Chapter 116 Shocking change

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Half a month after Xiao Lin Feng and Xiao Lin Wen left, the wind direction in the capital changed abruptly.

"Eldest Young Master! Our manor is surrounded by official soldiers outside!" The steward at the first gate stumbled in from the outside. It was unknown where he dropped his hat. He rushed in in panic and told Eldest Young Master who was at home today: " They are all holding weapons. Even the manor’s staff in charge of buying supplies can’t get out!”

Xiao Lin Yu put down the book in his hand, indifferently raised his eyes to look at the panic-stricken servant, and said, "I see. Go and invite the chief steward to come to the main hall of Fu-an Courtyard."

Today, Father went out to discuss business with others. Second Uncle hadn't yet got off court meeting. There were only him, Grandmother, and Mother in the manor now. The most urgent task now was to stabilize the hearts of the family.

Once Xiao Lin Yu quickly strode to Fu-an Courtyard, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Xin were already sitting in the main courtyard. Even Mrs. Zhao, the mistress of the second branch, rushed over. Upon his arrival, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-laws all stood up with terrified expressions on their faces: "Lin Yu!"

Xiao Lin Yu hurried over to help Mrs. Xin to sit down: "Don't be agitated, old Ancestor. Now it's just official soldiers surrounding the manor. Although we can't get out, Father and Second Uncle are outside the manor. They will definitely find a way." Though Xiao Lin Yu said this, he knew in his heart that Father and Second Uncle might also be detained. Now everything depended on the current emperor's intentions. Second Uncle had never formed a clique with others. This must have offended many people. Now it seemed more of an ominous ending than a happy one.

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Xin and the others felt a little relieved: "You are right. There are also your Father and Second Uncle!"

After appeasing the emotions of the three people, Xiao Lin Yu discussed with the chief steward of Xiao Manor for a while. Seeing that Mrs. Xin and the others had no objection, the chief steward proceeded: "With the sudden siege at home, people's hearts must be fluctuating. If there is anyone who violates the family rules or stirs up people's hearts, Uncle Cai will deal with them." Now everything can be messed up, but people's hearts can't be messed up.

"Yes, the old servant will handle it now." Xiao Cai had been the chief steward of Xiao's family all his life. He watched Eldest Young Master grow up. Although there was a shocking change at home now, he felt shocked and in awe of the Eldest Young Master when seeing him so calm. Eldest Young Master was now an independent adult.

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Xiao Family wasn't the only one who had the same experience in the capital. City South’s Lord Mayor Manor- Official Lin’s family, Grand Court Academician Manor- Official Zheng’s family, and the residences of a few third-rank marquises who normally had weak existence were all besieged. For a while, people panicked and no one knew what happened.

"Third Elder Brother had been gone for so many years and these people are still so stubborn. Since you swear to follow Third Elder Brother to death, then go down there to serve him!" The man in the silver dragon robe sitting at the top had a faint smile. He picked up the white jade wine cup on the table and down it: "The show is about to begin."


The news of the mishap in the capital was sent back to Luohe prefecture along with Chaxiang’s account for March.

"What happened to Xiao Family?" You Jin held the account book and didn’t look at it. Instead, she carefully questioned the news that Han Li brought back from Chaxiang: "When did it happen?"

In fact, she and Xiao Lin Yu hadn’t contacted each other for more than half a year. The only connection was that he unilaterally gave her a pair of jade hairpins. How could something happen to someone whom she thought had already arranged a new marriage?

Han Li sat at the chair below with an unnatural expression on his tanned face. Now that Xiao Family was involved in the case of General Han's treason back then, Han Li didn't know how to speak. Could he tell the truth to You Jin?

Seeing his hesitant expression, You Jin was very anxious: "Han Li, speak! What happened to Xiao Family?"

Only uttering half of the words made one anxious to death?

"I just heard people from the capital say that they seem to be involved in some treason case." Han Li pursed his dry lips and decided to hide his matter. After all, if their matter was leaked out, no matter whether it was him, Er Hua, or Su Family, they would all be doomed.

Treason! Although You Jin wasn't a native of ancient times, she also knew how serious the crime of treason was. Her eyes were full of disbelief: "How could it be? Isn't Xiao Family a merchant? How could they be involved in the crime of treason?"

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Han Li had never seen You Jin lose her composure like this. Her lips were already biting tightly and was about to bleed. He clenched his hands into fists and didn't know what to say to comfort her.

Fortunately, You Jin's gaffe didn't last long. After recovering from the shock, she raised her voice to call in Qiu Fen who was guarding outside: "Go ask Leader Guard Xiao to come in."

Clueless Leader Guard Xiao first saluted respectfully and asked, "What do you want, Eldest Miss?"

"Leader Guard Xiao, you have been with Xiao Family for so many years, so you must be able to contact people from Xiao Family, right?" You Jin looked at him with burning eyes: "Something happened to Xiao Family. Please go and find out what happened. "

Leader Guard Xiao didn't expect that Eldest Miss asked him to come in because of Xiao Family's affairs. His heart suddenly became hot and he looked at Eldest Miss with his emotional eyes. He asked, "Why is Eldest Miss asking about this?"

Now Xiao Family was in dire straits, people who had been on good terms with Xiao Family on most days can't wait to avoid them now. However, he had a feeling that Eldest Miss will not give up on Eldest Young Master!

"Leader Guard Xiao, I want to know what happened to Xiao Family." You Jin pursed her lips tightly and looked at him with a fixed gaze. Her enthusiasm made him feel inexplicably at ease.

