Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 33: Risk Transfer

“Igaram, what should we do now?”

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In the capital of Arabasta Kingdom, Cobra was troubled by the landing of Wexford and the others.

Like most thoughts, Cobra did not dare to let the kingdom soldiers arrest Wexford and the others directly. After all, the opponent’s strength was too strong, and once he took action, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg, and then Arabasta might be destroyed directly.

Because of these concerns, Cobra deliberately sought out his escort Captain Igaram, ready to discuss how to deal with Wexford and others.

Igaram had already gotten the news, so when King Cobra asked, Igaram, who already had a draft, replied directly, “Your Majesty, we will directly report the trip of Wexford and others to the marine. Whether to capture or release these people, let the marine choose, we do not want to go into this mess. ”

Cobra thought about Igaram’s suggestion for a moment before dropping his head slightly and saying, “Good point, let the marine have the headache.”

Now that he had decided on a way to deal with Wexford, Cobra immediately used the Den Den Mushi to contact the Marine Headquarters in Marineford directly.


After receiving Arabasta’s report, Fleet Admiral Sengoku urgently summoned Tsuru and Borsalino, who was in the Marine headquarters.

“Wexford had entered Arabasta. Unlike other places, Arabasta is the World Government franchise, we have to do something to do.”

Previously, although the behavior of Wexford in Loguetown and Whiskey Peak was also challenging the authority of the marine, those places still had room to return.

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However, the World Government franchise territory, even if the marine wanted to play the pacification policy, they must also respond to the Arabasta Kingdom’s request for help.

“According to information, before joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile is in Arabasta.” Tsuru did not directly answer Sengoku’s question but mentioned the name of Crocodile from the side.

Sengoku knew that Tsuru would not mention Crocodile for no reason, so after the other side finished, he immediately asked, “You mean, let Crocodile to deal with Wexford?”

“Yes, we let the Seven Warlords of the Sea have the legal right to sail, and they certainly need to do something for the World Government and the marine.” Tsuru leaned back on the sofa and said softly.

Next to her, Borsalino had not spoken until after Tsuru had finished. He finally said, “Crocodile will not win that group of guys.”

Tsuru turned her head to look at Borsalino and laughed, “Wouldn’t that be a good thing for us?”

As soon as Tsuru said so, Borsalino instantly dawned on him.

Yes, the conflict between pirates didn’t have any effect on the Marine Headquarters.

If Crocodile won by chance, it would be a credit to the marine. After all, Crocodile belonged to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea was an organization under the World Government.

Even if Crocodile lost, the Marine Headquarters could say that they had responded, but Crocodile’s strength was not good. His defeat had nothing to do with the Marine Headquarters.

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“It is indeed a very good idea. No matter which pirate fails, there is no loss to us.”

Sengoku was very satisfied with Tsuru’s suggestion. Without having to send out the marine forces to solve the problem, that was the best thing that could happen.

“Then let’s just inform Crocodile.”

After Sengoku decided, the Marine Headquarters immediately contacted the marine located in the territory of Arabasta and asked them to contact Crocodile.


“This group of marine know how to think.”

Crocodile had been thinking about how not to contact Wexford, but once this order came from the Marine Headquarters, Crocodile could only think about how to pull the wool over the eyes of the marine.

This way is obviously digging a pit for themselves to jump, and Crocodile was also able to see the behavior.

“So what are you going to do?” Although she had not yet joined the Baroque Work, Nico Robin stayed by the side of Crocodile for the time being, and she also wanted to see how Crocodile would go about the operation.

After the evaluation, Nico Robin would only consider the possibility of cooperation with Crocodile’s Baroque Work.

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Crocodile walked out of the gloomy room, looking at the scorching sun in the sky, and said, “Just in time, I also want to see how Wexford was a pirate in the end.”

“Aren’t you afraid that they’ll just kill you?” Nico Robin followed Crocodile out of the room, half of her face hidden under the hat, half of her face was illuminated by the sun.

Faced with Nico Robin’s words, Crocodile turned his head with a wry smile and said, “Why must we fight?”


At this time, Wexford, who was still at the pier, did not know that the news about him had turned a few hands. No group wanted to fight directly with Wexford and the others head-on.

After all, Wexford’s group had already shown their strength before that. They were powerful enough to make people scared.

Moreover, after several changes of hands, the problem eventually fell on Crocodile, who was actually within the target of Wexford’s group.

“I heard that Arabasta Kingdom is one of the founding nations of the World Government eight hundred years ago. However, the Nefertari family left the Holy Land Mary Geoise, otherwise, the king here now is also the Holy Land’s Word Noble.”

Katakuri, who was the most familiar with the first half of the Grand Line, led the crowd toward the kingdom’s capital while introducing the Alabaster Kingdom to Wexford.

“The World Noble?”

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As soon as he heard the words World Noble people, Garp’s face instantly became serious. This Pirate King’s ruthlessness for the World Noble was engraved in his bones, and anything related to the World Noble would make this powerful being unhappy.

“They withdrew from the Holy Land, and can not be considered as the World Noble.” After seeing Garp’s appearance, Katakuri explained to him.

“Holy Land Mary Geoise…”

Although Garp heard Katakuri’s explanation, Garp still fell into his memories after mentioning the World Noble. His wife and parents were buried in Windmill Village because of the World Noble.

Wexford saw Garp silent up, so he reached out and patted Garp’s shoulder and said, “Garp, don’t think about it, I’ll take you to Mary Geoise.”

Although Garp would like to attack Mary Geoise directly, this great work in his world was not completed. Even if Mary Geoise could be breached, the Word Noble people were not so good to eradicate.

Therefore, Garp understood Wexford’s words and said, “Mary Geoise’s defense is very well prepared, and Marineford is below Mary Geoise. The speed of reinforcements will also be very fast. Without absolute strength suppression, Mary Geoise is not so good to break through.”

Although Garp found this matter very difficult to do, Wexford did not think so. He smiled and said to Garp, “Don’t worry, there will be a day.”

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