Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 40: The New Pirates King Bell mere

‘Did you want to randomly select a long-standing wish of a copied character?

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“Yes.” Anyway, Wexford didn’t have anything to do now, so he just let the warehouse start the extraction.

‘The extracted character was Charlotte Katakuri.’

‘Mission: Help the Charlotte family withdraw from the New World and travel to the first half of the Grand Line.’

‘Mission world shaping required three days. You could open this mission after three days.’

“Katakuri’s mission? It’s not bad.” Now among those under Wexford, only Shanks’ strength hadn’t reached S. As long as it wasn’t drawn to Shanks, Wexford was able to accept it.

As the shaping time of the mission world required three days, Wexford did not immediately go to carry out the mission. After the extraction, Wexford did not have much to do again.

“Is there any information from the sixth door?” Since he had already come to the warehouse once, Wexford was not ready to exit immediately. However, he asked the warehouse for information about the sixth person who was about to be copied and reshaped.

”There is already some information.”

As soon as Wexford’s question ended, the warehouse’s answer immediately came out.

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After learning that part of the information of the sixth person had already appeared, Wexford stepped directly into the door of the warehouse and walked straight to the door of the room of the sixth person who was about to be awakened by the copy.

”Copy of consciousness body completed, in the process of remodeling ——”

”Name: Bell-mere.”

‘Affiliation: 1048 Parallel Universe.’

‘Copy remodeling time -5 due to reputation increase. Estimated copy remodeling time 45 days.’

“Bell-mere? How did Bell-mere manage to become a Pirate King?”

Among those characters before, each of them had a very strong presence in the main world. Even Rosinante, although his strength was not very strong, he could still at least mix in the New World.

On the other hand, Bell-mere was different. In the main world, she used to be a marine, but after returning to the East Blue, she could not even defeat Arlong.

“I wonder what happened in this 1048 Parallel Universe that actually made Bell-mere become a Pirate King.” After a short analysis, Wexford had a strong interest in this new Pirate King who was being reshaped. Especially for Bell-mere’s life experience, Wexford really wanted to see it.

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“It’s just that the information is still too little, let’s see it when there’s more.”

After Wexford finished reading the sixth person’s name, he directly withdrew from his consciousness. Anyway, there were still three days left in the mission time, and Rosinante was successfully reshaped by the copy, so now it was time to leave Arabasta.

After solving the affairs of the warehouse in the consciousness body, Wexford left Arabasta on the next day with Garp and his party.

As a result, King Cobra was happy about the departure of Wexford and his group, and he was on edge for a few days, fearing that Wexford’s group of pirates would cause something in the kingdom.

Now Wexford and his group finally decided to leave, and Cobra’s heart could finally be put down.

Crocodile, who was defeated by Wexford outside the capital, had left Arabasta by ship two days ago because he received a message from the Marine Headquarters, and sailed in the direction of the Water 7.

Wexford just left Arabasta and didn’t know that the Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Garp, and Kuzan had decided to wipe out Wexford and his party in the Water 7 after discussing.

In order to implement this major action, he also went to the Holy Land Mary Geoise and reported to the Five Elders the information about the upcoming large-scale mobilization of the marine forces.

The Five Elders in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise seemed to have known that Sengoku would act in this way. They expressed their support for the operation immediately after Sengoku’s arrival, and instructed Sengoku to remove the captain of the pirates, and not to let the New World have another emperor.

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Now the New World’s Four Emperors had already very powerful, if the joint was enough to compete with the World Government. If Wexford, a pirate who had the ability to become the Fifth Emperor, joined them, it was likely that the original order would instantly collapse.

Perhaps the Five Emperors of the New World will confront each other because of the gradually shrinking territory, but if two or three of them unite, things would immediately become serious.

The Five Elders didn’t want to gamble, they just wanted the ruling position of the World Government not to be shaken, they could let the New World fall into chaos, but never allow anyone to shake the foundation of the World Government’s rule outside the New World.

After receiving the approval of the Five Elders, Sengoku immediately mobilized his men and sent a heavy force to Water 7. He intended to wipe out Wexfor and the others in Water 7.

“Borsalino has already gone over to help Sakazuki build the fortifications of the Water 7, which has many artisans, and the fortifications are being built very smoothly.”

In the Marine Headquarters Tsuru who had not yet advanced to the Water 7 was standing on the dock, reporting the situation in the Water 7 to Sengoku next to him.

Sengoku looked at the gradually distant marine ships and said, “I hope the battle will go well this time. If it fails, we will not be able to check and balance those four in the New World.”

“According to the opponent’s current battle power, our victory rate is still very high.” Tsuru remained optimistic about the marine winning. After all, this time the Marine Headquarters was mobilized all the high-end battle force.

Borsalino and Sakazuki had assembled in the Water 7, and Garp had just rushed in the direction of the Water 7 by boat. Although Kuzan was wounded by the fake Garp, the marine was doing its best to treat the Admiral, and they believe that when the big battle came, Kuzan was able to rush to the battlefield.

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Although Sengoku had a bad feeling in his heart, he did not say this out. Instead, he spoke to Tsuru about another matter, “Did Zephyr also look for you?”

As soon as she heard the name of his old comrade, Tsuru frowned, “Yes, Zephyr approached me yesterday, he also wanted to join this battle.”

“Ugh, this guy. I’ve told him that he doesn’t need to participate.” Sengoku sighed, turned around and walked towards the towering Marine headquarters in Marineford, while walking also said, “He is now no longer suitable for fighting outside, it is his task to train new talent for the marine.”

Zephyr had been serving as a marine instructor since his family was killed by pirates, and the current Marine Admirals Kuzan, Borsalino, and Sakazuki were all his former students.

However, if it was only because of the position of Admiral, Sengoku would not prevent him from joining the battle. After all, Zephyr was a Marine Admiral when he was in his prime.

However, two years ago Zephyr was out training and a pirate chopped off his right arm, and now he was not as strong as before. Sengoku did not want his old comrade to risk his life in battle.

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