made bomb suddenly shot out from the iron pipe and flew straight in the direction of Wexford’s pirate ship.

“Captain, there are artillery shells!” Rosinantelooked at the special artillery shells that were constantly approaching in the air and shouted to Wexford.

“Doflamingo.” To deal with this kind of artillery shell, Wexford naturally gave it to the most suitable person.


After Wexford called out Doflamingo’s name, this World Noble directly raised his hands and arranged white threads in the air.

When the high-speed artillery shells touched the threads, they exploded in the air.

However, when the artillery shells were cut, they didn’t break apart like ordinary artillery shells and then sank into the sea.

The cannonballs that had been infused with the poison gas were instantly released after they were cut apart.

Although the poison gas did not spread on the ship like Queen had imagined, the poison gas that had polluted the air seemed to have stopped Wexford and the others from attacking Kaido who was still circling in the sky.

“It’s poison gas.” After seeing the poison gas that was spreading in all directions, Rosinante turned to his captain and said.

“I saw it.” In fact, Wexford had noticed the existence of the poisonous gas bomb earlier than Rosinante. However, he did not have the slightest golden light. Instead, he directly raised his right hand and released the ability of the Gura Gura no Mo and the Mochi Mochi no Mi at the same time.


As the air around him continued to vibrate, pieces of glutinous rice began to fall from the sky, wrapping up the drifting poisonous gas.

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“Damn it!” Queen, who was on the island, saw that the poisonous gas he had worked so hard to develop was so easily solved. He was obviously unwilling.

However, Wexford did not give Queen too much time to be angry. After Queen scolded him, Doflamingo, Enel and the others directly jumped onto the dock.

As for Sakazuki and Buggy, they directly rushed towards the woman and the golden lion who had already rushed out of the room.

The Big Mom and the Golden Lion had already learned about Sakazuki’s strength from the newspaper, so when facing Sakazuki who was rushing over, the aunt and the Golden Lion immediately put on a fighting posture.

“Inugami Guren!”

Before the two sides met, Sakazuki directly threw a Inugami Guren in the direction of the aunt.

Inugami Guren with hot lava shot out of Sakazuki’s hand, flying straight to the head of the Big Mom.

However, the aunt was one of the Sea Emperors after all. When she was young, she had made a big fuss about the existence of Elbaf in the Elbaf Village.

Therefore, when facing the Inugami Guren that was charging straight at her, the aunt did not need to dodge. She directly raised her right hand and punched at the magma in the sky.


When the Big Mom’s fist collided with the Inugami Guren of Sakazuki, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the center of the Whole Cake Island.

At the center of the collision, when the smoke dissipated, Sakazuki and the aunt were not hurt at all.

While the two sides were in a stalemate, the invited Golden Lion floated in the air.

“Boy, this is not a place for you to show off.” As an old pirate, the Golden Lion was still qualified to call Sakazuki a boy.

However, although he was qualified, Sakazuki did not approve of the other party’s qualifications.

“Steve.” Sakazuki simply called out the name of the Golden Lion. His hands turned into magma, and he directly jumped towards the Golden Lion.

“This is not your old world!”

Before Sakazuki could get close to the Golden Lion, countless lava gushed out from his hands and flew straight towards the golden lion.

“Heh, these little tricks are useless to me.” As a person with the ability of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, the Golden Lion could also float up the non-living beings that it had touched.

So when the lava was about to fall on the Golden Lion, the soil and gravel below him instantly floated up and blocked the Golden Lion.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The lava continuously crashed into the ground, splashing up countless pieces of ash.

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However, although the collision was intense, Sakazuki’s attack still could not break through the opponent’s defense.

When the Golden Lion saw that his simple move had blocked the opponent’s attack, he also smiled. He raised his hands, and the ground around him began to tremble.

“Shishi Odoshi!”

As the Golden Lion’s voice fell, the ground under the Golden Lion’s feet was instantly lifted up, turning into several lion heads.

In the face of the huge lion head that the golden lion had suddenly created, Sakazuki naturally was not to be outdone. Lava flowed out from Sakazuki’s body, continuously converging into a magma giant.

