ECPC Chapter 14: Half Mountain Cool Color

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"Your Highness...," Ji Dong called out nervously.

It was clear that the prince's mood was not beautiful at the moment. Ji Dong felt a mix of emotions and began to hesitate before adding meaningfully, "Your Highness, since the madam is here to help you return to Xihuai, you should be grateful and let her help. This is a virtue."

Ji Weiming looked at Ji Dong's eyes with a complicated expression. Ji Dong came from Xihuai to support him. Although they were master and servant, Ji Dong was Ji Zhou's confidant. According to seniority, Ji Weiming also had to call him uncle. Ji Weiming had lived so comfortably in the capital these years, and Ji Dong had made great contributions. Ji Weiming had always respected Ji Dong, but why did he suddenly act against him this time?

Looking left and right, Ji Dong was scared by Ji Weiming's gaze. He thought he didn't say anything wrong. What's wrong with Ji Weiming?

Unexpectedly, Ji Weiming solemnly took Ji Dong's hand and placed the brush in his palm, as if he was handing over a treasure. Then he said with a heavy heart: "Tang Tang said that it is a virtue to write for others. Since it is a virtue, you should carry on and support this virtue! Go for it!"

After speaking, he strode out of the study, leaving a disheveled Ji Dong in the wind.

As it turned out, the saying "talk too much and you'll end up dead" was applicable to anyone.


Three days after receiving the complete version of "Late Night Historical Talks," Ruan Tangling flipped through the book and immediately noticed that the style of the first third of the book was completely different from the rest. She had originally planned to be moved by Ji Weiming's late-night drawing sessions, but now she felt contemptuous. She held the book and grumbled as she found Ji Weiming, then slammed the book on the table.

"Who made my Tang Tang angry?" Ji Weiming was still drinking tea and reading as usual, but he knew that Ruan Tangling was just trying to be difficult.

"Ji Weiming, give me back the book Lu Xunfeng drew!" Ruan Tangling sat on a chair next to him, looking angrily at Ji Weiming, as if taking away a book was a heinous crime punishable by death. "If you don't give it to me, I will... I will..."

"What will you do?" Ji Weiming lowered the book and raised an eyebrow, looking at Ruan Tangling.

Ruan Tangling sat upright and said, "Let people spread rumors among the people that the Crown Prince of Xihua does not know how to read and enjoys reading rumors of graffiti figures."

"Oh..." Ji Weiming thought for a moment and realized that it wasn't a big deal since no one would be foolish enough to believe it.

Seeing his indifferent reaction, Ruan Tangling added, "Of course, others won't believe it, but if it reaches the Emperor's ears, he will have reason to send you to the Royal Academy for two years of study. You won't be allowed to return to Xihuai until you complete your studies. What do you think of that?"

Ji Weiming: "..."

Then he turned his head and looked at the book in his hand, looking at Ruan Tangling innocently: "That Lu Xunfeng’s book….I burned it…."

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Ruan Tangling looked at him incredulously. If there was really a secret in Lu Xunfeng's book, Ji Weiming should have studied it first. Why would he burn it in just a few days?

Therefore, Ruan Tangling concluded that Ji Weiming was playing tricks on her like a monkey.

Little did Ji Weiming know that his words would take a turn. He sighed, blew on his tea, and said slowly, "Tang Tang, you know I, Ji Weiming, was also a talented scholar in the academy back then. I was skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Yet you hold a book that another man has tailored for you, where should I put my face?" He shook his head as if he had lost all his dignity.

Ruan Tangling hummed disapprovingly, "I gave you a chance to show your sincerity by painting it yourself. Don't act like Ji Dong is forcing you to do it!"

Just then, Ji Dong walked in and upon hearing the conversation, he realized that this lady was truly considerate towards her subordinates. It was evident that Ji Weiming had forced Ji Dong to draw, and although he was not as fast as Ji Weiming, he spent three days completing the next part just to make sure it was done neatly.

Ji Weiming glanced at Ji Dong with great affection and said, "Ji Dong, what do you think..."

"It was me who willingly help His Highness draw!" Ji Dong made a decisive decision. He needed to eat and work, and couldn't offend his superiors, otherwise, life would be difficult.

With a heart full of sympathy, Ruan Tangling looked at the oppressed Ji Dong by Ji Weiming and picked up the book on the table: "I think that the later part is better drawn than the beginning. I still prefer the way Ji Dong draws."

