ECPC Chapter 7: The Secret History of Xihuai

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The theater troupe hasn't come up yet, but the props have already been brought up. There's a large amount of plain noodles in clear soup, and Ruan Tangling almost thought it was Ruan Su who had arrived.

As soon as the string was struck, the qin was played, and the person began to sing after rolling up their sleeves: "There are several major states in the world, including Xihuai, Nanyuan, Dongyu, and Beiyou. Let's not talk about the three of them for now. Let me talk about the King of Xihuai, Ji Zhou. Twenty-five years ago, he endured the harshness of the Black Desert with the birds in the sky and the beasts on the ground. The King plans to pacify the Black Desert were made, but there were still problems that made things difficult and caused trouble."

This Peach Blossom troupe comes from Dongyu, but sings about Xihuai. The Great Ji does not limit the people from discussing politics. Ji Weiming seems to be indifferent with squinting eyes, while Wang Ruyan has already glanced over intentionally or unintentionally.

"Brother-in-law, it seems like this Peach Blossom troupe is very interested in your Xihuai." Wang Ruyan glanced at Qin Fuyu and said to Ji Weiming with a smile on his face.

Ji Weiming calmly munched on some melon seeds in a leisurely manner. He grabbed a handful for Ruan Tangling, sighed and said, "Brother Wang, I haven't been back to Xihuai for over 20 years, so I have no idea what it looks like there. Not only is the Peach Blossom troupe interested, I myself am interested."

"That's great!" There was no change in Wang Ruyan's expression, only a polite smile as if at a usual gathering of wealthy young gentlemen. "Little brother, you'll be able to go back next year. When you do, don't forget about your brothers here in the capital."

"Of course, of course," Ji Weiming replied, bowing and saying, "Tomorrow, I will have someone bring some specialty products from Xihuai for Brother Wang. I think this Peach Blossom Troupe sings quite well, so keep singing, keep singing!"

Ruan Tangling listened to their conversation absentmindedly and suddenly realized that she had underestimated Wang Ruyan when she first came in.

Since the Peach Blossom Troupe was hired by Wang Ruyan, he must have known in advance what they will perform tonight. Singing "The Secret History of Xihuai" seems to have ulterior motives.

Ji Weiming knew it as well, but he still happily encountered it. They were both people who would think and worry endlessly about even tying a bow, but Ruan Tangling only cared about keeping Ji Weiming safe and didn't bother with anything else.

The Peach Blossom Opera Troupe also has its own unique characteristics. When the flowing board is struck, the old actor slowly steps onto the stage, lifts the noodles that hang like tassels, and swings them towards the sky, saying, "Xihuai County is surrounded by yellow sands and the black desert. It is our ancestral root. Three thousand miles without cotton, the land is barren and flat. Our bellies are empty. As the saying goes, food is heaven, but without noodles, there can be no food. I, an old man, don’t envy the immortals in heaven. As long as I have noodles, I am content. The King of Xihuai has ruled this land for nearly 25 years, but for 25 years, I have been unable to reunite because of quarrels. The Black Desert tribe originally had 14 clans, but now only the Xihuai garrison remains."

"If it wasn't for Ji Zhou, the Black Desert would be my territory. If it wasn't for the drought, water and grain would be plentiful. If it wasn't for this battle, I would rather be lazy. Now that I have walked into Fengzhou City, I have suffered for no reason. Not taking revenge is not the behavior of a gentleman, but before taking revenge, let's eat first!"

“Handmade noodles, layered noodles, knife-cut noodles, fresh vegetable scissor noodles, oil-splashed sauce noodles, pumpkin stewed noodles, sour and spicy buckwheat noodles, spicy beef noodles, and sweet flour cakes, crunchy gluten slices, cornmeal steamed cakes, black rice and red bean fillings. As long as it involves noodles, I am a legendary chef like no other in the world!”

“Let's make a flour pan-fry first. Take half a kilogram of flour and mix it with water. Ji Zhou carries a meteor hammer... Add a spoonful of sugar and an egg, and a soldier with a helmet... The Black Desert has wise heroes, and the Gobi has mysteries. We don't owe anything to the Great Ji, so why should we surrender to him? Heat up the oil in the pan, just like how Ji Zhou would talk about the benefits... I feel dizzy and ashamed that I followed his words... Regret, regret... Turn the pancake over and add some oil... I was expelled from Xihuai... The golden pancake is crispy... Here comes the flour pan-fry...”

