Eiyuu Kyoushitsu

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Arnest.

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〇SCENE • I [Corridor Lunchtime]



After all the hustle, it was time for lunch.

Everyone wore the same uniform as they walked down the corridor.

All students who come and go normally move without obstructing the path –for the time there was no problem.

(I made it! Do not look! I am ashamed!)

He was clenching his fists as he moved around.

Not that I note the passing around me, but because it is too suspicious, so only turned to look away – He looks young so it is normal.

Unlike him, I want to stay in a low profile, it draws much attention.

But that was not all.

(I did it! I did it! I could talk to someone!)

In short, it was someone that the word “ordinary” did not apply to him. He kept clenching his fists. He was calling even more attention.

(This really is unparalleled sense this is extraordinary!) His name is Blade – For some reason, belongs to this school.

(Ah …… this is the best! Being humble is good! There are really ordinary people in this place!)

Her eyes widened, her eyes were all students. Most students who saw him fled from him.

His excitement was palpable, so naturally staring students. Although I hope he is someone ordinary, somehow he has become very noticeable. But …… Blade had not realized that.

Some students could not avoid seeing Blade, they were curious.

Two women and two men. They seemed to be interested in Blade, were watching from a distance.

Blade realizing watching him. He immediately went to them.

Blade’s gaze was strong, but also seemed as if about to murder someone. After closing his eyes and remove this menace, the boys babbled something and the girls were about to scream.

(They are the first! They are the first to greet me!)

Blade quickly raised his hand, and gave an energetic greeting. “Hi! I am the hero ……! I’m Blade!”

Almost inadvertently exposed his true identity, Blade corrected immediately. “Ah, yes …… …… Charmed”

Despite the tears in his eyes, the girls got a response. Although she has long black hair and is a bit shy, also he has a very gentle personality.

Her name is Claire, she studies in this school and is in low-level classes.

“I’m Blade!”

Blade cry loudly, said her name again. “Hey?”

Claire did not stop blinking. “I’m Blade!”

Blade said her name three times, his face was like a carefree child.

“Ahh, hello …… …… I’m Claire” “Claire !?”

With a bright face, revealing a very innocent laughter.

It was like the smile of a child, Claire unconsciously smiled back.

Blade laughed as if it were his first time making friends. In fact, this is the first time you’ve been with someone their own age.

Blade, I look to others.

“My name is jessica”

The short-haired girl greeted him. “Claire”

“And Jessica”

He repeated their names. “I’m Blade!”

Blade smiled again. “Now what you said” “You look like someone interesting”

The four started laughing gently. Originally they had some doubts but all were cleared.

(I made four friends!)

Blade’s heart was happy.

(Whether viewed from any angle! I have a wide variety of people to know!)

No, wait –Blade suddenly change his mind.

(Generally, to be friends you should see them from time to time, right? It’s only four. No, it’s not enough. I need more friends. Yes,

How many people …… I want? Ten? Ten people would be enough? No, wait, no conclusions should give even ……So, a hundred? Should I make friends for someone common?)

Blade was wondering many things. “What are you doing there?”

All students were surprised, everyone turned to see what happened. After a while – Someone came to the line of sight of Blade.

She was a girl with a severe countenance. Her hair is red, as if the fire was burning. In addition, her dress had a red hue. All other students wore the same uniform, but she was the only one wearing different clothes. She stared at the four people who were there and Blade.

Flaming Arnest – She is one of the best students in the school but also the scariest of all students.

“Oh, is the Empress ……”

Jessica whispered. Blade did not know what was happening, Arnest heard those words. Although his body trembled, Arnest was that I did not hear anything.

Blade had a puzzled expression, without hesitation said the [¿Empress?].

“By the expression that you have and all students as you are seeing, I think you must be some kind of honor student, right? All treat you with respect and your actions act according to law and order–”

Arnest said. The four listened dutifully, it was as if a teacher was scolding his students.

Seeing her around, Blade realized that all students had discussed [Empress] ButArnest Flaming was comparable students to teacher, no, the gap is larger. Not to mention the students, their teachers even respect it.

…… However, that respect they were all in Blade did not work.

On the one hand, it seemed to be a terrible older sister, but most important is that it seems to be “super important” ……… .as if it were a …… .. [Dragon Old] or something more terrible. At least in this city “persons” should not fear more to that.

Blade watched in amazement to four people and Arnest.

(She must be …… students, not the teacher, right? Although she is not in uniform want).

In fact, what Arnest had said also it included Blade, but he did not. He thought he only scolded Claire and others.

Blade watched Arnest, still thinking, but suddenly remembered something.

“Oh right! I go to the principal’s office!” Blade Arnest interrupted the sermon.

Arnest was watching with anger, she wanted to hit him. “….. Who are you? I have not seen”

“Ehh, Arnest-sama ……”

Claire was clasping his fingers, meant something– “…… Do not tell me so”

“Yes …… Well, he’s Blade seems to be a student transferred”



“Exchange student? ……. How could transfer a student to half the course admisión–”

“That’s why I say! I go to the principal’s office!”

Blade interrupted. He believed that no one had heard before, so I repeat again.

Seeing Blade again Arnestinterrumpió– furiously looked at Blade.

His eyes seemed to want to kill someone, but Blade seemed indifferent to that reaction.

The four who were with him were paralyzed. School students only observaban– even teachers were not interested in intervening, did not want to discuss with the [Empress]. But this does not apply to Blade. He did not seem to be aware of what was happening.

The four looked at Blade.

“I know, I can take it to the principal’s office?” Blade had asked that favor the [Empress]. “Because I!?”

The [Empress] said with rage as he stared fiercely Blade. Even his eyes could kill someone, including your voice. If it had been a normal person, I would have died twice.

“You Do not know where the principal’s office is ??” He asked Blade.

“Of course I know!!”

The [Empress] responded to the provocation.

Al end– The Empress’ll take you to your destination.

What four dumbfounded, watching those two away.














〇SCENE • II [Corridor]



Two people were walking down the hall.

Arnest walked very fast, his eyes just stared straight ahead.

Moreover, Blade was surprised. He looked around many times. As he was new, this was very interesting for him.

This school is amazing, is very large, in addition to large areas of vegetation. On the sides of the aisles, this covers vegetation and stones.

Blade suddenly took a dragonfly with his hand. “What are you doing?”

“Ah? The’ll let it go”

When you open your hand, the dragonfly flew. He did not seem to be hurt. Arnest squinted, seemed suspect Blade.

Blade did not realize that – So then began to play with worms!

Arnest violently turned, and walked toward him. It is not the first time she sees something. But for a noble as Arnest, it was something weird. The “normal” word could not apply to him.

This type is very raro–

Arnest grunted and went on his way.



They reached the front of the principal’s office.

Blade knew. Because the door was written [Office director].Arnest quickly hit the door three times. Then she began to say:

“Excuse me, I’m Flaming Arnest. I found a lost child crying, I was told to bring”


Blade looked at her with a look of surprise. Seeing that expression, Arnest felt he was enjoying himself a little.



But Blade was not surprised by what she had said – If not for the polite tone with which he said it.


The door opened. At the sound of the door opening, Arnest’s face was astonishment. Seeing inside the room, four people were. Arnest expression changed significantly.

His eyes were wide open, staring in surprise.

Seeing Arnest not move, Blade quickly entered the room. “Hey Hello”

Blade’s tone was flippant.

“E-Stupid – S-Know who you’re talking about !?”

Arnest’s face was pale as he approached Blade, those who were inside the room they observed.

The strongest and most famous warrior of the country, the King, also known as His Majesty.

“Do you know him?”

Blade looked at Arnest, while she was amazed. She could not stop looking at the King.

“What are you doing in the principal’s office? …… Your Majesty” With an extremely cautious attitude and tone, he said.

Even the Empress of the school – behaved like a kitten in front of the King.

“Uhm? Nice to see them”

King sitting in a chair imposing replied. “S-Si – is a pleasure”

To hear what the King said, Arnest had a more upright and his cheeks flushed posture. Despite being the daughter of a nobleman, the king remains an unattainable existence. Although he was able to see his face at parties and other occasions, I could never speak directly to the king.

“With that you are Arnest Flaming– seem very good too” “N-No …… I just … ..”



Blade was more than surprised, just speechless. He stared at the face of Arnest.

Compared with that arrogant attitude, Arnest is now a different person. It could not be said to be another creature.

“Erm …… Majesty Are you responsible for school?” Arnest asked.

“Yeah, you’re good. You’re right” “I see ……”

Arnest with a different face, lowered his head.

King somehow was in the principal’s office, still sitting at his desk. Arnest wondered why he assumed the position of director. King was comfortable for his “outstanding” performance.

“Erm ……”

Arnest meant something. His expression was serious, it was not conceited. It really seems another girl.

“I heard that His Majesty is an eminent swordsman! If I could teach me would be very honored! After all, the former director was a bit useless”

Arnest blushed, she was talking to others.

After listening, Blade was surprised, he just twisted his mouth. Indeed, it is the same as ever!


The king has always had a friendly smile on Arnest, and said. “Yes Is there anything else?”

He smiling asked Arnest. His face was full of honor with the king as he spoke. Obviously, she wanted to take the opportunity to speak as much as possible.

Against this, ella–

“You can go. I have something to talk to the” King she said with a smile.


Arnest remain perplexed.



His head moved very tapido. In less than a second, she obeyed the order. But then–

She – She stared with eyes terrible Blade. Then Arnest left the room.








〇SCENE • III [King]



After the door cerrada–

“Hey, people stare at me” Blade with a rude tone speak with the king. “Why?”

“That’s what I was going to ask”

The king asked puzzled. Even if Blade is rude, he does not care. The atmosphere was like two old friends. The sack to others outside King, just to talk to Blade. Everyone in the room looked at Blade –This kind of thing has been repeated dozens of times. Not infrequently, but dozens of times.

Only they were alone together. When I was young and brave, the king always provided assistance to Blade. Also thanks to Blade he could become King.

“Anyway, what it is this school?” “You do not like?”

“Well …… I not hate”

Blade doubt. Although finally the king did not care about that …… In addition, Blade had four friends. They might even be five.

Blade had a boyish look. The king was watching. “Blade–”

King sat in his chair, did nothing. This was because the body of the King was old and did not have much strength.

“–QuieroThat again have the power of” Hero “” “I want to be like ordinary people! A very ordinary guy!” Blade could not help crying. This old man knows nothing.

