Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 27: Do You Want to Be the Seven Warlo

“No, they have shut down all the gun ports.”

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While the whole ship was ready to fight, Buggy’s voice came again from the watchtower.


With Buggy’s reminder, Wexford and the others also looked in the direction the warship was coming from. Wexford was sure that the opponent did not open the guns. There was a flag-waving marine soldier at the forefront of the opposing deck.


“Why the guns are not open? In this weather, they must have found us, are they looking for us?”


“Possibly. The marine has always been a soft and fearful. When they meet a pirate group like us, it is possible that they want to talk.” Doflamingo had been operating in the underworld for many years and knew the nature of the marine very well.


After Doflamingo finished, Wexford wanted to hear what the marine was going to say, “Well…. since they want to talk, then let them come over and listen to what the marine was going to say.”


Since Wexford had said so, Garp and others on the ship withdrew the Haki that had been slightly revealed. For the old pirates who have been in battle for a long time, as soon as they heard the news of the marine, they would immediately make a fighting stance.




When the marine on the other side saw that Wexford’s side did not attack, they also accelerated their speed and rushed to the side of Buggy Pirates’ ship.


When the two ships were close, a guy wearing the rank of Vice-Admiral came out of the opposite marine ship. He came to the side of Wexford and others and started shouting at the pirate ship.


“Which one of you is Captain Wexford?”

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“You actually call me captain, it seems that it is indeed as Doflamingo said.” Wexford smiled and said to Doflamingo before he walked to the edge of the deck and said to the Vice-Admiral on the marine warship, “I am. I wonder why the marine wants me?”

" "


After receiving an official document from the second in command, the Vice-Admiral, whom Wexford had never seen before, continued, “Captain Wexford, the Marine Headquarters asked me to ask your excellency if you have any idea of joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea?”


At this time in the One Piece, the Seven Warlords of the Sea had made some name for themselves. With Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, Hancock, and others of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was already a name that could deter many pirates in the Grand Line.


It was because of the joining of these powerful pirates, the Seven Warlords of the Sea had gradually become the third force on the sea. Although this force was loose and weaker than the Four Emperors and the Marine Headquarters, there were always signs of the rise.


Many of the pirates who have just entered the Grand Line were very much in awe of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and there were countless new pirates who wanted to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization.


Of course, Wexford’s pirate group had not yet decided on a name, and they had not thought about joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea because Wexford knew that his pirate group would absolutely surpass any pirate group with just a little time.


Whether it was Whitebeard, Kaido the Beasts, Red Hair, or Big Mom, their development speed was absolutely no match for Wexford’s pirate group. After all, who could have a Seven Warlords of the Sea or higher level crew to join in a few dozen days?


However, now that the marine had said so, Wexford had a hint of interest. After all, with the name of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he would have had permission to sail on the Grand Line.


At that time, not only that the marine would not come to waste their time, even the pirates would take in the name of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and stay away from them.


But in second thought, with the strength of his pirate group, it was impossible for them to encounter a pirate who could stop them from moving forward in the first half of the Grand Line.

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So, after a short thought, Wexford then looked at the Vice Admiral and said, “Marine Headquarters, Sengoku asked you to notify me, right?”


The Vice-Admiral was not surprised by Wexford’s question. After all, the only one who could make this decision was Fleet Admiral Sengoku.


“Yes, it is Lord Fleet Admiral.” The Vice-Admiral nodded in reply.


“Then you tell Sengoku that I will consider it.”


Wexford did not directly refuse the Marine Headquarters invitation to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but he also did not directly agree. Instead, he gave an ambiguous answer.




The Vice-Admiral frowned slightly after hearing Wexford’s answer. Such an answer did not allow him to deliver perfectly.


“There are already six Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Captain Wexford is likely to be the last one. I believe that Captain Wexford also know what the name of the Seven Warlords of the Sea does. The marine can wait, but not for too long.”


After Wexford said that, the Vice-Admiral directly let his warship sailed away from the pirate ship where Wexford was.



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Doflamingo looked at the gradually distant marine warship and whispered, “They left so quickly.”


“We are not those small pirates, and of course, that Vice Admiral knows that there is no way to ‘persuade’ us.” Katakuri leaned on the mast and said.


Although there were only a few high-end combatants on this ship, these combatants were already able to make Katakuri say these words.


They were never any small pirates; instead, they were a group of pirate kings who could directly shake the throne of the Emperor of the sea.


“What does Captain Wexford think?” Garp did not bother to listen to Doflamingo and Katakuri’s analysis but went to the side of Wexford and asked directly.


Wexford put his hands on the railing of the deck, looking at the marine warship that had become smaller and smaller, and replied to Garp, “We are a group of Pirate Kings, how can we be the Seven Warlords of the Sea under the World Government?”




Wexford knew that Garp hated the World Government the most. After all, if it were not for the World Noble, Windmill Village would not have been destroyed in Garp’s universe.


So for Garp, everything related to the World Noble was what he hates. Moreover, the World Government was created by the World Noble, and Garp certainly did not like the title of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.


Garp was relieved to have this answer from Wexford. He was indeed a little worried that Wexford would agree to serve as the Seven Warlords of the Sea under the World Government.

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“Captain Wexford is right, the World Government is not qualified to lead us.”


The reason Wexford said to think about it, mainly because he did not want to be stopped by some marine forces that were not strong enough and wanted to get ahead. These people wouldn’t do any harm to Wexford and the others, but they would delay a lot of time.


“Well, there shouldn’t be any marine forces blocking the way now. Let’s drive straight to the Water 7.”


After that marine warship completely disappeared, Wexford said directly to those young pirates on board as well, “Full sail, Water 7.”


“Yes! Lord Wexford!”


Under Wexford’s order, these small pirates from the East Blue instantly acted.


At this time, the name of the next character that was about to be copied out had also appeared on the fifth door of the warehouse.


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