ECPC Chapter 15: Perfect Match in Heaven

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Ruan Tangling didn't know how the nickname "Flour Girl" spread. She only knows that since then, Ji Weiming would laugh and shout: "Flour Girl" every time he sees her, causing everyone in the Ji Mansion to know that the Crown Prince's endearing nickname for his wife is such a down-to-earth and understandable term like "Flour Girl".

When Ji Weiming called her, she neither agreed nor refused. If she agreed, it would be admitted, and if she refused, she might end up being called soft candy, wifey, or flour beauty. None of which were better than being called Flour Girl.

Wang Ruyan hasn't visited for a few days. After completing the painting "half-mountain cold color wind-tilted bamboo", Ji Weiming found some free time and pulled Ruan Tangling out, saying, "Let's visit Brother Wang."

Ruan Tangling rolled her sleeves and glared at him. "That's your business. Why are you dragging me along?"

"Huh?" Ji Weiming pretended to be puzzled. "Flour girl, aren't you supposed to follow me? If I have any trouble, my father-in-law will be upset!" His tone was sincere as if Ruan Su was his own father.

Ruan Tangling thought about it. It was true that Ruan Su wanted her to protect Ji Weiming at all times, but Ji Weiming also had Ji Dong, Ji Nan, Ji Xi, and Ji Bei by his side. This was at the feet of the emperor in the capital city. If they went out and encountered robbers, Ji Weiming wouldn't have survived unscathed until now. She stood with her arms crossed, showing disdain. "If you have any trouble, what does it have to do with my father?"

"Because no one will appreciate and taste the noodle dishes made by my father-in-law!" Ji Weiming looked innocently at Ruan Tangling as if he was the only one in the world who could taste the flavor of flour. Such confidence is admirable.

For the safety of Ji Weiming, Ruan Tangling had to follow him. This time, Ji Weiming did not want to ride a horse but instead walked through the streets.

The Prime Minister’s Mansion is not on Changle Street but on Changning Street. Although it is a short distance, it still takes some time to walk there.

Ji Weiming strolled leisurely, while Ruan Tangling and Ji Dong acted as bodyguards, one with arms crossed and the other carrying a knife. Whenever they saw an acquaintance on the road, they would inevitably stare at them to make sure they didn't have any hidden weapons.

Ji Weiming embraced Ruan Tangling and whispered, "Flour girl, you don't have to be so alert. Ji Dong is here. Moreover, the people who live here are all wealthy and influential. There are three to five guards standing at the door of every house. If someone has malicious intentions, they will be taken down within three steps."

"Really?" Ruan Tangling looked around at the stone lions, the guards standing with their swords, and the elegant ladies playing the piano in the small pavilion. Together, they formed a picturesque scene on Changle Street. "Ji Weiming, who is that?" Ruan Tangling pointed to the tall building rising inside a magnificent mansion on her right, which was far away but she could vaguely see shadows moving gracefully inside.

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"That's the daughter of the director of the National Literature Archive, a young lady of eighteen who is still waiting to be married." Ji Weiming could say it without lifting his head.

However, Ruan Tangling tilted her head and looked for a long time, then patted Ji Weiming's shoulder solemnly: "If there really are highly skilled masters lurking around, they can reach you from that rooftop in just a few moments. Then, with a few swoops, you'll become the number one victim of Changle Street's murder case." After speaking, she made a few gestures.

Ji Weiming grabbed Ruan Tangling's arm and pressed it down, then suddenly lowered his head and said, "There's someone on the roof!"

Ruan Tangling was startled by Ji Weiming's sudden fright. She immediately looked up and carefully observed, but when she turned her head, Ji Weiming had already walked a long way, his back was graceful. She could still see Ji Dong's sympathetic eyes when he turned back: Madam, you have been deceived...

She was filled with anger from the bottom of her heart and quickly caught up to Ji Weiming, punching him in the back. "Ji Weiming!"

Ji Weiming spoke warmly with a smile, "Please call me husband when we're outside."

Ji Dong couldn't bear it and turned his head, holding back bitter tears for Ruan Tangling.