In his obligation as a hero, he confronted the demon lord. As a result he lost half its power hero. Furthermore, I stay [Asleep] for ten years.

“Students here are very good, should be well suited for your rehabilitation. It should be a good stimulant”



“Listen to others, old”

“I’ll have to change dramatically education policy that had the former director. It feels a little loose only teach what I want to be are


“We do not need heroes. On the other hand, Mr. demon is gone”

Besides, being a hero is not easy. The heroes are born, they not only leave the overnight.

“Haha, after all, you’re right” King laughed.

‘I can not pretend to have any injuries.

Blade and wanted to leave. This old makes it hard to hate him. He was born with a special power called [Charisma], regardless of anything, it will always show a smile. Because of this, he was able to unify all the country–

“These thinking irte– Through the power of Hero, Mr. demon was defeated …”

“That’s true”

Blade proudly stood.

That’s why I want to be a regular guy. I already had the chance to be a hero.

“But I do not think so” “Eh ……”

“After all, you are a” Hero! “”

King suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted enthusiastically. “I’m not so old”

Blade surrendered. That old man from the beginning has been stubborn.

“In short, consider this as a vacation, relax and enjoy it”

The king seemed to be excited. When he speaks like a king, he is seen as a very respectable person. But only Blade knows that is not the case.

Blade with a wry smile, give up their hopes.










〇SCENE • IV [Class Low Level • Education]



Blade was placed in lower-level classes. He attended the classroom.

[C Range] was like a sign hanging in the living room. Many students like Blade sat listening to the class. The teacher then wrote on the blackboard.

This is the course of the [C Range].

It is said that the school has more than one hundred students. [B Range] and [Range C] for low-level classes, most students belong to this level. The [Rank A] are superior in this school there are only ten people with that range.

Blade was bored to hear all that kind of class content. “So fire attacks do not affect monsters class stove- Blade yawned.

This is common sense …… This lesson is as if listening to my thoughts.

In memory of Blade, the [school] should be a place to impart knowledge about unknown monsters …… but from the beginning, the teacher has only talked about things he already knows.

Before becoming a friend of Claire and Jessica. He was studying the contents of class. Four more people were on the other side of his seat.

Jessica Blade casually observed, suddenly turning his head to say hello and shook his hand. Blade shook his in response. Jessica seemed to be saying [not now] but Blade just smiled.

The class continued.

“–This Treatment method was discovered in 1715 A.H–” Fuuu, Blade gave a big yawn.

At that time, Blade thought of a good idea. He used paint pen to paint eyes on his parpados– Since closing his eyes, it seemed really was awake.



For types on the other side, the trick Blade was fun. They could not contain their laughter.

But Blade did not realize that.





After class, the teacher had given the correction along with the answer sheet.

He said on leaves [Blade] – “Fum, I’m out”

The student does not seem to have the interest to listen to the class. I suggest removing the recommendation letter from this guy.























〇SCENE • V [Low Level Class • Test]



The educational policy of this school is for both civilian and military. Practical skills and lessons are practically divided.

Students from low B and C Range Range, met in the sand. The students formed a circle, the instructor is someone exemplary battle.

“Clash!” – The sound of armor sounded.

When choco sword against armor, it broke in two. Students were impressed. They clapped their hands * clap * * clap *.

Then, the armature is split in half. The instructor keep his sword in its sheath. He made a sound * Ding *.

“If practiced properly, you can do this too” “Enserio–?”

Students were hesitating. “Well, try it!”

The instructor, fielded a number of reinforcing steel.

Students came to the shelves and took the swords.

Seeing their grips, all seem to have some experience with weapons. Everyone was watching the armor, some just remained standing there.

Like other students have no experience with this type of practices- “I’ll try”

Blade was the first to volunteer – But a friend of his took a sword. With sharp eyes stared at the armor, then he stood in position- “Haa!”

He made a fierce cut with the sword.

* * Clash – The sword was trapped in the armor, but this did not stop.

“Even Ahh …… not ……”

Claid whisper. Then I remove the armor sword.



“Blade …… do not try?” “Umh?”

Hearing that someone spoke to him, Blade volt.

He approached Claire. She had a sword in his hands, but his grip is very strange.

“Well … .I …. I’m not so good with the sword …… I only practiced a bit with a stick”

Claire was nervous.

Ahh. Blade veo– and understood.

Claire’s grip is different with this weapon. Since a real sword is very different from a stick, in fact, she can not accomplish.

“Did you try?” “If–”

Claire had hope, Blade was worried.

While he thought, she took his sword to his shoulders, hitting him.

Blade was not thinking about how I would lograr– but rather as it should attack ”

To cut this armor? Complicated……

If you have to do what the instructor, then it is a problem. Instructors only divided the armor, and did not destroy the sand ………… It will not be very difficult.

No need to be “serious”, I just have to be precise. Blade had never done this kind of thing. For it is “armor” it is as if trying to kill a fly.

“I’ll try” “That! Hurry up!”

Claire had confidence, Blade just smiled.

He felt something in his heart- the heart of Blade meant something. “Ei”

The gently waved his sword down. “Kyaaaaa!”




The place where the armor was, was completely involved in the explosion.

Claire skirt up, revealing her white underwear.

Shortly after the explosion, all was calm, there was no trace remains of armor. Even I remain a large crater in the sand.

“Well! I did it!”

Blade nodded with satisfaction.

Only he had to cut the armadura– But not only short, but rather destroy it ……

In short, I have met the target. Probably I got 80 points. “I did it!”

When Blade went back to his compañeros–

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Claire was holding her skirt, and the others were amazed at him. Even the instructor was with open mouth, had analyzed Blade.

What’s up……?


I messed does ……?

Blade began to sweat cold.



















〇SCENE • VI [Class High Level]



A few days later. Afternoon–

Blade moved to the next course while walking down the corridor. At lunchtime, Blade was informed that now belongs to the class of high level.

In his neck hung a chain with a plaque that read [Rank A]

To re-look at the back he had a series of stamps. This was sealed by the instructor.

Although Blade was an exception to make the cut to the armor, this was not enough to be awarded. He sighed and thought, finally going to have a difference with their friends.

“I go to class high-level”

Blade as he walked and spoke softly, was playing with the plate.

Class low-level Range Range B and C. The level of education of those classes is common, but high-level classes, the range A, have unique class.

Blade remembered the face of those four people when he said goodbye. “We of reach”

Claire said with a smile.

Is this the price to pay to get friends?

Full of expectations and a bit uncomfortable, he walked down the corridor.




He had reached the practice field.


Blade suddenly found a very different atmosphere with low-level class.

First, the number of students is low. On the other hand, in class, low-level students were up dozens of them. But in this kind of high level, there are only a dozen people, the room was practically empty.

None of them had uniform. We all choose the clothes you wanted to take, all with a different style – Looking carefully, you could see all



the colors of the rainbow. Because Blade has become accustomed to the monotony of black and white, his eyes probably will need time to adapt.

On the other hand.

Some students noted the presence of Blade and stood watching. But his attention took a girl who was there.

In the senior class, its representative color is blue.

He had a blue coat and a scarf that covered almost her mouth, her face is expressionless. Though not know who, Blade stood staring at her. As a hero, he was not allowed to be interested in girls-for example, in the past he was a great hero, but his power, attracted dangerous people.

Then I saw a colored girl rojo–

How weird? Blade thought. “That red dress, that body …..”

Blade had the impression to meet this person. As always, suddenly it went straight to see the girl. She found–

The girl had a terrifying face, he did not know why it was so.

* Thud * * Thud *

She walked through the field of practice and went straight to where Blade. “Why are you the kind of high level !?”

She seemed angry to see that Blade was in the same class. She is Arnest Flaming. Blade had met on his first day of school.

“Uhm, from today I will be in this class” The Blade neck glittered a plate.

Arnest violently took the plate, and turn it carefully observed.


The chain was tightening the neck Blade.

“The instructor Goulart, the Morrigan instructor and the instructor Sein …… I can not believe it. Do all instructors were bought! ??”




“Yes Yes”

Arnest then said.

“In a few days bole promoted Range C Range A, that sort of thing can not happen”

“In fact, what really happened” “Moreover ……”

Arnest had his hands on her waist.

“This school has a long history, only the strongest people can be here. Even if the king has recommended …… you’ll end all this lie, now!”

In fact, the king used illegal means to be here, I really hope she can expose the whole truth. That will help you judge all – thought Blade.

Upon hearing that comment, she seems to think that the whole problem is Blade.

“What is your goal?” “What?”

“I want to make friends” “Huh?”

As I wanted to be a normal person, Blade wanted to have many friends. That’s his dream.

“That is not an introduction”

Blade looked around. This kind of high level has a dozen people – This may be interesting.

In the opinion of Arnest, Blade has a very serious attitude, while irritated.

Arnest trembled, and finally lost his sanity. “Listen to me!”

Arnest cry, even his hair seemed to anger. “Are you ready to show how weak you are !?”

She inadvertently telling the truth. He wanted to be called “Weak” so that provocation did not affect him



Blade looked around with wide eyes as he gently placed his hand on the head Arnest.

Arnest flushed. From the age of five – Nobody had touched her head.

“Do not touch me!”

Arnest drew his sword, she wanted from Blade. Blade easily take the sword.

He is completely unaware of what he was doing. Others did not know if he was under attack or dodged.

“Huh? What? Who’s that?”

Blade looked into the distance. Before their eyes – I saw a girl dressed in blue.


Arnest turned his head.

Since Blade put his hand on her head, she seriously brandished his sword – usually she always tied hair. For her, being seen with her hair is a very shameful thing.

Arnestato her hair, while I ask again. “Who do you mean?”

“She, the girl in blue” “Ah …… she is Sophie”

I do not know, but Sophie looked to the other side. “She is very strong”

“Well, is not weak. After all, she is a student in the class of high level”

Arnest slightly blushed shyly responding. Finally when adjusting what was going through his head. She changed her serious expression, again with his mask.

“I would also like to make friends in this class! She is the second person!”

Blade way, Arnest followed. His behavior is simply naive, like a child.



“The second person? Who is the first person?”

Arnest was surprised. Having entered illegally, he might not be able to make friends from high nivel–


Blade told Arnest.

“Q-Q? !!Q-Q ¿? ¿Q-Q !!? !!”

Arnest was shocked. “Because I!?”

Cry with his red face.

