ECPC Chapter 6: Brain Not Functioning

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Ruan Tangling was able to remain unmarried for 24 years and still live such a comfortable life, mostly thanks to her father's occasional disdain that helped her develop a strong inner self.

While Ruan Su despised her, Ruan Tangling ate in a graceful manner that didn't resemble a rough child from a poor family.

Although Ji Weiming couldn't obtain precise information about the Ruan family's identity, he discovered that they were not his enemies, which was enough. After finishing lunch, Ji Weiming took Ruan Tangling back to his mansion.

Outsiders only saw Ji Weiming come and go in a hurry, riding with Ruan Tangling on horseback together. They felt that this Ruan family daughter was blessed to be able to marry a man with status, position, and looks, but lacking in "taste".

As Ruan Tangling left, Ruan Dazhuang appeared on the roof of the kitchen again: "Boss, Ji Weiming took the Young Miss away."

"I have eyes." Ruan Su calmly replied while washing the dishes.

"Boss, is Ji Weiming here to inquire about something?" Ruan Dazhuang asked.

Ruan Su raised his head and glanced at Ruan Dazhuang. "Otherwise, why else would he be here? To eat noodles?"

"Boss, can you not be so serious?"

"My name is Ruan Su." (Su means serious)

Ruan Dazhuang was speechless. In this world, he felt more at home on a rooftop.


Just as Ji Weiming dismounted, he received an invitation from the Prime Minister's Mansion, saying that a drama troupe had come from Dongyu and invited him to watch it together in the evening.

Since it came from the Prime Minister’s Mansion, it was natural for them to hope that he would bring Qin Fuyu with him.

The invitation was sent by Wang Ruyan, the only son of Prime Minister Wang Xuan. Wang Ruyan was the same age as Ji Weiming, and many of the noble sons in the capital were friends over wine and meat, but Ji Weiming and him had their own shared camaraderie.

He handed the invitation to Ji Dong and took Ruan Tangling directly into the mansion. Just as they entered, they ran into Qin Fuyu who was coming out.

Qin Fuyu was still as graceful and charming as ever, like a peony blooming in a garden of flowers. Her beauty and charm had made her name well-known in the capital, either for her talent or her appearance. Only a few could resist falling for her.

Qin Fuyu walked up to Ji Weiming and whispered: "My elder brother said we should go to the Chong Er Theatre tonight, and I..."

The Chong Er Theatre is a famous theatre in the capital. Any theater troupe with a bit of reputation would love to sing a few songs there. It's a symbol of status. Later on, they can boast to their peers and hold their heads high, saying, "I have performed at the Chong Er Theatre!"

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Chong Er, as the name suggests, is a place with endless romantic possibilities. It's a place that only the wealthy and prestigious can afford to go. In the Great Ji, people are very open-minded, especially in the capital where nobles are treated equally regardless of gender.

"Okay," Ji Weiming nodded in agreement, "I'll have Ji Dong come pick you up tonight."

Qin Fuyu was taken aback. Ji Weiming was actually not planning to go together with her? She felt angry and looked at Ruan Tangling, who was standing next to Ji Weiming with an indifferent expression, feeling a hint of jealousy.

She was not unaware of the subtle relationship between Ji Weiming and Ruan Tangling, but what of it? Having entered the door three days earlier, regardless of her status, she was three points lower than Ruan Tangling in the mansion of the Xihuai Crown Prince's Mansion.

She immediately looked up with a smile, her phoenix eyes shining brightly, and answered softly, "Okay."

Ji Weiming stopped talking and took Ruan Tangling to Qiao Mu Pavillion.

As soon as the two of them left, Qin Fuyu's maid behind her whispered, "Miss."

"They just went to Ruan's house in Luming Lane?" Her voice suddenly became heavy, completely different from the previous gentle and charming tone.


"Go and report to my adoptive father, let them pay attention to the situation of the Ruan family." With a solemn tone and a touch of coldness, Qin Fuyu grew up in a group of assassins since childhood, and under her glamorous appearance lies a cold and dark heart. Killing a person is far simpler than getting close to them on a mission.

The maid by her side answered in a low voice, "I will go now!"


"Ji Weiming, I am not going to Chong Er Theater. Don't drag me there!" Ruan Tangling had known early on that Ji Weiming would definitely bring her there, but she wasn't willing to perform her absurd and bizarre acts in front of strangers.

If she went, those rich young masters wouldn't be going to watch a show but to watch her perform.

Ji Weiming suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Ruan Tangling to accidentally bump into him...

"You’re not going?" Ji Weiming asked in a low voice, "Wang Ruyan's invitation is not only for Qin Fuyu to go, but also for you to go together."

Ruan Tangling's identity is strange and not strange. As a commoner, on the day when Ji Weiming got married, there were countless people who were curious about who she was, but even Ji Weiming couldn't find out, let alone others.