As they were speaking, they arrived at Changle Street. Turning into an alley, they reached Changning Street, which was a bustling intersection of several major roads with a diverse crowd. The road was not clean, and there were bamboo poles and cages leaning against the surrounding walls, as well as vendors taking advantage of the large crowds to set up their stalls, making it a chaotic scene.

Ruan Tangling and Ji Dong once again became alert, and Ji Weiming suddenly pulled Ruan Tangling's arm and said, "Tang Tang, there's someone on the roof!"

After being fooled once, Ruan Tangling would never fall for it again. She glanced over and hummed, pinching Ji Weiming's arm, and said angrily, "Ji Weiming, calm down!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the bamboo pole next to the wall suddenly collided with a "crunch" sound. Ruan Tangling and Ji Dong were suddenly shocked and retreated while protecting Ji Weiming!

However, the bamboo pole fell too fast. There were screams and panic from the crowd around them. Ji Dong rushed up and tried to cut off the fallen bamboo poles. However, this row of bamboo poles struck one by one, pressing down on innocent passersby.

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What to do?

As they were about to hit Ji Weiming and Ruan Tangling, Ji Dong shouted, "Quickly, Your Highness, run!" He instinctively thought that it was aimed at Ji Weiming and prepared to fight.

They couldn't run away, so Ruan Tangling pushed Ji Weiming down and said, "Get down!" Without saying a word, she intended to block the bamboo stick on her body. However, when Ji Weiming turned around and hugged Ruan Tangling, the bamboo stick hit Ji Weiming's back and Ruan Tangling was left unharmed.

"Ji Weiming!" Ruan Tangling didn't expect him to sacrifice himself for her, her heart filled with an unexplainable feeling of nervousness and worry. "Are you okay?"

How could he be okay after being hit by a row of falling bamboo poles? Some of the people in front were knocked unconscious and had bloody wounds on the ground, a terrifying sight.

Ruan Tangling became anxious and almost cried out, "Ji Weiming, don't scare me. My brain isn't good, if your brain gets injured, who will paint for me in the future!"

Originally, when Ji Weiming saw how worried she was, he wanted to comfort her and say that everything was fine. But in the end, it all turned into disdain: "Is my only worth to you to draw pictures?"

As soon as Ruan Tangling heard this, she was overjoyed because she knew that Ji Weiming was still in his right mind. She patted Ji Weiming's head and comforted him: "No, no, no. You are worth so much more than that. You have to help my father find a sense of belonging, taste the noodles he makes, listen to him sing, and even deliver flour and wine to him. Your life is full of value, we can't do without you!"

As Ji Dong came over, he saw the two embracing each other but heard Ruan Tang Ling's words, "Your existence is only valuable for my father," and he withdrew the tears he shed for Ruan Tang Ling. He gave them all to Ji Wei Ming...

A perfect match, Ji Weiming snatched Ruan Tangling on the road. It's an absolute match made in heaven.

Although reluctant to disturb the two people who dislike each other at the moment, Ji Dong still stood a few meters away and respectfully greeted, "Your Highness, are you okay?"

Ji Weiming released his hand and touched his back, "I'm fine, let's go to the Prime Minister’s Mansion first."

Was it a coincidence or a deliberate plan? Ji Weiming looked up at the roof. If they really intended to use this method, it was too rough. Besides, there were many passersby, and Ji Xiao would not easily harm the innocent.

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Someone ahead was helping the injured and heard him sigh in frustration: "I told them that putting the bamboo pole here would cause trouble. Hey, are you okay, madam? Go to the nearby clinic."

"Was the bamboo pole only recently placed here?" Ji Weiming didn't pay much attention, looked at the painting in his hand undamaged, and quickly dragged Ruan Tangling away.

Ruan Tangling watched him move quickly without any effect and put her mind at ease. They arrived at the Prime Minister’s Mansion, but Wang Xuan was not there. Wang Ruyan had received the news and came out early.

As soon as she came out, she saw black marks on Ji Weiming's back and was shocked: "I say, brother-in-law, did you come here to escape?"