“After all, I know your name” “Huh? Are you an idiot?”

Arnest was dumbfounded. Just for knowing the name of someone believed to be his friend?

“Oh, right. Thanks for taking me to the principal’s office. Before I forget, thank you very much”

“N-No was the big deal …..!”

–Of To be discussing suddenly felt someone watching me. Sophie was standing there.

“Arnest, New ……”

Sophie had a calm tone, so to speak.

Even being close to Sophie, she seemed to be quiet. Arnest expression was embarrassing. Although Blade now wanted to fight, but he did not even pay a little attention. He just went to Sophie. Arnest seemed to feel a little regret. On the contrary, his face was scary.

“I’m Blade!”

Blade innocently greeting.

Claire, Jessica, Claid, Gassim– With all he had presented as four times in low-level classes.


Sophie had a deadpan silence, simply silent.



“I’m Blade!”

Blade once again presented. “What a strange name”

If she does not do something, then I fear that Blade continue indefinitely saying the same thing – Arnest thought that, for what he said.

“It’s her?”

Sophie just listened. “Yes, she’s the girl”

Arnest wanted to know the interest of Blade …… “I’m Blade!”

Blade but not discouraged.Arnest was thinking away from her. “Sophie ……”

Sophie scarf, a small whisper came out.

Arnest Sophie looked at in amazement. It was the first time that Sophie took the initiative in this sort of thing.

“I see! I’m Blade! Nice to meet you!” Blade extended his hand.

Sophie looked curiously Blade’s hand. But she refused to shake his hand. It was not because he hated Blade, but she did not understand the gesture.

“Hey! It’s going to start class!” The rest of the class called them.

So Blade, Arnest and Sophie went to the instructor.




























〇SCENE • VII [Step by step]



Students lined high level.

Blade is also part of them, he stood looking around. Everyone seems very rebellious. Most students in the class of low level are serious and honest people, but the students here are interesting. Along with Blade, Arnest and a guy he was. He has blond hair, and is wearing a jacket. I do not know why, but his jacket and shirt were open, exposing large areas of skin. While Blade is not good distinguishing beauty and ugliness, this man must be a very impressive looking man for girls.

Really you want to quickly have friends – Blade anxiety is intolerable.

The instructor was standing in front of a dozen students. Moreover, I do not know why, but Arnest went to the instructor.

“Instructor, quero test the strength of the new”

Arnest said. While talking about this with the instructor, she was watching angrily Blade.

Arnest stared at Blade – But just simply ignore it. “No, uhm, today’s lesson is ……”

The instructor mumbling, so weak suggestions were not heard.

“No matter” “Uhm, but ……”

Arnest impatiently turned around and glared at instructor. “Not well”

The instructor accept. “What’s up?”

When she sent about the instructor, Blade could not help wondering. Of course, he was attracted by what Arnest said.

To be called “New student” refers to him, Blade knew what was going to happen.



Formerly, Blade had a sword. So he was always attracted to the rack swords was there. Although it is a common sword, does not have any magic or enchantment, he feels comfortable with any sword.

Blade occasionally felt a little envious by the sword that has Arnest.

But Blade knew he could not get. It would be inappropriate if a hero steals a sword that does not belong, it would be unnatural.

Therefore, Blade knew this sword can not penetrate armor. “What? Do not you want to show us your power?”

“Is not that”

Blade replied simply. The return to the rear, where there were more than a dozen armor. Each armor were fixed to a support, this was the class that the instructor wanted to do today.

In low-level classes, textbooks and armor are ordinary steel.

With enough skill, armor steel can be easily cut.

But the kind of high-level shielding material is different– “It’s magic metal, right?”

“Do you have any problem?”

Arnest he mocked with a grin. His tone was provocative.

An ordinary iron sword with enough force could only make a scratch – You have to have enough “ability” to do “something” to the armor.

Blade went to the shelf.

“If the armor can be cut, then all of this class can do. If you are in this class is because you have enough skill to do it ……. right?”

“If you say the [Empress] I think it’s ok try” The Instructor very weak tone, he gave advice to Blade.

Arnest kept seeing Blade. She had so much anger by “illegal means” with which rose Blade Range. In addition, the king wanted to talk only



with the. It seems he has a special deal with him. That’s why Arnest wants to unmask Blade.

“After all, the kind of high level and low level are different”

Arnest said. She heard that Blade provoked an incident in low-level class, but also surprised everyone by that feat. However, if low-level class no problem, just it takes it seriously if he can do it with high level – I must try.

“I see How much is the difference in levels?” “Hey?”

Blade made a strange question, Arnest was overwhelmed. “If How many levels are difference?”

“Two two …… no! Three! Three levels of difference!”

Arnest said that this opponent is strong. So I exaggerate a little, she placed her hands on her hips, and I am waiting.

“With three ………..”

Blade was deep in thought. He does not know how to force low-level classes, in this case, did not know how to do. This time can not fail.

In low-level classes he seemed to be a hierarchy. Since the order is a difference of three levels, ie, must raise their strength two levels more–

In this case – no matter if I’m a little more serious right? Since low-level classes was just a simple lesson, so Blade acted carefully. Honestly, I have accumulated a lot of pressure.

It is said that this difference is three levels, I think I can show a little of my power.

Blade stepped forward and opened his mouth. “Haaaaaaaaa ……”

Blade was carrying power. No, rather it is a “power”, his physical strength is still higher level than normal people. After condensing the vital energy and transform it into “Mind” and “Fighting Spirit”. He improved on two niveles–

Blade distribute all that power over her body, slowly his body was wrapped.




Arnest blinking in surprise. She wanted to unmask Blade, but

Is this guy really going to try? This is just– “haaaaaaaaa ……”

Blade was transformed their energy and distributed throughout your body. Each time it grew stronger.

Arnest not only shook the whole class was stunned. Only Sophie still did not understand what was Blade. “HAAAAAAAA ……”

“Mind” continued to increase without limit. It was so much pressure energy, that small stones on the ground began to float.

The current flowed in that space. Between the stones formed a purple beam.

“E-Eng-Eng E !! …. !! …. E-Eng !! ….”

Arnest panicked.

This técnica– Despite Arnest had never seen, had heard.

Could this technique both have tried to copy? This technique increases the power of energy in the body, causing it to become very powerful. This technique only used to fight monsters dragón– level

Arnest’s face was being distorted by the quake, Sophie remained impassive. But she is not indifferent, she simply watched the evolution of the situation in their own way.

“Esp – For!”

Although Arnest jumped, it was too late to stop Blade– “Haaa !!”

Blade downplayed his sword. Drageater–

Mind and fighting spirit, a great wave of energy impact site, a great roar was heard all over the place -. Dragon, sword Second System This ability makes two attacks can even get through the hard skin of a dragon.

Being caught in the great wave of energy, magic armor disintegrated. Even a dragon might have been eviscerated by this skill the field



I was destroyed evidence. Although the testing has a charm of defense, this did not help. After the dust dissipated, the damage was unimaginable, the impact destroyed part of the walls of the field test also spread to some nearby buildings.

Dust gradually dispersed. Everything was silent.

Arnest opened his eyes. “Kyaaa!”

Due to the high wind pressure, the clothes were shabby – Arnest quickly covered her body.

Other students were also squatting or isolated. Only Sophie still did not understand. She was full of dust from head to toe, his face was dirty.

The impact several tens of meters extended. Through the opening of the wall, you could see another great big hole next to the school. The bottom half and the top half of the first class on the second floor of the lower class rooms were clearly visible.

I arnest– shyly looked at Blade. “If I am dissatisfied ……”

Blade took his sword to his shoulder.

–In That time, the sword suddenly became metal particles from the front end.

“Oh …… you have not kept power”

Blade murmur. Having shown this incredible ability, his sword only showed the strength of their feelings. And only just say “I am dissatisfied”? Does it refer to the ability of expression of dissatisfaction with their movements ……? As it is ……

Blade to note the state of his ability only thought “That poor”.

In fact, this movement was very powerful, but it’s worth mentioning – The Blade reasons have convinced me to face him.

Arnest just looked at Blade. “Ahh ……”



Blade finally grimaced, just as it was observando– Arnest

After more than a dozen people confirmed with their own eyes what had pasado– Blade began to sweat cold.

So bad.So bad. It seems wrong that I exaggerated.

“II …… am a very normal person, right? I’m like ordinary people


Blade insisted that he was normal. But it was too late.
















〇SCENE • VIII [Dining]



At noon in the cafeteria. Blade has become a topic of conversation for a few days.

So it has been through a lot. friend of the class of high-level and low-level classes, yet in both classes it was passed at mismo..B ….

Despite the repeated failure and constant frustration, Blade finally had gotten used to her student life.

Right now, Blade is in the dining rooms, looking for a seat, because the room is full. Its main mission is to find an empty seat – this really is a problem because all students are here. In his hands he carried a container that was divided into three parts.

The tray has meat, meat and more meat. The person in charge of serving, chided their eating habits because Blade had only some vegetables. Rice is the staple food, eaten with soy sauce covered. Recently, I found out that here make some southern dishes called “Curry” After the Demon Lord disappeared, it seems the world in peace again. Once again, trade has become a thriving business. New things happen every day.

It is probably not the time to be thinking, Blade to boost the view-

– This time, he saw that a table was empty. “Oh, here’s empty”

Blade quickly pulled out the chair and sat down. Diagonal him was a girl.

Wearing red clothes and revealing angry eyes stared.

Blade felt like I had fallen into the cave of the Red Dragon …… only this Great Dragon had just woken up, and rolled her eyes on him.


Blade’s greeting raising his cuchara– but his eyes were looking at the food.

She – Arnest, he was enough to kill with a single glance Blade momentum, then I look at the plate his neck and began moving his fork. Blade constantly wore her spoon to her mouth, to see it in detail



not see anything unusual. But his head …… no clue. …… Try to find out really who is this guy.

In this large table could fit ten people. Arnest was alone, eating. That was the only place that was empty.

“Ah, Hey!”

Blade saw a familiar face in the distance. Were Claire, Jessica, Claid and Gassim, his first four friends. Although they belong to a different class, Blade from day considered “friends”.

Blade stood up and started waving his arm, he wanted to tell them that there were empty seats. Then they shook their heads and kept walking.

He shook his head, is it some kind of signal? Blade was confused by this situation. Although there has always been a “No” but what does it mean?

