Chapter 106 Reunited New Year

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Mrs. Han's arrival made the already happy New Year even more complete. You He had too many things to tell Mrs. Han as well as too many things to ask. Liu Zhuo Ting knew what his wife was thinking, so he left You He alone at Wuliqiao and went back to Luohe Prefecture to explain to his parents. Liu Family’s two elders knew some details about their daughter-in-law's family. Hearing that their in-laws had come all the way here and knowing that their daughter-in-law was now pregnant, it went without saying they didn't mind about these trivial matters.

Back to Su's house. After chatting with everyone for a long time, Mrs. Han followed the servants arranged by You Jin to freshen up.

By the time Mrs. Han changed into the clean clothes that Mrs. Su had prepared for her, packed up and returned to the main courtyard, the servants of Su Family had already put the dinner on the dining table.

Upon Mrs. Han’s arrival, Mrs. Su took her hand and sat her down on the head: "I made these clothes for the winter. I was afraid that it wouldn’t fit well. Never thought it would be too big."

Mrs. Han and Mrs. Su's height was about the same, but Mrs. Han's body was curvy and Mrs. Su's was thinner. However, Mrs. Han hadn’t had a good life in the past two years and had lost a lot of weight. Mrs. Su was nurtured pretty well in the past two years and had gained a lot of flesh. Mrs. Su's clothes on Mrs. Han was still a little loose.

"It's fine. Tomorrow I'll have someone make two sets of clothes for Third Aunt to wear." You Jin stood beside Mrs. Su and jollily looked at Mrs. Han who was a little bit more energetic: "Third Aunt, live here. You and Mother can be companions."

Mrs. Han was unwilling: "I've already troubled you so much. How can I live and eat for free at your house?"

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Since entering the gate of Su's house, she had noticed the second branch’s children were all well-raised; clever and beautiful as a doll made by jade. Then looking at the eating utensils and the servants in the courtyard, Mrs. Han knew that if she stayed in Su’s house, it would be great. But her heart would never allow her to force repayment for the kindness. On top of that, her two sons were still missing. She was afraid that living in Su’s house would cause trouble to Su Family, so she was unwilling to live there.

"Mother, come home with me! Although Liu's house isn’t as big as Aunt's, squeeze a bit and it can still accommodate people. I'm about to give birth. With Mother by my side, I can always feel at ease." You He was Mrs. Han’s daughter. Naturally, she guessed a little bit of Mrs. Han's thoughts and wanted to bring Mrs. Han back to Liu Family.

When Mrs. Han heard this, she hesitated. She had given birth to three children, so she naturally knew that when a woman gave birth, it was like walking through the gates of hell. Her daughter was spoiled since she was little. If she was not watching by her side, she would feel uneasy.

Seeing that everyone couldn't come up with an idea for a while, You Jin hurriedly beckoned everyone to sit down: "The dishes are all served. Let's finish the meal first and then talk about it! Third Aunt may not have a chance to eat something warm during her journey. Whatever to be discussed can be left after dinner."

As everyone was uncertain and it was indeed time to eat, they all called each other to sit down for dinner. There was no need to mention the joy and harmony in the midst of the meal.

The night was dark. The bustling all day Su’s house gradually returned to calm. The front door and the backyard were locked. Only the guards patrolled the outside of Su Family twice. The rest of the people had already entered dreamland in the warm bed.

In the backyard, You He was in her boudoir room in Su ‘s house before she got married. The bright moonlight shone through the glazed windows like hoarfrost, covering the whole ground. Mrs. Han and You He had laid down early and chatted nonstop. You He had too many questions and wanted to know a lot. So most of the time it was Mrs. Han who whispered. You He was half lying down, with fair jade-like hands supporting the weight of her head. She listened attentively to what her mother said about those people and things in Dingyuan.

"Actually, I had already guessed your father's plan, but was holding a little bit of hope at that time. Not long after you left, your maternal grandmother passed. I thought he would take into account the relationship between us for many years. Never thought he would be this cruel. If I can still see him alive, I will separate with him." Although Mrs. Han was strong, her eyes still reddened when she told her daughter that she was abandoned by her husband who ran for his life: "I just feel sorry for you, Wen Sheng, and Wen Yu."

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You He hugged Mrs. Han's arm tightly. The tears in the corners of her eyes swirled a few times in her eyes. Finally, it fell silently onto the soft pillow: "Don't worry, Mother, I will definitely not leave you alone. From now on, you will live with me. I’ll take care of you!”

"You silly girl. How can a maternal family member be raised by the husband’s family?" It went without saying her daughter being so soothing to the heart made Mrs. Han happy. But for her daughter's sake, she still softly refused: "Mother is still so young now! Haven’t reached the point of old age care? Mother still wants to start a small business by myself. If your two younger brothers are willing to follow Mother, Mother will support them to continue their studies!"

Knowing that mother had such a plan in her heart, You He vigorously nodded as if she had found the backbone: "Okay, I still have some money in my hand now. I will give it to Mother when the time comes."

Here Yue Family’s mother and daughter were whispering. The other side, Su Family’s mother and daughter were also planning for the future of Mrs. Han.

"You Jin, your Third Aunt was picked up by you. You must have a plan for her future, right?" Thinking of her daughter's words and behavior during dinner, Mrs. Su knew that she must have had something on her mind and spoke, "Your Third Aunt is kind to our family, you have to make good arrangements."

You Jin drank a cup of stewed until soft and delicious white fungus soup. She smiled and replied: "Mother, don't worry. Since I brought Third Aunt over, I naturally have my plan. But it's the New Year now. So any arrangement can wait until after the new year, right?”

