Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 174: 174

In the face of Daifuku’s question, Katakuri said, “This is the only chance.”

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Katakuri naturally knew how powerful the opponent was, but to win this battle, he had to think of other ways.

And now, most of the opponent’s personnel had left the ship, this was the best chance to directly attack Wexford.

Once this plan succeeded, it would definitely have a great impact on both sides, and it might even establish a foundation for their allied forces to win.

“Let’s go and try first.”

After Katakuri finished speaking, he directly went around the battle area and headed straight for Wexford Pirate ship.

However, due to Katakuri’s figure being too dazzling, when he just started to move, Wexford who was still on the ship had already noticed the other person.

“It seems that Katakuri is ready to attack our pirate ship.” Wexford looked at Katakuri who was getting closer and closer to him and said to Rosinante.

Rosinante followed Wexford’s gaze and found Katakuri and Daifuku at the edge of the battlefield. “Do you want me to deal with him?”

“No, let him come over.” Wexford didn’t directly ask Rosinante to deal with these Fevil Fruit ability users, but was prepared to put the other side near the ship first.

The reason why Wexford was prepared to deal with Katakuri himself was mainly because of his own Pirate King who came from a parallel world.

The Katakuri under Wexford took the initiative to avoid this battle and exchanged positions with Sakazuki who guarded the Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

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And his goal was to not obstruct the progress of this war.

This was because Katakuri, who came from a parallel world, knew that if he was at the scene, then Wexford would very likely go easy on the members of the Big Mom Prate group.

And once he did this, it would likely lead to the reversal of the battlefield situation.

Because of this, Katakuri didn’t participate in this war.

However, it was simple. Wexford was still prepared to give most of the Charlotte Family a chance. If the other party was willing to submit, then they could accept the command of Katakuri.

“Zan Giri Mochi!”

Just as Wexford was thinking about which Charlotte Family members to take in, Katakuri from the original world threw a large number of glutinous rice balls with Busoshoku Haki towards Wexford.

Although the shape of these glutinous rice balls was very small, but their lethality was very big. Ordinary pirates could not withstand the attack of Katakuri’s Zan Giri Mochi.

However, Katakuri’s opponent was not an ordinary person, but the fifth Sea Emperor of the New World, who was about to dominate the whole New World.

When the high speed Zan Giri Mochi were about to touch the hull and fall towards overtime, Wexford directly raised his right hand, and the power of the Goro Goro no Mi had gathered.

As Wexford waved his right hand, a large area of the Goro Goro no Mi suddenly formed in front of the pirate ship.

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Whether it was the air or the sea water, they all stopped in this broken area.

The glutinous rice balls that were about to fly to the pirate ship also fell into the area after touching the area, and were directly crushed into powder by the power of the Goro Goro no Mi.

“His ability to Goro Goro no Mi seems to be almost the same as Whitebeard.” As one of the top existences in the Charlotte Family, Katakuri had seen how powerful Whitebeard was.

And this newly risen pirate looked young, but he already had the powerful ability of Whitebeard.

But before Katakuri could finish sighing, from the broken area created by the Goro Goro no Mi, a large piece of information that was even more powerful than the glutinous rice bullet flew towards him.

“It’s glutinous rice!” Daifuku was too familiar with glutinous rice. After all, his brother Katakuri was the glutinous rice fruit ability.

“Brother, it’s your fruit ability!”

Before this battle, the Charlotte Family already knew from the newspaper that Wexford would use the Mochi Mochi no Mi ability.

But when they saw it with their own eyes, Daifuku and the others were still very shocked.

After all, in this world, a Devil Fruit really appeared at the same time, this was the iron law for many years.

But this iron law could not be fulfilled by Wexford, whether it was Wexford who had the Mochi Mochi no Mi and the Goro Goro no Mi, or Katakuri, Garp and the others who looked the same.

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All of this made the people of the original world unable to understand.

Especially for people like Katakuri and the people close to them, they would be shocked when facing these people.

“Now is not the time to talk about this.”

Katakuri frowned as he looked at the glutinous rice ball flying in the sky. He raised his right hand and a wall made of glutinous rice suddenly appeared, blocking Daifuku and the others.

“Pa, pa, pa, pa.”

The glutinous rice on both sides met in the air, making a strange, soft sound.

“Maji Giren!”

Just as Katakuri was defending against Wexford’s attack, his younger brothers were not idle either. Daifuku directly summoned a light devil, and outside Katakuri’s defense area, he slashed towards the area formed by the Hoya Hoya no Mi.

However, it was unknown whether Daifuku’s strength was too low or the distance was too far, but when the Maji Giren’s attack landed on that area, it did not even cause a ripple and directly dissipated.

“How could this be?” Seeing this scene, Daifuku fell silent. No matter how strong the other party was, his attack shouldn’t be gone just like that, right?

Before Daifuku could come up with a reason, the area formed by the Goro Goro no Mi suddenly disappeared.

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And behind that area, a huge fire dragon had already carried Wexford over from the ship.

“Be careful!”

When Katakuri saw Wexford coming, he immediately removed the glutinous rice wall and rushed towards Wexford with his trident.

Katakuri knew that besides himself, Daifuku and the others did not have the strength to contend with the other party.


The female dragon, Bell-mare, who was flying in the air, spat out a dragon flame at Katakuri who was coming over and stopped him from moving.

After Katakuri stopped, Wexford directly jumped from behind Bell-mare and landed less than twenty meters away from Katakuri.

“Charlotte Katakuri, you should know that your allied army can not stop us.” Wexford looked at the tall Katakuri and said.

Although the battle had just begun, but according to the high-end combat power, Wexford still had some advantage.

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