"Comparing me and Qin Fuyu is like comparing flour and jade carvings. It's clear at a glance who is high and who is low. You don't mind losing face, but I do!" Although Ruan Tangling was tasked with protecting Ji Weiming, she knew that there would be no danger in going to the Chong Er Theatre.

"If being the Xihuai County Crown Princess Consort is still embarrassing to you, then what kind of identity do you think is noble and classy?" Ji Weiming asked with a smile, "Or perhaps, you prefer your previous identity?"

Ruan Tangling was shocked but remained calm on the surface. The more Ji Weiming wanted to know who she was, the more she couldn't let him find out.

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"Do you really not worry..." Really not worry that Ruan Tangling's identity might bring unnecessary suspicion to him?

Ruan Tangling has always pretended to be confused, just like Ji Weiming has always pretended to be vulgar, but their acting skills are not good enough. Except for the 16 years spent in the Luming Lane living like a commoner, the original arrogance and casualness still occasionally appear unintentionally.

Those nobles always have a discerning eye when it comes to judging people. One's background and upbringing can be found in the smallest details. Ruan Su has been living in seclusion for more than ten years, but he has never intended to let his daughter become a vulgar person. His daughter can be carefree, but she cannot be dull or stupid.

If protection becomes an obstacle, why does Ruan Su want Ruan Tangling to stay by Ji Weiming's side?

These aristocrats are all shrewd people. Even Ji Weiming, who has survived alone here for more than 20 years, cannot rely solely on his acting skills. "Don't worry," Ji Weiming replied with a smile, "If it were someone else, we have to be cautious, but since it's Wang Ruyan, I have a way to deal with him."

Only saying with great confidence that Ruan Tangling finally agreed.

Before the hour, Ji Weiming took Ruan Tangling to the Chong Er Theatre. When they arrived, there were already a lot of people and it was very lively.

There were many people greeting Ji Weiming along the way, and those who saw Ruan Tangling by his side looked at her with curiosity mixed with sympathy.

In their eyes, there must be some tricks that allowed this poor girl to rise to the top. Because who can rival the beauty of Qin Fuyu?

This was the first time Ruan Tangling came to Chong Er Theatre. She could only hold onto her unyielding spirit as she walked in under the gaze of everyone. However, she was secretly fuming inside. They were all a bunch of people who looked down on her!

At this moment in Chong Er Theatre, most people know that a theater troupe has arrived from Dongyu. Wang Ruyan has booked the venue to invite Ji Weiming, and Qin Fuyu is sure to come.

Qin Fuyu did not come with Ji Weiming, which really surprised everyone.

"Hey, look, isn't that the Crown Princess Consort of the Xihuai Crown Prince?"

"She looks pretty good, but compared to Miss Qin, she's still a bit lacking."

"I heard she's 24 this year, the same age as Ji Weiming. She just got married. What is Ji Weiming thinking?"

"Instead of being accompanied by a beautiful lady, he brings along a commoner. Do you think Ji Weiming has poor eyesight or that his brain is not good?"

"I think neither is good!"


Hearing all the whispers, Ruan Tangling suddenly felt aggrieved for Ji Weiming. However, Ji Weiming greeted each of the people with a calm face, and then walked to the Haitian booth on the second floor and stood at the door.

"Are you going to stand up for me?"

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Ruan Tangling suddenly came to her senses: "No, I just want to know which one of us has a worse brain."

Ji Weiming didn't mind and smiled: "If our brains are both like this, and you marry me, don't you think it's fate?"

"But some people wouldn't think so." Ruan Tangling lazily smiled as the door of Haitian booth opened from inside, revealing a strange face.

Ji Weiming immediately put away his serious look when talking to Ruan Tangling and put on a sarcastic smile, bowing and saying, "Brother Wang!"

This was Wang Ruyan. Ruan Tangling took a few more glances at him. He looked ordinary, and if he didn't wear a luxurious brocade robe that made him look like a god of wealth, he would probably be just a passerby on the road.

Wang Ruyan used to address Ji Weiming as "Brother Ming," but after Wang Ruyan's sister married Ji Weiming, he began referring to him as "brother-in-law."

"What is this?" Wang Ruyan looked at Ruan Tangling with an unfriendly gaze. He saw her as Qin Fuyu's rival in love, even though Qin Fuyu was trained by Ji Xiao as an assassin and had been raised in the Prime Minister’s Mansion as a sibling.

Ji Weiming immediately pulled Ruan Tangling close and smiled, saying, "My wife."

Ruan Tangling suppressed the restlessness in her heart and smiled without saying a word.

"Where's Xiao Yu?" Wang Ruyan looked outside and was surprised not to see Qin Fuyu's figure.

"I asked Ji Dong to bring her over. She'll be here soon." Ji Weiming answered nonchalantly. Wang Ruyan's face immediately became displeased, but Ji Weiming walked inside, disregarding his displeasure.

