However, after approaching, Wexford didn’t immediately call for him to stop. Instead, after watching the battle for a while, he said to Moria in the field, “Moria, stop first.”

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After Wexford gave the order, Moria stopped his fist that was aimed at Kaido.

However, it could be seen from Moria’s expression that he was very regretful that he didn’t beat Kaido to death.

“After I leave the Whole Cake Island, I will leave this place to you. As for Kaido, I will also stay on the Whole Cake Island.”

Unexpectedly, Wexford did not blame Moria for directly attacking Kaido who was captured. Instead, he handed over his authority to Kaido.

At this time, it was not only Moria. Even Bell-mere and others were puzzled. However, since their captain said so, Bell-mere and others naturally would not object. After all, Kaido was only an enemy, so there was no need to plead for him.

And just as the Whole Cake Island set the fate of Kaido, the four seas were discussing the war that just happened.

When the war had just ended, in the deepest part of the New World, the most powerful pirate group, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, was reading the latest newspaper.

“Dad, now in the New World, other than us, no one can threaten Wexford Pirates.”

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“Do you think they will…”

Without waiting for Marco to finish, Whitebeard raised his hand and said, “No one can threaten him now.”

Although Whitebeard still believed in his own strength, the abilities that Wexford and his subordinates displayed were too incredible. Even the allied forces of Big Mom, Kaido, and Shiki failed. Even Whitebeard himself knew that he couldn’t defeat them.

“Whether they come here or not will depend on them.” After that, Whitebeard handed the newspaper back to Marco and continued, “However, as long as they come, we will never retreat.”

For Whitebeard, as long as no one hurt his family, he wouldn’t care about what they did.

But once his family was hurt, Whitebeard would immediately go berserk, regardless of whether his opponent was Wexford or the previous Sea Emperors, Whitebeard wouldn’t show any mercy.

After ending the discussion about Wexford and Kaido, Marco told him the latest information he got, “Red Hair has returned to the New World and is rushing towards our sea area.”

“Red Hair?” Hearing this, Whitebeard frowned, “Didn’t this guy go to the East Blue to retire? Why did he come back?”

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Shanks was in his prime, and the white beard was just teasing him.

The reason why Shanks said this was mainly because of the battle on the Fishman Island. After the battle on the Fishman Island ended, Shanks returned to the East Blue with the body of Yasopp. During the time in the East Blue, Shanks was also very low-key, and he didn’t have the momentum of the Sea Emperor at all.

Many pirates also saw Shanks’ performance as a disgrace among the Four Emperors, but Shanks didn’t do anything after hearing these rumors, but continued to stay in the East Blue.

It was also because of this that Whitebeard said this.

“Maybe after knowing that Kaido joined with his aunt to fight against Wexford, he started to return. But he probably didn’t think that Kaido and Big Mom were losers in the battle. He didn’t have a chance to participate in this battle.” Marco stood on the side and made up his mind.

Although Marco only answered with his brain, but because of Shanks’ previous performance, the other members of the Whitebeard pirates seemed to agree with Marco.

“No matter what he is doing, let him come first.”

Whitebeard didn’t refuse the visit of Shanks. Although he didn’t want to directly confront Wexford, the last guardian of the new world still wanted to hear Shanks’ opinion.

In this way, Whitebeard Pirates waited in the deepest part of the new world for Shanks to arrive.

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And Maronford, where the headquarters was located, Sengoku and the others also had a headache because of Wexford throwing the prisoners in the first half of the Grand Line.

“Does this guy want to put all the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line?”

In the Marine headquarters, in Fleet Admiral’s room, Sengoku rubbed his temples and said to Garp and Tsuru.

“Looking at their performance, it seems that they have the same intention.” Tsuru also learned the latest information. The pirates under Wexford are putting all kinds of pirates in the first half of the Grand Line, and among them, there are a lot of Devil Fruit users.

After regaining their freedom, these pirates immediately formed a new pirate group in the first half of the Grand Line.

Under the leadership of Katakuri, the original members of the Big Mom Pirate directly formed Charlotte Pirate, and the captain was not the strongest Katakuri, but the captain of the Charlotte Family.

Although Katakuri was the strongest, in order to prevent the Charlotte Family from splitting, he directly gave up the position of captain.

But even so, most of the members of the Charlotte Family still followed Katakuri’s lead, and in the end, Perospero only got the title of captain.

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On the other side of the Beasts Pirates, in addition to Queen, King and Jack were also exiled.

King, who knew that his strength could not compete with Wexford, also brought his former pirate members to reorganize the Beasts Pirates on Long Ring Long Land.

From the name that had not been changed enough, it could be seen that King and Jack were still loyal to Kaido.

Although Kaido was still imprisoned on the Whole Cake Island, and before King and Jack left, Kaido screamed from time to time on the island, but they still supported Kaido and waited for the return of the former Emperor.

It was also because of the sudden appearance of these two pirates, in the first half of the Grand Line, in addition to the Sabaody Archipelago controlled by Wexford and the headquarters of the Marine Headquarters, the people of other places began to worry.

Although the pirates on both sides didn’t have their helmsman, although the Sea Emperor was not there, his fame still resounded throughout the world.

Most pirates still didn’t dare to provoke Charlotte and the new Beasts Pirates. It was also because of the fact that they chose to back down, in just half a month, the two pirates had already controlled most of the first half of the Grand Line.

Under the pressure of these two pirates, even Moria, who was on the terrifying three-masted ship, could only drive his own ship towards Marinford.

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