Chapter 113 Great Victory

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Time stepped into March. The news of great victory came from the front line. Many people who stayed in Luohe Prefecture with the same idea as You Jin were greatly relieved.

In the court in the capital.

Already white-haired and hunched-figured Emperor read the urgent message of the great victory. He felt that the stagnation that had been pent up in his heart for a long time dissipated in an instant. Even his hunched back straightened a lot: " Good! Beloved Subject Liu lived up to my trust. Pass on my will, give General Liu the title Heroic General. After the Northern Ethnic squadron is evicted, call back the troops to the court and he’ll be titled a first-rank general!"

"His Majesty is wise!" All the officials knelt down below the dragon chair and shouted long live. In any case, Luohe Prefecture was saved and Northern Xinjiang was saved. Finally a good news.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" His Majesty loudly laughed a few times. It was rare that today’s court meeting didn’t end in a heavy atmosphere. All the officials in the court were all beaming. Now the Northern Ethnics were repelled Northern Ethnic, Dafeng's biggest foreign trouble was finally resolved. His Majesty's moodiness should be changed and they can finally sleep peacefully.

However, there were also quite a few people who were only smiling on the surface and stabbing petty people in their hearts. Back then when the war in Northern Xinjiang was in stalemate, no one in the court dared to take command. So they beat around the bush and pushed Liu Wei onto this road. Originally, they wanted to get rid of this obtrusive old man, but it didn’t go the way they wanted.

Who knew Liu Wei, an old man, got strong fate. It was enough that he didn't die, he even defeated Northern Ethnic? The group of courtiers with different thoughts quietly glanced at the back standing in the front row wearing the four-clawed silver dragon court uniform. Their hearts tightened even more, fearing that the master was about to lose his temper today.

The news of General Liu Wei defeating the Northern Ethnic quickly spread throughout the capital. While the whole world was celebrating, a rumor quietly spread throughout the capital along with the news of Northern Ethnic’s defeat.

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"Have you heard? This time, General Liu Wei, who led the troops bravely and defeated Northern Ethnic, had previously charged into the battle under the command of General Han. He is indeed the favorite of General Han!" Everyone in the capital knew the current heroic general was under the command of the mighty General Han who defeated Northern Ethnic back then and regained more than a dozen cities in Northern Xinjiang.

Some people even dug out the old stories about the hundreds of members of General Han's family being implicated. For a while, there were all kinds of rumors in the capital.

"Nowadays, the people in the capital all say that the great defeat of Northern Ethnic is due to the heroic general. But no one mentions His Majesty's talent for picking people." In Esteem's study room, a thin-faced literati wearing a fourth-rank civil official's court uniform was full of resentment: "Your Majesty, the lesson of the Han Guang Hong case is still vivid in my memory! It can’t be that Your Majesty wants to pamper another Han Guang Hong?" He knew where the thorn in his Majesty’s heart was and pushed it in harder.

"Presumptuous!" A booklet smashed directly at the civil official's feet. The standing man knelt down straight away. However, his mouth insisted on his persistence as a loyal subject: "Your Majesty, don't get angry. It's not that this subject wants to frame the Heroic General. Your Majesty, do you remember that General Liu Wei was the left hand man under Han Guang Hong's command. He had a close-knit relationship with Han Guang Hong for more than ten years. Now that he has a heavy army in hand, the current strength of the capital can't stop the 300,000 northern border troops once he turns his horse's head around!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed again and again until his forehead was red and swollen. Sitting on the dragon chair, the old man with white hair and dressed dragon robe spoke in a deep voice: "Fine, Beloved Subject Chen rise."

Hearing him bring up the case of Han Guang Hong's treason again, his Majesty's face, which had been softened because of Liu Wei's victory, once again became heavy and angry.

Waving his hand to make him retreat, His Majesty sat in the Esteem's study room. Silence remained for a long time. Closing his eyes, he recalled the past. When he opened his eyes again, there was resentment, anxiety, and determination in his eyes.


In a very secluded house outside the capital city, a young man who looked a little like his Majesty was sitting at the head. Listening to Official Chen, who had already changed into dark casual clothes, recount what happened in the Esteem's study room in detail, he nodded: "Imperial Father has always been apprehensive. Han Guang Hong matter from back then etched a shadow over Imperial Father's heart. Now Official Chen pointed it out like this, it went without saying Imperial Father would be suspicious. Our hidden stake in the army can also start to move."

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"This official understands." A slight smile hung on Official Chen’s harsh looking face as he said this, "As long as Liu Wei is eliminated, the 300,000 troops in Northern Xinjiang will be taken over by Your Highness."

Since the seed of doubt has been planted, it will grow rapidly. As long as the firewood is added at the right time, His Highness will take another big step towards the position of supremacy.

"To learn ancient knowledge without digesting it, it’s complete ignorance and bigotry. It's just a pity for talents like Han Guang Hong and Liu Wei." The young man at the top place sighed lightly as if he truly cherished talents, but the chill in his eyes never dissipated.

The relationship between Liu Wei and Han Guang Hong back then had been publicized so that everyone in the capital knew about it. There were many people in the court who made a big fuss about it. At the court meeting, the civil servants and military generals who had caused a lot of quarrels were eager to peel off each other's skins. At this time, Xiao Family in the capital had discovered that something was amiss. Xiao Lin Yu was having a secret conversation with Xiao Hai Ru in the study.

"Son remembered Grandfather had a good relationship with General Han. When something happened to Han Family, was my Xiao Family involved?" Xiao Lin Yu admired old Master Xiao's vast and complicated circle of friends, but he was also a little uneasy. He hoped he was just thinking too much.

