Eiyuu Kyoushitsu

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Sophie.

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〇SCENE • I [Regular Practice]



We were on the practice field, this was the second class of morning practice.

Blade was sitting idly in a corner of the driving range. His chin pressed the hilt of his sword, he was watching Arnest.

She was talking to three or four people on how to make more efficient practices.

Arnest is completely changed. Of course, I mean the good side.

She is known as the “Empress”, which is very good in practice as well as their superiors teachers have accepted their skills.

But now she is seeking the opinion of all. Seeking the most appropriate way to train, of course, without overdoing it or cause problems. However, beside her, the instructor joined the discussion.

“Oh, I see. I had not thought of it that way”

After hearing the recommendations of the instructor, Arnest nodded.

If I’m not remembering wrong, the instructor has always been very good at teaching. But because of my strength, my training must be different. Blade agreed.

“Thank you, Sensei”

Arnest told the instructor. The only person to whom she respected was the King, but now calls his instructors “Sensei”.

Since the change of attitude of Arnest, the classroom environment has changed a lot.

Previously, Arnest seemed to be covered with thorns. In other words, [As high class, others do not have the same right]. This was because she was only focused on practice and become stronger. But his attitude towards the whole atmosphere changed in the class. When I defeated

the Cursed Sword “Asmodeus” she became her “owner” so

it will no longer have the negative effect of the sword. So she could change



his attitude, now it seems another person, people approach him without problems–

“Hey, you. Mo Seas lazy”

Arnest yell at someone – After that, Blade elusive “something” Arnest had launched.

A dagger stuck in the ground.

“Hey, why you throw me these things?” “Anyway, do not hit”

Blade took the dagger and returned to Arnest. Well …… she said she was my friend.

“Even so, hey ……”

Blade carefully look at Arnest. “I have changed”

“Really? What part?”

She did not look the same as before.

Blade look to others, so they all nodded. “If …… Actually, no. I do not mean that … ..”

Arnest suddenly said, stroking her hair.

Two and three students arrived around Blade and constantly beat him with his elbow.

“What’s up?”

Leonard shot Blade. And quickly he began to speak.

“Hey, as you could not tell that she has changed her hair style,

You are stupid?”

After understanding the words of Leonard, Blade finally entiendo– “Ah-Ah-Ah”

Blade recalled that Arnest always kept his hair tied. But now simply it is loose.

Ahhh! If! In fact it has changed!

Arnest change your hair style. But what is the difference ?!



“How are you?”

“What about what?”

Arnest seemed to be wondering what this looked, but Blade did not know what he meant. Blade is why I was surprised to see that his companions jostled.

“What’s wrong!?”

From the beginning constantly they rubbed shoulders. Blade could not understand what they were trying to do, the thought was a kind of training. Since Leonard is not very good with a sword.

I see, I must be an example for them.

“No, why do not realize !? – Better shut up” Arnest said.

Obviously there was no one else with whom he was talking. This guy is really strange – Blade seemed to be watching his sword which was hanging from the waist Arnest. It seems that she was talking with his sword. Perhaps only the owner of the cursed sword can hear what he says.

“Hey, Blade”

Leonard approached and Blade said. “You are so slow-”

“I’m not”

Leonard Blade pushed back, so he inched closer to Arnest.

“- Hey, you know you’re doing that girl?” “That girl?”

Arnest’s eyes moved, they saw a blue figure standing in the corner of the practice field.


She was alone in the corner of the driving range. “Why she’s alone?”

“She’s just lazy, you do not like to practice a lot” “I do not think that’s it”



Due to the continuous attacks of Blade elbow felt, they stopped. Blade turned and saw someone – He was a handsome man, who could not help but be excited.

“Leonard. Why not going to run ten kilometers or more for the rest of your life?”

“The rest of my life? Wait, that’s too ……”

The handsome guy complained, but Arnest not even looking at him. Blade then said:

“That girl always practiced alone”

Blade once again I look at Sophie. She has been doing exercises fight, his hands and feet were arches while training.

“Go tell something” “Why?”

“Go, do not ignore it. However, the first time you talk to her was spontaneously”


“The first time we met, she thought he was a fool …… Did violently say hi Did you say:” Hello, I’m Blade ”

“E-Stupid ……”

Arnest was still rude to Blade. But it was right that should be presented in a different way.

“You just have to say your name and maintain initiative right?” “Only that?”

“Yes. Even in my first time something great step” “Great”

It seems that Sophie is a very strange girl. No, I must say it has a great personality.

“Do not worry, girls are always like that. Although you should be aware of what they say, after that, you know what to do”

“So I have to persuade her?”

“Yes, the atmosphere is perfect …… As you approach it, just say” Hello ♡ ”



Arnest made a rare look after that look towards the ground. Well – after all it is not the first time I talk to Sophie. Blade had already told her that Sophie is “Friend”. So the act like one.


Blade approached Sophie and raised a hand. “I’m Blade!”

“I know”

She said with a cold and indifferent expression. Evil! It is not like this!

“Arnest said to come and help” Shut up! That is wrong!

It is because of the confidence with people, it is because they are two people who just met – in short, I screwed up!

“Was it an order?”

She tilted her head slightly as if to ask. She kept her expressionless face, could not tell what he was thinking. To make two mistakes in a row, this time can not fail. So Blade said

“N-No ……”

Ehh? What’s going on? “So, that is …… ……”

Blade was panicking. His heart was in panic and not know what to say. Sophie had her arms crossed, quietly, patiently waiting arms.

When thinking to do, he ordered his ideas …… Blade suddenly felt relaxed, his heart did not feel panic.

“No, it was not an order. I want to help because we are friends” Blade speak sincerely.

“Try it”

She said in a whisper, and took his fists to his chest.

Before giving a knockout, Sophie had no weapon in his hands. Blade thought he was the winner – but does not seem to be the case. She only use their combat techniques with empty hands.



“Why do not you have weapons?” “Because only practical way”

Sophie gave strange answers. She really is a wonderful person.

“I’ll show you. I’ll teach swordplay. After all, the sword is the basis for all kinds of combat”

“My fighting style has always been empty-handed” “That’s something interesting”

In fact, before taking the weapons, the first thing you must learn is to use your body. Physical activity makes you have a good hand coordination – standing, but its level is more than enough. Unless she wants to specialize in that type of fighter ……

“I’ll show you” Blade said.

“That’s an order?” We returned to the beginning. “That’s……”

This is not an error. “An order?”