What a kind and understanding Crown Princess, Ji Dong immediately looked at her gratefully.

Alone, Ji Weiming lowered his head and pondered. His wife said that his paintings were not as good as his subordinates'. What should he do? Should he have to enroll in a painting and calligraphy cram school to continue practicing?

Even his wife thinks so. Could it be that the reason he’s not allowed to return to Xihuai is because his painting and calligraphy skills are not good enough? The thought alone was terrifying!

Ji Weiming suddenly stood up from his chair with a serious expression. He accidentally hit the tea table next to him with too much force. This frightened Ji Dong and Ruan Tangling, causing them to take three steps back to prevent any accidents.

Ignoring the actions of the two, Ji Weiming strode out quickly.

"Ji Weiming, where are you going?" Ruan Tangling followed and asked.

"To the study room!" Ji Weiming replied ahead, "To practice painting!"

Ruan Tangling suddenly froze in place. When Ji Dong walked up, Ruan Tangling grabbed him and asked with puffed cheeks and wide eyes, "Oh, I didn't hurt Ji Weiming's fragile heart, did I?"

It seemed that Wei Ming was a quite resilient person. He had been living alone in the capital for years without being discouraged by anyone. Why did he become a different person since Ruan Tangling arrived?

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Ji Dong's inner voice was screaming, roaring, boiling: Help! My Crown Prince can't be that fragile!

It turns out that Ji Weiming really went to paint, but he wasn't painting the jokes from the history books. He just suddenly remembered that a while ago, Wang Ruyan asked him to paint a half-mountain cool color wind-tilted bamboo painting. He was busy with other things and forgot about it. Now he remembers and has to hurry up and finish it.

Ji Weiming claims to be a student of the academy and it's not wrong. He draws a good picture when he picks up his pen. He is especially famous for his wind and bamboo paintings, so when Wang Ruyan's friend in Tianyu wanted a large-scale landscape painting, Wang Ruyan thought of Ji Weiming.

Although the Prime Minister’s Mansion has no shortage of paintings from renowned artists, is there really anyone here who can paint in this style?

Ji Weiming did not refuse and agreed to do it.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the study room, he saw Qin Fuyu. She was reading a book with her head down, and when she saw Ji Weiming, she stood up a little nervously and said, "Weiming, you're here."

"Hmm." Ji Weiming responded without any tone and began grinding the paper.

"Did elder brother ask you to paint a wind and bamboo picture?" Qin Fuyu asked as soon as Ji Weiming drew a few strokes.

Unexpectedly, Ji Weiming paused with his brush and looked up with a cold smile: "If Wang Ruyan even needs to tell you about a single painting, naturally he won't deceive you."

“What needs to be drawn is the person who delivered the jade-carved moon from Tianyu.,” Qin Fuyu didn't care about Ji Weiming's sneer, “My older brother is good to me, but you know what kind of person he is. My adoptive father rarely lets him interfere in court affairs, so he's half an outsider.”

Ji Weiming just smiled faintly. Whether Wang Ruyan was an outsider or an insider didn't concern him. He just needed to maintain the harmony on the surface.

There was no more conversation in the study. Qin Fuyu quietly ground ink, and Ji Weiming did not stop her.

He had known Qin Fuyu for a long time, even before he became familiar with Wang Ruyan...

Such a pair of talented and beautiful people was indeed a beautiful sight, but unfortunately, they each had their own thoughts, one heading east and one heading west.


Ruan Tangling didn't go to the study room but went straight back to Qiao Mu Pavilion. Ruan Dazhuang had been missing for three days, and she estimated that Ruan Su's friends on the road should have found out something about Lu Xunfeng's identity.

Coincidentally, Ruan Dazhuang arrived just in time. As soon as Ruan Tangling stepped into the house, there was a sound on the roof.

"Tangling, Tangling, there's news."

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Ruan Tangling became alert all of a sudden: "What's the news?"

"Lu Xunfeng was born in Dongyu, came to the capital eight years ago, and only participated in the imperial examination three years ago. Although he became the top scholar of that year, his title was really strange." Ruan Dazhuang said, "Lu Xunfeng ranked fourth that year, but on the day when the results were announced, the original top scholar’s father was found to be the culprit in a murder case. As a result, his qualification was canceled and Lu Xunfeng was promoted to third place."

