Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 2

Christmas bonus chapters 1/5

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Ordering takeaway is a luxury for someone of Qin Feng’s age.

She frowned as if she could pick up a fly, and she looked at Yu Yao like she was looking at an annoying fly: “You have to pay for the delivery fee when you order food, and there are small restaurants everywhere after you leave the hospital. How much time can I waste? Besides, I’m the one who feels hot even if it’s hot, so what does it have to do with you? I don’t think it’s too hot!”

She rushed to the bedside, took a white cloth bag, turned around and left.

Looking at the white cloth bag, Yu Yao’s pupils shrank, just now… when Qin Feng she saw just now fell down, she was also clutching the cloth bag!

Although she didn’t know why that scene appeared in her mind just now, Yu Yao had a strong premonition that if she really let Qin Feng go out, the scene that appeared in her mind just now would really happen soon. Not to mention that Qin Feng is the original Yu Yao’s grandmother, Xue Chunfang seems to hate Yu Yao more. Even if Qin Feng is a stranger, since she knows that her life is in danger, Yu Yao can’t just ignore her.

She hurriedly sat up, and quickly grabbed Qin Feng’s cloth bag with her right hand: “Grandma, I’m just worried about you. It’s so hot today, and you are old, and you still ran out to buy food for me at noon. I feel really sorry.”

Qin Feng Feng was stunned for a moment, and then there was no disgust on her face.

She just opened her mouth, and before he could say anything, doubts appeared in her eyes. Her granddaughter was as vicious as her mother when she was a child, but when she grows up, she will be silent and can lock herself in the house for a day without coming out. Usually, let alone her grandma, she didn’t say a few words to her own father.

What’s going on now, a suicide attempt, and people have reformed?

Yu Yao knew that it was not good to behave erratically too much, so she let go of her hands slightly, and said in a low voice, “If you suffer from heat stroke, my dad should be in a hurry.”

Qin Feng suddenly realized, and she said, why did this girl suddenly care about her?

It turned out that she cared about her father, it’s good to care about her father, her father loves her so much, so this girl has a conscience.

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But thinking of the phone call just answered, Qin Feng had to go out for a while.

“It’s okay, I’m in good health, let alone one trip, ten trips are fine.” She said, a little impatient, and walked out quickly, “If you have nothing you particularly want to eat, then I’ll buy it casually. It’s already this time, I’m feeling hungry if you’re not hungry.”

Why can’t this person be persuaded?

Yu Yao looked at the empty door with some hesitation on her face.

She knew her current physical condition, so it was really bad, and if she followed her out and was found by Qin Feng when she turned around, she would definitely point her nose and scold her.

Maybe it’s a hallucination? Or is it a dream? She didn’t have the ability to predict future misfortunes and blessings in the past, so it doesn’t make sense that she suddenly has the ability when she transmigrated on a girl with the same name and surname.

Moreover, she has the memory of the original body, and the original body does not have this ability.

Yu Yao fell back on the bed, let out a long breath, and closed her eyes tiredly.

Similarly, as soon as the eyes are closed, a picture appears in her mind. It’s just that it’s changed this time, this time it’s an old residential building, and Yu Yao immediately recognizes that it’s Yu Yao’s home, Yu Zhaoxing’s home. It’s just that the family is crowded with people, people in mourning clothes, and Yu Zhaoxing is wearing a filial son’s attire, holding a portrait and crying loudly.

Yu Yao took a closer look, and found that the person on the portrait was Qin Feng with a serious face.

She was shocked, but this time she couldn’t wake up smoothly. She looked at Yu Zhaoxing who was holding the portrait and crying, but suddenly felt that her body was suddenly weightless, and she jumped out from the balcony of the residential building. upstairs.

“Ah—” Yu Yao screamed and opened her eyes suddenly.

It was the same ward just now, she was lying on the bed, and there was no one around her.

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Instead, a middle-aged woman walked over from the other side of the curtain, stood at the end of the bed and looked at her cautiously, “Little girl, what’s wrong with you?”

Because Yu Yao committed suicide and was sent to the hospital, and because Qin Feng’s mouth was too loud and she sounded too bad, although there were several families living in this ward, none of them had contact with them. This is because this eldest sister is kind-hearted, afraid that Yu Zhaoxing and Qin Feng will leave, what will happen to Yu Yao, a little girl.

Yu Yao shook her head in shock: “It’s okay.”

Seeing that Yu Yao didn’t want want other people to meddle in her business, the woman turned her head and went back.

Yu Yao didn’t dare to lie down and wait any longer, she could even encounter things that transmigrated to other people, and it’s not impossible to encounter something else. The two fragments that appeared in her mind when she closed her eyes just now, the former one is horrifying, and the latter one makes people have to wonder if there was a connection, maybe something will really happen when Qin Feng goes out!

Thinking of this, Yu Yao hastily turned over and got out of bed, Qin Feng has been out for several minutes.

Fortunately, it was her wrist that was injured, and several hours had passed, so although her body was weak, she was afraid that something would happen to Qin Feng, so she ran out of the hospital with one breath. After leaving the hospital gate and turning left, Yu Yao felt her heart ache when she saw the intersection in front of her. This is exactly the intersection that appeared in her mind just now!

Without even thinking about it, she ran away, and when she ran to the intersection, she really saw Qin Feng talking to a woman in a red skirt across the road with her back turned to her. Everything was right, Yu Yao wished she could run to pull Qin Feng away now, but she just ran into a red light.

