Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 31: Arabasta

Just when Wexford and the others set up the boat and left Whiskey Peak, the headquarters of Baroque Work in Arabasta also received a message from the vicinity of Whiskey Peak.

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“Wexford  Pirate group has swept the bounty hunter base at Whiskey Peak?”

After receiving the tip-off, Crocodile, who was located at the headquarters, sat in the corner of the gloomy room with a cigar in his mouth.

“The strength of this group seems to be as stated in the newspaper.”

After reading the tip-off and making some exclamations, Crocodile walked to the middle of the room and looked at a tall brunette standing near the door and said, “Let’s not talk about this group… but what do you think? Are you willing to join my organization?”

The woman only turned her face to look at Crocodile after he spoke.

If Wexford was present, he would have recognized this person as the most wanted criminal by the marine – Nico Robin.

“I’d like to… Think about it again…”

Nico Robin did not immediately say yes to Crocodile’s invitation. Although she had only come to the Grand Line from the West Blue, the one who invited her was Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. However, as a felon wanted by the World Government, facing such an important choice, Nico Robin still had to think about it first. After all, Wexford’s group was already approaching Arabasta, and if the other side was really going to attack the Baroque Work, wouldn’t it be just the right time to join in on the wound?

Crocodile took off the cigar in his mouth and gave it a light dusting of ash before continuing, “Is it because of the news that Wexford’s group is coming over?”

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“Although they are rumored to be very powerful, you should know that Arabasta is my home turf. But if you want to wait a bit, that’s fine, I can wait a bit longer…”

Crocodile guessed well. If it wasn’t for the tip-off that Wexford and others were coming to Arabasta, Robin would probably have just agreed to join the Baroque Work with Crocodile.

Nico Robin, who had been on the run for many years, knew how to protect herself. Since Galdino had been ambushed, Crocodile, who was the leader behind the Baroque Work, was likely to be wanted by the opponent.

From the news in the newspaper, the strength of Wexford’s group was very powerful. They could defeat the Admiral, the one she was very familiar with; Robin thought it was better to wait a little.

If Wexford and others didn’t fight with Crocodile and clean up the Baroque Work, it wouldn’t be wrong to join Crocodile’s banner. After all, Crocodile was the Seven Warlords of the Sea, with the strength to shelter her.

However, if Crocodile was unfortunately defeated by the passing Wexford and others, then Nico Robin would have to turn around and leave right away. After all, she was ready to join the Baroque Work to be safe. If the Baroque Work would soon no longer exist, why would Robin want to join it?

Of course, Crocodile knew what Nico Robin was thinking. He was at sea for many years. For Nico Robin’s thoughts, he could still guess a rough idea.

However, Crocodile didn’t care. He believed in his strength. Even if he couldn’t win the head-to-head confrontation, he wouldn’t end up with a defeat by virtue of his Logia Devil Fruit ability.

Although the current Arabasta didn’t drought for years because of the Dance Powder, the current Baroque Work premises here had a desert. The desert for Crocodile was the natural main battlefield. On top of the gravel, Crocodile didn’t feel he would lose.

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At the same time, in the first half of the Grand Line, a pirate ship sailing straight from the Whiskey Peak to Alabaster. Galdino, who was also a member of the Baroque Work, was telling Wexford and others about the situation of his work organization.

“We just arrived in Arabasta not long ago, and the organization of Whiskey Peak has just been established, and we are just going to Whiskey Peak to inspect the situation.”

“The King of the Arabasta Kingdom is Cobra, and his daughter is called Vivi. They are both part of the Nefertari family that has been ruling Arabasta.”

“I have never met the head of the Baroque Work, except that the organization has a very large number of people, and the area from Arabasta to Whiskey Peak is basically our manpower.”

“I joined the Baroque Work…”

Still controlled by the Mochi Mochi no Mi Devil Fruit of Katakuri, Galdino revealed the information he knew completely. The reason he was so cooperative, mainly because Galdino joined the Baroque Work wasn’t long ago.

It was also a recent event that Crocodile set his eyes on Arabasta, so both Galdino, Von Kray, and others had only joined Crocodile’s banner for a short time.

More importantly, these people didn’t know for the time being that the head of their Baroque Work was the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile.

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If they knew, perhaps Galdino wouldn’t be so quick to shake out all the details.

“That’s all I know.”

After Galdino said all he knew, he looked at Wexford with an expectant face. He did not want to be sent to the marine base to receive a bounty or thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

For such a cooperative captive, Wexford turned out to be very generous. He said after Galdino finished, “Very good, you are very cooperative. When we get to Arabasta I will let you two go.”

Although the battle power under Wexford’s command was now very powerful, in maritime activities, credit was still very important. So, Galdino was only slightly relieved after receiving Wexford’s promise.


After several days of journey, under Galdino’s guidance, Wexford directly bypassed the Little Garden and Drum Island and directly arrived at one of the big countries in the first half of the Grand Line – Arabasta Kingdom.

“My Lord! Up ahead is Arabasta!”

Galdino, whose hands were tied by Katakuri’s Mochi Mochi no Mi Devil Fruit, shouted happily to Wexford’s group at the back after seeing the large land area appearing on the sea level.

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After hearing Galdino’s shout, Wexford, who was lying on the deck sunbathing, stood up and looked in the direction Galdino pointed.

Compared to the islands of Whiskey Peak and Loguetown, the place where the Arabasta Kingdom was located was already considered a small continent. It was because of Arabasta’s immensity that when that piece of land appeared, the seawater where the sea and sky met was replaced by a large piece of land.

“Finally, we are here, we can go to the land to see.”

Wexford was still somewhat interested in Arabasta, which was still under the control of the Nefertari family. At least he could still see what Arabasta really looked like when it was not interfered by the Dance Powder.

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