Eighteen Years Old

Chapter 3

Xue Chunfang has been pampered and spoiled all these years, and now she is wearing 8 inches stiletto heels. When Qin Feng jumped up and slapped her, let alone counterattack, the two consecutive slaps made her startled and angry. Her butt fell to the ground.

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The bright red dress is beautiful, but it is easy to lose its glamour when she fell down.

Xue Chunfang’s face was hurting, her buttocks were hurting, and she had to try to get up, but she got hit on the forehead by the sole of Qin Feng’s shoe.

“In my whole life, this is the first time I’ve seen you as a mother, scolding the child and cursing the child to death, I think you deserve to die!” Qin Feng took back the black cloth shoes and put them on her foot, and after taking a deep breath, she turned around and help Yu Yao go.

Yu Yao blinked her eyes, she really wanted to give Qin Feng a thumbs up, so awesome!

She didn’t sympathize with Xue Chunfang at all. If she hadn’t rushed out just now, Qin Feng would have turned into a meatloaf by now. Although Xue Chunfang didn’t want Qin Feng’s life, but manslaughter is also murder, and she will be lucky if she only takes a few hits.

Abandoning Xue Chunfang who was beaten with aggrieved face, the grandmother and granddaughter turned their heads and left.

It wasn’t known if it was fun beating Xue Chunfang, or thanks to Yu Yao for saving her life, or maybe Qin Feng loved Yu Yao very much. But she didn’t think it was too expensive, so she generously took Yu Yao to a nice restaurant on the other side of the street. Not only did they order two dishes for Yu Yao, one meat and one vegetarian, but she also reluctantly added money to order a pot of chicken soup, which they only made when they finished eating, and they packed it up and went back to the hospital.

On the way back, Qin Feng reprimanded Yu Yao: “You don’t want to die, who told you to run outside like this? Now you hurt your left hand and right arm!”

Yu Yao couldn’t move her left hand when she was eating, and her right hand was in severe pain, and Qin Feng couldn’t bear to feed her the whole meal.

Yu Yao wasn’t angry either, this grandma has a knife mouth and a tofu heart, let her scold, she won’t lose a piece of meat anyway.

Just… Thinking of the cause of her own death, and thinking of Xue Chunfang’s vicious question just now, Yu Yao felt a little uneasy: “Grandma, you said Xue…she, you just hit her, will she come to take revenge on us?”

Qin Feng who said “we” felt very comfortable, and she didn’t want to teach Yu Yao any more. The old lady said with a stern look on her face: “She wants to take revenge, I wish she would come, I haven’t finished my anger yet, let her come. It just so happens that I have a reason to take care of her!”

Just now, Qin Feng had only slapped the sole of her shoe twice, but Qin Feng’s anger was not even half vented.

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But for some people, if they don’t move, they will kill them.

The worry in Yu Yao’s expression did not disappear, Yu Zhaoxing had to go to work, and she would leave soon, Qin Feng was just an old lady, she was really worried.

“That’s all right, all right, don’t worry about it, she won’t come!” After finally remarrying a rich man, Xue Chunfang was afraid that something would happen. Qin Feng didn’t want to talk about these dirty things, so she just asked Yu Yao: “What’s the matter between you and Xue Chunfang? Why did she scold you so much and curse you?”

When Xue Chunfang divorced and insisted on taking Yu Yao away, that was also true. She really felt sorry for her daughter.

Now that she has turned her face completely, Qin Feng doesn’t think that Yu Yao will do anything wrong, but there must be a reason for it.

Yu Yao didn’t know at all, but she hurt her wrist not her head, and she couldn’t tell a lie if she didn’t remember. She had no choice but to look down at her bandaged left hand without saying a word.

Qin Feng waited for a while and saw her like this, then snorted coldly angrily, and stopped asking.

Anyway, she was happier that the mother and daughter had turned against each other. The granddaughter should have come home.

As Qin Feng said, although Xue Chunfang was so angry that she scolded the grandmother and granddaughter, she really didn’t want to get back. Her foot was a little sprained, she took off her shoes and carried them in her hands, straightened her hair and touched her face, walked two hundred meters to one side, and entered a small beauty salon on the street.

In it, she combed her hair, reapplied the makeup her face, and put on her best look again. After tidying up, her cell phone rang.

Seeing the word “husband” on the caller ID, Xue Chunfang was annoyed and resisted, but she didn’t dare to wait any longer, and quickly picked up in ten seconds: “Husband, why are you calling me at this hour?”

Wang Xiangang said in a gentle voice: “Chunfang, have you seen Yaoyao? What did she say? Will she come back?”

Xue Chunfang’s face changed, and her tone became a little bit lower: “I didn’t see her. That damn girl, she won’t come out by herself, and even let the old woman surnamed Qin come out! The medical expenses I gave were taken away, but I was not allowed to see Yaoyao!”

Wang Xiangang’s tone was a little bad: “What does this family mean? It’s unreasonable, isn’t it? The custody was awarded to you, and now she is an adult, and their Yu family has ignored the child for so many years, how can they still see Yaoyao growing up and making money, and want to take her back?”

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Xue Chunfang said along the way: “I think that’s it! Husband, don’t worry about it, you’re busy with work, so I’ll take care of it.”

Wang Xiangang was silent for a moment before he said: “That’s fine, you find a way to see Yaoyao, and talk to her first. As mother and daughter, there is no overnight feud between yo two, and let’s talk about the last time… Yaoyao’s child is ignorant, and you have scolded her before. Didn’t something happen? Don’t worry about it, call the child back quickly, not studying is not enough, hurry up and let her go to a cram school, and then repeat for another year.” After a pause, he said again: “If the Yu family members go too far, don’t be too polite, just call the police and demand for someone!”

