These two Donquixote brothers from different worlds didn’t communicate much, but they could strike together when they encountered a threat.

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“Let’s go. It’s time to go down.”

After solving the money problem, Wexford didn’t intend to stay in this Skypeia.

However, just when Wexford was ready to leave Skypeia, at this time, the marine in the Water 7 was also intensifying the defense line.


“Can you guarantee that they will come to Water 7?”

At the dock of the Water 7, Garp, who had already fought twice with Wexford, looked in the direction of the sea and asked Sengoku beside him.

Sengoku glanced sideways at his old friend and replied, “We have reconnaissance troops along the Long Ring Long Land. As soon as they arrive near the Long Ring Long Land, our plan can be launched.”

“From that route of theirs into the New World Water 7 is the way to go, and I have already asked Gecko Moria to cover the waters to the East of the Water 7.”

“The previous intelligence shows that they have already reached Jaya Island, and it shouldn’t take long to reach the Long Ring Long Land. To be on the safe side, when the time comes, Kizan will ice the waters around the Long Ring Long Land, leaving only the shipping lane to Water 7.”

The reason Sengoku chose the Water 7 was that it was the penultimate stop on the route that Wexford had taken. If he wanted to go to the Sabaody Archipelago to get coated, he would need to go through the Water 7.

In order to be safe, Gecko Moria had covered the South of Water 7 and the North of Long Ring Long Land. At the same time, Kuzan had mostly recovered from injuries to ice the channel to ensure that Wexford wouldn’t go the wrong way.

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“The good thing is that this Water 7 has a lot of artisans. The construction of fortifications is very fast.” Sengoku said and glanced at the busy dock of Water 7 shipwrights.

Tsuru, who was following the two men, agreed after hearing this, “Indeed, the craftsmen of Water 7 are very good.”

After praising the Water 7 craftsmen, Tsuru said, “From the voyage, they should be close to the Long Ring Long Land. Kuzan and Borsalino should be okay around there, right?”

“They will not have problems, right?”

Considering Kuzan’s fiasco last time, Tsuru had to worry about Kuzan and Borsalino in the Long Ring Long Island vicinity.

Although Kuzan was defeated once by the opponent, Sengoku was still more at ease. He looked in the direction of the Long Ring Long Land and said, “They are only creating the ice field and will not come into contact with the opponent head-on.”

“Even if they do destroy the sea frozen by Kuzan to bypass the Water 7, we must go after them.”

For Sengoku’s words, Tsuru did not refute, but she had another worry, “I hear the intelligence said that the New World’s reaction is also very big. Because we gathered troops so much, those New World pirates also have some ideas.”

Sengoku frowned slightly. Every time they talked about the pirates, Sengoku was anxious and worried, “The New World pirates are proud of their strength and have always been against the marine, which is why I want to exterminate the group of Wexford in this Water 7.”

“We can no longer let the Four Emperor level of the sea pirates increased. Those big sea pirates in the New World are already enough of a headache for us. If we really add another one, the marine can not stand in the New World.”

“And the more terrible point is that they may not rest in the New World and expand to other regions.”

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Sengoku had this layer of worry mainly because the growth rate of pirates in these years was too fast. The number of pirates also increased exponentially. As Roger’s voice roared down, countless people set sail to the sea.

Even now, Roger’s influence hadn’t dissipated. While so many pirates entered the sea, powerful pirates would, of course, also emerge more. This was what Sengoku had been worried about. The marine had been unable to suppress the growing number of pirates.

In this case, Sengoku must suppress such pirates who might become emperors of the sea and could not let the powerful forces of the New World increase anymore.

“That’s right. There are many pirates who have come out over the years.”

Garp, as a contemporary of Sengoku’s existence certainly aware of the changing times.

When Sengoku was an Admiral, they were still able to suppress the power of the sea. Even when it came to Roger or Golden Lion, the marine also had a way to deal with. After all, there were so many powerful pirates at that time, and the marine was still able to match the power of the battle.

“So, we can not put them over….”

After leaving this sentence, Sengoku turned directly towards the marine’s temporary command post in Water 7.

Tsuru watched Sengoku leave before saying to the side of Garp, “Garp, what do you think the chances of winning?”

Garp, who was looking at the sea, did not immediately answer but looked in the direction of the sea and said, “I do not know. They are very odd.”

Speaking of which, Garp thought back to the guy he had met before who also had a set of Tekkai Geppo.

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“There was a guy who looked a lot like me, and not just in looks.” Garp thought about those two previous sparring sessions and how it didn’t feel right.

Tsuru had already heard Garp say a few times about that combatant under Wexford, and she said only after Garp had finished, “What do you think it could be? Or is it a Devil Fruit ability?”

“Not a Devil Fruit Ability, I can feel it.”

As a senior in the marine, Garp could still tell the difference between Devil Fruit Ability people.

Previously, after listening to Garp’a narrative, Tsuru was speculating whether the other party would be using the power of Devil Fruit, but now that Garp said so, things were even more bizarre.

“Not a Devil Fruit Power? That’s weird.” At this time, Tsuru also couldn’t think what exactly the opponent used. She could only shake her head and said, “It seems that we can only know when they arrive.”

After saying that, Tsuru also turned around and said to Garp, “Let’s go back first.”

The marine had been watching the ships of Wexford and others, so Tsuru and Garp both knew that Wexford and his group would not be able to reach the Water 7 in the next two days. Since the other side still couldn’t come, there was no need to stay on this pier.


Garp took one last look at the outer sea of Water 7 and left the pier with Tsuru.


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While the marine was preparing for Water 7, Garp and others had already left Jaya Island for several days with the gold they got from Skypeia.

“Captain, the Long Ring Lond Land is basically empty, there is no need to sail there, and the supplies are more than sufficient this time, so we can sail straight to the Water 7.”

In Wexford’s Captain’s room, Katakuri was holding a map and explained it to Wexford. This map was drawn by Katakuri from memory, which had a detailed depiction of the first half of the Grand Line.

“Yes, the route matter will be left to you and Garp.”

For this proposal of Katakuri, Wexford did not refuse. After all, the other party was professional in this area.

Garp was left at the helm since the last time they landed on Skypeia, and this ‘Tekkai Geppo’ had a use for it.

After Katakuri determined the route to leave, Wexford only sat on the bed, ready to go to the warehouse to see the Bell-mere, which was still counting down.

With Wexford’s previous experience, the warehouse should already have a specific introduction about Bell-mere.

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