After Wexford’s interference in the New World, the world has changed dramatically.

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Although the New World is still the place of the pirates, its master is completely different in this sea area.

The pirates who entered the New World from the first half of the Grand Line can have their own choices, or join the pirate group of the former Four Emperors and become their subordinates.

Or they occupy a small island and live independently in the New World.

But when there is only one person in the whole New World, that is, after Wexford, this method is completely impossible.

After Kaido and Big Mom lost, the new pirates who entered the New World have to think about their own strength and whether they can shake the rule of Wexford Pirate.

If they can’t, they can only report to their own pirate group controlled by Wexford. Even if they don’t want to directly join Wexford, they have to get the navigator from Dressrosa enter the depths of the New World.

This method was not what Wexford thought, but the Golden Lion Shiki who joined Wexford’s team in the middle of the war.

After obtaining this rare opportunity, the Golden Lion, who had always been thinking of controlling the world, immediately wanted to use the power of the ‘New World Overlord’. Of course, the Golden Lion alone was unable to do this. When it began to implement this system, the Golden Lion still had to first go through Wexford’s consent.

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However, even though the Golden Lion was guarding the entrance to the New World, people like the Red Hair Shanks still avoided the Golden Lion’s inspection.

This pirate who was about to meet with the Whitebeard did not enter the Fishman Island from the Sabaody Archipelago this time, and then enter the New World. This time, Shanks’ route was to directly enter the New World from the four seas through the Calm Belt.

Although there were countless Sea Kings in the Calm Belt, for the powerful Red Hair Shanks, these Sea Kings could not cause any damage to his pirate ship.


The Red Hair Shanks, who had bypassed the Golden Lion’s informer without wind, did not stop at all. He directly increased his horsepower and sailed toward the sea controlled by Whitebeard.

Because Shanks chose the Calm Belt, it was not far from the sea controlled by Whitebeard, Shanks found the flagship of Whitebeard that afternoon.

“Dad, Shanks has arrived.”

A pirate in charge of watching the situation was at the top of the mast. When he saw the Red Hair Pirate flag, he quickly shouted to Whitebeard.

“Oh, so fast?” Whitebeard, who was drinking, didn’t expect Shanks to arrive so soon. It hasn’t even been two days since the letter sent by Red Hair.

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“From the looks of it, he should have entered the new world directly from the Calm Belt. If it were forfrom the Fishman Island, he would definitely be stopped by Wexford’s people.”

Marco also analyzed when he heard the news of Red Hair.

Although the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates didn’t sail out of the sea under their control, they still knew the changes of the New World like the back of their hand.

After decades of operation, most of the New World had the eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because of this, Marco also knew some of the rules that Wexford had recently started to implement in the New World.

“It seems like something urgent.” After drinking the wine in his hand, Whitebeard stood up and walked toward the deck railing.

In the nNew World, the former Emperor of the sea was a pirate who had the same situation as Whitebeard.

Although Whitebeard himself didn’t care much about the rise of Wexford, but Wexford’s power was too huge. Even if Whitebeard didn’t provoke him, there would be some friction in the area of contact between the two sides.

And talking with Shanks, he thought about his next response.

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With Whitebeard waiting, the Red Hair Pirates’ ship was soon side by side with the ‘Moby Dick’, and Shanks, who was located on the Red Hair Pirates’ ship, leapt straight up to the ‘Moby Dick’

Because the current situation was very different, this time, Shanks came to the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates and was not too arrogant. Unlike the scene that Wexford had seen before, Shanks came to the deck of the Moby Dick and didn’t release his Haoshoku, nor did he fight with Whitebeard.

After the two Sea Emperors exchanged a glance, they sat on the ground on the deck and prepared to start discussing.

Under Whitebeard’s command, Marco brought a big bottle of wine for Shanks and placed it in front of Shanks.

“You came this time for that Wexford?” Whitebeard raised his hand and took a sip of the wine brought by Marco. Then he said to Shanks, who did not move.

After the white bearded man asked, Shanks nodded slightly and said, “Yes.”

“I am not ready to fight with Wexford. If you are here to persuade me to go out and fight with Wexford, then there is no need to say.” Whitebeard put the bottle on the deck and said to Shanks.

The members of Whitebeard Pirates were his own ‘son’ , and if they fought against a super pirate like Wexford, casualties were inevitable. No matter who was killed by the other side, it was unacceptable for Whitebeard.

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Wexford’s strength was not comparable to those who just entered the New World. It was impossible for all of them to be intact when fighting against such a powerful pirate.

Shanks seemed to know that Whitebeard would answer him like this, so after he finished speaking, Shanks directly said, “There is no need for the Whitebeard Pirates to attack Wexford. I only came here to rest in your sea area for a while.”

“You want to stay here?” After hearing Shanks words, Whitebeard frowned. Shanks must have some plan.

And if Shanks was prepared to launch a surprise attack when Wexford entered the New World, then it was likely that he would directly bring the Whitebeard Pirates into the battlefield.

So, Shanks’ request was not what he wanted to do, and it seemed that Shanks was not here to discuss cooperation with him, but he already had a specific plan.

The most likely thing was what kind of cooperation this guy had with the World Government or the headquarters.

In the four seas, the only one who could compete with Wexford was the World Government.

“Are you working with those guys on the Red Line?” Whitebeard asked Shanks with doubt.

Shanks did not hide anything at this time. He nodded and said, “Yes.”

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