Chapter 117. Execution and the official slave

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The matter happened too fast. Even Xiao Family, who had already quietly prepared, was caught off guard.

The capital’s imperial prison.

Most of the prisoners imprisoned here had committed capital crimes. So everyone in the capital knew that once one entered the prison, they had already stepped into the gate of hell.

The moon-white robe on his body was already wrinkled, but it wasn't too dirty. Xiao Lin Yu sat in a fairly dry corner and looked at the ‘window’ on the high wall that was only the size of a child's head. Judging by the slight light leaking in from outside, he estimated how many days he had been locked in. The young man sat there upright like a pine and cypress tree as he thought about the rest of Xiao Family: "I wonder how old Ancestor and Mother are doing now..."

Few of the people who entered the prison can bear this hardship. Others were fine. Only old Ancestor was high in age now. He was afraid that she might not be able to survive until the day they got sentenced.

Under the wrath of the emperor, power shook the world. Those who were suspected to have been involved in General Han case had their house confiscated and themselves imprisoned like autumn leaves falling. Even General Liu Wei, who was still in the limelight last month, had already been imprisoned and became a traitor to everyone.

When You Jin group arrived in the capital, the entire capital was already in turmoil. Everyone was in danger. You Jin had no roots in the capital and only a jade pendant that Xiao Lin Yu gave to her when she cooperated with him at the beginning as Sujiacha’s token.

Sitting in the carriage and looking at the little jade pendant, You Jin sighed, "Leader Guard, go to Sujiacha to find news."

Now she can only hope that Sujiacha wasn’t affected! If Sujiacha was confiscated too, You Jin knew that it would be even more difficult for her in the capital.

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Sujiacha's shop was located on Zhuque Main Street in the capital and was considered a little famous in the capital now. Leader Guard Xiao made some inquiries and got the location. He drove the carriage through the bustling market and finally stopped at the door of Sujiacha.

"Customer, just take a look. What tea do you want?" The shop was still open, but there were only two young attendants there. The manager was nowhere in sight.

After receiving the Miss's gaze, Leader Guard Xiao stepped forward and asked, "We have some big business to discuss with Manager. Please invite the manager out to meet us." They changed their identities in Chaxiang when they departed to hide their whereabouts. Now that they have arrived in the capital,they can't expose themselves. If exposed in advance, let alone inquiring about Xiao Family, Su Family might even get implicated.

The attendant examined the person in charge, who was very good-looking, not too tall, and dressed better than ordinary people. Then he checked the man who spoke just now. A sword was on his waist. Grasping a thought, he jollily spoke: "Since it's a big business, two distinguished guests upstairs, please head up. I'll invite the manager over."

After saying that, he signaled the other attendant to take them to the second floor wing room. While he, himself, turned around and entered the backyard to invite the manager out.

Speaking of Sujiacha’s manager. He tea had been terrified for a long time because of Xiao Family's affairs. Seeing that Xiao Family's shop had been sealed up and the tea shop was fine, he was quietly relieved as well as being a little worried. Currently, he was hiding in the backyard and not daring to go out, for fear that the official soldiers from the Lord Mayor’s Yamen will arrest him.

"What kind of person?" Hearing the attendant say that there was a big customer looking for him in the front, Manager Wu's dry eyes slightly closed. His mind turned and turned, wondering if he should go and meet them.

The young attendant described the appearance of the two honestly: "The man in lead looks to be in his early thirties and he is carrying a sword. He should be a guard. Behind him is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy. His features are quite girly. Quite handsome."

Hearing his description, Manager Wu's half-closed eyes suddenly opened to the size of copper bells. Could it be, Youngest Young Master! From Xiao Family, only Youngest Young Master and second branch’s Young Master Lin Wen have disappeared. Everyone else had been sent to prison. Could it be that Youngest Young Master found this place? Thinking of this, Manager Wu, who was still a little weak, immediately stood up and hurried to the front: "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

"The wing room on the second floor..." The attendant hadn't even finished his sentence when he found the manager gone. He couldn't help being a little startled: "What kind of big business would require the manager to be so excited... .."

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One must know that Manager was usually the most steady. Why was he more reckless than them now?

Nervous, joyful and frightened, Manager Wu knocked on the door of the wing room. Shortly later that young man who looked like a guard came out and opened the door. Then he closed the door again without speaking to him.

Manager Wu walked into the wing room. What came into his sight was an unfamiliar young boy. He was relieved and disappointed. He thought it was Youngest Young Master who had come. Now he thought about it; Youngest Young Master was the only hope of Xiao Family now. How could he openly come to him in broad daylight? Though Manager Wu pondered this in his heart, the expression on his face didn't change. Just a barely noticeable sigh of relief was let out. He said, "I wonder what business you two want to discuss with me?"

You Jin took out the jade pendant from her purse, handed it to Manager Wu, and replied, "First take a look at this, Manager Wu."

"Are you, Eldest Miss of Su Family?" Manager Wu recognized this jade pendant at a glance. That’s because he also had one on him. At the beginning, Eldest Young Master said that there were three identical jade pendants; one was on Eldest Young Master, one was on him, and the last one was on Miss Su, the master of Su Family. He looked at Su Family’s Eldest Miss, who was dressed as a young lad, in shock and doubt: "Eldest Miss Su, this is?"

You Jin nodded with a smile and confirmed his guess. She knew that he had some doubts about her attire, so she explained: "This matter is of great importance. To be on the safe side, it’s more convenient to wear male's clothes when outside."

"Why did Eldest Miss come to the capital? Could it be that you heard about Eldest Young Master?" Manager Wu recovered from his surprise and directly asked. Currently, there was no festival or big celebration. It must be something important for Eldest Miss to suddenly come here. The only thing that can be regarded as important now was Xiao Family’s matter.