Ji Weiming touched his forehead where his hair was tied back and patted his sleeve: "There was a little accident on the way, Brother Wang. This time, I personally delivered the painting and suffered some losses. You have to take full responsibility for it!"

"That's natural! Please come in." He glanced at Ruan Tangling and naturally, Qin Fuyu was nowhere to be seen.

The main hall of the Prime Minister’s Mansion is even more spacious and bright than that of the Ji Mansion. The servants brewed tea, and Wang Ruyan carefully admired the painting scroll, repeatedly praising, "What a beautiful painting!"

If these words came from Ruan Tangling, Ji Weiming would undoubtedly appear proud and say, "That's for sure. Don't forget who I am, your husband." But when Wang Ruyan said it, Ji Weiming made a humble bow and said, "Brother Wang, you flatter me."

At a glance, she could tell that he was not feeling proud inside and was being inconsistent. Ruan Tangling silently criticized him in her heart but still wanted to save face.

"How was the Jade Carved Moon that I sent last time?" Wang Ruyan suddenly thought of the wine, sighed and said, "I only sent a few jars, but Xiao Yu took them all. I didn't even get to taste it myself. It's a pity." In other words, does your house still have any? Invite me over for a drink.

Unexpectedly, Ji Weiming also sighed and said, "Brother Wang, to be honest, I didn't even get to drink any. I respected my father-in-law fully. You know, father-in-law is just like a wife, both are treasures and cannot be neglected."

Wang Ruyan had heard Ji Weiming say these words several times before and thought to himself, ‘Even my father is your father-in-law, but I haven't seen you show such filial piety.’ He realized that the difference between fathers-in-law can be vast, not to mention the difference between a main wife and a concubine. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel that life was tasteless, the girl he liked had married someone else, and that person didn't even love her.

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As soon as Ji Weiming saw that Wang Ruyan was planning to express his pain and lamented that Qin Fuyu's trust was misplaced, he immediately stood up and said, "It seems that it's getting late, I'll take my leave first. Please stay, Brother Wang!"

Wang Ruyan was still immersed in sadness, and in the blink of an eye, the hall was empty. Ji Weiming, Ruan Tangling, and Ji Dong were nowhere to be seen!

The three of them changed direction and returned to the Ji Mansion. Once they arrived, Ji Weiming secretly pulled Ji Dong aside and said, "Go get some golden wound medicine and medicinal wine." Then, he turned to Ruan Tangling with a serious expression and said, "Flour Girl, I want to take a nap for a while. Would you please keep me company?"

Ruan Tangling rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth as she looked at Ji Dong. She hesitated to call him a hooligan. She turned around and left!

Ji Weiming gritted his teeth and went back to the room, and Ji Dong brought the medicine, worriedly saying: "I'm dull-witted, I didn't even notice that Your Highness was injured."

"It's alright," Ji Weiming took off his shirt and took some medicinal wine, "Don't let Tang Tang know, or she'll worry."

Although they usually tease each other, when Ruan Tangling almost cried on the street with a worried expression, Ji Weiming suddenly softened. After all, she was just a girl who had not yet married at her age. Marrying him was also for the mission, and such kindness would be hard to repay.

"Master, why do you always mock her?" Ji Dong was applying medicine for him, and the several purple bruises on the book were particularly eye-catching. Ji Dong knew Ji Weiming's character, such as sacrificing himself to save others just now, which came from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Weiming didn't know why, but whenever he saw her angry and grinding her teeth, he felt happy. He had been restrained in the capital for more than 20 years, speaking, walking, eating, and even sleeping carefully. Suddenly, there was someone around him whom he could play with, and the joy from his heart was more genuine than water.

Ji Dong didn't continue speaking. Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. Ruan Tangling went out and came back, pushing the door open: "Ji Weiming just now..." Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the scars all over Ji Weiming's exposed back, which was shocking and terrifying.


Translator’s Note:

I’ve to drop this novel and won’t continue translating it. If anyone else like to continue, they are welcome to. Thank you for enjoying this far.

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