Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 39: Strength Enhancement Channel

“It’s actually Rosinante who killed his own brother.”

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From the introduction of this Rosinante who would come to the main world, Wexford was most attracted by the sentence that Rosinante had killed Doflamingo.

In Wexford’s current team there was a ‘Corazon’, and he wondered what Rosinante would look like when he met his brother from the other world.

In addition to the conflict between Rosinante and Doflamingo, Rosinante’s Yami Yami no Mi made Wexford pay special attention to him. After all, this fruit was able to directly deprive others of their Devil Fruit ability.

After Rosinante was completely reshaped, Wexford exited the consciousness warehouse and returned to his residence in the Arrabast capital.

When the scene of the room returned to Wexford’s eyes, an unfamiliar voice also rang out from the side, “Lord Wexford, is this a new world, right?”

The person who spoke was none other than the King of Revenge who had just been reshaped by Wexford’s copy – Rosinante, who was currently sitting on the wooden bench next to Wexford. His eyes browsing the furnishings in the house.

“Yes, this is already another world, and the location we are in now is Arabasta in the first half of the Grand Line.” Wexford introduced to Rosinante while walking towards the door of the residence.

After walking to the location of the gate, Wexford pulled open the door of the room as soon as he could and turned his head to Rosinante who was still sitting inside the room and said, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to meet the others.”

“Did someone get here before me?” Rosinante only vaguely knew where he came from, but was unaware of the other people in the warehouse who had been copied.

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Because of this, Rosinante asked a rhetorical question only after hearing this from Wexford. Just now, he saw only him and Wexford in the room, and thought he was the first person to come to this world under Wexford.

Faced with Rosinante’s question, Wexford nodded and responded, “Of course. There are already four early arrivals, including one of your acquaintances. Let’s go, they also know you will arrive today.”

“My acquaintance?”

Rosinante had walked with the doubts of this ‘acquaintance’ to the hall of the house. At this time in that hall, Garp and others have long been sitting there.

“Brother!” When Rosinante followed Wexford into the hall, he saw at a glance Doflamingo sitting at the head of Garp.

The current Rosinante was copied at the age of thirty-three, and he had not yet experienced the events of obtaining the Nagi Nagi no Mi and killing Doflamingo, so he was not too surprised that Doflamingo was still alive. What surprised him was that Doflamingo had actually come to this new world a step earlier, and the attire seemed to have changed a bit.

“It seems that you also recognize him. This is your brother Dovromingo, but he is not from the same world as you.” Wexford pointed to Dovromingo at the table and introduced him to Rosinante.

“Not the same world?”

After hearing Wexford’s words, Rosinante frowned and looked towards Doflamingo. After fixing his eyes on him, he also gradually discovered the difference between the two Doflamingo.

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In the world where Rosinante was, his brother wore all in pink attire, and there was also a big difference in temperament between him and this one who was leaning back on the chair.

“Yes, not the same world, everyone here is not fron the same world.” After finishing, Wexford also made a point to point to Buggy who was at the corner of the hall, “By the way, this red nose is also included.”

Although Buggy had been regrettably afraid to speak due to the strength of the crowd, when he met someone else called him red nose, Buggy still gritted his teeth and whispered, “Don’t call me that!”

Buggy just opened his mouth, sitting in front of him Katakuri turned his head to look at him and said, “What did you say?”

Due to years of fighting, Katakuri’s face was very appalling. Being watched by such a strong man, Buggy’s body suddenly shivered, and he said, “No, nothing.”

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Just as Wexford was about to take Rosinante to sit down, the warehouse in his consciousness sent another message. When this message was received, Wexford said to Rosinante, who had just arrived in this world, “Rosinante, you talk to them first, I’ll go back.”

“Okay, Lord Wexford.” Although Rosinante did not know why Wexford wanted to return immediately, as Wexford’s subordinate, he immediately agreed.

“Well, you guys talk to Rosinante well about this world.”

After admonishing the crowd, Wexford directly turned around and walked towards his room.

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The main reason Wexford left right away was because he received an important message from the warehouse. Previously, although Wexford could use twenty percent of the ability of the character he copied, twenty percent of the ability didn’t allow Wexford to become the strongest person on this sea.

Although in the East Blue and the first half of the Grand Live Wexford could still use the twenty percent of Garp’s strength to preserve him from harm, as soon as they entered the New World, or they suffered a marine attack, then Wexford’s situation was very unfortunate.

Just now the warehouse gave Wexford the information that he could significantly improve his ability.

After returning to his room, Wexford hurriedly said to the warehouse, “Repeat what you just said again.”

‘Yes Excellency.’

‘You have successfully copied five people and have a special operation mission.’

‘After completing the special action mission, you will be able to randomly copy the full strength of one of the five people.’

“I really didn’t hear it wrong, finally I can obtain stronger abilities.” Wexford smiled after confirming that what he heard before was true, so that he could finally improve his strength.

Wexford thought back to the five people who were still in the hall, except for Shanks who was still a teenager, Wexford felt that as long as it was not random to Shanks, then he would be able to directly reach the S-class battle power.

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After confirming, Wexford asked again to the warehouse, “What is a special action mission?”

‘The warehouse would randomly pick a partial world of a character that has been copied successfully for you, As long as you complete the long-cherished wish for him that had been left unfulfilled, you will be able to obtain the full ability of that character.’

‘Of course, the mission must be completed perfectly. If the mission proceeds to incomplete completion, then the abilities obtained would be reduced accordingly.’

“To complete the long-cherished wish of one of them?” Wexford thought back to the five people who were still in the hall. Wexford could also guess the long-cherished wish of these five people.

Garp should be the Windmill Village, Shanks should be related to the Roger Pirates, and Katakuri needless to say, must be related to the Charlotte family. The remaining two, Doflamingo was likely to be thinking of the identity of the World Noble, or to expand their strength, and Rosinante’s was simple, either to resurrect his father, or to kill Doflamingo.

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