“I think I afraid of your friends” Suddenly, Arnest whisper.

“Huh? Fear?From you?”

Arnest was ready to respond. But Blade full of joy, moved to another seat and sat opposite her.

“This table is my site” “Why?”

“That should not say ……”. “Then why?”

Arnest seemed unwilling to speak. Why is this happening? She is not bad. In fact, your eyes can be a bit sinister, but it is not necessarily so ….. It’s just like a Great Dragon.

“Hey ….. …… Could it be that you are intimidating?” “Who? Me?”

Arnest smiled. That little smile was grim. “If so, I can help you”

“You are dumb”

Arnest continued eating and stared at Blade How strange? Why call me stupid? Blade is really worried about her, but she did not care.



Claire and the others arrived and sat down, but not at the same table as Blade. They just sat at another table nearby.

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Although Blade waved them, they just responded timidly. So like before they made the sign of “No” What does that mean? Blade began to understand the situation.

“Well …… what retirement”

“Huh? What do you say?” Blade asked Arnest.

Since Blade wanted Claire and the others will come, they simply refused. Blade did not know what was happening, but Arnest said in a whisper.

“I mean–”

Arnest last words were sharp, but her tone immediately turned to be soft, and he said it again.

“I mean that retirement ……” “What?”

“I mean–!”

She probably realized that he was repeating the same – Arnest blushed and said again:

“I had said that …… you should have gone out the back door of the school!” Although Arnest seemed depressed, Blade said something.

“…… You said that?”

Blade made a puzzled expression, he did not remember anything. “….I said!”

This time Arnest shamelessly cry.

She hit with the palm of the hand the table was a thud. “I think you said something – but I do not remember”

Arnest eyes wanted it to end. It seemed as if the Great Dragon was about to hunt. It was even comparable with Old Dragon.

Blade finally felt his wrath. “Why are you angry?”



“You ask me why I’m angry?”

* Glare *

Although this issue itself is no big deal, Blade was confused. Because she extended her hand to the sword.

Arnest took the hilt. Several students also carry a sword during lunch. For people living in the battlefield, his sword is like another part of their [body]. In this school, she was the only one who did that [Of course, I know the truth]. By the way, Blade was the only one not used a [gun].

Well, normal people also do that.

“Wait a minute! Do not put that sword! Why are you taking your sword !? Are you going to cut !?”

“I’ve cut people!” “Uh – !?”

“Obviously beings next!” “But I did Ehh– !?”

Blade had accidentally touched the head of Arnest, she intended to kill him without hesitation. Blade so quickly touched his head. It was an involuntary action. Blade was sure she was going to attack. That’s not the way to act of a hero.

No, he’s not a hero.

Around them some began to laugh.

Arnest look in that direction with the intent to intimidate, the whole place was shocked. So Arnestflatlined again, yet she did not let his sword.

“I say what flight …… I do not remember”

In saying this Blade, Arnest brought back his hand on the hilt. “Wait a minute! I remember! I remember! Yes, yes! You said it!” Blade tentatively he had to say.


Arnest showed no expression.

Yes, she smiled – thought Blade. This provoked a new meaning in his life.



“Although …… are very different, I admit I have considerable strength …… otherwise you will not cut. I …… I’m willing to find out who you are”

Arnest started talking while eating noodles. Seeing that – Blade did the same.

His dish was covered in addition to “curry” with rice, pasta, meat sauce and frita– I think something called pork chop too.

Delicious, curry is delicious. Put them together with the pork chop is even more delicious. Pork and curry are amazing.

This dish should have invented someone very talented.

When thinking be thinking about this sort of thing, Blade seemed to be enjoying his lunch–

“Yes, I think ……………… In short I think it’s okay that you are on the kind of high level”

Arnest seemed to have said something. But because I speak softly, Blade not listen well.

I not really listen. Just I thought the curry and pork are delicious.

“Sorry …….. I was wrong. In fact, I think you’re better …… It so much–”

While still eating fideos– Arnest was mumbling something. “I do not want to say–”

Arnest looked up and speak normalmente–

“I have enough strength to be in the Top–” “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

Blade looked up and asked while eating curry. “You are–!!”

Arnest vigorously rose from the table and produced a great noise. At that time, the dish came out flying.

Wow, great.

Noise before flooding the dining room, the whole room was silent.

What happened? – Blade looked around.



Then I look at the table where Claire and the other was the four were silent and touching her chin.

Why being so loud the student cafeteria, suddenly fell silent for her? Blade was puzzled.


Arnest deliberately cleared his throat, and back down again.

If she continues to perform well, I do not think I get friends – Although Blade and Glare * thought * he did not contempt.

After a moment, the room became noisy another time. “I can not stand–!!”

Arnest leaned back in his chair. Blade thought his plate again would float. Blade’m watching carefully the table, but this time nothing happened. Blade was a little annoying. It seems that your ass is not so heavy.

Arnest holding a fork, she continued eating. She just did not like, she just pushed the noodles into his mouth. Their food was diminishing rapidly.

Blade food to eat almost the only watched her hands on her chin. That’s what heroes do. They eat when you need to eat, rest when you need to rest and prepare for any battle. After all, we do not know when a battle is going to happen.

–In The time, Blade thought about what happened on the battlefield.

No, I am a human, I am not a soldier. But I heard that this school used to make heroes. In other words, it will be a heroína–

Arnest expressed all their eating, Blade suddenly wanted to talk something with it. Well, this is probably a good chance.

“I do. I have something to tell you” “Huh?”

Arnest stopped his fork and surprised flicker. “You are amazing”

“Eh eh?”

She had her eyes open, looked as if she had seen something amazing.



“W-Why …… Why do you say that so suddenly?”

“I’ve already thought. You do not believe me to be an exchange student


That’s what Blade said on his first day. It was hard to be a normal person. But thanks to the advice of Arnest, Blade could act normal.

“No, not to mention time at this school is rarely a student intercambio–”

“I just wanted to be your friend”

“Huh? Friends?You? Eh? Eh? Ehhh? And-I ……?”

Arnest said with his eyes open.

“Yes, after all, we are eating together, that friends do, right?” Blade raised his spoon and pointed to Arnest.

He began to stir the rest of the dishes. He had finished the curry with pork, he already had a big pile of dishes on the table. Only they could see some vegetables.

“A-A-A-A ……. To-Friends?”

Arnest could not believe it. She looked around.

Blade thinking is that if you’re eating with someone, you are friends. But why Claire and the others did not approach the table? Obviously we’re friends, but there is plenty of room. Blade thought of Claire’s heart when vieron– The only touch his chin.

Arnest who was stupefied soon recovered. “B-Well …… S-I’ll be your friend ……”

(This is easy) (I am the Empress – Easy) (It’s easy)

At another table they spoke Blade and Arnest something– but not heard.

































〇SCENE • IX [The room Arnest]



Arnest entered his room and closed the door.

She did not want anyone to bother her, so then took a sigh. Needed will control his emotions a bit.

He untied the belt of the sword, and put it against the wall. Then he unbuttoned his jacket and his shirt open a little.


Arnest was relieved.

In principle, two people living room, as these are great, but an exception was made for her to have her own room. She made no unfair treatment, after all she is the “Empress” by what things their course.

To Arnest this is the best. She should always keep the image of “Empress” in front of people. If I had a roommate, always serious tense atmosphere.

She is destined to be above others. The Flaming family is well known by all. They serve first the King, also are responsible for supporting the kingdom. Arnest Flaming– She belongs to that family.

First, it must maintain first place in the Top and do their “duty”. In order to standardize the students, she has to give the example–


She went to the kettle, but did not have glasses, she opened her mouth and drank straight – These things do not have to deal with someone else.

Arnest is always strictly correct. She holds the first place in the Top, but nothing more. That’s why it is severe with others, their position is always at stake – Although it is an obligation of his noble family, but also, Arnest has difficulties.

She never had friends. And he never went outside world. “But that type–”

He’s just a student exchange – and said he was my friend. Just by eating together, Is it stupid?



As Empress, she can not dine at the same table with other students of the same age. That’s another reason why school students avoid it.

However, the crudely told Arnest “I’m your friend.” Arnest witnessed the incident happened in the testing.

Witnesses are just the kind of high level, others argue that happened a type of [Explosion strange]. This broke the magic barrier of field tests and affection to a group of buildings a few meters ahead. If people know that this incident was caused by this type, the school certainly a fuss again.

Only people hero level can do those things. Students may not have the force of a hero, so there is definitely a misunderstanding – Arnest thought about it, but eventually abandoned the idea. Honestly, Arnest had to admit his strength. In this school, probably, he is the one who overcomes his fuerza–

He said it was “Your friend.” In fact, Arnest could not recognize it. Flaming Arnest be friends, that’s something you can not, his reputation would be damaged.


I did, I have a friend.

You are all my friends ……….. Friends – That’s what he says. “Good Friends …… …… What should I do?”

Arnest touched his chest and whispered into trance. At that moment–

Shake Shake * * * * –

She heard something, but no one else was in the room.

The sword was against the wall began to vibrate constantly.

Cursed Sword – “Asmodeus” It was one of the treasures of the Flaming family from generation to generation, this sword has the magic of fire. Arnest is the “owner” of this Sword Damn. From a young age, her possession of this sword was made.

The person who accepts the sword, this will become its owner. With this sword Flaming served the King family, its rules are well known.

Arnest realized that the Sword Damn moved. Arnest shuddered.



She immediately bit her lips, and her heart began to pound.

“I must stay in the Top …… Flaming Family should be the best ……”

As if possessed, Arnest in the dark room began to whisper incessantly.



〇SCENE • X [Daylight practice]



The practice time had come.

Sitting and listening to the class, Blade was excited.

It can be physical activity, or something better. After his fight against Mr. demon, he was in the hospital for months, causing her body back very slow. It will take several months to return to normal.

However, he should recover. Nor should talk about his battle with Demon Lord. That guy was very strong too, really could have died. But, after all, only I got hurt.


Seeing the red figure in a corner, Blade raised his hand without hesitation. Blade and Arnest had just friends–

In reality we are friends? – Am I being ignored? “I ii!”

Blade jump in front of her without stopping. She could not shake it off.

* Glare *

She had a frightening aura. His eyes were rare, seemed stressed, even his hair was unkempt, so she should comb his hair.

Blade meets a woman with a single blow just monsters ……Arnest can do the same sooner or later.

“What are you doing?”