This magma giant had already appeared twice on the Sabaody Archipelago before, so the golden lion had already known about it.

And it was also because of the existence of the magma giant that the golden lion used the Shishi Odoshi at the first moment.

However, the Golden Lion seemed to have overestimated the power of its own earth lion. When the heads of the lions attacked Wexford, the already formed magma giant smashed one of the lion heads with a punch.

“Bolo Breath!”

Kaido in the sky didn’t idle when the lion head was attacked. He spat out a hot flame in the direction of Sakazuki.

However, before Kaido’s dragon flames could reach Sakazuki, the magma giant directly blocked the hot dragon breath.

“Buggy.” In the face of the attack of the Golden Lion and Kaido, Sakazuki did not dare to be careless. Instead, he shouted to Buggy who was beside him, “The Golden L is yours.”

After that, Sakazuki controlled the magma giant to punch the Big Mom again.

“Okay!” Just as Sakazuki attacked the aunt, Buggy, who was called by Sakazuki, rushed over and stopped the Golden Lion who was ready to chase Sakazuki.

The Golden Lion who was stopped first glanced at Buggy who had a red nose, waved his hand and said, “Move aside, red nose boy.”

“I’m not some Red Nose!”

Although this Buggy came from another parallel universe, he also did not like the title Red Nose.

Therefore, when the Golden Lon opened his mouth, Buggy was already burning with anger.

In his anger, Buggy directly removed the white gloves on his hands, revealing some white and tender palms. “Bara Bara Ho!”

As soon as Buggy’s voice fell, the surrounding soil lion heads instantly collapsed, turning into pieces of extremely thin soil.

This… When the Golden Lion saw the soil stones that were blown up by a gust of wind, his eyes widened.

This was the first time the Golden Lion had seen such fruit ability. It could actually cut the sand stones into thin pieces.

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“Shishi Odoshi: Chimaki!”

Although the other party’s Devil Fruit ability was very terrifying, the Golden Lion was not frightened. After all, he was a pirate who had roamed the sea for decades. Although Buggy’s fruit ability was rare, it was only rare.

So after sighing, the Golden Lion used another big move of his.

As the Shishi Odoshi: Chimaki was used, all the surrounding objects flew towards the golden lion.

And when these things continued to gather, the Whole Cake Island seemed to be attacked by a blizzard, completely dark.

“Bara Bara Ho Kirihanashi!”

Just as the storm created by the Golden Lion was about to come to Buggy’s side, this Buggy, who had just arrived in the original world, directly created a hole in his position.

Outside the area where Buggy was, countless objects were rolling. But once these things came into contact with Buggy’s surroundings, they would instantly vanish and turn into dust, directly dissipating into the storm.

“Let’s go. It’s time for us to go up too.” Just as Sakazuki and the Golden Lion were having a heated fight, Katakuri, who had been the owner of the Whole Cake Island, said to the Charlotte Family members beside him.

“Not many of their people have come yet.” Beside Katakuri, Cracker, who was hiding among the Biscuit Soldiers, pointed at the pirate ship of Wexford at the dock.

At this time, although Sakazuki and the Big Mom were fighting fiercely, the other side did not come out in full force, which meant that the other side had personnel who could join the battlefield at any time.

These people were very threatening to the Big Mom Pirates. After all, suddenly joining a strong guy in the battle was a huge threat to the allied forces of the Whole Cake Island.

“It’s good that they didn’t come out. Let’s go directly.” This second son of the Charlotte Family, his original goal was not to fight with the Golden Lion Sakazuki, but Wexford and others on the dock.

As the saying goes, to catch the enemy first, to defeat Sakazuki, Buggy and others, it is better to directly defeat the captain of the opposite side, Wexford. In this way, the victory and defeat of this battle will be solved.

“The people on the ship are not weak either. With just the few of us, isn’t it a little…” The younger brother beside Katakuri said worriedly.

Although Doflamingo knew that his brother was very strong, his strength was still something that could be compared to others.

If he met an opponent like Wexford, then his brother Katakuri seemed to be a bit lacking.

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