Sophie said solemnly. She did not seem to be joking, or seemed to be angry.

Blade thought it was probably someone very awkward.

Although Blade admits it is a very clumsy person, this is not worried. “There was no order to help you as a friend ……”

“It was not?”

“Yes, it was not an order. I did it because I wanted to, but I’ll force.

You want…. Help you practice? ”

Sophie had a melancholy expression. His face was always expressionless, suddenly he looked confused.

It was a correct answer. Although Blade sometimes can not stop talking …… this time said nothing. Blade silent waiting for her to take the initiative to speak. She was doing the same, but Blade would expect all his life.



For a long time, no one said anything. “It is not…”

“Well, we made a decision. Getting Started ”

Blade took a wooden sword, he was ready to practicar- Time had been his best teacher.

After they both look at each other without saying anything, Blade river. Uncomprehending, Sophie also relaxed a little.

That he smiles.











〇SCENE • II “Practice After School”




Blade encountered a blue figure, after practice in training camp. Blade raised his hand in greeting.

Although Sophie looked away, she did nothing, also revealed a smile, just stared at Blade.

Blade missed the opportunity to waving, so he walked toward the door.

“I’m Blade!” “I know”

Sophie repeated verbatim the above. Therefore, it was a successful end. Well, get to work.

Blade was laughing. Sophie looked confused.

Because the practice was over, some students meet with their friends. Although it is not known what she does after practice, Blade wanted to ask “What are you going to do after practice?”

My whole plan will depend on your answer.

If she answers “do nothing” That means that [does not have any important matter] …… But if not, can not do anything. So I was a bit nervous.

“What’s up?”

Blade has been watching Sophie’s face, so she began asking questions.


Blade laughed. She is very attentive, so I can not do something to get angry. After all, Blade is an ordinary man.

“Then, according to the established, keep this”

Blade took two wooden swords. Then I give a Sophie.

Some time ago, the upper classes demanded that their practices do with [Swords Royals]. However, even if they are the elite, they used blunt swords. Everything was for anyone to get hurt. In other words, Arnest goes a step further.



However, although Arnest has changed his attitude and now is the owner of his sword, the Sword Maldita remains very dangerous. So even use a blunt sword with a wooden sword could be considered something “ordinary” as a textbook, Even so, if you get hit, it may be too painful. That’s why if you can not cut people, can be enough to cause a fracture.

Regardless of the kind of sword, Blade can use any type of weapon. But still, he is accustomed to using the style caballeros–

But if someone insists that the use of wooden swords is something “Ordinary. Then– not realized what it is actually being someone” ordinary “.

“So not taken”

Sophie really has not practiced with a gun. Blade not mocked Sophie. If this is the first time you take a sword, then it’s just lack of practice.

“No matter, take all the grip, that all your fingers are wrapped on the handle – So”

Blade took Sophie’s wrist, and gently he taught him how to make a sword.

“That, so”

Sophie then the grip was perfect.

Blade continued his teaching. Like how to use a sword, as well the basic movements, cutting classes, types of sword and other things. You could see that Sophie’s hands were shaking a little, this is because you are not used to this kind of arms and the weight of this wooden sword. Arnest the Cursed Sword is very different from this wooden sword, these wooden swords have a lead core, which gives weight balance and a center of gravity to make it look like a real sword.

Sophie learned quickly. Although at first she failed in some things, but after corrections Blade, it improves immediately, no need to re-correct.

Blade and Sophie spent a pleasant time. They were about an hour or two hours. When looking at the clock, it had been actually four hours.

“Uwaa! This is bad”



I wonder if I can still get dinner ……? “That is all for today”

” I see”

Sophie finished, Blade noticed that she was not sweating, rather he was sweating. This is because Blade was repeating exercises many times for the Sophie could understand.

“If you have reached this level, I think that’s enough”

Blade was impressed. She had improved a lot in that short period of time – had only been four hours – and reached an acceptable level of combat.

“She Approved?”

“Huh? Who is she?” “Arnest”

“I do not want to say……”

She is – Arnest, it is a [Prodigy]. She has a Talente extraordinary and has been shown in the results.

Although Sophie understanding is very strong, Arnest has been training for years.

Moreover, Arnest has the Cursed Sword “Asmodeus” which has been able to establish a relationship of trust, she is a strong and interesting person. Blade has been the only one who has known his “Truth”. Although Blade is in rehab, she can be a great rival.

“It’s okay”

Sophie casually over and threw his wooden sword. “Huh? Uhm?”

Falling wooden sword on the ground, Blade went to pick it up – Sophie enjoying this moment, kicked Blade’s legs. Blade lost his center of gravity and then fell to the ground. Then she jumped up and grabbed her wrists, they remained in that position for a few seconds.

Blade wondered What’s going on? While the two were in a position called [the mount position].

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“You are much stronger”



Sophie placed her back down into the stomach of Blade.

In fact, according to Sophie’s comments, she was beginning to discover the identity Blade.

Blade did not move. The level of fighting Sophie level is very intelligent. Although she had said “That” She continued saying “That” and as a result she showed me “This”. Therefore, it may be at the level of Arnest.

“I can not move”

“If my opponent can move, then I’m not qualified for use [the mounted position]”

“You’re right”

Blade smiled. The [position of the mountain] is somewhat similar to the horse stance. In this one of the two people is face-up. This position is very favorable as overwhelming. It is almost impossible for the person who is under move, so there is no escape.

“Tomorrow firearms show me” “Well”

Blade could not resist. Sophie forced him to continue teaching the use of weapons.
















〇SCENE • III [In Office Del Rey]



“So, How’s your life as a student?” Balde stared at the principal’s office.

This was the main room, of course, it is the office of the King.

King sat in a chair in front of him was a large table. King kept a sly smile.

Blade showed an expression of disgust.

“I sincerely hope you can enjoy this place” “Then why do I have to attend classes?”

“Hey, this is an Academy. It is normal that you should attend classes”

At the King’s table, there were many documents, most of his desk was full of them.

“…… What? Something good happened?”

King seemed that he wanted to talk about anything. Opposite him, Blade kept a straight face.

“I made friends”

Brad just said that. Why should inform this kind of thing? “That’s great……”

The King nodded.

“After all, it’s been three years since stopped being hero …… obviously have someone call you friend is good, but …… if you’re in this school, you should be able to make friends your own age. so it’s very good …… ”

Although it is rare, the voice of the king seems happy.

Blade felt very embarrassed, so he went to the corner of the room.