Arnest asked blankly.

“Nothing really, just wanted to say hello …… Me!” Blade extended his hand.

“But I said that he recognized your strength, right?” “Oh, Ahh ……?”

Blade could not remember, only said a few words, he remembered what would happen if I said no. So silent – This is the most intelligent.

“Join us”



Arnest met with several students. These people, even when high-level, looked a little different.

Blade recognized the girl in blue. Blade recently wanted to become the “friend” of the girl scarf. His name was….


Blade unconsciously call it by name. With a silly expression I look.

“I’m Blade!” “I know”

He said something indifferent. With a cold tone, most people would care about this, but just smiled Blade. He remembered my name! So we are “Friends!”

“What are you doing !?Fórmate! Do not waste time!”

Arnest severely call it aloud. This Blade could not even feel bad.

“What have I done to be angry?”

Blade shrugged, beside her, Sophie replied. “I dont know”

It was an indifferent response, she did not react to the movement of shoulders.
















〇SCENE • XI [Class High Level • Lesson]



After training, Blade waited a long time.

All ranks had done in the kind of low level we only we would stop doing nothing.

Arnest had his hands on his hips, looking arrogantly around.

The person who everyone was watching, was the instructor. The soon we were going to explain about that exercise is today. Because Blade did not mind going to say, he just felt a very familiar atmosphere.

The lesson has not yet begun. It seems as if we expect someone. Arnest look at the instructor with sharp eyes.

The instructor only shook his body became small, her eyes constantly shaking. But suddenly, his eyes change to see one direction.

“Su– Your Majesty!” All were confused.

He was the director of the school – was His Majesty the King of the whole country. The quietly he approached. The Rey– must say that the king, helped the fight against the Demon Lord. Thanks to his great abilities, now became the king of a country.

Arnest saw it, quickly straightened his body.

Yes. She serves the King. Blade only respected him a little. So on the first day of trade, he entered the principal’s office as if nothing. This stole the opportunity to speak with the King to Arnest–

What wants to talk to this man? Although his solemn face, his body exuded a presence of [Everything is good] But the truth is that this old man is complete farce. He is not efficient in his work, he has no idea what he does, he just sits and enjoys.

“Thanks for coming, especially the manager. Students feel very honored!”

Arnest opened his eyes.

“Hahaha. This is part of my duties”



Speaking of which, the King looked at Blade. Blade was silent hiding behind Arnest, as if with a camouflage.

“Fum !, It seems that the next generation is first class. That’s good”

“Yes! They will become the national pillars of the new era! They work hard!”

Arnest answered honestly.

Blade was busy trying to hide, while doing that, the King’s eyes looked at Arnest.

Of course, these words of King were against bringing Blade wanted. Sorry, but the king does not intend to make your “rehabilitation.” Although Blade wanted to live a normal life with his friends, the reality is hard.

“If possible, I would like to stay a while and evaluate yourself to present”

Arnest speak.

I did it! I really did!

King politely I look at her, but she was not the instructor.

The real instructor not stop shaking. However, in the eyes of Blade, this is very capable instructor.

“Yes, I will let the instructor take care of that. I just observare their skills. I can not last long, so it is better to have a fight”


“If, in this way observare their skills,” “B-Well, if that’s the case ……”

Arnest seemed to be the leader of all kind of high level. After thinking for a moment, she said:

“How kind of tournament – That’s the best method” “If That’s OK That idea is great”!!!

“Thanks for the compliment, students feel very honored”

Arnest was placed on his knees. That was because their behavior as the daughter of a nobleman, Blade did not think, he just watched.

“I want to see the strength of the exchange student”



Arnest had a serious face so the king said. But for Blade it was bad. So their eyes met.

Maldición– Blade’s heart speak.

Again? Already I had not tried before? A bout also serves as a small show with friends. Since low-level classes have three levels of difference, they force you to adjust your power. Although I think the Drageater went too far.

Anyway, I do not understand why you do all this! In addition, a tournament? Is a kind of game?

Blade was not familiar with the new style of fighting of recent years. Being a hero he never was in the city, he was in the deserts and dungeons. I always interested the city, is a magnificent and dazzling place, but as a hero most of his time was occupied.

–In The time, probably you have no motivation to give the face ……

The king only his eyes sparkled.

“Good To motivate them, I will offer a reward”

“A … .Recompensa? …… They are just students, we do not need that kind of incentive so we could esforzar–”

“Well, whoever wins this tournament will be trained by the Hero!” Damned! – Blade groaned silently.

“Huh? Do you mean the Hero? ………… Hero still exist? Does that defeated the Demon Lord? ……”

“Is there any other hero? He did his” duty. “In fact, the man who defeated the Demon Lord is my friend. It is the present can personally”

Who has been your back you care?

“E-Really ……? …… Can we train with the Hero ……?” Arnest just watched, revealing an incredible expression. “If, as their King, I assure”

The king nodded. He felt sure that – could easily fool all students, while laughing, command a wink.

That’s playing dirty.



In a sense, now Blade had a “motivation”. If he wants to win, it will do so without problems.

Being Hero rests on it. How did this happen? – To be honest, it’s not a big deal, but at the same time is a pain in the ass. I just want to live like a normal person, have a peaceful school life, but I have now a very serious obstacle.

Moreover, they do not know who the hero. So for now it is a simple “student”.

Well, I must win.

Blade had been decided. In fact, he did not know very well to students in the class of high level …… but even so they are safe, normal, humble and have the strength to go far. Although it is a bit complicated, it must do so.





























〇SCENE • XII [Tournament]



Someone pulled a table and placed on one side of the arena.

That was the order of participants, without any kind of draw, the names of the participants were already on the table. D arbitrarily he had already decided the opponents.

Students do not seem to have any opinion. They did not want to have problems, even the instructor did nothing.

Blade had heard that one of the most powerful people in school was the girl in the senior class, Arnest. She is the head of the school, called [Empress], it determines if students have what it takes to form. Therefore, she made the decision to do this tournament. Blade not understood very well, but is likely to be worth a try.

Then he began the battle of the first grupo–

There were two people on the battlefield, others sat watching. Blade is one of the spectators.

Because Arnest gets angry fast, Blade thought he should have started their battle with it as soon as possible …… but both are in different areas, they will be only if they reach the final. Since the battle groups are already established, he can not do anything.

Arnest was in the first round of fighting. She prepared his gun and was ready for combat.

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The handsome boy jacket over his shoulders was his opponent. He may seem so cocky and fragile, I feel it is not very strong. However, after his career, Blade realized that has considerable strength.

His weapon is kind of heavy artillery. A heavy gun, a blow gun can be damage internal organs, probably one of the people using this special equipment. On the other hand, Arnest in his hand he held a sword. That is the sword that always hangs around his waist. I do not know if it’s magic, but his resume is wrapping the cover of darkness.

The sword gave off a sinister aura. Since the sword had always been in the pod, the feeling it produced was very rare.

After both fought a few times, they distanced the same time.



“I’ll go seriously. Leonard”

The Empress raised his sword and spoke.

“Wow. Although I do not intend to aim my gun at a woman, today I miss that, I also put me serio–”

The handsome guy is called Leonard. He quickly pulled a rope that was tied to his gun, the gun began to rotate at high speed, while a sound is heard.

“Great! Amazing!”

Blade was impressed. Most of his colleagues just watched in silence.

How is it possible that they are not excited? After all– That gun looks like a drill!

Ahhhh, I see. They already have seen it. Since I’m new, that’s why I’m excited.

Only one person, the king appeared to be settling with his head. To avoid attention of the king, Blade silent.

The spear looked like he was stopping his swing, then a large opening appeared in the form of nozzle.

In this case – Blade just stared. “Ladies and gentlemen! It’s showtime!”

After that announcement to the public, the handsome guy – Leonard moved quickly.

On the other hand, Arnest had a defiant smile.

The distance between the two is large. Even if you have a sword you must forward a few meters so that it can attack. By contrast, the lance has the ability to attack distance.

Blade quickly deduced who was favoring the pace of the battle. Arnest but made no move, it seems that it does not intend to take the initiative to attack.

How are you going to fight it? – Blade wondered.

Leonard gun attacked straight. A large flow of power out through the nozzle of the gun.

Then Arnest–




Damn, it is too far away to hit your opponent, yet she used a technique.

A large projection of energy wrapped the sword. A big fireball came out of his sword.

Hears! Hears! You’ll kill him!

Blade thought that. That fireball is terrifying. Although not completa– is too strong, it could kill him. This is indeed is a true combat. Blade continued to watch.

After join hands and pray for the soul of the good-looking guy, Blade remained deep in thought.

Arnest sword is not a normal sword, has the strength of a Sword Damn ….. But this is even stronger. Nor it is spellbound. Unless the class is one of the army generals Demon Lord, otherwise you may not be such a powerful force.

That’s it. Arnest is not only excellent as a swordsman, his magical power and power is more advanced than others. It’s no wonder that she be called Empress, the best in school.

“How cruel, Arnest …… thought I would die,” Ah, he was still alive.

His body was black, like a charcoal, his body still out smoke. After complaining of what happened, Leonard was shot on the ground. [Really disappointing] [I speak more of the account] [This always happens]

Students were not very concerned, plus the Leonard response was quiet. The medical team arrived with a stretcher and took him, but it was no big deal, he had no injury. Although I’m not quite sure how he survived that kind of fire, it is why they call high-level class? You probably have some kind of skill or special abilities. Arnest knew that both “power” should be used.

Blade was happy.

Arnest really did not kill anyone. After all this is the [actual Combat] instead of a [Combat]. [Real] for Blade, either now or a few years ago, that has not changed. Blade, a hero was in many battles. It is because of that that [Real] means a lot of people killed. He does not want anyone else to die.



That good. I’m actually a person [Normal]. The school is the best.

By participating in the tournament, Blade had to face both male and female participants. Since this is not something [Real] you do not need to use your [True Power]. As a weapon he took a sword, it only took a moment to defeat his opponent. Especially when it comes to a girl, he just attacked neck, taking care not to leave bruises.

The first round in total there were 16 people, so there were eight battles. The number was down for the second round only eight people, then stay four. And for the last round, only two people.

All used good weapons. Yet there are more weapons besides a sword, a stick, a hammer, etc., and even some people used bows. I could see the different styles of fighting, the feeling of satiety is interesting.

Blade take advantage of all this, observing battles. After a while they were already in the semifinals. Blade was in the semifinals.

