Chapter 105 Dingyuan's Relatives

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From the beginning, the situation in the north was just guerrillas going south to occasionally grab food. After another month of continuous heavy snowfall in the north, a large-scale southward plundering war finally broke out in the middle of December. Luohe prefecture was about half a month away from the northern border. In addition, Luohe prefecture was a provincial fortress. There were troops stationed at the pass. So the war will not affect this side for a while.

The nomads were born brave and good at fighting. On top of that, they were forced to a dead end. They went all out when fighting. Since the beginning of winter, Dafeng's army had been short of food and wages. With this comparison, they were inferior. The border was broken through. The nomads stormed straight down and reached Jiaxing Pass, which was only a day's journey from north of Dingyuan County, in less than ten days.

Numerous days ago

Everyone in Yue Family was now like ants in a hot pot. The whole family was jumping up and down to pack their bags and flee to the south. Although the houses and fields of Yue Family were in Cuifeng Village, these external things weren’t so important when compared to life.

In the past two years, Yue Wen Tao and Yue Wen Wei had both got married. Yue Chang Shou enjoyed the blessings of being equal to others like his second brother. Mrs. Han's whole body had aged rapidly in the past two years. She was unwilling to be close with Yue Chang Shou. Since his father-in-law passed away, Yue Chang Shou had no shackles anymore and came back drunk every day.

Later, he absurdly redeemed a prostitute and let her step into the house. She became his favorite person. The two sons had been beaten by Yue Chang Shou countless times because of this incident. The enviable family had long since fallen apart.

After Yue Wen Tao got admitted as Tongsheng, he married the only daughter of a merchant family. Because the new wife’s bountiful dowry money and his father-in-law’s support, Yue Family’s first branch gradually became the most beloved among the three brothers. This time it was Yue Chang Fu and his family who were trying to escape to the south.

Yue Family currently had more than 20 members in total. How can they just up and go like that? Everyone in the first branch was smart. How can they let old Second and old Third’s families scrounge their own money? The first room closed the door to discuss it, but didn't know the second and third branch had their own discussion. That night, the second and third branches took advantage of the first branch and the old couple’s inattentiveness and quietly drove away the family's ox cart. Yue Chang Shou sold the shop in Dingyuan a long time ago, took all the money in the family, and only brought the prostitute and two sons. He had left Mrs. Han in Cuifeng Village.

The two sons of third branch have already been heartbroken by their father's actions in the past two years. If their mother didn’t use her life as a threat, they would rather die with their mother in Dingyuan than follow their father. Quietly following the ox cart of Yue Chang Shou and others from Yue's house to the entrance of the village, Mrs. Han watched the ox cart going south in the dark night with red eyes. She can die. She also wanted Yue Chang Shou to die. But her two sons were still alive. For the sake of the children, she can only watch Yue Chang Shou and others leave.

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It wasn't until the next morning when Yue Family’s first branch got up that they found that the family's ox cart was gone and only Mrs. Han was standing at the door, staring blankly at the slowly falling snowflakes.

"Old Second and old Third, you two beasts!" Yue Da Fu was so infuriated that he fell backward. Although he had the intention of abandoning his two sons, he didn't expect his two sons to have the same thoughts as him. Sitting on the kang, he cursed a few times: "Two white-eyed wolves! Unfilial sons!"

"Father, no matter how much you scold now, old Second and old Third children have left long ago. Shouldn't we hurry up too. We’re late by a day. The north side war might reach this!" Although Yue Chang Fu wanted to abandon these two still-not-dead, he knew that the two still-not-dead must have saved a lot of money over the years. If he takes them with him, he will have all the eating expenses along the way. So he can only swallow his anger and ask with a straight face.

"Go to the town and hire a mule cart back. Even if it costs more money, spend it. Let's leave quickly." As soon as Yue Da Fu heard that the war was going to reach Cuifeng Village, he hurriedly patted the kang and began to order the family to work: "Old woman, hurry, take Eldest's wife. Steam a few trays of mantou for us to eat on the road. Pack the clothes and bedding. Quickly pack. As for those that can’t be taken, lock it all."

