Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 32: The Great Pirate Wexford

“The Pirates of the sea, Wexford, entered Arabasta!”

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When Wexford and the others had just arrived in Arabasta, the World Economy Newspaper had already reported the news about Wexford and the others.

The reason Morgans of the World Economy Newspaper could predict Wexford’s arrival in advance was mainly because of Wexford’s previous appearance at the Whiskey Peak.

Now, Wexford is a guarantee for the sales of those Morgans’ newspapers. As long as it carries the word Wexford, the recent newspapers would sell particularly well.

Although Morgans hadn’t met Wexford yet, this overlord of the press had already taken Wexford as his confidant.

However, although this newspaper bolded Wexford’s name, its content mainly was speculation by Morgans’ newspaper.

When Wexford got this newspaper, he was also amused by its content.

“The sea pirate Wexford is about to enter Arabasta! After he and his pirates entered the Grand Line, they directly destroyed the bounty hunter base located at the Whiskey Peak.

The marine seemed indifferent to Wexford’s actions. Had they already changed their previous strategy in the East Blue?

In East Blue, the marine sent a powerful lineup of Admiral and marine heroes Garp to snipe Wexford and others. However, from the time Wexford entered the Grand Line, the marine seemed to have given up fighting it.

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Was it because the strength of Wexford and others was too strong? Or because the marine was doing another preparation?

However, Arabasta Kingdom as one of the World Government franchises would certainly show the position of the franchises should have.

Moreover, the World Government’s the Seven Warlord of the Sea, Crocodile was recently operating near Arabasta, when the two powerful pirates met, what kind of sparks would rub off?”

After reading the newspaper he just got his hands on, Wexford threw the newspaper back and said to Doflamingo, who was standing behind him.

“This Morgans of the World Economy Newspaper really knows how to make things up. He dares to say anything, and he is not afraid that the World Government will exterminate him at some point.”

After taking a glance at the newspaper, Doflamingo laughed, “Morgans still has some ability. Although there is no way to confront the World Government, his ability to conceal himself is still very good. He controls the majority of the News Coo, and the World Government is not going to fall out with Morgans over this little matter.”

Doflamingo knew the rules of the underworld, and because Morgans was an important part of the underworld, Doflamingo did not deal with this newspaper king.

Although Morgans couldn’t be compared with many sea pirates in terms of strength, he held the News Coo that spread the newspaper to the four seas. With such a big killer, whether pirates or marine, they would basically sell him a face.

After all, no one wants to have their negative news in the newspaper every day. Although this was not a big deal to the Four Emperors of the New World, it would always be unpleasant.

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“Also, with the World Economy Newspaper as a big speaker, Morgans is still very useful.” Wexford knew the power of the pencil too. Some things that were alive could be said to be dead, and the dead could be said to be alive.

After Morgans’ wild guess and the release of the Fifth Emperor of the Sea title last time, Wexford would like to meet the head of this newspaper company, “After entering the New World, we can look for this Morgans first.”

After hearing Wexford’s words, Doflamingo grinned and said, “I think he may not want to see you, Captain.”

Doflamingo had dealt with Morgans for many years. This man would not easily deal with outsiders, especially when he met someone who had deep hostility with him.

“That’s not up to him.” Wexford took a step onto the dock of Arabasta and said without looking back.

Now, Wexford hadn’t even entered the New World, but his men already had battle power that could rival that of the Four Emperors. When he went to the New World, he might be able to directly become the strongest Emperor in the New World.

From this point of view, Morgans guess for the Fifth Emperor was not wrong much.

However, for Morgans, this was something he did not expect at all. The previous title of the Fifth Emperor for Wexford was just big news created by Morgans for the sake of sales. Who would have thought that the other party really had this ability?

Garp, who did not participate in the discussion between Wexford and Doflamingo, finally came down from the boat. He said to Wexford, who was parked on the pier, “The newspaper said that one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea under the World Government was also in the vicinity of Arabasta.”

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“Isn’t this the same organization that the marine asked us to join before?” Katakuri did not have any impression of the Seven Warlords of the Sea because there was no such organization in his world.

Faced with Katakuri’s question, Wexford nodded and replied, “Yes, it’s the one the marine talked about when they came to us before.”

“That’s somewhat interesting…”

Katakuri has been retired for several years, and now that he can have the opportunity to fight again, Katakuri has long been itching to do so, “But, Captain Wexford, after we meet that Seven Warlords of the Sea, will we strike directly? or will we keep peace with the marine for the time being, as we said to them before?”

Because of the previous conversation between Wexford and the marine group that approached him, Katakuri still had to ask Wexford’s opinion before acting.

“If we can meet him, then let’s just strike, we have nothing to hide.”

For Wexford, the bounty was what he needed most now. Because the amount of his bounty could make a copy of the character’s time shortened, so of course, Wexford would not stop Katakuri from wanting to fight with Crocodile.

Although it would later lead to the first half of the Grand Line marine obstruction, to Wexford, that was just obstruction. In this sea, in addition to the Marine Headquarters Marineford, the first half of the Grand Line had basically no one that could match their existence.

As long as they defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, the bounty of the Wexford might have to raise some more.

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In the time when Wexford and Katakuri talked, a group of kingdom soldiers gathered on the pier concealed themselves in the crowd, and exchanged words.

“That’s the Wexford mentioned in the newspaper, right?”

“I think so. What is such a big sea pirate doing in our Arabasta? It’s not going to be a robbery, is it?”

“They are pirates, aren’t they just doing robbery? Let’s keep a closer eye on them, the king said to keep a close eye on them.”

The king that this group of Arabasta Kingdom soldiers talked about was none other than the current king of the Alabaster Kingdom – Cobra.

Before Wexford arrived in Arabasta, he got some clues from the marine. Although Cobra knew that Wexford’s group did not do anything out of the ordinary except catching pirates, Cobra was still a bit uneasy, which was why he asked the soldiers at the pier to keep an eye on Wexford and his group.

Of course, Cobra also knew that if Wexford’s group really wanted to do something, even if all the soldiers of the Arabasta Kingdom were assembled, it would be impossible to fight against each other.

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