A Red and a Blue figure stood on the battlefield. Of course the red figure was Arnest.

Blade knew the name of the Blue figure. She is Sophie. If she is in this instance, you must be strong. In fact, this is the first time that Blade will see her fight.

After seeing their preparedness, Blade was a little surprised. This – disarmed.

Blade had seen all kinds of weapons in previous fighting. Whether swords, spears, sticks, bow, magic spears – There was great variety. Perhaps this battle was already preordained by the alignments in the tournament. In these battles the skill level that each participant has demonstrated his gun.

But the rival Arnest has no weapons.

Sophie did not take any weapons …… She had her empty hands, only his hands seemed to be wearing gloves metal. However, the range of attack is very poor if you just use your hands and feet. Blade was surprised, he wanted to know how Sophie will face the sword of Arnest.



Arnest could defeat a magic user Lanza, but the gap between the two of them is strength. Any of them can reverse the situation, the only thing that worries me is the range of attack, well, soon I will know who is the winner.

¿Sophie will have a chance to beat Arnest ……?

To view closer combat, Blade is shifted to a closer. Low to the sand and took the side of the referee. This result will determine my rival.

After he came, a conversation could be heard. “Do not hold back”

Arnest said.

“Are you going to cheat?”

Sophie asked no expression on his face. Arnest then took “That”. Blade did not understand what was happening.

After thinking for a moment, he realized that Sophie knows the Cursed Sword Arnest.

Blade know it will be a difficult opponent, this may be called common sense of hero named Blade. If you do not trust your weapons, this fight will be against – not only serves to think of a strategy. Nor does throw into the enemy or run away.

Ahh, the weapon of the Demon Lord himself was a problem–

They must understand that the weapon used is another part of your body. It is not a burden, it is quite the opposite, they are the “owners” of these weapons ……

Arnest and Sophie had a brief conversation, but not on that hablaron–

Arnest looked terrible eyes to Sophie. His eyes [seemed to be out sparks].

Does using an EspadaMaldita is [Cheating]?

In short, before the start of the battle, it seems that in psychological warfare, Sophie was the winner.

“Okay, do not hold back” Sophie told Arnest.

In the end, [I Cheating] mean [Do not hold] – Blade was not yet clear.

Although the head of Blade had several question marks, the battle began—between the two of them.

Arnest quickly went on the attack, she shook hard on his sword. Sophie strongly moved and dodged the attack, then the sword bounced off the back of the glove, so I take distances quickly.

Arnest Sophie was still attacking and dodging attacks. A blue and a red stain looked for his speed. You could only hear the sound of metal crashing into each other.

The girl in blue Sophie atacaba– not wearing a long coat and scarf which stirred every time he moved.Arnest with his sword gradually turned everything into rubble.

While Sophie was on the defensive, his clothes started to be cut. Then she was hit. His nose bleed – After all, this is a battle of high level, but see someone bleeding is not the best.

Sophie was launched as a hero and then began to attack, she was fighting with his bare hands. For Blade to fight with bare hands, and meant defeat. She needs a force three times to win.

Although both have great power, the struggle may not be comparable. The best proof of this is that she has been on the defensive.

Blade at first thought that Sophie might have some chance of winning, since he did not know the force – But that’s not true, the gap between the sword and cuffs Sophie is great, so she opted for the defensive. If she random attack, could easily be cut, so it can not give a misstep -.

Blade questions was done. I really did not understand why they had done this kind of practice. After all, if they can use real swords they could hurt their peers, or something may happen worse–

Arnest was still attacking.

Blade began considering whether Arnest would do [trap], but it never happened. Arnest only used his swordsmanship Damn. Sophie took away, so Arnest shooting fireballs at her. Sophie



He is dodging explosions, so she was forced to make evasive action. She was losing his cool.

After a dozen seconds left

Although Blade conto 30. The battle ended abruptly.

Sophie was on the floor. Arnest pointed his sword against his throat. “…… I give up”

Sophie sat on the ground, he said. “Agree”

Arnest sighed heavily. She had no breath, sweat appeared on his forehead.

Sophie got up and wiped the dust, then grabbed the front of the scarf and saw that he was cut off with the edge of the layer was slightly burned. His breathing had not the slightest disturbance. Sophie only made minimal movements to dodge attacks, she did not waste his energy on unnecessary effort. That she had won.

The opinion for Blade to this point, did not know who to choose as the winner. “Come on! Next!”

Arnest violently cut the air, and pointed to Blade. “Huh? Why ……? Ah, yes”

Blade said. He had won the other semifinal.

As Arnest I win this semifinal, the battle [End] is against it. “Are you okay? ……….. Why do not you get some rest !?”

Arnest gave a big sigh. She probably refers to Drageater. In fact, time to [accumulate] needed energy again. In a few words– he had no time to wait. But that’s not my only trick I have other skills …… ……

During battles king was talking with other teachers, but seeing it was the turn of Blade, he sat in the chair immediately and began to observe.

Tsk !.

“You can not hit me” “I will!”

Arnest speak with great confidence.



To say [I’ll do it!] It sounded as if she was willing to [kill]. Blade started walking. Arnest began preparing his sword. I really do not want to hurt him.

“Come on, time is running out”

Blade with his sword pointed to a corner where the clock was proving ground. There was still time class, but it also takes lunch time are 15 minutes. After fourteen battles, this is a matter of routine.

I have hunger, I want to eat – What should I eat?

Blade made these questions, plus students injured and exhausted, most students had an enthusiastic expression.

— I’m bored?

Suddenly, a violent boos began to ring. “Defeat Empress !! Kill her !!”

When thinking, Blade realized he was the person who Arnest had defeated in the second round.

Uhm, that’s it.

“Okay, I understand. I’ll do what they want”

Blade went to the arena to face Arnest. “But …… Are you okay? You look tired”

She was still sweating. His forehead was wet, it was hard to see his face. He could only see her red hair, but she looked pale.

“Do you have any problem?”

Blade approached, trying to touch his front– “Shut up!”

Arnest quickly unsheathed his sword, Blade immediately take the sword. If it had not, she would cut her hand. At that time there was almost a winner.

“Enough …… …… not mess with me!”

Blade could feel a thirst for blood that came from the sword of Arnest.

Blade stood in the middle of the sand, Arnest prepare his sword to face.



But apparently Arnest was shaking. Seeing her so, Blade lost interest. Blade did not know whether to fight – suddenly his body bent sharply.

“Oh —-!”

Blade shortened the distance in an instant. “Hey, you Resist —- Hey!”

Blade continued calling Arnest, but had lost consciousness. [See?] [What I have seen ……]

He was talking about something.

“Hey! Where’s the nurse !?” Blade shout with all his might.

Gently, I lifted the body of Arnest. Although it looks light and thin on the outside, it is quite heavy.

The spectators were silent, watching Blade and Arnest.

Battle? Result? That kind of stuff does not matter to me.






〇SCENE • XIII [Nursing]



“This is dark magic”

After the diagnosis of the doctor, showed the results.

In reviewing aArnest, she had armor under his clothes, so that only left dressed in a robe.

The doctor and Blade are old acquaintances, they were together for several months – When Blade fight against the Lord Devil, I stay in a moribund state. So it was responsible for their recovery.

The reason she is in nursing school, no doubt is due to the dirty tricks of the King. After all, this talent should not be wasted in nursing school. It is said that his deep medical knowledge is even a taboo. She can heal any injury or illness.

“Dark Magic ……? What kind?” “I’ve already said I do not know”

The situation is not good. Arnest was not hurt, but the symptoms you have are complicated.

“If you are sick or injured, even if these half dead I can heal, but I can not do anything magical. Maybe another expert can help”

She said it in his hands he carried a clipboard. Good. She seems to be improving.

“Anyway …… Take off your clothes” “O-Hey!”

Blade stepped back. The doctor started playing the Blade clothing.

She licked her lips – she approached the body of Blade.

“I just want to see those healed. We’re friends, right? ….. Or do you want to do something else?”

“Another thing …… What kind of things?”

“Yeah, you’re getting quite a man, is a pity that you’re a boy of thirteen, are not to my power. But still I can ……”



His thin fingers touched the chest area.

What are you trying to do? Blade was just confused. He is very strange in this regard. In addition, he is not familiar with all these new things was happening.

“Well– That’s all. Now get undressed …”

The doctor wrote a few words on his chest then turned away a little. Once away, Blade was relieved, but somehow he wanted her to continue doing that.

Blade obediently did as she asked. After all, she had been his saving ago.

The upper part of his body was naked. In his body he had numerous scars, both new and old. These are the wounds of a hero, who fought against the Lord Demonio–

“It seems that you recover you pretty well,” Dr. stroked his wounds.

“But you must not be impatient …… You’ve only recovered 30 percent of your power, you should not do crazy”

“Not at all, it is no longer necessary. Now I’m a normal person”

Apart from what Blade had said. He had lost much of its power of Hero, one of the most visible consequences is that half of her hair turned white.

“Does this …… back?”

“Yeah, that back or you’ll go bald” “C-Calvo……!?”

At that time, Arnest groaned. Blade finally escaped from the clutches of Dr. beautiful, and hurried to get dressed.

“…… This is……?”

Arnest looked toward the ceiling, then saw Blade and the doctor. “You passed out Do not you remember?”

“Really? I ……”

Arnest had a look of confusion. “– Can not be!”



Blade suddenly stood up and leaned to Arnest back into his bed. “I, …… ….. …… not cause problems?”

“Problems? No. Just as I was about to start the battle, you collapsed ……”

“I collapse Me? …… …… Ahhh so good”

Blade did not tell, but it seems he was worried. “If anything was hard to take …… here”

Arnest took ten seconds to be able to understand the meaning of that phrase. “T-Fool!I …… I’m not so heavy”

“He brought you here”

The doctor spoke to Arnest. His voice is soft and cálida– as Blade was a little surprised.

“I go to see immediately the instructor, I do not know what kind of curse or magic is–“.

“Please do not do it”

Arnest said with a serious tone. He closed his eyes for a moment and then turned his serious look.

“But I’m a doctor, after all, debo–” “please– Do not do it”

Arnest play the doctor, to prove that she’s fine.

She always held her sword even when swoon. It is the sword not– who does not want to leave her.

“I’m fine”

Arnest tried to get up, but she stumbled for a moment. “No. You must rest a little more”

Dr. Blade knows very well. She would meet someone even if it is against the will of the people. She even dare to do surgery on a dragon’s lair.