"Ji Weiming!" Wang Ruyan shouted angrily. Ji Weiming had already sat down and was smiling with his hands clasped in front of him, looking at Wang Ruyan.

"What can I help you with, Brother Wang?"

"You!" Wang Ruyan couldn't bring himself to say what he wanted to: that Ji Weiming was so disdainful of Qin Fuyu. But looking at Ruan Tangling by his side, he felt it wasn't appropriate. "I treated you like a brother for nothing!"

Ji Weiming let out a sigh and suddenly frowned, looking helpless. "Brother Wang, my heart is in pain!"

Ruan Tangling glanced over and could roughly understand why Ji Weiming said there was no need to worry about dealing with Wang Ruyan.

By seeing how Wang Ruyan acted like he wanted to end their friendship just because he didn't see Qin Fuyu, one could easily guess what was on his mind. Qin Fuyu, a beautiful young lady, was being kept in the Prime Minister’s Mansion, and outsiders were already eyeing her. How could Wang Ruyan, who was so close to her, not have any intentions toward her? It was already known that she was not really Wang Xuan's biological daughter, so Ruan Tangling would never believe that he didn't have any feelings for Qin Fuyu.

It's a pity that the treasure in the Wang family is entrusted to Ji Weiming. Wang Ruyan can see it but can't touch it. Now that Qin Fuyu is married to Ji Weiming, the sorrows of longing are hard to resolve. The only solution is to ask Ji Weiming to bring Qin Fuyu over to resolve it.

If it weren't for Ji Weiming's face being thin, Ruan Tangling would have asked him, "Do you covet Qin Fuyu like this? Does the emperor know?"

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Ji Weiming looked at Ruan Tangling affectionately and put his arm around her waist. He said emotionally, "Tangling and I have been in love since we were young..." Ruan Tangling shivered all over. Who the hell fell in love with you?

Ji Weiming continued, "Brother Wang, do you know how much effort I put in to marry Tang Tang? I had to kidnap her from the street, and now that we're finally together, but...Brother Wang, you're an experienced person, you understand!"

Wang Ruyan didn't understand a damn thing!

But unfortunately, he really did understand!

Thinking of himself as a childhood friend of Qin Fuyu, he kept his love for her hidden in his heart.

When the imperial decree forced Qin Fuyu to marry someone else, he had no one to confide in. Meanwhile, Wang Ruyan, who was heartbroken, also softened his heart.

"Ah," Wang Ruyan sighed and picked up the glass next to him, drinking it all in one go, with a look of melancholy in his eyes. "But Xiaoyu, she also had no choice!"

Suddenly, Ruan Tangling felt that Ji Weiming had seen through her act not because she didn't perform well, but because the people around him generally had poor judgment, so she didn’t need to work hard to act. Ji Weiming could tell at a glance.

Where did Wang Ruyan see that Qin Fuyu's marriage to Ji Weiming was forced? Although the Crown Prince of Xihuai is also of the imperial family, he is far different than the officials in the capital in terms of appearance, temperament, connotation, and acting skills. Where did Wang Ruyan find the confidence to believe that Qin Fuyu is unwilling?

Ji Weiming secretly squeezed Ruan Tangling's hand to signal her to hold back. Ruan Tangling felt a little sorry for Wang Ruyan's disappointed look. So far, she had never had any conflict with Qin Fuyu. Just from appearance, she felt that Wang Ruyan was not worthy of Qin Fuyu's attention.

As the two of them were lost in thought, footsteps were heard outside the door. The sound of the footsteps was just right, and Ruan Tangling immediately recognized that it was from a disciplined family.

It must be Qin Fuyu without a doubt!

As soon as the door opened, it was indeed Qin Fuyu who came.

Wang Ruyan's eyes suddenly brightened, and he quickly pulled a chair for her. Qin Fuyu sat quietly next to Ji Weiming without saying a word.

Ruan Tangling looked at Wang Ruyan's gradually dimming eyes and felt a little regretful.

Love runs deep, like a script.

Ji Weiming and Qin Fuyu nodded. Qin Fuyu then smiled at him, with a graceful and elegant bearing, embodying the epitome of a lady from the capital, making it difficult for anyone to detect her identity as an assassin.

Once everyone was gathered, Wang Ruyan clapped his hands and signaled for the theater troupe to come on stage to perform.

"The Peach Blossom Opera Troupe from Dongyu, known for their exceptional singing." Wang Ruyan momentarily forgot that Ji Weiming had married Qin Fuyu, so they still appeared to be good friends. The only disharmony was that Ji Weiming was surrounded by women while Wang Ruyan was alone and lonely.

"How exceptional?" Ji Weiming squinted his eyes and thought that since Ruan Su also liked to sing, if it was really good, he would ask the Peach Blossom Opera Troupe to have a melee with Ruan Su tomorrow.

"You'll know when you listen." Wang Ruyan teased. Ruan Tangling looked up and was completely dumbfounded!

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