On the other side of the road, Xue Chunfang looked down at Qin Feng who was standing in front of her, with disgust in the corners of her eyes and brows: “Don’t you just want money? Just say it straight, why bother to beat around the bush and find such an excuse, you’re really not afraid of making people laugh!”

As she spoke, she opened her handbag and took out a stack of 100 yuan RMB.

Qin Feng was so angry that her face turned livid, and she said angrily: “Xue Chunfang, are you still human? My Yu family is poor, but no matter how poor I am, I won’t make fun of the child’s life! You are Yaoyao’s mother, you don’t know what the matter was, and you don’t even want to know. But if something like this happened to the child, you as a mother don’t want to worry about it, can’t you come and talk to the child and enlighten her?”

Xue Chunfang was startled, and thought: Could it be that Yu Yao really committed suicide?

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But in just a short moment, her face became indifferent again, whether it was a real suicide or a fake suicide, since this girl is gone, it is best not to go back in this life.

“Okay, even if it’s true, I don’t care about it as a mother.” She said, and handed the money to Qin Feng, “You take this money, if it’s not enough, you can ask Yu Zhaoxing to call me later.” I’ll transfer the rest of the money to you.”

Qin Feng was so angry that she pushed Xue Chunfang’s hand away.

“Who cares about your stinky money! I don’t know how you got it from dirty work, I’m sorry!”

Xue Chunfang was putting on a high profile, but she didn’t expect that Qin Feng would not accept the money, let alone push her away. After hitting her, she still dared to scold her. Why is her money dirty? It was given to her by her man, and she spent it as a matter of course! But Qin Feng, when she divorced Yu Zhaoxing back then, half of the house that should have belonged to her was divided. How ugly Qin Feng’s face was at that time. Want to ask her for money?

Now that the debt has been paid off, so these poor people now have confidence?

But it’s still the same poor ghost!

Xue Chunfang didn’t bother to pick up the money that fell on the ground, it was only a thousand dollars, but Qin Feng, who didn’t know who gave her face, dared to scold herself like that.

She raised her eyebrows unceremoniously, and stretched out her hand to push Qin Feng while scolding: “This old lady can sit up straight. My husband earned the money and spent it for me. Why don’t you do it? If you really want to say it’s not clean, it’s because your surname Yu is not right at the top and the bottom is crooked, and your old man surnamed Yu doesn’t cultivate, that’s why you raised a sl*t like Yu Yao!”

Pushing it twice was okay, but she kept pushing the old woman without stopping and Qin Feng was stunned when she heard that Xue Chunfang called Yu Yao a sl*t.

She forgot to resist, and was pushed so hard by Xue Chunfang, her feet stepped on empty air, and she fell straight back.

“Ahhh——” Qin Feng screamed in fright, but she didn’t fall down as expected, but someone suddenly supported her waist from behind and pushed her forward. Then, seeing that she was about to fall into a tree by the side of the road, another arm quickly blocked the tree, and her head hit that arm hard.

“Hmm…” Yu Yao felt the pain, her whole face wrinkled.

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Qin Feng came back to her senses quickly, seeing her granddaughter in pain, and was about to ask nervously, when a large truck suddenly passed by behind her. Thinking that if her granddaughter hadn’t come out suddenly to save her just now, she would be lying under the truck and crushed into meatloaf, Qin Feng broke out in a cold sweat.

“Grandma, are you okay?”

When Yu Yao’s weak voice sounded, Qin Feng’s eyes were red, there was anger and hatred towards Xue Chunfang, and gratitude towards Yu Yao. Thinking of the scene just now, Qin Feng can’t deny that her granddaughter has her in her heart no matter what, otherwise why risk her life to save her, not to mention the danger of being run over by a big truck, even if her arm is hit by her like that, it hurts terribly.

“Yaoyao, how are you? Are you okay?” Qin Feng hurriedly supported Yu Yao, seeing Yu Yao lightly shaking her right hand, she felt relieved.

Fortunately, it is not her left hand, if it is the wounded hand, it will be over.

“I’m fine.” Yu Yao endured the pain and said, she looked up at Xue Chunfang who was already frightened, and immediately knew who it was.

She instinctively didn’t like this person, and the original owner seemed to dislike this mother very much. It’s a pity that the reason for not liking it is the same as the reason for committing suicide, Yu Yao didn’t receive the memory. So she just glanced at Xue Chunfang indifferently, and said to Qin Feng: “Grandma, have you bought our food? Let’s go buy food, and then hurry back, it’s too hot.”

With Yu Yao’s appearance, although she still hates it in her heart, she doesn’t want to make an ugly mess with Xue Chunfang in front of Yu Yao. Knowing that Yu Yao didn’t want to talk to Xue Chunfang, she was also a little happy in her heart, so she didn’t even turn her head, and responded: “I haven’t bought it yet, there is a restaurant next to it, grandma will help you to rest, do you want to eat? I’ll give you some milk.”

Xue Chunfang looked at this warm scene, but snorted through her nostrils: “Yu Yao, I heard from your grandmother that you committed suicide? You are really capable. Since you committed suicide, how can you kill yourself? Not dead yet?”

Nima!¹ What a deep hatred this is!

Isn’t this her mother? Is there any mother who treats her daughter like this?

Yu Yao was still wondering, Qin Feng had already let go of her, turned around and rushed towards Xue Chunfang, and slapped her twice with “Pa Pa”.

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