Chapter 114 The wind’s sudden rise

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The 300,000 soldiers from northern Xinjiang led by General Liu Wei drove Northern Ethnic all the way back to the border of Dafeng. Northern Ethnic received vital damage. While Dafeng had intention for a truce. In the end, the two sides reached the negotiation condition of 5,000 quality horses and one hundred thousand liang’s worth of rare treasures tribute from Northern Ethnic. A battle that started from snatching after heavy snow in the north was finally won under the leadership of General Liu Wei.

The good news of General Liu Wei's continuous battles repeatedly came back one after another. Luohe Prefecture, which had been mobilized with horses and soldiers in the earlier stage and deserted of people, finally returned to its former prosperity. Sujiaxiang's business gradually returned to normal level. While Sujiami was intensively continuing to prepare. Everything in Luohe Prefecture was developing in a good direction.

In March, the spring breeze was warm.

Fulfilling what she said that day, You Jin took You Zhu, Mrs. Han and You He's husband, Liu Zhuo Ting, to Chaxiang to pick up people. Unexpectedly, those few little ones had a great time in Chaxiang. Every morning, they went up to the mountain to pick tea with the tea farmers in the tea garden. Even the most calm-tempered You Bao and You Luo became a lot more cheerful.

"You've been playing here for more than a month. Still reluctant to go back?" You Jin jollily held You Duan's hand and walked down the tea mountain slowly. Following them was Su Family’s group of girls. As for Kang-er, he had long run off with Han Er Hua.

Su Family’s tea mountains were promising this year. Because the tea mountains were too large and there were many tea trees, there were too many tea trees to be picked before pure brightness. Under the management of Han Li and Song Hua and the consent of Mrs. Su, most of Su Family’s servants were sent to the field. Then many long-term and short-time workers were hired to pick tea leaves. For a while, the tea mountain was very lively.

Mrs. Su, You He and Yu Lan were sitting and chatting in Su Family's house at the foot of the tea mountain. Seeing Eldest Daughter returning with the children, she put down the work and greeted them with a smile: "You came back early today."

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During the time in Chaxiang, Mrs. Su would receive letters from Eldest Daughter reporting safety every few days. When she really appeared in front of her eyes yesterday, Mrs. Su's heart settled back in place.

"The sun is a bit strong today. Afraid of getting dizzy after a long exposure, I brought them back." You Jin had a faint smile on her face. She took off the back-basket on her back and turned to the group of little ones: "Quickly go in to freshen up. If you have to go to class, go to class. Once we get back to Luohe Prefecture, I will check everyone one by one. If anyone is rusty, I will punish you."

Hearing that Eldest Sister said that she would check their homework, the little girls showed expressions of disbelief and shock on their faces. They all wailed: "Eldest Sister! Don't do this!"

"This isn't negotiable. Go!" She patted little Seventh's head, whose face was wrinkled into a bun and amusedly said. Then she signaled to the family’s servant womed to take them down to freshen up. Then she informed Mrs. Su before heading to the kitchen with the basket. She picked a lot of fresh and tender tea tree mushrooms today. Another dish can be added to lunch.

The female cook here in Chaxiang were also excellent. They excelled at using existing ingredients to make food, such as roasted chicken with tea leaves, stir-fried young leaves and other dishes. The female cook was working away in the kitchen when she saw Eldest Miss coming in with a half-basket of tea tree mushrooms. She cheerfully took it. Glancing at it, she happily remarked: "The tea tree mushrooms picked by Eldest Miss are fresh. How about adding a dish of fried tea tree mushrooms?" This cook was new to Su Family, so it goes without saying she didn't know that Su Family also came out of hard times. She only felt that this Eldest Miss looks dignified and majestic and delicately raised from a young age. It would never come to her that she be hands-on. It was quite novel.

"Auntie is the cook. You know the best on how to eat it." You Jin came out of the kitchen with a smile. She turned around and went to the room where You He temporarily stayed to visit her.