“And? Are not you going to say who’s your friend? You ashamed to say who is ….”

“Enough. I will not say Why should I tell you?”



Blade frowned. He does not like nosy person. So it will not say anything.

“At least you can tell me whether it is male or female?” “Good……”

Arnest is my friend – Blade was deep in thought.

Blade is really not good at distinguishing between men and women. He has always thought that people with long hair are always women and short hair are men. But Leonard has long hair, so it is a problem. There are also short-haired girls like Jessica. The girls wear skirts – So this is how the Blade can distinguish. While all this is a bit disconcerting.

Blade was surprised to learn that Leonard was a boy. As the always keeps his shirt open – He saw that his chest was that of a man.

That’s! I have it! Blade knew how to distinguish accurately between men and women, he had found a way to differentiate!

Yes, Arnest’s a girl! Since previously he saw naked, she has breasts. They are of normal size! But in general they are fat!

“Is a woman”

Blade said triumphantly. He had spoken with confidence.

“Yes. That’s fine, if you want to deepen a friendship, you better make more friends than friends. I as a young man, was known to be surrounded by women”

The king seemed to say something. Although Blade did not know what he meant. “Ehh …. Women … .Mujer … ..Hombre … .Hombre ….”

Blade said to the King as if trying to classify someone. Claire, Jessica, Claid and Gassim– All were individually classified as male or female.

But – Sophie, who is she?

She has long hair, his chest …… is not noticeable. And …… also he wears a skirt.

“It is probably a woman”

Despite not say anything, Blade looked confused. “Who?”




“Ahh. If she is a woman”

So said the king. By the way, Arnest seems to have said, “That girl” or that sort of thing. It was not easy to know, now it is not known if the person you know is a “Man” or “Woman”. I have not much intelligence to know.

“She’s your type?” “Kind?”

“You know, as you like. Although I have no intention to deny it, I like the thin type, though not all women are ugly. All women have a perfect body from the beginning you know that?”

“I do not understand”

“But you’re interested in it, right? You want to be more than friends?” “What do you mean?”

“Oh? Are still not friends?” “What does that mean?”

“She is strong”

“Yes. She is very strong”

Blade nodded. His strength is overwhelming.

“Usually, each person will probably encounter a lot of problems. Even in this school. I have no intention of becoming a hero, but seeing this school, it may no longer be necessary again be one ”

It is no longer necessary – The Blade whispered in his mind.

King had said [an academy for Heroes Of New Generation] That was always his motto. After a few years, the purpose of this academy is to train young people to become the future of the kingdom, it seems that there are a lot of graduates in general. The company says that this academy is called [the Academy of Heroes] ”

“She is very strong, but not mature enough” “That’s right”

Sophie said she only learned basic combat skills. Where did you learn? Upon hearing the statement of the King, it seems it was not in this Academy ……



“After all, we have to go beyond human common sense. Only then she progressed more than ten percent of its power”

Are you talking seriously? Blade could not understand.

“In short, the final conclusion is beyond your target, so you have to win at least the early stages of ordinary work”

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“I mean your Artificial Project Hero.” “Oh? …… Artificial Project?”

Blade frowned, the situation is totally confused.

“If …… You’re a natural hero. Since the heroes are not born. There is a group of people who believe in a silly idea of creating heroes only with brute force, these people probably feel quite satisfied to see the results”

“No, not all”

“Yes, I also think the same. No matter what fans think this is something important”

“Some say that the great hero was born, raised, and now a man turned …… That’s really … ..”

“No, it is not to such a degree …… Nobody could have a cognitive development as yours”

“And Sophie?”

Blade seemed to kill the king with a look.

But the King knows how temperament Blade-

“Do not worry, the organization has been dissolved. They themselves were dissolved, inhuman acts are inexcusable. In addition, there are enough Heroes Do not you think?”

“I have said I will not be a Hero”

Blade had already suspected that the King had a plan for Artificial Hero. He can not help but feel shame. Since such a statement would have been very easy to misinterpret.

“Before you came along, there were no heroes. Do not you think it should be fair?”

“I told you not to follow ….”



The King observed.

It is said that each was taking a new turn. “Hero” This presence is bound to appear. Though Blade had been a hero, he was not the first to appear in this world. It all started from the first generation and beyond. The reason is probably because you have to give balance to the world.

“I’ve told you that there will be more a Hero” Blade reaffirm their words.

He is very strong. He is good at fencing, Blade knows that is even stronger than the infantry kingdom. In Magic – Although he is not very good using it – also was recognized as the most powerful wizard. You can simultaneously use both sword skills, like magic. Although for Blade, it is not necessary to use these skills, but somewhere in the world there must be someone powerful. After all, the world is vast.

However, Blade was not only known as a hero.

In fact, three years ago, he had lost much of its power. So it was not necessary to enroll at the Academy, I fear that even his power was not enough to apply.

However, because of its “Power” Hero, Blade still retain their identity as the most powerful. But now that he has lost the “Power”, he must make up the “Power”.

So no matter how strong, Blade for now can not be a hero.

The doctor also advised him that can not exceed 30 percent of its power.

“I really hope that this rehabilitation will allow you to recover your” Power “” Sophie is doing things right ”

“Yes that’s right, his name is Sophie Femto” “So?”

“Femto, she is the family of the ancient language. In other words, she is the woman XII family, called Sophitia ……”

“Wait, that means ……”



“It means that she can use the taboo, the old technology. She must have the talent to artificially to create a body with the power compared to that of a hero. His predecessors created a human clone supposedly” improved “. The experimental body XII ”

“Wait, that means ……”

Blade had an idea in his head. He did not understand the meaning of these words. No, he understands. Artificial …… A Hero?

Blade had a flashback from three years ago.

“I remember I had read something in an article She is considered as an experimental body, she is not alive nor dead At that time I saved her, I said.. [From today are free, but I must go] But now that I’m back [is it the end?] I do not know how to tell …… Does she remember that day? ”

Blade was very confused.

All …… To create a hero, she not only suffered by the type of treatment or lifestyle …… In other words, I started all this all my fault …… . It is certainly my fault.

He kept turning his head. “That’s……”

Blade said as if his throat was dry. “Uhm? What?”

“Most young people their age …… What should they be doing?”

Although Blade felt he was asking the wrong person, he did not care to do it.

“I think what young people should do is … .Disfrutar of his youth” “Youth …… What is young?”

Blade was more confused.