Although everyone was in a mess, Yue Da Fu's family head prestige still remained. As soon as he spoke, everyone hurriedly started to work away.

Everyone busied away. Only Mrs. Han acted as if all the troubles had nothing to do with her. When Mrs. Chen went in and out in a flurry, she had sent countless stabbing gazes which were ignored. Irked, Mrs. Chen immediately went to complain to her mother-in-law and came up with bad ideas.

"Mother, old Third didn't take old Third’s wife away. It can’t be that she still wants to go with us?" While kneading the dough, Mrs. Chen chatted with old Mrs. Chen: "I saw her standing like a rock just now. She doesn’t know to come over to help. Truly a burden for that freeload!"

Mrs. Chen was used to putting eye drops on old Mrs. Chen. Sure enough, old Mrs. Chen immediately berated after hearing what she said: "A calamity star! Little whore! Her old man died for a whole day and only put on a weeping face! If it weren't for her, old Third would have married a city ministry councilor’s at that time. Life would have been so much better now! A great family business had been ruined by her and she still wants to eat and drink for nothing with this old lady!? Dream on!"

Hearing what old Mrs. Chen said, Mrs. Chen secretly rejoiced. One less old family member meant one less burden and one less person robbing her family’s two old things' savings. A gleam of joy couldn’t help but appear on her face. Wen Tao's wife, who was squatting beside the fire, heard her mother-in-law and grandmother being and didn't dare to breathe hard. She just lowered her head and fanned the fire.

Yue Chang Fu soon hired a mule cart that happened to be fleeing south. The owners were a couple. Seeing that the price Yue Chang Fu offered was high, they agreed to pick up Yue Family and headed south together.

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Now nine out of ten people in the entire Cuifeng Village have left. Only the old patriarch and a few clan elders refused to leave. The rest fled south one after another.

At the top of the main room, Yue Da Fu hid all the money and the title deed behind his back. Only then, he came out from the main room, locked all the doors one by one, and finally locked the main entrance. The whole family came out. After getting on the mule cart, the big young mule spread its hooves and ran south. Standing at the gate of Yue's house was Mrs. Han who was carrying a small torn bag and didn't know where to go. The members of Yue Family left Mrs. Han behind in the end.


"Eldest Miss! I picked the person up!" On the second day of the New Year, it was the day when Yue You He returned to her maternal home. The main courtyard of Yue's house was bustling with liveliness. Uncle Song from outside, came in a few big strides and whispered something in You Jin’s ear.

You Jin nodded: "Bring the person in first."

Receiving the order, Uncle Song cupped his hands and retreated.

"Bring someone in?" Mrs. Su was chatting and laughing with You He when she heard You Jin's nonsensical words and casually asked.

You Jin sat beside You He, held You He's hand, and smiled without saying a word. Seeing her reaction, You He’s heart couldn't help but tremble and uttered in disbelief: "Is it my mother?"

"She's fine, Elder Sister You He. Please don't get excited. You're almost eight months along now." You Jin's words confirmed You He's guess. Tears welled up in You He's beautiful eyes instantly. Still, she paid heed to You Jin’s words. Holding her belly tightly with both hands, for fear that she would be too agitated and the child would also get agitated.

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Uncle Song, who had exited, quickly returned back in. This time, he was followed by Mrs. Han who was already thin and out of shape. Mrs. Han thought that she was doomed to die in Dingyuan. She never thought that in the afternoon when Yue Family left, a young lad driving a mule cart, speaking with a foreign accent, carrying a letter with familiar handwriting in his arms, and looking for her. After reading the letter, she got into the mule cart, traveled all the way under the stars and moon, and finally arrived at Luohe Prefecture on the second day of the New Year.

"Mother!" You He stood in the main courtyard and saw Mrs. Han behind Uncle Song. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She took a few steps forward and threw herself into Mrs. Han's arms. She had already become a waterfall.