“Go away”

“I will not do it.”



Arnest and the doctor had reached an impasse. Given their personalities are similar, Blade knew they would not get anything.

“Ahh …… …… My classmates and the teacher should know that these good” “Master?”

The doctor stared. Blade could see Arnest’s eyes seemed about to mourn:

“I think she – gonna be all right, let her go”

The doctor was surprised, Blade had the guarantee that would be all right. “I’ll take care of it”

“Uhm, do you?”

After little dialogue “ordinary” Arnest tried to stand. “I can walk by myself”

Arnest took the sheath instead of crutches. Blade helped her to lean on his hand, still thinking. Only doctors know very well the meaning of “Promise”. He just said “take care of it,” which means “I’ll take full responsibility”

“Hey ….. you should not say those things”

Arnest he said. Although she had said, she clung to Blade’s hand tightly.

“What is that thing?” “I do not know …… so”

In fact, Blade wanted to say something, but was pretending not to know.

Arnest – I thought she had done something being unconscious.
























〇SCENE • XIV [The Forbidden Library king]



Blade walked through an old passage.

He had borrowed the keys to the King which were turning in his fingers.

The key was made from a wonderful material, it was clear as glass. I do not know what kind of treatment would the King to get this key. Going down the passageway, reached a door which had a notice, insert the key in the “forbidden Library king”.

Most people do not know about this place, even for experts this place is a mito–

It was a great mysterious underground palace buildings. Everything seemed a cemetery, but there is [something] is striking.

Blade delved into the underground palace.

Not only is the key. Upon reaching the depths, the material has the key was all over the place. What stone walls were made of that material, the surface is smooth and seamless.

“If this is necessary”

His only source of light was a lamp he carried in his hands. If a magician, with any fire spell would have sufficed. In fact, Blade can also use magic. However, since most of the time the meetings are direct, he has not had the opportunity to learn magia–

Even if the lamp is turned off, the site would be clear. This is because this material has walls. This material radiates a dim light, Blade walked toward his destination.




“Hagámoslo–!”Blade income.



The locks on the door began to ring. The passage began to shake, still the most important thing is that the library is not damaged. In addition to this security system, there are also guardians.

If the door is not closed, the guardians of this place wake. It is said that there are several guardians who remain in this state, but it is unknown if they actually exist.

Of course, after Blade income of nowhere an enemy apareció–


Staring in the middle of the ruins, he was on guard and nodded.

His eyes caught metal armor. Reinforcement fibers that were composed of the same material of the walls. In an instant he disappeared.

The guard was on the floor, it will take about ten minutes to recover.

Blade Perhaps should have done him more harm, but that would have been detrimental to the library.

A door had a hexagonal hole. Blade glass inserted the key and the door quietly began to open.

Facing him appeared unimaginable room.

Oil lamps lit the room, it was not magic fire, and had never before seen elements. Although Blade recognizes the tables and chairs and other basic furniture, everything was new to him. There are chairs and oval tables, can be completely irregular, the surface is also rare, there is no way to place an item there. On a table was a glass top.

On one wall, there was a variety of large and small crystals.

This place is not even half of books, but still a “Library”.

In the living room there were a dozen chairs, but most of them were damaged. Only one chair was not damaged, was glass, but this was not shining.

Blade sat on a chair and then insert the key glass table lit up the whole.

“Well, this is good”

Blade raised his hands and his fingers began to move.



He appeared entirely in the plane of glass – magic words variants.

ancient text lost. Blade knows only a few words, so you can not read the whole article. But an old friend who is Mago taught him a way to “trap”. He played with the tip of his finger somewhere on the glass surface, and all text change to a “modern language.”

“Haber …… …… …… Armas magical items …… So sword”

Blade began to search the index, touched on all topics related to “magic items”, “Weapons”, “Sword” and other topics. The screen filled with many names swords. There are many Malditas Swords. The sword that was used when Blade Hero, was also a Sword Damn.

The reason is called “Forbidden Library” It is because all the world’s knowledge is gathered here.

“I do not know your name”

Blade did not know the name of the Cursed Sword. He tried to search multiple search results, a lot of information out, which made him lose hope in only three seconds left

Blade change the search to “Kingdom”, “Professional Schools”, “Students”, “Top”, “Arnest”

While constantly passing the information on the screen, Blade not try to see any personal information, he just wanted to know something about that damn sword.

“Uhm, that is called -” Asmodeus “That name is scary” Blade began to read key information about the Maldita– Sword

* Grumble * Uhm. * Grumble * Uhm. It sounded something suddenly.

The resurrection of the guardian was already complete. His red eyes lit up, it was full of aggression. His arm was holding a long gun.

“Shut up. I’m getting to an important part”

Blade raised his arm. The huge body of the guard went flying toward the other end of the parad.

Blade was obsessed with reading the Sword Maldita “Asmodeus”. “…… I see”

After giving that whisper. Blade knew what had happened to Arnest.



Looking information. He already knew the reason and the solution to that problem, Blade had everything crystal clear. The longer he had the need to use more “forbidden Library”.

In order to facilitate the resurrection of the guard, he picked up all the pieces and put them together in one place.

“I am sorry.”

After saying that, Blade opened one eye, and left.




〇SCENE • XV [Arnest]



After two or three days.

Blade sat in a corner of the driving range, looking at Arnest.

Since that day, Arnest has been uncomfortable, but today was doing practice exercises.

Arnest was hit training mannequins, training their skills. The first dummy destroy them, at the same time attacked a second with the third dummy was cut and only the fourth for just a little can not harm him.

If a normal person could not against it.

Even if there are two or more opponents, as long as she read the attack time and avoid, she can win. Exit the gap of two or more opponents require much effort. When Blade was the age of seven, he was thrown into the lair of an ancient dragon. At that moment it occurred that tactic.

–That Good, you can learn such things. I have a little envious of the other students.

Arnest has its own training menu.

Even the upper class instructor did not have that kind of methods. No – in fact, the instructor was just standing in the camp.

In this class, students are instructed by the teachings of Arnest.

Since that day, Blade has been looking for the right moment to talk to her.

She seems like I ignore. He does not see me, she walks away whenever I approach, not greet me. At lunch she eats so fast that every time I arrived, she was already gone.

Blade had his hands on his chin, watching Arnest.



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In the first place, probably Blade is not worried about Arnest, just you do not want to lose their friendship ……

However, because of that, Blade will not surrender. “Arnest–”

She was there wiping sweat from his front– Blade began to speak. “–I have something to tell you”


Arnest took a towel, was in a threatening way. Blade could not take it anymore. He would not wait for her to tell you ……


Blade’s head was in shock. He looked at her and said.

“Well …… Can I talk to you about something?” “Oh? …… About what?”

Arnest eyes stared fiercely Blade. This was to Blade did not stop her, she was losing patience.

“I want to talk to you” Blade said.

“Looks like you’re going through some unpleasant things …… Do you want to talk about it?”

“Oh? Unpleasant things? …… …… What?” “Are you threatening me?”


“I am very grateful that you did not tell anyone. But if you talk about it, then I’ll cut ……”

Arnest looked at him coldly.

His hand was touching the handle. “Wait a minute, I’m a threat?”

Blade was in panic through the darkened view of Arnest.



What are you talking about? Although Blade did not understand the meaning of the “nasty things” he had a face of not knowing anything. Threat?

Do I’m not threatening? I?

“I’ve already said that we are friends ……”

Speaking of “That” – Blade was clear.Arnest would lose. I was worried about losing consciousness he has had. But in fact, she thought it was only fainted.

Upon hearing the facts, Arnest was completely at ease. Blade had very clear why concern.

“But why should I threaten?”

“For my weakness, of course, if you threaten me with that … .. You know the rule Flaming family ……?”


A Blade did not care, neither regarded it as a weakness. Even he was not sure what it was.

“What I want to say is–”

When Arnest affectionately going to start explaining, Blade interrupted.”–Te Mean that you are the” owner “of that sword right?”

The Flaming family for generations have used it, so they know how amazing it can be this Sword Damn. Thanks to that, the whole family has become a help to the King for generations.

If this is the case, the “owner” of this Sword Damn become the “Head of the Family”.

Blade Sword stared Damn. Arnest was surprised.

“You know …… Do you really not know?” “I do not know”

“I understand, I know this makes you the head of your family. How do you get it?” “How I got?”

In addition, if the “Head” What does it mean? “B-Well …… T-Te I’ll tell you, I–”



“So, why did you do it?”

Blade said. Actually you can not remember what happened. “Before the final battle! What was …… what happened?” “Ahh, that does not matter”

Blade finally understand. He forgot all right.

At the same time, he also recalled the meaning of all this. It refers to being in the “top” of the whole school.

A Blade was not interested in that sort of thing. But many people want to belong to the “Top”.

“For this thing, I belong to the” Top of the escuela– Why do you say it does not matter? ”

“Because we are friends”

After retiring as a Hero, Blade wants to enjoy the rest of his life ie have an ordinary life without problems. Whether in the kind of low-level or high-level, so far he has enjoyed these days.

“Now the focus is on you. I’m interested in you” “Eh? Q-What do you mean ……?”

Blade looked around. Several students who were in the distance were practicing. Then he said something that was not expected Arnest.

“Let’s go somewhere where we’re alone” Blade had a serious expression.

Arnest hesitated for a time–

“Let us go to my room …… It’s the best place” She was walking with Blade.

“We remain in class!”

Before leaving the camp, the students asked to Arnest.

“Where are you two going? ……….. What will they do?”

The instructor was standing just off training camp. “I want to leave early”

Arnest speak without saying anything else.























〇SCENE • XVI [The room Arnest]



Blade came to the room Arnest.

“Do not misunderstand, we’re just friends” “Yes”

At the end What is the misunderstanding? Blade asked. Arnest finally had a true friend. Anyway – this is the first time she volunteered as a “friend”. Blade felt a little happy.

“It seems I have said something that is not so conveniente– can be interpreted differently”

“Oh I see”

“Other way,” What does it mean? Moreover Blade from the beginning wanted to speak privately with her.

“Although you are my friend, if you let go, I have my consideraciones–”

“Ah – Have you finished?”

Blade is also struggling to continue as a man, Arnest interrupted.

Surprisingly, Arnest had a serious expression. “You want to go straight to the point right?”