Xiao Hai Ru sat at the top, picked up a cup of fragrant ginseng tea, glanced at Eldest Son who had become more taciturn than before, and replied: "It's all in the past. Why do you ask this?"

Toward the affairs of Han Family, he reacted as if it was nothing and dodged.

Back then, Han Family was charged with treason, a major crime that caused extermination to the extent of nine clans. This incident happened only four years ago. Now that someone had dug out Han Family's affairs, it was no wonder that Xiao Hai Ru was unwilling to mention it.

Seeing Father's expression, Xiao Lin Yu felt his heart drop. On the surface, he kept a serious and respectful expression on his face, "Father, it's not that Son wants to be meddlesome. It's just that General Liu Wei has defeated Northern Ethnic and someone already pulled out the fact he was a striker under General Han's command back then. If the past happened again and our Xiao family had contacts with Han Family back then..."

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Since Xiao Family had Second Master Xiao as an official in the court, the father and son of Xiao Family naturally have heard of the current emperor's temperament. Besides, the case of General Han's treason was only five years ago. It wasn't that Xiao Hai Ru didn’t know how big of a deal it was back then. Hearing what Eldest Son said, he suddenly felt a chill behind him and his hair stood on end. He coughed dryly and said, "Let's discuss it after your second uncle comes back from court."

Facts have proved that Xiao Lin Yu wasn’t worrying too much.

When Second Master Xiao came back from court, the father and son of Xiao Family and Second Master Xiao dismissed all the servants. After two hours of secret talks, they finally clarified the past as well as analyzing down several possible changes in the current situation in detail. Even Xiao Family's retreat was discussed.

"The younger generations deserve to be regarded with awe! Lin Yu is more knowledgeable now!" Second Master Xiao's eyes fell on Xiao Lin Yu with satisfaction. He emotionally remarked: "If Lin Yu didn’t need to inherit the family business and entered into politics, he will definitely have achievements!"

Although Xiao Lin Yu was young, he can be said to be bold, attentive to details and perceptive in his predictions and speculations about current events. Just thinking about Lin Yu's words just now, Second Master Xiao couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional in his heart.

How can a parent not be ecstatic when they hear others praise their children? Especially when it was his carefully trained successor being praised. He was over the moon. Xiao Hai Ru stroked his beard. With a faint smile on his face, he still said a few modest words: "Lin Yu is still young. How can he stand up to the praise of Second Younger Brother?"

Turning to Xiao Lin Yu again, he spoke: "Since you have a plan in mind, you should start preparing. This matter needs to be done stealthily. If there is a big battle, our Xiao family may really be defeated."

Thinking of the fact that Xiao's lineage, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, will all collapse with him and may even bear the eternal infamy of treason, he will really have no face to meet his ancestors in the future when he goes to the underworld!

Although Xiao Family wasn’t comparable to those families of noble literati, it was still a household that had lasted for over a hundred years. There were many people in the big family. Since there were moths, naturally there were also loyal servants.

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In Xiao Lin Yu's study room, a young man and a middle-aged man were secretly doing business in it. The young man's clear voice solemnly sounded: "This time you are going to Xijing. Uncle Wen, you must remember to hide your whereabouts. All the houses and fields you have purchased cannot be bought under Xiao’s name."

Xiao Lin Yu's action was a bit of a precautionary measure. If His Majesty had no intention of blaming, it would only be buying property for his family. But if His Majesty pulls out the old accounts from back then and finds out that his family’s old Master was involved in General Han matter, these assets were his last hope for Xiao Family to make a comeback.

Xiao Wen was the best candidate selected by Xiao Lin Yu to participate in this matter: Xiao Wen sold himself to Xiao Family in Grandfather's generation. Xiao Wen himself grew up with old Master Xiao. When doing business in Xinjiang, they encountered bandits blocking the road and committing robbery. If old Master Xiao hadn't blocked the sword for him, Xiao Wen would have been killed in southern Xinjiang long ago. Before old Master Xiao passed away, he arranged for Xiao Wen to be by Xiao Lin Yu’s side. For so many years, Xiao Wen can be said to be dedicated to Xiao family and personally did everything. So when this matter happened, Xiao Lin Yu's first choice in his heart was Xiao Wen.

"In a few days, I will arrange for Uncle Wen to go to the south. You will encounter wind and waves when you go out to sea. In worst case scenario, you may die." Xiao Lin Yu paused and looked at Xiao Wen. He continued: "Someone will pick you up at that time. It may be necessary to aggrieve you to change your identity and go to Xijing to buy property as a Baiyue merchant. As for your family, I will arrange for people to remove their lowly status and then give them a sum of money to bring back to their hometown and set up their assets."

Xiao Wen married and gave birth to children in Xiao Family. He was nearly forty years old this year. It went without saying he had already married and established a family. If there was anything he can't let go of, it was only his old wife and three sons.

Xijing was an important town located in the capital leading to the Western Xinjiang. Because of the smooth trade with the western countries, it was very prosperous. The distance from Xijiang to Xirong was relatively short. In the worst case scenario, his Majesty wants to kill off Xiao Family, Xiao Family can easily hide their tracks in Xijing and even escape to Xirong.

After listening to Xiao Lin Yu's words, Xiao Wen respectfully bowed and responded, "I understand."

Although Eldest Young Master didn't say anything clearly, who was Xiao Wen? He was a person who had worked with old Master Xiao for many years. He naturally knew the friendship between old Master Xiao and Han Family. Recently, the rumors in the capital were getting louder and louder. Eldest Young Master's action was probably to pave the way for his own family!

Three days later, Xiao Wen bidded farewell to his family and embarked on the road to southern Xinjiang.

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