Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 1

[TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Suicide]

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“Even if that little thing wants to die, she still has to embarrass our old Yu family!”

“If you really want to die, why don’t you just find a secluded place?”

“If you stay at home, you don’t really want to die!”

“If you want me to tell you, she just wants to be a star to scare you on purpose, don’t…”

The chattering voice made Yu Yao’s ears hurt. Although she has understood for a long time that she has time-traveled, and she even assumed the identity of someone else, she still couldn’t stand the noise. But before she could speak, a dissatisfied male voice sounded first.

“Mom! Can you say a few words less, Yaoyao is already like this!” Yu Zhaoxing roared.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished yelling, Qin Feng’s face, who was still chattering just now, suddenly changed. She nervously glanced at the girl with her eyes closed on the hospital bed, and slapped Yu Zhaoxing on the head unceremoniously.

It was followed by her chattering voice: “Damn you! This debt collector has not woken up yet. Are you trying to wake her up by making such a loud noise? She cut her wrist with a blade and shed so much blood. Now that she is weak, can’t you let her rest with peace of mind?”

Yu Zhaoxing scratched his painfully beaten head, and couldn’t understand what his mother meant: “Mom, are you worried about Yaoyao? Are you still angry with Yaoyao?”

Qin Feng’s face froze, seeing his son’s bewildered look, she slapped him again: “Who cares about this debt collector? She’s too young but is bold enough to commit suicide. Such a thing can be done, it’s such a shame! I just want to save some money, lest you quarrel with her, and later I will have to spend money on food and drink to replenish her health!”

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This is really ugly.

Yu Zhaoxing was not happy, and just when opened his mouth again, Qin Feng slapped him again: “Shut up!”

Yu Zhaoxing was wronged: “Mom, I haven’t said anything yet.”

After a while, she urged: “What time is it? Why don’t you hurry up? You’ve been gone a long time, go have a meal, and go to work!”

Yu Zhaoxing took out his mobile phone to check, it was already ten past one.

But thinking about his daughter committing suicide, even though her life is not in danger now, but she hasn’t woken up yet, how can he rest assured at this moment. After a while Yaoyao wakes up and can’t see him, she must feel uncomfortable. Besides, his mother’s mouth is bad. She won’t turn around when she says things that make Yaoyao even more sad.

At this time, Yaoyao needs the comfort of her relatives the most.

Qin Feng knew her son well, and she knew what he was thinking by looking at his appearance, and immediately suppressed her voice and scolded: “The mother of the debt collector can’t be reached through the phone, yet you want her to control the debt collector? How dare she leave this to our family. She doesn’t need a loan here, right? The debt collector doesn’t need money for hospitalization, right? Where does the money come from when you don’t go to work? Is it from the big river?”

This family seems to be quite poor.

But this father and this grandma seem to really love this girl named Yu Yao.

Thinking in this way, guessing that if Yu Zhaoxing sees that she is still asleep, he might not go to work, Yu Yao let out a soft hum and slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was a very ordinary ward, with curtains on both sides, and because she woke up, two faces quickly approached.

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The one in front is a man, forty-two-year-old Yu Zhaoxing, who is the father of a girl with the same name and surname as her. Because Yu Yao not only listened to Qin Feng for a long while, but also took advantage of this time to receive all the memories of the original body, so she knew that Yu Zhaoxing was now working as a plumber outside, and that it was okay to earn 10,000 a month when the month was good. It’s possible, but it’s normal to have a monthly income of two to three thousand in bad times.

The income is so unstable, but the burden on him is not light. In his tenth year of marriage, his wife, the original body’s mother, Xue Chunfang, had an affair. She not only divorced him, but also took away half of their married house. He gave the money to Xue Chunfang, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of debts he owed, and the monthly mortgage of two thousand yuan.

Fortunately, he lost his wife, and his daughter was taken away by his wife. There is only one mother in the family, and the foreign debts have been basically paid off over the years. Unexpectedly, the life just improved a little. When Qin Feng was thinking about finding another companion for his son, the granddaughter who followed Xue Chunfang came back again.

This granddaughter is Yu Yao, the only child of Yu Zhaoxing.

It stands to reason that Qin Feng should also love this only granddaughter, but it is a pity that Xue Chunfang was too much back then, and Yu Yao was so young at that time and listened to her mother the most. When Qin Feng was crying so much that her eyes were almost blind, the little girl scolded “poor ghost” in a daze, spat on Qin Feng’s face, and followed Xue Chunfang away.

So when she failed the college entrance examination at the age of eighteen and couldn’t stay at her stepfather’s house for some reason and ran back, Yu Zhaoxing was very happy for his daughter to come back, but Qin Feng told her that her nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes. And because she had a dream of becoming a star, Yu Zhaoxing felt sorry for her daughter and sent money to her like running water, so Qin Feng nicknamed her “Debt Collector”.