Leader Guard Xiao sighed slightly. He received the news of Xiao Family's mishap a few days earlier than Han Li. He knew more details than Han Li. Knowing about the friendship between Eldest Young Master and Eldest Miss of Su Family, he decided not to hide it from her anymore and told You Jin all the news he had received: "Because General Liu Wei gained fame by virtue of the battle in northern Xinjiang, someone intentional pulled out the matter of General Han Guang Hong participating in Third Prince’s conspiracy five years ago. Somehow, Xiao Family got involved. Now Master, Madam, and Eldest Young Master are all imprisoned in the prison. Xiao’s house had also been confiscated "

After finishing speaking, Leader Guard Xiao lowered his head at once for fear that people would see his reddened eyes.

Although Leader Guard Xiao was now a member of Su Family, he grew up in Xiao's house since he was little. Xiao Family's grace to him was the grace of raising him. Now he can only helplessly watch the disaster of Master's family play out. The dignified seven-foot man mentally complained about Xiao family's injustice as well as feeling angry about his own incompetence.

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"Confiscate the house! Has the judgment document passed down yet?" You Jin's hand on the armchair had long been tightly clenched. Her fingers were so tense that even the veins bulge out: "What is going on with General Han's treason case?"

When General Han's case came out, You Jin was still young. And she was in a remote place. It went without saying she didn't know much about the affairs of the capital.

"This servant only heard a little bit about it. Back then, Third Prince intended to overthrow. A five-clawed dragon robe was found in Third Prince's manor as well as secret letters with General Han were also found." Although Leader Guard Xiao was also in the capital at that time, most of the insiders of General Han’s case were dead. If he really wanted to explain the story in detail, Leader Guard Xiao might not be able to do it. He just briefly recounted some of the news he heard back then.

After listening to Leader Guard Xiao's words, You Jin went silent. Participating in treason would be a death penalty for the nine clans! What can she, a country girl with no background and no money, do? In the huge parlor, the girl's face was as heavy as water. The boy's and the young man's faces were also a little solemn. No one knew what to say. The silence was so unfathomable but also made one’s heart disturbed.

After the silence persisted for an unknown amount of time, You Jin frowned and spoke, "Leader Guard Xiao, let's go to the capital tomorrow."

Now Xiao Family can be said to be scattered. Even if they can't save him, there has to be someone to collect the body for him!

"Eldest Miss!" Leader Guard Xiao and Han Li exclaimed in unison. The difference was that Han Li had an expression of disapproval, while Leader Guard Xiao was surprised and grateful.

Han Li was the first to speak: "Eldest Miss, treason is a serious crime that will execute the nine clans. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Madam, You Yin, and the others!"

After getting along with her in the past few years, he already knew that You Jin was a person of her words. Still, he wanted to persuade her.

Hearing Han Li's words, initially ecstatic Leader Guard Xiao instantly became disappointed. His shoulders weakly dropped. He didn't know what to say.

"With my abilities, I can't save him. I won't mess around." You Jin knew what Han Li was worried about. Even though she thought in her heart that there was only one in a thousandth chance of saving him, she still wanted to save him. You Jin wouldn’t risk the names of her family members. So she gave Han Li a reassuring look and uttered, "I know the limit. Don't worry."

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Then she turned her head to Leader Guard Xiao and instructed, "We will set off early tomorrow morning. Must trouble Leader Guard Xiao to bring three more guards and a light vehicle to follow."

Seeing that Han Li had something to say, You Jin waved her hand to stop him from talking.

Han Li opened his mouth and closed it weakly. An ugly wry smile appeared. Only he knew that if something happened to Su Family because of this incident, he would really have no face to see You Yin again.


When Mrs. Su heard You Jin declare that she was going to the capital and that she was leaving early tomorrow morning, she couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Why do you have to go to the capital out of the blue? And in such a hurry?"

"It's just a business matter. Don't worry, Mother. The soonest, I'll be back in a month. Maximum, it’ll be three months." You Jin forced herself to be spirited and explained to Mrs. Su with a smile. Currently only she, Han Li, and Leader Guard Xiao knew about the news of Xiao Family’s mishap. If she didn't say anything, Han Li naturally wouldn't say anything. They might encounter something when they go to the capital. After deep contemplation, You Jin decided to hide it from Mrs. Su.

Sure enough, Mrs. Su believed her words. She reached out her hand and poked Eldest Daughter's head and amusedly preached: "You lass, you’re always in a hurry. Since you have to go out for such a long time, tell me earlier. That way, I can still prepare your luggage for you, no?"

You Jin sat next to Mrs. Su. Her little girl’s coquettish attitude was a bit cute. She grinned: "Mother, don't worry. Qiu Fen and the others were already packing. Now that I'm absent, there’s Uncle Song, You Yin, You Zhu, and the others for outside matters. Mother, you’ll have to worry about family affairs more."

"You clever little thing. Now there are Auntie Song and Yu Lan at home as well as so many servants here, why would I worry?"

Thinking of the letter she had just read, Mrs. Su remarked with some regret: "I just read your Third Aunt's letter. Once you leave, you’ll miss your Elder Sister You He’s full month banquet. Your Third Aunt said in the letter that Elder Sister You He's son is very fair and clean. Especially good at attracting people’s likes!" You He, who was still in Chaxiang, had already given birth to a big chubby boy. She can leave for Luohe Prefecture only after the full month. When the time comes, a full month banquet will be held.

"Third Aunt and Elder Sister You He won't blame me." You Jin responded with smiling crescent eyes. After talking to Mrs. Su for a while, she came out of the main courtyard and gave a lot of instructions to You Yin, You Zhu and You Bao. Finally, she left some orders about some things to Uncle Song couple and Yu Lan. After a busy night, a carriage and two horses set off from Luohe Prefecture in the morning of the next day. A group of four quietly made their way to the capital.

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