Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 28: Donquixote Rosinante

After entering the consciousness body, Wexford went straight to the fifth door. Now he was very interested in every character that was about to be copied.a

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fter all, this thing was just like a gacha. Every time the character to be copied appeared, it gave Wexford an urge to see who the other person was first.


After arriving at the fifth door, some information about the next character to be copied appeared on the door.

The first of these was the name of the person who was about to be copied.

”Donquixote Rosinante.”

When Wexford saw the name of the next person to be copied, he immediately smiled and said, “It’s actually him…. With this, I could put together the two brothers of the Donquixote family at once.”

Now, among the personnel under Wexford, there was already a member of the Donquixote family, and that was the brother of the soon-to-be copied Rosinante, Donquixote Doflamingo.

This Rosinante, in addition to his name, had a brief introduction below.

‘Copy of consciousness body completed, in the process of remodeling—-‘

”Name: Donquixote Rosinante.”

”Belonging to: 228 Parallel Universe.”

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The information about Rosinante wasn’t displayed completely. There wasn’t any other information except his name and the universe he belonged to.

Under a large white space, there was another message.

‘Due to the increase in reputation, copy remodeling time -5, estimated copy remodeling time 45 days.’

“Sure enough, a bounty of 100 million reduces the remodeling time by one day, and I wonder if there is any limit….”

Although Wexford thought so, the copy reduction time was certainly not to become zero. After all, the pirates in this warehouse standby wouldn’t all be awakened at once.

This reduced time should have an upper limit, but now Wexford’s bounty was only 500 million, not yet able to touch the upper limit of time reduction.

“But forty-five days would be pretty fast….. At least a few days faster than Katakuri.”

After taking another look at the countdown on the door, Wexford then exited into his consciousness.


At the time when Wexford entered his consciousness warehouse, this Buggy Pirate ship had already plunged headlong into the middle of the course.

If Wexford and others did not deviate from the route, they would pass through the Whiskey Peak, from the Little Garden, they would enter the Drum Island, and then reach Arabasta.

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However, this was under the normal circumstances of the route. Wexford did not have a navigator… And among these people, neither of them actually had spent time in the Grand Line, nor did they have a pointer to the Grand Line. Hence, it was good enough for them not to go to the wrong island.

However, without knowing whether it was luck or the voyagers of the Buggy Pirates, after several days of sailing, the Whiskey Peak with its peculiar shape actually appeared in the view of Wexford and the others.

Wexford looked at the island where the sea and sky meet and asked Katakuri and the others next to him, “Is this the Whiskey Peak?”

Katakuri lived in the first half of the Grand Line for eight years. He should be the most familiar with this place among the people.

“Yes, Captain Wexford, this is the Whiskey Peak.”

Katakuri’s heart was also full of emotion when he saw the Whiskey Peak. When he was forced out of the New World by Kaido and Crocodile, the members of the Charlotte family retreated all the way back, almost to the location of the Reverse Mountain.

The Whiskey Peak had appeared on Katakuri’s way back with his family members.

While recalling the experience, Katakuri introduced to Wexford, “I don’t know who controls the Whiskey Peak in this world… but in my place, the one who controls this sea is the controller of the first half of the Grand Line – Sakazuki.”

“Sakazuki? That’s interesting…”

This was the first time that Wexford heard about the controller of the first half of the Grand Line from the mouth of Katakuri. Wexford did not expect that Sakazuki Akainu, who was ranked as a Marine Admiral in this world, could only control the first half of the Grand Line in Katakuri’s world.

Moreover, listening to Katakuri, Sakazuki was a pirate and not a member of the marine.

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“When I got to the Whiskey Peak, Sakazuki, the controller here, helped me once.” Katakuri looked at the approaching Whiskey Peak and continued, “So after I returned to the New World and defeated Kaido and Crocodile, the first half of the sea was allocated to Sakazuki.”

Buggy, who had been forced to follow the crowd by Wexford and others, glanced at Katakuri, who was still continuing the story. He deflated his mouth and thought, ‘What are these people talking about. It gets weird every day.’

For Buggy, these things told by Wexford and others were a little too metaphysical. Something about Marine Sakazuki and Pirate King Garp, who could say such things in normal times if they didn’t drink too much?

However, the other party was too strong, and Buggy could only silently say such words in his heart. He did not dare to show it in front of Wexford and others.


As Buggy walked to the edge of the deck, Whiskey Peak was already close at hand. The members of this island had also instantly gathered a lot of the island’s bounty hunters on the pier after seeing the approaching pirate ship.

“Is it pirates? There are actually pirates coming here!”

The island’s bounty hunters were worried about the recent lack of performance, but now that a ready-made pirate was delivered to their door, these bounty hunters were overjoyed.

These Whiskey Peak bounty hunters didn’t know that this ship alone had four Pirate Kings. Not to mention these bounty hunters for Whiskey Peak, even their backstage president of the Baroque Work, Crocodile, had come to no avail.


“These people are quite enthusiastic.” Shanks, who did not know the situation on the island, looked at the increasing number of bounty hunters on the pier and said with a smile.

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Compared to Shanks, who was still in his formative years, Doflamingo and others were able to see at a glance what the group on the island was really doing.

“What a passionate group of bounty hunters.”

“Doflamingo, I’ll leave these people to you.”

This group of bounty hunters on the Whiskey Peak was not very powerful, so Wexford placed only one person, Doflamingo, to tackle this wave.

“Okay, Captain Wexford.”

Doflamingo hadn’t been active for a long time either, and after answering to Wexford, he directly used his Ito Ito no Mi ability to pull the clouds in the sky towards the Whiskey Peak and flew directly over.

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