The fragrant scent filled the air, just as the speaker finished on stage, the waiter from Chong Er Theatre knocked on the door and brought up a plate of fried flour.

"Eat," Wang Ruyan held up his chopsticks and made a gesture of invitation. Ji Weiming smiled and silently picked up the chopsticks and directly stuffed them into Ruan Tangling's mouth.

It has to be said that Chong Er Theatre is truly amazing. Even a simple fried flour dish can taste like golden-baked shrimp.

But in the end, no one can cook better than Ruan Su.

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"Brother Wang," Ji Weiming rubbed his nose and said, "Speaking of this flour, my father-in-law," pointing to Ruan Tangling, "Tang Tang's father, he can make really good noodles. I was lucky enough to have tried it once, and it was really unforgettable!"

"Is that true?" Wang Ruyan was curious. Besides singing, the chef at Chong Er Theatre was also famous for his culinary skills. The Ruan family were just small merchants in Luming Lane, could they really produce such high-end standards?

"This is because Brother Wang, you are ignorant," said Ji Weiming as he listened to the lyrics on the stage. "My father-in-law eats noodles for all three meals a day. People say practice makes perfect. After doing it for so many years, how can a mere cook compare? Tang Tang, don't you agree?"

His eyes fell upon Ruan Tangling, who was attentively watching the performers.

"Huh?" Ruan Tangling came back to her senses and responded, but in her heart, she secretly criticized Ji Weiming. He had only met Ruan Su once, but he acted as if they had a deep connection. However, Ruan Su's skills were indeed good, and Ji Weiming was not wrong in saying so.

Wang Ruyan couldn't help sighing: "Brother-in-law, when will you take your brothers to meet your father-in-law, so that I can taste the noodles you described as heavenly and earthly?"

"This..." Ji Weiming looked hesitant. "You don't know, my father-in-law is also getting old. If he likes it, I would be happy to send a dozen servants to wait on him. How could I ask my father-in-law to do anything? My father-in-law is like my wife, both are precious and cannot be neglected."

Ruan Tangling almost choked on her pancake, but she had to pretend to be very affectionate and nodded repeatedly.

One of Ji Weiming's hands didn't move away from Ruan Tangling's waist at all, and as for Qin Fuyu beside him, he didn't even glance at her.

Wang Ruyan saw it in his eyes, which made him feel aggrieved for Qin Fuyu. However, since Ji Weiming did not like Qin Fuyu and did not want to touch her, as long as Qin Fuyu was willing, Wang Ruyan had many ways to take her from Ji Weiming.

At this point, he felt very happy, and even looking at Ruan Tangling made him think that this girl isn’t so bad.

Ruan Tangling has always been delicate and slender. Although she does not have the stunning beauty of Qin Fuyu, she has eyes that resemble clear water and lips that are as red as cinnabar. Otherwise, the people in Luming Lane would not think that Ruan Tangling couldn't get married because of her physical illness.

It's not that women can't find a husband, but when someone with such good looks is still single, it's hard not to wonder why.

"No wonder people say they envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. I don't know if I'll ever be lucky enough in this lifetime," he said, smiling slightly at Qin Fuyu. Qin Fuyu had already averted her eyes and was coldly staring at the ground.

There's a new twist on the table this time, with a plate of flour and a plate of water. It seems like the actor is going to cook personally.

It's estimated that it's not going to be anything too complicated. As soon as he started speaking, everyone seated understood.

“Another simple noodle soup... beat the flour into powder, mix in sugar and salt... just like Ji Zhou fought and pretended to be stupid, he finally managed to confuse my subordinates... it's only been three or two years since I left that black desert, and my old subordinates actually bowed to Ji Zhou. The old man didn't mess around and rode alone for thousands of miles to become blind and crazy... mix and stir into a ball, add water one spoonful at a time... every time I hate it, Ji Zhou has no ability and no heirs, I dare to challenge the God of Wealth, but I have been patient for many years to open this jar... just like lifting the lid of the pot, smell the fragrance of this noodle soup... fragrant, really fragrant... you are unrighteous, I am unkind... I heard that your only son is in the capital city, hmph... let you cut off the incense and have no one to inherit it! Here comes the noodle soup...”