“Yaoyao, how are you feeling? Are you hungry? If you want something to eat, Dad will buy it for you.” Yu Zhaoxing’s voice was cautious.

Qin Feng couldn’t bear to see her son’s worthless appearance. That’s how he treated Xue Chunfang back then, so Xue Chunfang not only gave him a cuckold, but also swept away his hundreds of thousands!

She snorted coldly and said, “Go to your work. Can I still starve her to death?” As she spoke, she looked at Yu Yao, who seemed to have nothing wrong with her, and put away the concern in her eyes. Only disgust remained: “Tell me, what do you want to eat, I’ll buy it for you!”

Yu Yao was no longer in her original body, so naturally she didn’t feel sad because of Qin Feng’s attitude at this moment, and she could tell with sharp eyes that Qin Feng was right. This grandmother is actually very fond of her. She tried hard to squeeze a smile, but found that she couldn’t, so she just said dryly to Yu Zhaoxing, “Dad, you go to work, I’m fine, as long as grandma is here.”

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Yu Zhaoxing would like to ask his daughter, what was so hard in her life that she committed suicide by slitting her wrists?

But thinking that the child has just woken up, it may not be good to ask now, and his mother is here, if he asks, he’s afraid that his mother will say nasty words again later.

Therefore, he took a deep look at his daughter and said, “Yaoyao, no matter what you want to do, just tell Dad, and Dad will definitely satisfy you.” Before Qin Feng could speak, he got up quickly: “Take a good rest and think about it. You tell your grandma what you want to eat, and dad will go to work to make money.”

This is a promise. Yu Yao nodded and responded lightly.

Regardless of Qin Feng’s objection, Yu Zhaoxing dragged her out.

Yu Yao didn’t need to think about it to know that Yu Zhaoxing must be telling Qin Feng not to say anything harsh at this time. In case the child just wakes up, is hit again, and then commits suicide again. The wrist of her left hand hurts badly, and her head also feels uncomfortable.

Yu Yao closed her eyes slightly, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t think of why the original body wanted to commit suicide. It stands to reason that she can receive all the memories of the original body, what happened just now should be more clear, why can’t she remember it?

The mobile phone on the right bedside table vibrated suddenly, Yu Yao opened her eyes and took the mobile phone over.

What she saw was a call with the remark of “Kill With a Thousand Swords”. She was stunned for a while, and just in time to see Qin Feng coming in, she handed over the phone: “Grandma, Kill With a Thousand Swordsman called you.” No need to think about it, Yu Yao knows it must be Qin Feng’s.

Hearing the words “kill with a thousand swords”, Qin Feng glanced at Yu Yao with a strange expression, took the phone and walked out quickly. Yu Yao shook her head helplessly. Qin Feng is a widow, so kill with a thousand swords is a nickname? Her twilight love?

The original body didn’t have this memory, so Yu Yao didn’t want to care about it and continued to close her eyes.

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The original body had bled too much, this body was too tired, and her heart… was also very tired.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, a picture appeared in her mind, not the blood on the ground before she died, but the busy street. The first thing that appeared was Qin Feng who was walking briskly, her face was gloomy, she seemed to be swearing something while walking briskly, then Yu Yao saw her walking across the road and standing in front of a woman.

The woman is very tall, with a pair of black stiletto heels, a bright red dress that shows her front-convex-back-curly figure, and a clutch bag of a certain brand in her hand. She didn’t know what Qin Feng said to her, she opened it the bag on her hand, took out a wad of money and handed it to Qin Feng.

Probably because she was too tall, Yu Yao couldn’t see her face.

All she saw was a thin white hand with a huge diamond ring on her middle finger, and the gesture of her handing over the money seemed to be contemptuous. Sure enough, Qin Feng couldn’t stand the woman’s attitude at all, so she pushed the woman’s hand with her backhand. As soon as the woman’s hand was loosened, the money floated and fell to the ground.

Then, not knowing what Qin Feng said, the woman also pushed her back.

Yu Yao saw Qin Feng’s figure sway, then fell backwards, rolling twice on the ground, just then a truck drove past, and ran over her directly.

“Ah—” Yu Yao suddenly opened her eyes in fright.

Qin Feng came in at this time, her complexion was uglier than before going out, and the disgust directed to Yu Yao in her eyes became heavier, ignoring the panic on Yu Yao’s face, she said stiffly: “What do you want to eat? I’ll go buy it!”

Yu Yao looked at her gray-and-white shirt, then at her black trousers and black cloth shoes, and shook her head violently: “It’s too hot, grandma, let’s order takeaway!”

Hello! Nabi ଓ here~ I just finished watching Wednesday on Netflix and remembered that I had this novel on my “To Edit” list, and since I have some free time during this Christmas break, I thought I’d just share this novel while I’m still motivated by Ms. Addams lol

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