You He was currently nine months along. She could deliver at any time. Liu Zhuo Ting had a discussion with his parents before coming here. He wanted to wait for You He to give birth and have her postnatal confinement in Chaxiang before going back. Mrs. Han knew about it and naturally approved. After all, now that You He was heavily pregnant. If she goes into labor on the way, it will be big trouble.

"Your mother-in-law can't leave either. After all, their family relies on the noodle shop and the grocery store to live. If they all come here, the family may run out of food." In the upper room of the west wing where You He temporarily lived, Mrs. Han was earnestly opening up You He: "You know your husband's study is money. When your two sister-in-laws get married in the future, it also cost money. Before we came, she had prepared a lot of food that you like as well as things that will be needed when the child is born. She is thoughtful. So don't blame her."

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You He caressed her already very big belly and couldn't resist laughing after listening to Mother's earnest persuasion: "Mother, I'm not a child anymore. I do understand boundaries. Besides, you and Zhuo Ting are by my side!" Although You He was a bit delicate, she wasn't such an ignorant person: "Besides, when I was left with Second Aunt, Mother-in-law didn’t blame me for abandoning everyone, no?"

In fact, You He never considered leaving Luohe Prefecture from the start. After all, Mother and Mother-in-law's family were still in Luohe Prefecture. Later, under the persuasion of Liu Zhuo Ting and her parent-in-laws, she brought her two sister-in-laws to Chaxiang .

Now the two sisters-in-law were having a good time with Su Family’s few younger sisters. When they saw Eldest Brother coming, they just said a few words before running out to play with You Bao and the others.

It was the first time for Liu Zhuo Ting to meet his two brothers-in-law. He knew that brother-in-law was going to take the imperial examination in the future. He also knew that he was studying with the teacher hired by Su Family. First, he tested Wen Sheng's knowledge. Seeing that his foundation was solid, he nodded with satisfaction: "When learning, don’t rush and aim too high. Your current foundation is good and Teacher Chen is also knowledgeable. You can learn something from him."

As the two were talking, Liu Family’s two younger sisters ran over, said a few words to Liu Zhuo Ting, and then left. Liu Zhuo Ting watched his younger sisters who ran away laughing and a smile unconsciously showed on his face. Younger sisters were always a little cautious at home on most days. Never thought a trip with Wife's maternal family would make them become more like ten-year-old girls.

The business of Su Family gradually picked up. The business in Chaxiang’s supply couldn’t match up with the increasing sales in Xiao Lin Yu's side. You Jin came here this time to check the business in Chaxiang. After reading the account book, she nodded with satisfaction, "Can tea supply keep up?"

Although Su Family currently had three hundred mu of tea mountains, they were new trees. The production wasn't high. According to the current supply, the tea mountain alone cannot supply it.

"Eldest Miss, don't worry. I have already negotiated with the tea farmers in Chaxiang. The raw materials can keep up." Song Hua respectfully answered Eldest Miss’s question. He continued: "In addition, the masters who fry tea in the workshop are also stepping up their efforts. We will definitely not delay the business."

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You Jin nodded: "The sales in the capital is high. It’ll be hard for you guys but do your utmost. I will give everyone a holiday after this busy period."

After sending Han and Song duo out, You Jin carefully counted the bank notes handed in by Han Li. After confirming that they matched the numbers on the account book, she put the bank notes into the box.

Looking at the five thousand liang silver bills in the box, You Jin felt a little disappointed for no apparent reason. Her cooperation with Xiao Lin Yu was negotiated before Xiao Lin Yu left last year. Although she didn't know why Xiao Lin Yu stopped writing to her, he did send a specialist manager to contact her and brought the business in Chaxiang ahead of schedule. He decided the sales and price of her own tea. She didn't have to worry about anything. You Jin felt as if she was hugging a free golden thigh.