"Good child, everything is fine for Mother." Mrs. Han embraced her daughter whom she had parted with for a long time and comforted her softly. Looking at You Jin, she expressed her gratitude with her eyes.

Mrs. Su was initially a crybaby too. She couldn't stand this kind of scene. Her eyes turned red. Seeing that things were getting out of hand, You Jin quickly interrupted: "Elder Sister You He is pregnant now. Don't get too agitated. Third Aunt, you had been on the road for a good few days. Why don't you sit down and rest for a while. We will have plenty of time to get together in the future!"

Hearing what You Jin said, Mrs. Han discovered that her daughter had a big belly and hurriedly blamed her: "You child, you are going to be a mother and you cry so much. When the child is born in the future, what to do when it becomes a little crybaby?"

While blaming her daughter, she carefully helped her to sit down. Under Mrs. Su's gesture, she sat beside Mrs. Su's.

Liu Zhuo Ting, who stood awkwardly by the side for a long time, went forward to greet her: "Son-in-law, Liu Zhuo Ting, meet Mother-in-law."

Mrs. Han carefully sized up the husband that second branch had chosen for her daughter and finally nodded with satisfaction. The young man looked like a decent child. She said: "Good child, you have worked hard to take care of You He these days. Whatever the matter, I have to worry you a little bit more.”

"Mother-in-law speaks too seriously." Although Liu Zhuo Ting was a bit rigid, it was the performance of this young man's understanding of etiquette in the eyes of the mother-in-law. It was true that the more the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she became.

You He accepted the warm handkerchief handed over by Su Family’s maids and wiped her face. After a while, she calmed down. Although the mother and daughter had been separated for a long time, the blood relationship was still there. She affectionately remarked: "Mother is biased. As soon as you come here, you only look at Son-in-law and forget about Daughter!"

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Although she spoke so coquettishly, You He couldn’t help feel sour when she see Mrs. Han looked seven or eight years older than when she left Dingyuan last year: "Since Mother had come to Luohe Prefecture, you’re not allowed to leave in the future."

Mrs. Han patted You He's hand in admiration. Her daughter had really grown up.

Seeing that the mother and daughter were not so excited anymore, You Jin slowly asked, "Third Aunt, why are you here alone? Where are Wen Sheng brothers?" You Jin sent someone to pick up Mrs. Han and her two cousins. After all, it was impossible for Mrs. Han to leave her two sons behind.

Mrs. Han sighed before recounting what happened to Yue Family in Cuifeng Village a few days ago.

After listening to Mrs. Han's words, You He only felt her chest thumping with anger: "How did Father become like this? Will something happen to younger brothers when they follow Father?"

You He and her two younger brothers had been tight knit since she was little. Now that there was turmoil outside, she was naturally worried.

You Jin didn't know whether to laugh or not when she heard that. The men of Yue Family were really a family. They went their separate ways when the disaster was imminent. Lightly patting You He's hand, she comforted in a deep voice: "Elder Sister You He and Third Aunt don't worry. Since they fled to the south, they might also come to Luohe Prefecture. I will ask someone to inquire. Once they found them, they’ll be brought over and prevent them from suffering with my Third Uncle."

Agitated, Mrs. Han stood up. She knelt down in the direction of You Jin and Mrs. Su and kowtowed a good few times: "Thank you Elder Sister-in-law and You Jin. If it weren't for your help, our family’s You He and I might even lose our lives."

"Auntie (you), what are you doing?" You Jin jumped up together with Mrs. Su and hurriedly helped her up and sit down. Mrs. Su grasped Mrs. Han's hand. Her voice was hoarse: "We are all one family. If you hadn't helped us openly and secretly, You Jin and her sisters might have suffered a lot!"

Ever since Mrs. Han came to Wuliqiao and saw the gate of Su Family, she knew that Su Family had really made a fortune. She thought that people would be bewitched by money and silk and felt a little uneasy. Now, it had completely disappeared. The two sister-in-laws were as close as ever.

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