For those words left by Roger, Wexford did not have much reaction. After all, he knew the content of it.

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Compared to the bland Wexford, after hearing the name, Katakuri looked sideways for it, “Gol D. Roger left it?”

In Katakuri’s world, if it were not for Roger’s accidental involvement in the battle, he, Cracker, and the others would not have been able to escape Rockes’ pursuit.

If one really wants to count, Roger was still a half benefactor of Katakuri.

“What did he write?” Katakuri walked to the side of Robin and asked.

“I came here to guide this text to the final land.”

After Robin deciphered it, Katakuri looked at the ancient text that Roger had left behind and continued, “The final land? The final island? Laugh Tale? To reach that place, one needs to collect ‘Log Pose’. And it’s not an easy thing to find all four ‘Log Pose’.”

Although Katakuri had little interest in Laugh Tale, he knew some rumors about that final island. As the New World King, it was impossible for him not to know about the main text of the history.

“Yes, there is also such a statement in the literature, but that ‘Log Pose’ has not come out for a long time.”

Robin had read a very large number of historical documents when she was in Ohara, and there were exceedingly many books about ancient texts and the history text, which made her very knowledgeable about this.


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As Robin and Katakuri talked about the ‘Log Pose’, standing below the Golden Bell, Wexford had used the ability of Mochi Mochi no Mi to extend his arm and gently struck the huge Golden Bell twice.

After Wexford’s striking, the long and thick sound of the bell then spread to every corner of Skypeia. Whether it was the White Sea people or the Shandia people, they all looked in the direction of the Golden Bell after hearing the sound of the bell.

After Wexford stopped ringing, Gan Fall, who had already jumped off the ‘Dog Bird’ Pierre, also went to the side of Wexford and said to this benefactor whom he had never met, “Lord Wexford, thank you for helping us to clean up this thug Enel.”

Gan Fall was previously forced to leave Skypiea because he lost his position in the battle with Enel. Now that Wexford had defeated Enel, of course, Gan Fall should be grateful.

“Thank you is not necessary. I will take part of the gold.”

Shandora was once known as the City of Gold, and the island with this reputation certainly didn’t lack the presence of gold. Although the gold here was probably not as much as that controlled by Gild Tesoro, it was enough for Wexford.

“Of course, Lord Wexford, just take it.”

For Gan Fall, the symbolic meaning of this gold was greater than the actual value, and there was no need for this gold on Skypeia. Of course, this had to exclude that Enel, who wanted to build God’s Army with gold first.

“Gold? Let me carry it!”

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As soon as it was said that the gold could be carried away, Buggy immediately became active. After he shouted, his whole body directly pounced on the nearby gold objects, ready to take all these things away.

However, in addition to Buggy, Wexford and the rest of the party did not have any action.

“Shanks, you go help Buggy, but do not need to take too much. More is not useful.”

Wexford didn’t have much to spend on belly. Except for constructing a ship in the Water 7, Wexford basically didn’t have to spend any money.

After arriving at the New World, with the weak and the strong rules in that place, Wexford might not even need to pay for many places. In that place, as long as the strength was strong enough, he could just take it.

Only with Buggy and Shanks they wouldn’t actually collect too much gold, but for Buggy, this was already a very happy thing. Buggy used to dream about being able to sleep with gold. As long as today he could put the gold in his hands to his bed, the long-cherished wish of many years would be able to be realized.

For this request of Buggy, Wexford also did not refuse. After all, this gold just needed to be placed on the ship.


However, when the people returned to the ship, the Shandia people who heard the bell ringing and rushed towards the Golden Bell in the opposite direction ran headlong into Wexford and the others.


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The Shandia warrior in the lead glanced at the backs of Wexford and the others. After not noticing the wings of the other side, the first thing that came to their minds was the ‘pirates’ from the ocean below.

“Enel is dead, Gan Fall is behind, you guys take care of your own business on Skypeia.”

Wexford did not want to bully these Shandia people. After all, the strength of the two sides was too far apart, and Wexford did not even have to send characters like Garp and Katakuri to directly clear out all the Shandia people.

These Shandia people were also very cautious about Wexford’s words. Although they had been committed to reclaiming their territory, it was still very uneconomical to fight with the irrelevant pirates.

Their biggest enemy was Enel, as well as the people from Skypeia. Rashly fighting with another force wasn’t a smart choice.

“Get out of the way.”

After thinking for a moment, the leader of the Shandia warrior directly led the Shandia people to make a way and let Wexford and the others through.

After these Shandia people made a way, Wexford didn’t bother about where these Shandia were going. After all, they had been fighting with the people from Skypeia for more than four hundred years. It was impossible to make the feud between the two sides dissolve directly with just two words from Wexford, a passerby.


“Captain Wexford, you are back.”

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When Wexford returned to the vicinity of the ship with Katakuri and others, Rosinante, who had already absorbed the Goro Goro no Mi, was already waiting there.

Wexford took a look at Rosinante, who hadn’t changed, and asked him, “Well, how was the fruit obtained?”

“Not bad, really worthy of the Logia Devil Fruit. This fruit ability is very powerful.” After Rosinante said that, he raised his right hand. A golden thunderbolt flew out from his fingertips, directly piercing a tree not far away.

For Rosinante’s strength increase, Wexford was also quite satisfied, “Very good. It seems that the strength has grown barred.”

“By the way, captain, after you left, another group of guys who call themselves magi came.”

After showing the Goro Goro no Mi that he just obtained, Rosinante suddenly remembered what just happened, “They wanted to take Enel at that time, but have been all killed by brother.”

Rosinante said, also deliberately turned his head to look at his side towards Doflamingo.

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