Xue Chunfang bit her lip. The teeth gritted against each other, and as soon as the phone was hung up, she was so angry that she smashed the phone.

Yu Yao didn’t know about this, she went back to the hospital and drank a large bowl of chicken soup under Qin Feng’s watchful eyes, because Yu Yao was sent to the hospital in a hurry and left her mobile phone at home, so she could only ask Qin Feng to borrow her mobile phone.

She has received all the memories of the original body, so she knows that in her transmigration, she did not travel to the past or future like in novels or film and television dramas, she just passed to another girl with the same name and surname who committed suicide in the same year, the same month and the same day. So it’s been a long time, and she finally has time, so she has to call her mother.

Familiar number, but the number I called was empty.

Yu Yao did not give up and checked the eleven numbers several times, and then dialed again, but it was still an empty number.

The reason why she was so calm this morning was because she obtained the memory of her original body, knowing that although she died, she was still living under the same sky. Although she has become another person, she still has the opportunity to take revenge and to protect her mother and brother. But now… She couldn’t help panicking, and typed in numbers one by one, and then typed again.

Still an empty number!

Qin Feng didn’t pay attention to her at first, but when she couldn’t get through and kept calling, Qin Feng became curious. Looking at her face again, her pale face, which had lost too much blood, was now as white as paper. Qin Feng said in surprise, “Yaoyao, what’s wrong with you? Whose phone is that string of numbers? Who are you calling? What’s wrong?”

Yu Yao panicked, never before.

She gritted her teeth hard and said, “Grandma, it’s okay. I may have misremembered the number. Let me call again.”

She took back her phone and called her home number, but the number was still empty.

She even called the murderer Yu Jiangshan, but the result was still the same.

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Qin Feng saw that she was biting her lower lip, which was bleeding from her bite, and now she really panicked: “Yaoyao, don’t scare grandma! What’s wrong with you, what do you want to do, tell grandma, don’t scare me!”

If this is another era, if she can’t take revenge, if she can’t protect her mother and brother… Yu Yao’s eyes slowly turned red, and tears filled her eyes: “Grandma, help me borrow a mobile phone, can you borrow a mobile phone for me?”

There must be something wrong with Qin Feng’s mobile phone, it must be!

Seeing Yu Yao’s appearance, Qin Feng didn’t care to ask what’s the matter, and hurriedly rushed out.

It happened that the doctor Min Ruixue came to make rounds, so Qin Feng rushed to borrow a mobile phone from Min Ruixue. When Yu Yao got the phone, Min Ruixue hastily reported the password, and after unlocking it, Yu Yao immediately called again.

Similarly, no matter whether it is mother’s, family’s, or even Yu Jiangshan’s, they are all empty numbers.

Yu Yao couldn’t hold back her tears anymore, but she was not reconciled, thinking that the eldest lady of Zhaoshan Media had died unexpectedly, such news could not be hidden, there must be news on the Internet! She didn’t even have time to ask Min Ruixue. When she saw that the Weibo app was available on the homepage, she clicked on it.

Before entering keywords, she saw that two of the top ten searches on Weibo were about her.

The second is [Yu Yao falls on the stairs]

The fifth is [Miss Zhaoshan in a vegetative state] Seeing these two trending searches, Yu Yao actually felt relieved.

It’s okay, she’s still here.

She clicked on both of them separately. The former said that she accidentally stepped on the air and rolled down the stairs in the company today. She bled a lot, and her life and death are still unclear. The latter is the reporter who got the news after squatting in the hospital, saying that she is likely to become a vegetative state.

A murder was classified as an accident, which was all due to Yu Jiangshan.

But fortunately, she still has a chance to take revenge one by one!

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Yu Yao calmed down completely, and when she looked up, she saw Min Ruixue who was full of concern and Qin Feng whose eyes were already red. When she thought of her appearance just now, she felt a little guilty. Because she hurt her hand, she could only return the phone to Min Ruixue with one hand, “Doctor Min, I’m sorry, thank you for your phone.”

Min Ruixue took back the phone and smiled in relief: “It’s okay, it’s okay, how do you feel now? Are you okay?”

Yu Yao nodded her head, “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

Min Ruixue also nodded, and Qin Feng was so angry that she almost slapped her: “You damn girl! You want people’s lives! Your good manners scared me to death!”

Yu Yao hurriedly admitted her mistake honestly: “Grandma, I’m sorry, don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Don’t worry if you don’t worry. Just what was so urgent?

But no matter how anxious, this girl already lost half her life, so she really can’t be beaten.

Qin Feng was so angry that she had no choice but to pat the bed heavily.

It was Min Ruixue who patted Qin Feng’s shoulder lightly, and said, “Old lady, don’t be angry, it’s a good thing that your granddaughter is fine anyway.”

She looked only twenty-seven, with crooked eyes, and a sweet smile. Sweetly, with a gentle voice, Qin Feng was really persuaded by her. She nodded, thanked her again, and sent her to another hospital bed.

In order to prevent Qin Feng from scolding again when she came back, Yu Yao hurriedly wiped away her tears and retreated to the bed and pretended to be asleep.

Yu Yao went out for a trip before, and just now her mood fluctuated violently again, Yu Yao closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, tired.

But when she wanted to rest, she couldn’t rest. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw the doctor Min Ruixue walking out of the hospital. She changed into casual clothes and wore a white shirt and denim shorts. On her feet were a pair of flat sandals embellished with pearls. As soon as she left the hospital gate, her cell phone rang. She didn’t know whose call it was, but she stopped and answered it sweetly.

Suddenly, a man with a beard and a kitchen knife rushed towards her.

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