“If, being young is afraid the world, but still, it is not surrender at no cost Some ancient texts say. [… Whether a person, whether a man, the wisdom of the ancients say that the ingredient leading to happiness is a “woman”] Every man should approach a woman and a woman should approach a man – do not think it’s a wonderful thing “?

He is wrong.

In order to find the [Youth] Blade violently left the principal’s office.


















〇SCENE • IV [The Blade Disoriented]



On leaving the principal’s office, Blade was first to the infirmary.

Besides the King, he knew another “adult” that was the Doctor. She was known Blade – As for her was a woman “adult” so consider it an exceptionally decent person.

“Oh? Are you hurt? Do you pass something? Anyway, take off your clothes first. Hurry!”

Blade stopped the doctor who was preparing his hand to unbutton his shirt.

“Are you upset? Would you do it differently?” Doctor moved his face in different ways. “What you are young?”

“Oh, finally you are interested in this kind of thing. Well, let your Onee-san will teach you”

She licked her lips, looked like a kind of creatures. “Tell me, what is youth? What should I do?”

“Of course, it comes to reproduction”

“It is more serious! This is a very important thing!”

“This is certainly a very important thing, I will explain carefully so that you understand that when you get older, it is very important to reproduce. That is our mission as biological beings. After all, the purpose of biological existence is the offspring , although it can also become a routine ”

“I mean human beings, not as they are biologically!” “The human organism is not it? What part do you want to talk?” “Huh? – What ……!?”

Is this okay? Is this okay?

“Also, I think that is common, do the missionary position while your partner just enjoy”

The Doctor was very direct, she quickly walked to his office door and then locked it.



Seeing his eloquence, Blade had been completely deceived! She is wrong.

Blade lost confidence in Dr., So after a few minutes left the office to go looking for answers.




Blade was walking down a hallway and saw a guy approached – Leonard.

“Oh !, you came along at the right time!” “What, Blade? Is something wrong?”

“Youth! What is youth! What young people like us must do !?”

“Well, but still I do not understand what happens …… What is common and current students of this Academy is ……… Of course, love-”

He is wrong.

Blade went searching for more answers.



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“Ahh! Claire! Claire!”


“Hey – Kya ¿Blade-kun !? What !? ocurre-!”

“Tell me! Do not hold back! Tell me, tell me, what do they do !? What young people ordinarily do !?”


Claire sheepishly covered part of her breasts with his hands.

Jessica appeared, she was not wearing anything, but only had a fascinating expression.

“Blade-kun is not referring to that right?”

“I want to hear the views of the people I most sought – What young people do?”

“Eh? …… Besides studying? Erm …… that’s hard to say”



Claire looked at Jessica.

Although Jessica was naked, it appeared a grin, and then looked at Claire.

Claire then said.

“Erm …… …… I think it is … .The love!” She is wrong.

Blade lost confidence in Claire, and then left the locker room women.



* “Uwaaaaaaaaaaa-! Arneeeeeeeeeest!” “Oye- Why are you here !?”

Blade had entered the room Arnest smoothly.

After that, Blade was brought to the room. After that, Arnest told him that he had not been invited to enter his room.

“Since you’re here! I need answers!” “Q-What !? You’re being very rude!”

“I know you’re not a normal person, but I have come to you!”

“You want to make me angry? – No, but I know that whatever the outcome, I am someone normal!”

As they were talking about themselves, Arnest understood that his affection sacrifice much of his life. Returning to normal life, she recently began testing several things.

“I am a normal person! What should I do !?” “Huh? Normal? What do you mean?”

“I’m normal! My youth is normal! Do not you know !?” “You did not. You have not mentioned a word” Blade was in a panic, that’s unusual.

“Clámate, I’ll make some tea”

Arnest got up and went to a door. Blade was allowed to stand, then you could hear the water boiling.



While just boil water, the room had some magic circles.

I can not question – I’m just a person “Normal” Blade sat on the bed.

Although it was somewhat disturbing, to Arnest more concerned Blade seated on his bed. She had not yet organized the room this morning. The whole room was a mess.

“Drink it”

Arnest handed him a cup. For someone “Normal” it is common to add sugar. There should be no problem.

“Oh thanks”

After blowing the cup, he drank some tea. He seemed a little hot for Blade.

“-So, What it is exactly what young people want to know about?” “Thinking about it carefully, I better not ask you. Forgive me”

In saying that, Blade was ready to go. “Wait a minute”

A Arnest met him some veins in his forehead, yet she remained calm. “In short, you want to know that youth is not it?”


Blade nodded with a serious face. I hate it, but it looks kinda cute – Arnest was thinking.

It’s ordinary. Students of the Academy are not very common – But this guy, it seems as if the thought of a ten year old boy.

Blade probably wanted to experience the youth.

<I can not imagine things say> “Shut up”

She took the sword from his waist.

Arnest severely reprimanded me. After trying to talk, his personality is a little strong.



“Calm down, I’m sorry” “No, my problem”

Blade apologized, then he said.

<Why do you want to know what the young people? Are you jealous of them?>

Arnest violently took his sword. Blade with a strange face looked.

I do not know why, but my cheeks become hot.

The average person. Ordinary human beings. Not all people become heroes. Young people are very common, and their lives are very mundanas–

What Arnest want from your youth is- “Is love ……”

Arnest whisper. “Indeed it?” “Huh? What?”

“Claire said the same ……”

“Huh? Is that true?”

¿Blade hear more opinions? He knew the answers of other girls, Arnest felt a little embarrassed.

“If …… Although love is, but it’s no big deal. It is also talking with friends, shopping, or going to a concert ……”

These things are related to Arnest.

Not to mention men, she had never had a friend of the opposite sex, he had not even spoken with one. The daily life of Arnest is only practice.

“It’s your fault”

<I agree> “Wait, sorry”

“I told you it’s my problem! I’m talking to myself! You do not have to apologize!”



“I do not understand you”

Blade said sadly. It is not surprising. After all, Arnest has been fighting “Asmodeus”.

“Overall, being with the opposite sex …… For example, do things together is what is called” Youth “Right?”

“Is that so? ……”

“I think so …… That’s be friends”

Without realizing it at all, they both nodded.

“I see …… With that was it …… What he said King, Dr. Leonard and Claire ……….. was that”

“Huh? King? Leonard? Did he say so? Do not tell me” “Yes. He told me it was called … .Tener a date!”

“Eh? …… …… If something like that, so to speak” “Good! I get it!”

“Although that’s not all, but a date … …… ..I necessarily represent youth …… Hey, are you listening?”