The door was opened again, and Ji Weiming felt a sudden cold breeze on his back. Before he could stand up, Ruan Tangling had already grabbed his hand.

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Qin Fuyu watched this scene and a faint smirk appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, that made me feel a little scared," said Ji Weiming, looking very nervous. "Hey, do you think the Peach Blossom troupe is planning to scare me tonight?"

Wang Ruyan pretended to look confused, then suddenly became angry and slammed the table: "How dare they!"

The music on stage suddenly stopped, and the group looked innocently at the audience.

Although the people here are open-minded and there are fewer restrictions, not everyone can be as audacious as to sing in front of the Crown Prince and sing about King of Xihuai cutting off the incense offerings. (cutting off incense = having no descendants)

Ji Weiming was not angry. In the capital city, there were many who wanted to climb up to him and even more who wanted his life. To put it plainly, what they were singing was not wrong.

After Ji Zhou arrived in Xihuai County, everyone knew about the little rift he had with the Black Desert tribes, even Ji Weiming in the capital had heard about it. However, this song was a work of art with a touch of exaggeration that made it about 80-90% true.

"It's nothing, it's nothing," Ji Weiming quickly stopped Wang Ruyan, "Brother Wang, don't worry about it. This tune sounds quite interesting and it reminds me to pay attention to personal safety. It's good, it's good, let's continue!"

On stage, the singing began again. Ji Weiming glanced uncertainly at Ruan Tangling, who just smiled deliberately.

What is the background of this Peach Blossom troupe?

Are they trying to test Ji Weiming or Ruan Tangling?

There is a long way between Dongyu and Xihuai, both are county Kings, but the effective land area of Dongyu is twice that of Xihuai. Dongyu is more populous and prosperous, and its tax revenue is four or five times higher than Xihuai. There is no resentment between Dongyu and Xihuai, so a sane person would not come all the way here to provoke Ji Weiming.

Ji Weiming seemed to have no thoughts, scooped a bowl of noodle soup and handed it to Ruan Tangling with both hands. Ruan Tangling reached out to take it, but he took the bowl back.

Ruan Tangling rolled her eyes at him. Is he playing with her?

Ji Weiming scooped up a spoonful and blew on it before offering it with a smile to Ruan Tangling's mouth, asking, "Tang Tang, how does it compare to your father's cooking?"

Their display of affection is simply enviable!

Ruan Tangling lowered her head and sipped it lightly. It was still a bit hot, so she only took a bite of half of it. "I think Father's cooking is still the most delicious!"

Without much concern, Ji Weiming put the other half that had been bitten by Ruan Tangling into his own mouth before she could react.

"I say," Wang Ruyan couldn't bear it anymore, Qin Fuyu was still there, and Ji Weiming was completely not giving face by showing affection in public, "Those who show affection in public should be burned to death! Xiao Yu, don't you agree?"

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Qin Fuyu, who had been sitting quietly to the side since she walked in, gave Wang Ruyan an annoyed look and said, "Brother, the performance on stage is good. Let's watch the play."

Wang Ruyan smiled awkwardly and followed Ji Weiming to scoop a bowl and hand it to Qin Fuyu, but Qin Fuyu didn't accept it and just focused on the stage.

The play "The Secret of Xihuai" seemed to have a profound meaning...

Just now, the old performer hasn't left the stage yet, and now another performer comes up and asks, "I can't figure it out no matter how much I think about it. Why did my father leave the Black Desert with nothing?"

"My father was supposed to be the leader of the Black Desert, and I am the female leader of the Black Desert. However, I had to leave my hometown at a young age and follow my father to unfamiliar territory. I should have had beautiful hair and clothes, but I pretended to be a poor child in tattered clothes. I should have held firearms and commanded respect, but instead, I bowed my head like a roadside beast. I should have enjoyed a life of luxury and comfort, but I married as a poor wife and lived a life of misery. My only wish in life is to turn the one who started it all into a pile of bones!"

"Cutting off the poor, killing the governor, I went to the capital alone. As I greeted a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth, four burly guards followed behind him. I thought to myself, these officials in the capital are really something, they look delicate but act like heroic martial artists. I took a step forward and bowed, asking 'Young master, please wait.' He turned back and smiled, overturning my heart as well. 'Miss, how may I assist you?' 'I am alone and unfamiliar with the roads, may I ask where the residence of the Crown Prince, King of Xihuai’s son lives?' "

On stage, the actor Ji Weiming smiled at the actress Dao Madan and asked shyly, "Why are you looking for me?"

