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Enel, who was slammed to the ground, immediately felt his blood surge upward, and a mouthful of blood instantly spilled out from his mouth.

“How about it? It’s a little more powerful than your Goro Goro no Mi, right?” Wexford landed precisely next to Enel from the air, looking at this God of Skypeia with a smile on his face.

“I am and will not admit defeat.”

Enel, who was already badly injured, did not half concede. Although he could no longer fight against Wexford, Enel still had the pride of a ‘God’.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit defeat.” After Wexford finished, he directly turned around and waved to Rosinante, who had already landed.

Under Wexford’s greeting, Rosinante quickly rushed to the place where Wexford and Enel ended their battle, “Captain, are you going to draw off his Devil Fruit ability?”

“Well, this is a rare Logia Devil Fruit. Just draw it out of him.”

Wexford did not even look at Enel on the ground, seemingly not caring about the life or death of this Skypeia God.

“Yes, Captain.”

The ability to extract a Devil Fruit power could be easy for Rosinante, especially for someone like Enel, who had no power to fight back.

However, before extracting the opponent’s Devil Fruit ability, Rosinante still needed to determine one thing, “But, Captain, to whom this fruit ability?”

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As the captain of the pirate group, Wexford, of course, had the power to allocate the Devil Fruit. However, after Rosinante asked, Wexford had a problem with the attribution of this Devil Fruit.

These people under Wexford now, Garp certainly wouldn’t want the Devil Fruit, and Shanks as Roger Pirates, certainly not interested in the Devil Fruit.

In addition to these two, Katakuri and Doflamingo had their own Devil Fruit ability. Without a special physique, it was impossible for them to have a second Devil Fruit, so the two of them were the first to be ruled out.

In addition to these four, the only ones left were Rosinante and him. Whether he could resist the second Devil Fruit, Wexford didn’t have any confidence in himself.

If it was obtained directly from the warehouse, Wexford could guarantee that the fruit power would not cause him to be reversed. However, if directly seized from the main world, Wexford still decided to give up the direct use of this Goro Goro no Mi.

“Here you go, Rosinante, this Devil Fruit will be yours.”

Wexford gave the Devil Fruit to Rosinante, mainly because this Yami Yami no Mi had gotten the second Devil Fruit in the introduction. So Wexford wasn’t afraid of Rosinante’s discomfort.

For Wexford’s arrangement, Rosinante also did not push back. He directly nodded and said, “Yes, Captain.”

After Rosinante replied, the ability of the Yami Yami no Mi was directly launched, and the location where Rosinante and Enel were located was covered by black color.

Wexford didn’t know how long it would take for Rosinante to capture the Devil Fruit energy, so he didn’t stay where he was. Instead, he took Katakuri, Robin, and others straight in the direction of the Golden Bell.

Rosinante’s location was arranged by Wexford for Doflamingo. Although Rosinante wouldn’t use it for too long, it was necessary to prevent someone from causing any harm to Rosinante, who had taken the ability.

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“It’s right here.”

With Gan Fall leading the way, Wexford’s group soon arrived at the most mysterious piece of Shandora.

In order to repay Wexford and the others for defeating Enel, after bringing the crowd to the Golden Bell, Gan Fall raised the mounted spear in his hand and said to the crowd, “Sir Wexford, if you need it, you can take a portion of it.”

Before Wexford, who had been invited by Gan Fall to take the gold, could reply, Buggy, who was at the end of the group, exclaimed happily, “Really? That’s great!”

For Buggy, this kind of place that could be called a great treasure was simply his dream. The last time he came to Skypeia, he could not obtain the gold, and Buggy had always regretted it. This time, when he returned to Skypeia, Buggy decided that he must take away some more to do so.

“Quiet, you guys wait a moment.” Wexford, who was about to take Robin to see the history text under the gold clock, took a look at the happy rush to the gold of Buggy and shouted.

Considering the strength of Wexford and others was too strong, although Buggy was very dissatisfied in his heart, he could only stop for the time being and watched Wexford, and Nico Robin walked towards the huge golden clock.

“How about it, what is written?”

Although Wexford already roughly knew the general content of this piece of a history text, he was still ready to know more.

In response to Wexford’s question, Nico Robin did not answer immediately. Instead, she slowly approached the wall at the base. Then, she reached out to touch the wall, “What is written on it is information about the introduction of ancient weapons.”

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“Poseidon?” Wexford glanced at the completely unreadable text and said to Robin.

Nico Robin turned her head when she heard Wexford said the two words Poseidon and looked at Wexford, “How do you know? You can read the history text?”

" "

Even the doctors in Ohara did not dare to say that they could all read the history text, but how did Wexford know?

At this point, Nico Robin was very puzzled. It was reasonable to say that apart from the people of Ohara and the stonemason inheritors of Wano Country, no one else could read it.

Wexford looked at Nico Robin, whose face was full of doubts, and said with an odd smile on his face, “Feelings.”


How could Nico Robin believe that Wexford could guess Poseidon in the history text, which was not an ordinary thing? There was no way that this could be guessed by guessing.

When Nico Robin was about to ask, Wexford was not ready to let the other party continue to speak, “You continue to interpret it. I will go to see the Golden Bell.”

After saying that, Wexford then directly turned around and walked towards the steps at the base.

This huge Golden Bell made by Shandora of the City of Gold would definitely make many people who questioned the original Mont Blanc Noland dumbfounded if it were to appear in the Four Seas.

“There is another sentence here, which was added by someone else.”

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Just when Wexford was examining the huge bell body, Robin’s voice came from the base side.

“It was left by Gol D. Roger! He actually knows the history text too.”

Robin’s voice became excited when she saw the name left at the end of the text. Today was just a little too exciting for Nico Robin. Wexford was able to directly guide the content written in the history text. A former pirate king Gol D. Roger actually left a text next to the history text of this Skypeia.

This text was actually written in the ancient text of the history text, which meant that the former pirate king also knew the ancient text.

What the hell was going on here? First, why was everyone suddenly able to read the history text? Then why did the World Government arrest only one person?

Nico Robin was a little confused for a while.

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