Mrs. Su knew that the eldest daughter excelled at planning ahead. Now that she said this, she thought that there must be arrangements. So she reminded: "The night is dark. Now that it’s New Year, go sleep earlier if you have nothing to do."

"Mother, don't worry. I know." You Jin nodded and called for Qiu Fen to get a lantern and send Mrs. Su back to rest in the main courtyard. She sat down at the desk and continued the unfinished business that she handling before Mrs. Su came.

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You He stayed in Wuliqiao until the fourth day of the New Year at the urging of the two elders of Liu Family. Reluctantly bidding farewell to Mrs. Han and Su Family, she returned to Luohe Prefecture.

Standing on the embankment, Mrs. Han watched the wobbling mule cart her daughter was riding towards the city. Once the mule cart turned into a black spot in the distance, Mrs. Han puffed a breath of hot air to warm her frozen hands and turned back to enter the gate of Su's house.

"You Jin, I will find something to do as soon as possible. Then I will move out of your house." Mrs. Han was a little embarrassed. All her savings were secretly given to Wen Sheng. When she came to Luohe Prefecture, she was penniless and couldn’t even give second branch’s children the red envelopes for the New Year. Now there was only a few liang silver from the daughter in the purse. She could only thicken her cheeks and freeload in Su's house for a while.

Looking at the somewhat inhibited Mrs. Han, You Jin smiled and pulled her to sit down: "Third Aunt thinks that living in our house is uncomfortable and wants to leave in a hurry? I initially have something to trouble Third Aunt. Now you said this, I’m too embarrassed to bother you.”

"It’s not a bother. Just tell me if you need me for anything and I can help." As soon as Mrs. Han heard that You Jin had something to ask her to help with, she immediately agreed: "However, your Elder Sister You He’s matter has already troubled you. I have heard from You He these two days that you spent so much money on her dowry and subsidized her a lot from time to time. Us mother and daughter owe you too much."

"Third Aunt had already said that we are one family. What need is there to clearly separate between family members?" You Jin became more and more satisfied with the behavior of Third Aunt and You He. So she told Mrs. Han about her plan: "Originally I wanted to open another shop in Luohe Prefecture after the New Year. Third Aunt had been doing business with Grandpa Han since young. I want you to be the manager of this new shop. If you really love Niece, you will definitely agree."

"I was doing some errands in the grocery store. Just some small stuff. How can I handle the job?" Mrs. Han thought that it must be Second Elder Sister-in-law who spoke for her. That was why You Jin made this arrangement. Feeling more and more guilty, she spoke: "You Jin, Aunt knows that you have good intentions, but Aunt doesn't think I have much ability. If I thicken my face to agree and then cause you trouble, then I’m really disregarding the family's affection."

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Hearing Mrs. Han's response, You Jin became more determined to hand over the new shop to Mrs. Han's management: "Third Aunt, don't you know that finding a trustworthy manager who you know in and out and has a good character and temperament is so difficult? I mean well, but I won't waste my family's money for you. I trust Third Aunt's ability. That’s why I brought it up. If Third Aunt is willing, wait until the shop opens after the new year period and try it out for a while. If it really doesn’t work, how about we make another plan?”

Seeing You Jin's burning eyes, Mrs. Han felt inexplicably confident and agreed after a short contemplation: "Deal, then I will try."

Mrs. Han wasn’t someone without tact. She knew that her niece was doing this for her own sake. Internally vowing, she must take care of the shop after it opens. Only then, it will be worth the kindness of the second branch bestowed to her.

Seeing that Mrs. Han was willing to agree to the matter, You Jin felt even more satisfied with her. She admired Mrs. Han for not dragging her feet or being hypocritical. So she immediately told her about her plans for the new shop.

Now the only relatives Su Family needed to visit was Liu Family. There were also some customers whom they have business dealing with on most days that they needed to visit on the New Year. One was to exchange information. Second, the other was to connect with business people. Since You Jin made up her mind to let Mrs. Han manages the matter of the new shop, it went without saying she will have Mrs. Han accompanies her when she visit around the next few days. Originally, Mrs. Han was still a little uneasy living in Su's house and worried about the whereabouts of her two sons. Now she became occupied and You Jin mentioned more than once that she had arranged for someone to go to Luohe Prefecture to inquire about Wen Sheng and Wen Yu’s whereabouts, the melancholy in Mrs. Han's heart had been diluted a bit.

In Luohe Prefecture in the new year, there were still a lot of people talking. Although everyone knew that there was a war in the north, the new year still needed to be passed. When Yue Chang Lu and Yue Chang Shou brothers arrived in Luohe Prefecture, it was already the eighth day of the New Year.

"This Luohe Prefecture is really prosperous!" Wan Niang was sitting on the ox cart holding her three-year-old son. Her eyes kept spinning around like a wheel blown by the wind, completely fascinated by the prosperity of Luohe Prefecture: "Family Head, why don't we stay here?"

Yue Chang Lu brothers drove an ox cart, so they moved slowly. Plus they had to repeatedly stop to rest along the way. Unlike Su Family's coachman who knew the way. That was why they were delayed for a good few days on the road. Now that they arrived in Luohe Prefecture, the two brothers were exhausted. Hearing Wan Niang's proposal, Yue Chang Shou looked at his own Jiao Niang and nodded to Yue Chang Lu. Yue Family’s second and third branch temporarily stopped in Luohe Prefecture.

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