“I have it! I knew it! Thanks, Arnest! I’ve helped!”

Blade took Arnest hands that were shaking violently and moved up and down.

“Hahahahaha …… N-It was nothing!” Arnest exposed a forced smile.



“Sophie! Sophie! Where are you? Sophie!”

After Blade slammed the door, a girl came out. “Sophie is now in the shower”

“Thank you!”

In saying that, Blade ran, he wanted to be with that girl.

Blade out of the room Arnest went to the baths. Other students share their rooms so they also use time in their bathrooms.



Blade was rushed. I came to the door of the duchas- “Sophie! Let’s have a date!”

Then suddenly the door opened. Sophie saw blade, and went directly to the point.

Sophie was holding a towel as she dried her hair.

All the other girls were screaming and came out of the showers, soon only two people left in place, Blade and Sophie.

“That’s an order?”

I asked with a look as usual. She was completely naked, but did not flinch for that.

“Ehhh …… this is not an order! But! It is a very important thing!” “I know”

“You will do it!?” “Okay” “Good!”

After obtaining his permission, the heart of Blade felt relief. All right! The time to prepare our appointment!























〇SCENE • V [Monitoring Equipment]



“Blade-kun approached a woman and stayed in the locker room of women, not many people will be happy about that”

“There was also something else”

“Blade-kun entered the women’s restroom and one of them stayed with him, the other girls are very angry”

“That fool is arousing suspicion among many people …… This is wrong”

Arnest with one hand holding a small telescope, looking from the corner of a building, she was with other girls.

Claire, who is a student at low level, which was not very familiar with Arnest – but this time they were together tracked.

Why? In fact, Arnest did not understand. “S-Yes. Empress”

They were eating bread from a bag. Claire looked like her friend. Although both are really very similar.

They were eating bread and milk. After a great mordisco- arle “Sweet!”

“This bread is sweet …… You do not?”

“P-P-P …… Of course, Yes!”

However, this bread is the sweetest bread everyone! It’s delicious! It’s almost like a dessert!

Arnest kept eating the sweet bread with milk, looking through the telescope.

Across the street – In one corner stood Blade. “What time is ……?”

Arnest and Claire did that question. According to information, the time to be in the Acorado place was at 10 o’clock in the morning.

“N-I do not know …… Empress” Claire replied.



Arnest picked up their sleeves a bit. She was looking at his watch, this was not a magic clock, it was just a mechanical watch. She opened the lid to confirm the time.

“Five minutes”

Arnest then closed the lid, and then I give it to Claire. The clock looked strange. After all, Arnest is a Royal Family, so it is normal to carry things in this style. It is common?

Why does she have such “ordinary” thing?

Looking from the small telescope lens, Blade stood with a silly expression.

“Empress Already I see what is above?” “Up?”

To hear what Claire said, Arnest looked up. At the height of the head Blade could see the big clock dials.


“Although we are an Empress, you look worried about ……” “Do not say things like”

“Y-Y-Yo ……’re just friends”

“So Are you watching Blade for that?” “M-M-M-My job is to keep an eye”

“It’s been three minutes Empress. How do you feel? Happy? Sad?

Nervous? ¿Motivated? ”

“Hey, Jessica Why do you say that?”

“This is a kind of masculine identification method invented by me” “Empress, Blade is your type of man?”

Claire asked that question in a serious tone. “Damn ……. Shut up you two” Arnest was watching Blade.

“It was expected of Blade-kun. By the way, he was asking four more people, it’s like a pattern”

“That’s it! Empress!”



Claire agreed. Arnest not know it was good. In the past she had never spoken about these issues with other girls.

“Anyway …… Claire. Can you stop calling me …… Empress?” “Ah, yes Arnest-sama ……”

“Do not call me” “So ……?” “That’s the same”

“So how I address to you?” “Call me Arnest”

“S-Only way? …… Only your name? ……”

After staring at the telescope Arnest I look at Claire and then smiled.

“You are now my companion surveillance that man. In other words …… …… You’re my friend, right?”

“S-Si, so to speak …… I know not what ………… think I’m just a little worried about that”

“Do not lie …… You’re one of the people who really cares about Blade-kun”

“N-Not so”

“Because the Empress …… No, because Arnest has been longer with Blade, it is normal that she is concerned”

“Huh? …… Concerned? B-Well …… Although we become friends, we have a great relationship, we are just friends. But I must take care of the”

“Blade-kun is very like it”

“I can not wait for end …… The suddenly will invite a date to Sophie ……”

Some impulses began to dominate his body. Before becoming the owner of “Asmodeus” at the age of six, she could never enjoy these outings.

“I’m sure this is …… What young people do? …… In addition, Sophie-san is nicknamed [La Reina Del Absolute Zero] …… do not understand how Blade-kun made for she could go out with the ”



“Why is that guy feels somehow responsible?” “Who knows……”

Arnest and others looked at each other.

They could not know that was what was going through the head of Blade, so the three were watching him.

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Clockwise on the head constantly spinning blade. The gears made a very loud sound.

When the clock struck ten, he sounded a noise bran. Other clocks sounded simultaneously.

Looking back, Sophie was standing there. Watching her, Blade could not help whistling.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing, except that these same as always”

After hearing the words of Blade, Sophie seemed puzzled, she was wearing her shawl as usual. After meeting immediately he pulled his scarf, and put it on your neck while watching Blade.

“I was not wrong”

“No, I do not mean that”

According to this view, of course he did not know. Blade does not usually know how the other person feels. That instinct is not deliberately into it. As for him, it’s just someone who can be “Vulgar” unintentionally.

“Good. I wish we walk today. At 10:00 we greet us. At 10:03 we began to move. At 10:30 we walk around the city. At 12:00 we go to a stall selling food and drinks. Then continue walking and 3:00 goodbye ”

“I leave it to you. I know nothing about it”

“Oh! Leave it to me! I have been studied carefully!” “Really?”

In this case, Sophie lifted her chin looking at the big clock. “But it’s already 10:04”

“Uwaaaaaaa! Damn! What do I do? What do I do !?” Blade was panicking.

“Let’s continue with what is planned”



Blade then took Sophie’s hand, she began to move forward.

If! That’s! This is something like a walk, we only have delayed for just a minute! Everything will be perfect! Well done! Sophie!

Blade began to think that the two can be an ideal partner.




At the same time, and other Arnest the seguían-

“Uh– !? they are really holding hand–! E-This is too much!” “Calm down, Anna.’re Just holding hands”

“–Anna !?”