Children of criminals are not eligible to take the imperial examination. Their identities should have been checked before the exam, so why were they only discovered when the results were announced?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Ruan Dazhuang replied. "It is said that the father committed a crime on the day of the palace exam. Isn't that strange?"

Therefore, Lu Xunfeng became the top scorer deservedly. He used to be a bachelor in the National Academy of Literature, but during that time, he offended many people with his unrestrained style and was caught. Helplessly, he left the officialdom and didn't return to Dongyu for a long time.

He could afford to stay in the capital and use an expensive folding fan. This means he had other sources of income, or... Ruan Tangling furrowed her brows, unable to fully figure it out.

According to the rumors on the street, after being expelled from the National Academy of Literature, Lu Xunfeng was approached by someone who wanted to recruit him as an aide in a mansion, but he refused.

Ruan Tangling was suddenly shocked: "Who?"

"Ji Weiming." Ruan Dazhuang answered with sadness.

“So, Ji Weiming was rejected by Lu Xunfeng once, which made him resentful and intentionally burned Lu Xunfeng's book to get revenge for the rejection?" Wait a minute! Ruan Tangling felt that her focus was so biased that Ji Weiming might have left evidence with her again!

Thinking that Ji Weiming can also be rejected by someone, Ruan Tangling suddenly felt cheerful, even the ceiling beams seemed to be shining: "Dazhuang, you are really great!"

Dazhuang was speechless and choked: "Tangling, it seems like you didn't understand the meaning of the intel."


Ruan Tangling went to find Ji Weiming with a mocking mood. When she ran to the study and saw the scene of a beautiful woman grinding ink, she unconsciously stopped.

Entering would break this delicate atmosphere. Ji Weiming has been focused on painting with his head down, with the appearance of wind and bamboo under his brush. Qin Fuyu ground the ink little by little, but her eyes were empty and drifted above the study room.

Upon hearing this, Ruan Tangling suddenly remembered seeing her at Luming Lane, and her heart became heavy with thoughts.

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After taking a few steps back, Ruan Tangling was planning to return home, but Ji Weiming looked up and waved at Ruan Tangling, saying: "Tang Tang, come and take a look!"

Ruan Tangling took a few steps forward with difficulty and glanced at Qin Fuyu. She had no reaction as if she was immersed in her own world.

"How about it?" Ji Weiming proudly looked at his masterpiece, "Isn't it lifelike, a masterpiece of divine inspiration?"

"Ji Weiming, are you not ashamed of boasting like this?" If Ruan Tangling pretended not to know how to read in front of Qin Fuyu, then she really couldn't understand this freehand painting. The only thing she understood was Ji Weiming's shameless self-admiration.

“What's there to be ashamed of?” Ji Weiming patted himself on the back with pride. “It's priceless and hard to come by. If it weren't for Wang Ruyan, I wouldn't have agreed to it.”

Qin Fuyu casually glanced at Ji Weiming. The paper depicted a green dragon with a few strokes, competing with the spring breeze amidst the cold half-mountain scenery. It was truly priceless.

However, the artist was willing to joke around with a woman who knew nothing about painting, but not willing to converse with someone who understood art.

It's like she is unnecessarily standing here.

Qin Fuyu quietly left, only hearing Ruan Tangling muttering in the study, "My dad can use flour to make this."

"If it's really possible, it's an unprecedented skill," Ji Weiming praised Ruan Su without hesitation.

Both of them saw Qin Fuyu leaving, and their eyes met. Ruan Tangling looked puzzled, while Ji Weiming seemed a bit aloof and clear-headed.

"My dad said there's nothing he can't make with flour paste," Ruan Tangling murmured to herself, as if her father was a hero in her heart. Even if he only made a batch of wide noodles, it was something that others couldn't compare to.

Ever since Ruan Tangling arrived, the word Ji Weiming heard the most was "flour", the thing he ate the most was flour, and the thing he smelled the most was also flour.

It feels like his whole life has been filled with flour, like a shadow that follows him everywhere.

He looked at Ruan Tangling up and down, and shook her shoulder: "Tang Tang, can I call you something else?"

Ruan Tangling rolled her eyes at him without saying a word.

Ji Weiming took it as her consent and laughed, "I think the nickname 'Flour Girl' suits you perfectly!"

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