"Exactly. I don't have any acquaintances in the capital, so I can only come knocking. How is the situation in the capital now? I want to see Xiao Lin Yu. Can I?" You Jin looked straight at Manager Wu. Although she was here in the capital, she didn't know what was going on in the capital. So she can only get to know the latest situation first and then make plans.

Although Manager Wu was worried about Master, he was only a small manager. How can he have the ability to save Master? He was so anxious these days that the corners of his mouth had sores and still couldn’t come up with any solution. Su Family’s Eldest Miss in front of him was already his last hope. Manager Wu thought to himself, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse. He told You Jin all the news he knew.

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"Yesterday, according to His Majesty's verdict, all the male members of Xiao Family are to be executed. The female family members are to be official slaves!" Manager Wu sighed heavily. He continued, "His Majesty had already issued it. I am afraid there is no reversing it." It can be considered lucky, because the fact that Xiao Family rescued the grandson of General Han wasn't found out. It was only discovered that Xiao Family had contacts with Han Family and were considered as the unlucky ones who were swept into the tail of the typhoon. At least, it wasn’t to the point of implicating the nine clans.

However, General Liu Wei was found to have met General Han before his death. While Prime Minister had a secret conversation with him for an hour. They belonged to the center of the eye of the typhoon and were sentenced to nine clans execution.

"Executed!" You Jin, who had already stood up, suddenly fell back on the armchair. She was dizzy from the sudden explosion news and couldn't find her voice for a while. Sitting on the chair with dazed eyes, she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Manager Wu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "The execution is after autumn. Meaning less than half a year left!"

Manager Wu was indeed a loyal servant. He was still sticking to the capital after such a big incident happened to Master’s family. If someone else with no such determination, he will probably run away with his family long ago. How can anyone be so foolish and guard in the capital? In fact, Manager Wu’s thought was that if Eldest Young Master is gone, he can't let him be thrown into a mass grave. Someone should stay behind to collect his body!

You Jin closed her eyes in despair. After a long time, she opened them. She looked at Leader Guard Xiao and asked, "Leader Guard, I want to see Eldest Brother Xiao. Do you have any ideas?"

Manager Wu was just a businessman. His foundation in the capital might not be as deep as Leader Guard Xiao's. If Leader Guard Xiao couldn't meet Xiao Lin Yu, this trip would be in vain.

Leader Guard Xiao's complexion had become very ugly too. He still can't believe that Master's family was really involved in Han Family’s treason case. Hearing Eldest Miss's question, Leader Guard Xiao contemplated for a moment before answering, "This servant will think of a way."

He could only try his best to contact Eldest Young Master's previous connections. If one cared about their relationship with the Eldest Young Master and was willing to lend a hand, maybe there was a chance to meet.

When Manager Wu heard what he said, he felt delighted and said gratefully: "Then I will trouble you two. Eldest Miss had been traveling so far. There’s a wing room behind the shop. Why don't you just stay here?"

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You Jin nodded and accepted his arrangement. Su Family’s group of four temporarily lived in the small courtyard behind Sujiacha’s shop. Manager Wu's family also lived here. Manager Wu's wife was warned in detail by her husband that day. Knowing that the person who came was Husband's master, she naturally served her with respect. Daily meals, snacks and tea were prepared. She didn’t ask questions. Which was very convenient.

After settling in the capital, Leader Guard Xiao went out early and returned late every day. You Jin took Qiu Fen and another guard to wander the streets of the capital to inquire about various news. Most of the news they gathered was just hearsay and not very useful. But some were useful.

"Official slaves for sale?" You Jin frowned slightly when she heard the news brought back by Leader Guard Xiao: "Are there any female family members of Xiao Family?"

If there was, all You Jin could do was to try her best to buy people back. It can be regarded as repaying Xiao Lin Yu's kindness to her at the beginning.

Leader Guard Xiao solemnly nodded with a very ugly expression on his face. He spoke: "Old Ancestor, Eldest Madam, and second branch’s Madam and Eldest Miss are all among them. The sale date is set in three days." Official slaves of the Dafeng Dynasty can be sold to the highest bidder. The biggest difference between official slaves and voluntary slaves was that official slaves can never get rid of their lowly status.

There were quite a few female family members of Xiao Family, but these four were the only ones who can be regarded as masters. He recalled the gentle and virtuous woman was abandoned by her husband's family. They returned her home as soon as something happened to Xiao Family and then she was imprisoned in the imperial prison. Now she was waiting to be sold at a price. Leader Guard Xiao wished he could rush into that Zhu House, chop up all the wolf-hearted things, and feed them to the dogs.

"Do one need an invite or a certificate to participate in the sale?" You Jin already had an idea in her mind. Xiao Lin Yu had now been sentenced to be executed in autumn. It can't be rushed. But if the female family members of Xiao Family weren't saved, who knows where they’ll end up atl.

"This servant has already obtained an invite." Leader Guard Xiao took out an invite card from his cuff and held it in front of You Jin with both hands. This was what he asked for from Feng Family’s Eldest Young Master. Although Feng Hua can't help him enter the prison to meet Eldest Young Master, he was still willing to help. Leader Guard Xiao had already made up his mind. If Eldest Miss didn't want to come forward, he would come forward himself. Even if he couldn't save everyone, he would rescue Eldest Miss from second branch.

After receiving the invite card, she said: "In three days, we will make a trip."

Once Manager Wu knew that Eldest Miss was going to participate in the official slave sale in three days, he gave all the money available in the shop to You Jin. Plus the 10,000 liang that You Jin brought with her when she set off from Luohe Prefecture, it was a considerable sum.

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