Arnest looked at Jessica.

“We’re friends, right? Of course I should call you by a nickname.

Would you like to call you otherwise? ¿Ann? Annie? “” Anna …… Okay ”

Three were hidden in the back of the building, keeping a distance of one block to continue tracking.




They arrived at the lake, while walking across the bridge that extends along. He is shining blue lake. The King in the royal palace had distributed several training areas, roads and buildings. Palace is in the lake surrounded by bridges. Despite his age, still he worries some airstrike, this site still has an important defensive zone.

The palace is surrounded by four floating islands, respectively, with a similar national infrastructure policy, justice, security, education. Blade is located on the island of “Education”.

King Island itself is circular. As they walked across the bridge, it is the fastest way to cross the lake.

It was already 10:30 so Blade was thinking of a store across town.

That being the case, the target was probably being met.



The goal today is to have a [Citation].

It is called [Quote] – Because ……. Blade did not know very well. But he can say one thing with certainty – dating is where a man and a woman spend time together doing nothing.

Women, generally, always Ilagan thirty minutes after the agreed time. Then the woman always say [Sorry, Did I expect?] Then the man makes the usual response: [No, just arrived] Although not the truth, this is to be cordial between them. At this point, Sophie would not fail. But Blade has a nature of things to expect before the agreed time. He had already planned this event for three days, trying not find fault.


“Uhm? What?”

Sophie called him by name, so Blade said.

Anyway, both were walking secured the hands- also looked very close. Although he was only holding his left hand, he looked a little uncomfortable …… He did not know what to do if an accident happened. But really, Sophie trust what makes Blade ……

“At this rate, we can not reach our destination 10:30” “Damn!”

¿Q-What should I do !? He did not consider the speed of travel on foot!

Blade was panicking.

“We go a little faster, I think it should be no problem”


In the rescue Sophie, in the blink of an eye Blade had returned to calm.

Blade was now more confident that the two can be an ideal partner.




“……? Did not you see?”



Arnest saw both began to walk faster, so Arnest frowned.

Although always they maintain a distance behind these two ……

“But the itinerary of appointments Blade is unreasonable, he is making a mistake. In order to pass to the other side of the palace at least it will take about 30 minutes. Does that make?”

Jessica said.

“He will have a plan?”

“Who knows, but we continue doing our”

Jessica’s hands touched a plate, it was a sunny day. So rather than follow, Jessica sat sunbathing.

“Hey, Claire, Come!”

“Yes, wait a minute. I want to buy bread for pigeons”

Around Claire they met several pigeons. Since animals do not get along with Arnest, she could not help but feel a little envious.




“We are having a date”


Upon arriving at the grocery store on the corner, Blade was leaning with one hand against the table.

It is an elegant shop. Around it there are several food stalls. In addition, there are several seats for anyone, you can also experience a quiet atmosphere.

Some stores sell fresh fruits, hot meals, as well as being very delicious, the price is very cheap. It is said that among young women there are up to four secret ☆ boutiques.


An employee of the store puzzled bowed his head, probably not hear what Blade said.

“I said we’re having a quotation–” “O-Oh that good. Feel comfortable” “Thank You”



Blade had originally planned to take the best seats, but in the end opted for the impulse of the moment and sat at a table with umbrella. Because he thought that Sophie never seen stay long in the sun. Since the color of her skin is pale, so it can not withstand the intense sun.

Blade was very attentive to any situation.

“Our point of self-service food is here” “Ok – Leave it to me”

Blade hear what the employee said. Of course he knows the “service” that presents this store, so it is a very popular store. But this is rare in other service shop had something called “self-service”.

“Now I can drink?”

Sophie was under the shade of the umbrella. “Wait! Do not be too hasty!”

Blade went to stop it. He knew she would choose a drink.

But Blade is not a fool, he knows that there are special drinks which are used in “quotes”.

“A Tropical Drink With Infinity Charm”

Blade went to pay, there was the employee, so Blade leave a coin. “Well – A Drink of Love”

That’s not his name! It is simply an abbreviation! Blade is very concerned have picked the wrong one.

“Do not have enough money” “This is not good”

The employee simply said that not enough money, Blade began looking more coins in their pockets. Despite the embarrassment, Blade held Sophie drink.

“This is a great fruit drink. Our task here is to drink this drink with two straws”

“That’s right?”

“Wait a minute! Right now is 10:29, just missing a minute! I must do it!”

“I’m thirsty”



“Yes, I know, So forget …… ……”

Sophie began to drink from a straw, Blade took the other. This task requires two people to help each other. If both do not drink at the same time, then there is no way to finish the drink on time.


Their faces were too close. You could detail the beautiful face of Sophie.

“Baby, do not give up”

Both cheeks were swollen and then crashed their faces. “Uwaaaaa! Uwaaaaa! Uwaaaaa!”

Blade was exhausted. “What happened?”

“Nothing …… just that – now -”

Instant contact between her cheeks, made to appear an unfamiliar sensation in the body of Blade.

“…… Huh? What?”

“No …… Nothing. What sense, we continue with our” “I see”

At the other end of the straw Sophie continued drinking in silence. But actually he closed his eyes.

Blade was nervous.

No – This really is not what I can do!

Anyway I have not experienced anything like this in the past! “I can not fulfill this mission alone, I need your help”

Sophie said with wide eyes. I hope not disappoint. “L-I know …… …… Wait a minute, my heart ……”

Blade began to use a special breathing technique. Before he had a master’s been already developed this kind of technique.

Fire, Earth, Air – Give me strength!

Give me courage !! – Give me the courage to remedy what I did in the past!



When Blade was a hero he never prayed, this was his first sentence in her life.


This was not what was expected.


Blade and Sophie did not realize that some people were following. Three people sat at a side away from their seats, drinking in the store and the same drink, as they watched Blade.

“I never thought it was so ordinary”

“Yes, it seems that there is nothing to worry about” “They’re just drinking”

“That’s good. Drinking, although this time they both are sharing their drink”

“You’re right, Jessica”

Claire looked at Jessica who was sitting beside him, both would love to be drinking that way with some guy.

But Arnest seemed to be snarling and biting his nails.

“Odious! Odious! Odious! Silly! Unclean! Beasts! As you can have that face !!”

“Come on, Anna. You have to try this”

Jessica recommended drinking. There was a straw in the bebida– “Wow! Sweet! What is this !? It’s sweet!”

Arnest was surprised at how sweet he knew. “With ice – The taste is so delicious !!” Arnest had never tasted anything cold.