The house in Chaxiang was much smaller than Su Family's house in Luohe Prefecture. The children of Su Family slept with two or three people in each room. Still, the children happily play together. When it was time to go back to Luohe Prefecture, everyone reluctantly looked at Mrs. Han and Elder Cousin Brother-in-law who wanted to stay and wait until You He gave birth. In the end, they left Chaxiang to Luohe Prefecture with their heads turned back every three steps after Eldest Sister promised to bring them to Chaxiang for a month every year in the future.

After returning to Luohe Prefecture, everything returned to normal.

Before they knew it, April was here. After the coming-of-age ceremony, You Jin can be regarded as a grown girl from now on.

Though Su Family knew a lot of people in Luohe Prefecture, You Jin didn't know many girls of the same age. So there were only a small number of people invited to the coming-of-age ceremony. Only the family celebrated and it was over. In the deep night, Su Family had long since returned to tranquility. Sitting in front of the dressing table, You Jin took off the fox jade hairpin on her head, held it in her hand and thought about it over and over again. Looking at the pair of green jade hairpins sent from the capital on the table, You Jin, who had been silent for a long time, let out an undetectable sigh.

The storm in Luohe Prefecture disappeared with General Liu Wei’s troop return. However, the wind in the capital was getting stronger and stronger.

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The news that Xiao Wen and Xiao Family's boat were buried under the sea was sent back to the capital. Xiao Wen's wife, Mrs. Wu had fainted from crying countless times.

"Uncle Wen died because of my Xiao family. My Xiao family isn't a heartless person. This is a status-release document, five thousand liang silver notes, and a house deed for a triple-entry house in Luohe Prefecture. Auntie Wu, accept it. Take the children back to Luohe Prefecture to live a good life!" Xiao Lin Yu handed over the things he had prepared long ago to Mrs. Wu's hands. Then he comforted Xiao Wen's sons: "After the status release, you can live a better life. Xiao Hong, you like studying the most. After three years of filial piety, you can take the imperial examination."

Xiao Hong was Xiao Wen's second son. He liked poetry and books the most since he was little. He was also very intelligent. He suffered from low status and wasn't allowed to take the imperial examination. He had already given up on this idea. He never expected Eldest Young Master would be kind enough to let their family be released of their lowly status! Although Xiao Hong was saddened by Father's sudden death, he was naturally grateful for Xiao Family's kindness: "Thank you, Eldest Young Master!"

Mrs. Wu wasn't an ignorant person. She naturally knew that Master Family couldn’t be blamed for this shipwreck. She never thought that Master Family would be so gracious and let her and the children get rid of their lowly status. The woman whose eyes were red and swollen from crying fell to her knees and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you, Eldest Young Master!"

In fact, Xiao Wen's family had a lot of savings. However, the lowly status had always been looming over their head. No matter what they did, they were one level lower than ordinary people.

Now that their lowly status was removed, they were naturally even more grateful to Xiao Family.

After sending off Mrs. Wu and her three sons, Xiao Lin Yu had received a secret letter from Xiao Wen and knew that he had arrived in Xijing. Everything was going on as planned. Looking at the gloomy sky outside, he muttered to himself: "I hope this day will go slower."

Thinking of the girl far away in Luohe Prefecture, he couldn't help but secretly sigh. After all, he couldn't hold back his emotions. Though he can't come in person, he didn't want to miss her coming-of-age ceremony. The feelings that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time had already grown wildly like weeds before he knew it. It was only at this moment that the male knew that he really couldn't let go of this feeling this life.

The emperor’s thoughtwave was impermanent. Who can predict what will happen in the next moment? Who knows if he and her would ever meet again? Now the wind was suddenly rising. If Xiao Family gets involved in the court turmoil, he can't protect himself. Why bother to disturb a pool of spring water? The more he thought about it, the more he regretted. because I can't help it when I face her. He blamed himself for not enduring to the end when it came to her.

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