She nodded.

“So what if I say …… You know the secret of your sword” “What do you know about it ……?”



“Probably everyone”

If there is something I do not know, the “Forbidden Library” has all the answers.

Blade did not know if what I read was all about the sword.

“It’s a damn sword with own will, she chooses her” owner “who must have great power. This is done to provide unparalleled strength to its owner. You say you’re the owner, but you’re not quite. The Original sword is even more powerful. that is, the curse why you’re going is because you are not strong enough ”

Blade took a while, watching the face of Arnest.

But it is not only in order to confirm the authenticity of observation. The

“Forbidden Library” “only recorded in the” Acts “, not to mention their” subjective view “. That was the reason why Blade watched the change of expression, wanted to see if what I read was true.

Arnest nodded and began to explain.

“Since the previous owner died …… Damn Sword” Asmodeus “has been subject to a strict observation. I’m so stupid, in order to see the” Sword “has happened in one generation .. …. on the day of my birthday I begged my parents to let her see me, but they did not accept …… so take the keys of my father’s study, drawing on the night, secretly I went to see the sword. I wanted to see the famous sword that my ancestors have used …..the sword that made the Flaming Noble Family is back. But I did not know, it is that it was not an ordinary sword. it was a sword Damn. ….. ”

Arnest had a sad expression, then continued.

“I opened the glass box and touch directly the sword, I felt the” The will of the sword. “The sword was cursed, had a thirst for blood and wanted to kill. I always expect the opportunity to destroy everything and reduce it to ashes. After so I became his mistress, needed more willpower to tame this sword – is why only force is the right path ”

Arnest looked up, Blade tilted her head. After a while, Arnest continued.

“I am proud of my ancestors, because they never let the curse of this sword threaten the world. But I can not. I was still small, this is a too heavy burden for me. The consciousness of the sword is invading my body. …. ”



Arnest clung to his chest.

“I almost died. He gave me a high fever for several days, I was on the verge of death. The sword was trying to take control of my body ……”

According to the “Forbidden Library” said Sword Maldita

“Asmodeus” Elegy to his own “Owner”. But if the Sword Damn does not recognize as his “Owner” this takes over his body and transforms into a monster in blood.

“But I did not become a monster”



“I was not prepared to be the” Owner “. Usually, the person in charge must be prepared to have a great moral force have either physical or mental, virtually the qualification of a Hero ”

At that time, Arnest revealed a curious expression. “Why my heart was not dominated by the sword?” “Maybe because you’re too stupid”

Blade does not know if he was joking, Arnest had a perfunctory smile. Then he reached into the back of his head and off the fork. His hair was dropped.

“My hair – is red, right?” “If”

“In fact, I had inherited hair color my mother -. Brown But after seven days and seven nights, my hair and eyes were completely red, had heard this sort of thing had happened to the first owner sword”

Arnest speak stroking her hair.

“Maybe you like the Cursed Sword, even occasionally hear me talking ……” I want to kill “,” Give me blood, “” Let me burn everything “- That is the voice of” Asmodeus “”

Arnest has been fighting all this time. It could have been possessed and had become a blood thirsty killer. According to the

“Forbidden Library” is written that she was born with a spiritual force

so strong that it can control the Sword Damn.

“Just I do not try to use the power of the Cursed Sword, in fact, would be too uncomfortable. Before ………… went too far with Sophie”



“How old are you?” “Hey?”

“Since age did you start ……” “From the six years”

Will you take the sword She fighting for a decade? It is enough time.

According to the “Forbidden Library” he said that there is a way to resolve this situation.

“Anrnest, I think the Sword Damn know you do not have enough strength to control it, is just waiting for the moment to take possession of you”

“I know, but I assure you I do not use that power – I’ll be careful not to use your fuerza–”

“There are way to solve” Blade said.

The method itself is to have a battle against the cursed sword, and let really accept it as “Owner”. Therefore, ella–

“I know,” Arnest said. “But no”

His tone and expression changed.

“We have long lost against” Asmodeus “and was chaos, hurt many important people to my-”

“No problem,” Blade said.

“If in practice something like that happens, I’m not sure if I will be able

– ”

She did not seem to understand the objective.

So the Blade looked again and with a serious tone, said, “No problem. If that does happen, I’ll kill you” “Ah ……”?

His red eyes blinked a few times.



“Ehhh ……?”

“I am going to kill you”

Blade said again. If you lose against the Cursed Sword, that’s the only option tiene–

At that time he would kill to end the whole thing. So there’s no problem.

“That’s a bit ……”

“You think I can not do it?” Blade smiled.

“You can do” Arnest smiled again.

“So there’s no problem?” “Do not”

Hearing his answer, his expression of happiness.










〇SCENE • XVII [Late at night]



It was late at night, two people were in the camp.

Today– They already knew what to do. If not now, later will not. After they do, everything can change.

Arnest and Blade thought the same, so they decided to do it tonight.

At midnight. Given the preparativos– brought them to the camp.

Blade had taken a sword. However, during his battle against the demon lord, he had lost his sword. So for now this sword is all tiene–

“I am clean ……” “Uhm?”

Arnest suddenly speak. Blade had a puzzled expression, did not understand what he was saying.

“My body” “Uhm?”

Although the words are understood, this time did not know the reason for his change. In short, Blade did not understand what he was saying. I was just fixing the preparations for the “Purification Ceremony” –

“I believe in you. You’re going to be able to defeat the Cursed Sword”



“I also believe in you. If something happens to me, you can kill me” “Oh, do not tell”

“Ehh, I order”

They smiled at each other. Clearly, the ceremony is about to begin, Arnest did not look nervous. Even she was ready, but it’s still hard to be relaxed …… is good to see that.

Arnest advance toward the center of the camp. The battle against Cursed Sword is about to begin.

Blade was some distance, he could not help him in this battle.

After reaching the center of the camp, Arnest drew his sword and then up.

“Bloody Sword” Asmodeus “I Arnest Flaming By the covenant that I have I will call upon you -.”

She stared at his sword as he spoke.

“By the agreement have my family, let me in your world and try me!”

Arnest cry, then–


It is no any sound that could be heard. The whole place started to vibrate, great sound was heard.

The sword began producing a pillar of fire. It was so great that I get to heaven.

Arnest whole body was in flight fire.

Blade was witnessed everything that happened. He was just watching silently motionless. But he was surprised. The “Will” of the sword is not uncommon, I never thought I could talk–

Without removing his sword, at that time–

All Blade’s face lit up red, a large tornado rodeo fire place.

〇SCENE • XVIII [The trial of Arnest]



Arnest was in the spiritual world.

She was just a little naked girl. In front of a huge presence. In the eyes of Arnest, this body was formed by a giant fiery lava.

“So you’re Asmodeus”


“I’ll say it bluntly, obey me”

“I refuse”

The incandescent figure said.

“I was born just to kill, destroy and burn everything”

“As long as you keep with my family, I will not let you do”

“Yes, you have been crossing my path for centuries”

“It seems that you will not obey”

“Of course not”

“How about a deal? I’ll let you kill, destroy and burn everything – only when necessary ”

“I was born to destroy everything”

“No, in order to protect what should be protected, you destroy what I decide. You alone are “Power” who decides what is good or bad, I will be me ”

“Of course not”

“Since we were little, I drew your determination” Hearing that, Arnest smiled slightly.

“I knew it, you’re a man, right?”

“I have no sex”

To say.Arnest started laughing. Men are always so. She has dealt with a lot with that style, so it will be easy to defeat him.


Arnest had a mocking laugh. She knows how laughter can cause damage to the incompetent. The laughter of women are like men soon lose their cordura–

” I am fire! I am power! I am violence causing any destruction ”

Let’s check.

“Enough talk, we fight” Arnest roared.



A huge body on fire.Arnest naked flames also became. Two flames were mixed to form a spiral and rose in the distance.

The last fragment between them disappeared. The two flames had completely integrated, then he appeared a great fire.























〇SCENE • XIX [Confrontation]



His thoughts were confused, it was becoming increasingly difficult to know who he was.

Destruction.Destruction.Destruction.Death.Death.Death.Burn.Burn.Burn. Burn

A strong impulse felt inside.

No. No. No. I do not. I do not. What you are not happening?

Driven by her own thoughts, she was being suppressed, is this true I am?

Will I be absorbed?

What should I do?

Hurting seems very funny.

The destruction, death, ashes …… Ah, I think it feels good. Being patient is very painful.

Why suffer?

He seems to feel depressed for a long time, right?

I myself should be able to do something. In order to avoid the destruction of things and people, patience is necessary.

Why should we suppress us ourselves? To the family?To friends? I do not have friends. I do not have one.

Thanks to that guy, I am now able to fight.

The result is terrible. The Cursed Sword can against me. Once lost, it’s all over. I will become a monster that can not stop killing people.

It is awful. Feeling fear is the worst result, I have to concentrate. I will not fail, so you can not underestimate me.

Before it appeared, this situation would not have changed. But he said it: “I’ll kill you” –

Even if I fail, no matter. He will not allow volva me a monster. If this is the case, clean up the mess I leave.



So, I can fight. Yes. Fight it.

To struggle?Pienso– now that I have more desire to fight.

Why fight it? – Because I’m so determined.

Your? I? I am the “owner,” I will not let you do whatever you want, Are you going to release? My family has always kept you at bay, reputation and self-esteem is bound to be a variety of things Why do not you free?

In any case, the situation remains unchanged. You being the case, you going to choose which side to be going ……?

Who? Who, me? I’m not going to do it.

That’s my pride. I ……………..Yo! I I

I ….. …… Arnest

– Arnest Flaming! She screamed his name.















〇SCENE • XIX [Empress flame]



Blade holding the scabbard, he stared, he was not even blinking.

Arnest still burning. The flames have been burning for several minutes, she has not stopped fighting.

Then, the pillar of fire change slowly. The flames began to be out of control, it was becoming more unstable.

Blade watched, squeezed the hilt of his sword.

The flames grew and then disappeared without a trace.

The red-haired girl floated. After the toes touching the ground, his body suddenly collapsed.

Blade shortened the distance in an instant and caught her naked body in his arms.

Arnest opened his eyes a little. Although I was exhausted, his eyes could not see well.

“I have returned …………”

“If …… Welcome back”

After he smiles again – Arnest closed his eyes. Blade carried her while she was unconscious. Blade put the sword back in the sheath

There was no need to use it.

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