“This is called an ice cream”

Jessica told the name Arnest, while she ate the great ice cream with a spoon.

“Oh right, why do not we all to an opera?”

“I prefer to listen to music at home. Anna do not want to go somewhere to play?”

“What are you talking about !? We can not lose sight of Blade!”



Arnest suddenly stood up and shouted. His friends had forgotten the purpose of this departure, this did not cataloged as stalker!

“But they’re gone. What was it they would do at 12:00?” “They would eat”


Arnest froze, Claire wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. Seeing more closely – Blade was no longer in place.


Being eating ice cream two escaped Do they?

It could be that Arnest Flaming – Did the biggest mistake of your life !?




“What strange? Listen to yourself something? Anyway, let”

Blade had heard something, so could not help but look back. Although he did not realize he was being watched.

Nor was there any clues. But occasionally he wondered if someone was acosando-.

Although I did not see any suspicious movement also he did not see anyone. Are men the King Son? Are spies from another country? In short, I am now a regular guy, so that such things do not matter.

Blade’s eyes tentatively looked at Sophie.

Sophie was in a good mood and just shook his chin in response. She looked like she had not realized she was being followed.

That’s probably also good – That intuition was telling the Blade. Since she can not feel what was happening.

“Anyway, forget”

Well, the next destination is– “Ah Too bad !!”

Blade suddenly realized something.

Next on the itinerary it is 3:00 at a restaurant.



However, it was across the king’s palace. It is impossible! Not reach the time if we go!

If we walk, it will definitely be late. Even if we run, we will not reach.

“Q-What should I do? Q-What I can do ……?” Blade just looked at Sophie.

“No problem”

As usual she had a cold tone. “We cut corners”

Sophie held out his hand. Blade unconsciously took her hand and prepared.

Sophie and Blade were holding hands, and therefore ran to the corners of buildings.

They jumped passed over the buildings.

Blade was surprised at the physical ability of his companion. After climbing three stories took to the roof of a building. So they could arrive on time without hindrance.

Blade and Sophie ran over the roofs, passed through alleys and followed if continuously.

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Yes. If we continue at this rate we will be on time! Sophie is very smart!

She really is the best partner – Blade relied more on her.























“I really enjoyed this day” “Yes”

Sophie brought his face so I felt quite uncomfortable. According to the manual of dating [If a woman stares at you and says having fun, that means that the meeting was a success] In addition to always end a sentence with a “Mufufu ♡”.

Blade honestly did not understand the meaning of “Mufufu ♡” but the truth is that the event was a success.

In fact, everything was perfect. They could go everywhere without problems.

Because of their mobility, they could go to different places. After jumping to the roof of the restaurant I did not expect to be on time, but still only five minutes to complete. After seeing some art galleries. After learning a different way of getting around the city, we not even had trouble going to the other side of the city. I really enjoyed this appointment. Due to its new method to tour the city, they had ten minutes before the scheduled time to complete their appointment. Blade did not know what to do at that time, after thinking, Sophie said [I want to feed the fish] With the minutes until, with that finish their appointment. Suddenly, Blade was convinced that the two of them really did a good partner. Sophie was expressionless during shopping, but when I looked at the dress of young girls, his face changed a little. But after all, she never buy anything. At night, in order to see the most beautiful sunset, they climbed to the top of the city – that is, to the top of the palace. They had just five minutes to reach their destination. So they began to rise rapidly. Upon reaching the top, Blade and Sophie took a breather.

They could feel the lake breeze.

Blade was very happy and completely relaxed. “Can I ask you a question?”

Sophie was combing her hair blue, when I ask. “What? I will answer anything”



Blade stared.

“Why did you do all this for me?” “Because, well……”

Blade babbling.

What I wanted to say is – “I want to show the meaning of youth, what the young ordinary”

That is the duty Blade. Not only because he wants to have a normal life, but also because this is how the acts Blade Héroe–

“Erm …… …… …… because your”

No, I can not say. Sophie can not tell she was a project to create an artificial Hero. Blade still had a duty to tell.

This is not a secret. But no, I can not say.

Because if I say those words …… ….. …… Sophie

Blade did not want to spoil everything …… knowing this, then …… …… it is best not to.

“Forgive, forget” “I see”

Sophie said dryly.

She looked away from the lake to the school and took a few steps. “It’s because we’re friends!”

Sophie turned. Blade was crying. “…… Friends?”

Sophie asked.

“Yes, we’re friends …… just do these things, you do not have to think too much”

“We are friends?”

“Yes, of course, that’s obvious” “Really?”

Sophie nodded softly, and was silent time-



“I’ve heard that friends have secrets” “Well, that ……”

“Listen to me” “Yes!”

She was staring. “Do not tell anybody”

Uhm? Do I have to hide? What will say …..?

“If we are …… friends, if you want to be my friend, I hope you can hear what I have to say”

She had an expression as if he were confessing someone, so Blade put a serious expression. Blade probably knew what was going to say. Despite this premonition, Blade listened quietly.

“I …… I was born in order to be a hero, but my body could not complete all tests”

Under his expressionless face, could this confession bothered him.

“If I am not like other human beings, it is likely that this is the reason”

“No, of course, you’re the same, but What are you talking about?”

Blade said unconsciously. I intended to listen quietly, but unconsciously speak.

“After all, I’m a [Super-organism] [The Imitation Of A Hero], I am different from the humans-”

“Heroes are people too!”

Brad could not stop screaming. What am I saying? Why I had to scream? “……”

After a brief silence, Sophie said again:

“Actually …… I do not know why they wanted to obtain the [power] of a hero But this power is called [The Power Of An Artificial Hero]”

Hey? It was what I meant? Blade was thinking.

Sophie is an experimental organism. King said there program to artificially produce Heroes. Sophie was a victim of that regime, because of the difficult lifestyle of children, some agreed to be in



inhuman experiments. That’s why she has an incredible fighting style. She had to go through difficult years, in order to have this capability at this age …… Blade could understand. After all, as a true “Hero” Blade he is also like her. No, I have experienced an even more difficult childhood.

But it’s impossible? How could I?

I never thought that the “power” of a Hero could be produced artificially. That was not unusual. The strange thing is – the type of [Force]


Sophie’s body was wrapped in a light blue glow. Blade watched. Immediately he sent a shiver.

This light– This is– light

It is equal to that of —

Sophie placed her hand against a metal railing and suddenly twisted, the railing like a candy or a cream, is frightening. Underneath she drew something. It was not the high temperature is that their physical properties begin to change. It seems as if the iron forget [his own strength] in general.