As Ruan Tangling looked at the Dao Madan, her complexion turned pale in an instant. This handsome person in front of her was actually her enemy. As the struggle ensued, a knife was drawn from behind, and the young man immediately realized that the woman intended to kill him. Thus, they exchanged dozens of moves on the stage, all of which were dazzling and intricate.

"So silly," Ruan Tangling thought it was funny.

Ji Weiming fully agrees and says, "I say, Brother Wang, even though it's a play, it doesn't necessarily have to be so exaggerated, right?"

"Don't you understand?" Wang Ruyan explained, "It's just like writing an article. How can you catch people's attention without being too exaggerated or cliché?"

Ji Weiming shamelessly pointed at himself on the stage and asked Ruan Tangling, "Tang Tang, what would you do if someone openly flirted with me on the street?"

Ruan Tangling glanced at him. This play is really exaggerated. She killed her ex-husband and fell in love at first sight with someone on the road. Realizing he was the son of an enemy who she wanted to kill, but he actually showed mercy everywhere. Which young lady has no spine and must insist on stabbing the other party to death?

She lazily replied with a plain tone, "I don't know if others dare to, but do you dare?"

"Of course not, I am devoted to you." Ji Weiming wore the appearance of a playboy, which made Ruan Tangling want to beat him up.

The performance on stage was almost over. Ji Weiming gave praises and asked Wang Ruyan, "Hey, Brother Wang, how much silver does the Peach Blossom Troupe earn for performing all night?"

"Are you short of money?" Wang Ruyan raised a hand disdainfully. "Not much, just a little."

"How about you, Brother Wang, lend me a hand and sing a song for my father-in-law another day? Don't worry about the latter half, but my father-in-law will definitely like the first half!"

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Ruan Tangling took a deep breath. Ruan Su must like it, otherwise, if he really saw it, they might end up with flour all over their face in no time. Then he would shout angrily, "Look at you, you all look so cowardly! This is how you knead dough!"

Wang Ruyan's face showed a look of difficulty: "This won't work. Although it's not expensive, this Peach Blossom Opera has high standards. They pick the location and even choose the audience."

The implication is that only officials and aristocrats are given performances, and ordinary people have no chance!

Ji Weiming regretfully sighed: "That's really too bad!"

"Yes, it is," Wang Ruyan agreed.

"Thank you for your hospitality tonight, Brother Wang," said Ji Weiming, pulling Ruan Tangling along. "It's getting late, shall we make an appointment to drink together another day?"

"That’s most certainly," Wang Ruyan looked at Ji Weiming and noticed that he didn't intend to bring Qin Fuyu with him, so he knew that Ji Dong must be waiting downstairs.

Ji Weiming took Ruan Tangling one step ahead, while Qin Fuyu slowly walked out the door. Ji Dong hadn't arrived yet.


Qin Fuyu looked at Ji Weiming's back with suspicion: "Is this Peach Blossom troupe arranged by the emperor?"

“It's just made up based on the Black Desert. I don’t see any reaction from Ji Weiming, so he must have already expected it.” Wang Ruyan suddenly lost his demeanor as a young master and his face sank: “There is a problem with this Ruan Tangling though.”

"Do you think so too?" Qin Fuyu sneered, "What are your thoughts?"

“Despite coming from a poor background, her eating habits are not at all timid, and she is even more confident than the noble ladies of the Capital. She carries herself with a certain ease and you should pay attention to her every move.”

Qin Fuyu nodded: "I was just having someone inform my adoptive father to investigate the details of the Ruan family. Since Ji Dong has arrived, I'll leave first."

Wang Ruyan watched Qin Fuyu descend the second floor of Chong Er Theatre. The moon was just right, bright and shining, and the clear shadow was like a string of thoughts stirred up by the moonlight on the clear ripples.

Ji Weiming and Ruan Tangling galloped past along the way, the wind whistling around them, with the shadows of old houses reflecting on the ground. Leaving behind the silence of Chong Er Theatre, the noise gradually faded away from their ears.

"What do you think of this Peach Blossom troupe?" Ji Weiming asked in a low voice.

Ruan Tangling sat beside Ji Weiming and looked ahead at the winding road, frowning as she replied, "I don't know about anything else, but they definitely aren't from Dongyu!"

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