“Even I can not control” Sophie looked at the railing.

Then Sophie took a few steps toward atrás–

Booom * * – A huge explosion rang.

Large solid stones began to crack.

“I have my weight multiplied a thousand times …… Although you probably can do it a million times”

It’s not magic. No magic can not do these things.

Still Blade not know it was. No Hero has had this kind of power. This is — This [Power] –

“Wait a minute”

She whispered as everything was turning gray.



A big gust of wind appeared. Everything stopped. The trees were motionless, the waves of the lake were fixed.

Blade could not move, could not even blink.

Time was frozen, Sophie approached and then stroked Blade’s cheek, then retreated again.

When Sophie returned to the original position, His body was covered by a pale blue glow suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly the body and movement of Blade again. wind flow felt. You could hear the leaves of the trees, and see the waves on the lake.

“Even I can stop time. Although I can only show my Hero Force alone for ten seconds”

Sophie’s face revealed a deep feeling tired, his eyes were losing luster. Seemed to do all their vitality was exhausted in just ten seconds.


Blade barely moved his throat to speak.

“Sophitia Femto. The Twelfth clone woman, that’s me. I’m a Artificial Hero, which was unsuccessful”

“I …… I ……”

Blade was lamenting. He wanted to reveal his secret, but doing so would reveal its bloody past. She said there are no secrets between friends, so Blade thought so.

But if I tell …. No, I have to say – These are the words of a friend!

“Listen to me!” “I’m listening”

“II …… Y-I am …… A He–”

Blade gathered all his courage. As in any time of his past life also he required courage.

“He- He- He-”

Sophie waited patiently. She certainly would be waiting forever.



After thinking, Blade finally uttered those words. “I’m a Hero!”

Sophie’s face froze a little.

“I’m a hero ………… should not say was …… Once a Hero. I am not more ………… no longer I can use that kind of force ”

“I see”

Sophie tilted her head. “You …… you knew, right?”

He was not surprised, so Blade asked the question. Sophie shook her head.

“No, but I think so. Obviously had never met anyone like you before, but had a very nostalgic feeling, it’s unbelievable”


After hearing his words, unconsciously Blade nodded. Sophie and felt the same sympathy.

But Blade was just doing that empathy aside …… “Is something wrong?”

Blade stared at her.

“No …… I’m really sorry not think that just an apology can be forgiven. I think you should hate me”

“Why should I hate you?” “Hey?”

Sophie did an unexpected question.

But it is natural that she wants to hate me ……. She has suffered the curse of [Artificial Hero] All because of the existence of Heroes original-

“Although I like …… never be a hero …… I had to use this power to protect”

“To me?”

Sophie cocked her head as she asked. Blade was placed a little red. “T you!”



“Sorry, continuous”

“So I say …… …… People would not want to be a hero if I had not appeared in the past ………… So I had to disappear”

Blade looked at Sophie. After seeing it, he stepped Blade.

“Despite having the power of a hero, I can not save them all. I can not help some people, I can not protect everyone. Although I have helped …… I lost a lot of important people .. …. ”

Blade few words swallowed again. His memories are painful. In a few seconds all he loved disappeared

“If I had saved all the world would be happy …… Why could not save? Why? It was no use being a hero!”

Blade usually always tries to forget his past. In fact, he really had forgotten.

More than three years when Blade demonstrated the power of Hero. I did not know who his parents were and did not know his real name. A head of a mercenary group, who held a sword in the battlefield, found an abandoned baby, who baptized as [Blade]

Since there is now a program in the academies to find a hero as to a few years ago, Blade met …… Heroes training.

But Blade did not want anyone scour the painful way to being a hero. Only with it would suffice.

Blade had battles that nearly took his life. Also sometimes he wanted to kill himself. But had not the courage to do it, so it was best to disappear.

Once the hero dies somewhere in the world another person must inherit their power. That is the law of the world. Because the power of the Demon Lord and Heroes will always be even. If the forces of Heroes fail to defeat the Demon Lord, then someone will start to take the path of Hero. This is a way maldito–


Sophie took tackles Blade. Sophie hug and then touch the head of Blade.

“I’m a Hero …… right?”

Sophie said nothing, just stroking the head of Blade.



Blade knew. The so-called Power Hero is actually a curse. He has been forced to join a great destiny, to become the greatest hero of all.

“Even if it was voluntary, you’re still a hero”

Blade heard the voice of Sophie as she continued stroking his head. Although his abdomen area were wet with tears, he clenched his teeth Blade, he was trying desperately not to mourn.

“Opposite my punishment when King me out of those facilities, not knowing the situation, try to forget everything. Before you came to this school, you were the hero who saved many people”

Sophie said. Stroking the head of Blade, it was a very uncomfortable feeling.

“You are a person with a lot of courage. Everyone Hero mentions that thanks to their hearts are filled with hope and light. That is why you are our hero”

Blade’s stomach narrowed with what Sophie said.

I do not know why, but it sounds quite sure what it says. Is this the feeling when your “Mother” embraces you? Due to lack of experience, Blade know that feeling.

“You must be proud” “I can not do”

Blade said. He himself used to say discouraging words, Sophie just watching him.

“Forget this”

Sophie must really hate me.

This is the first time he told his secret to a person. I’m a Hero

– In the past everyone they knew it.

But Sophie does not have to try harder.

“However, the project of Artificial Hero, I have been born, so I feel very proud of it”

Blade stepped back. It’s enough.

Blade looked at Sophie. Not with sad eyes, but as your like.


“I want to be a normal person”

Sophie looked directly at Blade, she trusted the heart. Blade wiped his face with his sleeve.

“You hate men Llorones …… right?” “It does not matter”

“People …… I-” “I will keep my title”

“I’m a Hero! While still a Hero …… I do not feel distressed”

“I see you’ve already decided”

Sophie smiled. Although it was just a slight smile, Blade smiled.

They were alone in the night sky, the moon could be seen as glowing. Along with the moonlight, Sophie’s face was filled with glory.

“About what being a hero, a secret between us. Do not tell anyone else”

He said with a bright smile. “Of course”

Blade nodded heavily. carefully wiped his hand, then he squeezed Sophie’s hand.

At that time, Blade remembered something important. “Ah, this is bad! The doors!”

“Even if we do everything possible to run, we have less than 1% to escape”

Blade smiled.

“I think that probability for a hero is a good thing” The two held hands and went back to school.

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