Chapter 120 Night Visit to the Imperial Prison

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Although You Jin was busy taking care of the patients at home, You Jin wasn't isolated at home and never stepped out of the door. After a month of running around with Leader Guard Xiao, she finally got through with a petty official in the prison. The other party accepted one thousand liang silver and was willing to let them in for an hour at night when no one was around.

"Since Eldest Young Master had been sentenced to be executed after autumn and it’s related to General Han's treason case, it goes without saying the supervision is stricter. Subordinate could grasp this opportunity only because money moved people." Leader Guard Xiao cupped his hands and said to You Jin: "But the petty official says that he can only bring one person in. Miss, do you want to go by yourself?"

You Jin sighed. She raised her head slightly and looked above the small courtyard. The bright moon had gradually rounded up. After a long silence, she slowly uttered: "I will inform Xiao Family’s Madam about this tomorrow and let her decide."

There was only some unexplainable affection between her and Xiao Lin Yu. Mrs. Yu was the one who gave birth to him and raised him for more than ten or twenty years. Emotionally and rationally, she should let Mrs. Yu go to see her son for the final time.

Leader Guard Xiao's gaze was a little obscure. He looked up at Eldest Miss before lowering his head and said nothing.

Early in the next morning. Early summer’s morning were still somewhat cool. After breakfast, Mrs. Yu, who was already in good spirits, took Xiao Lin Ru to sit on the porch. As they enjoyed the refreshing cool draft, they did embroidery work. The two of them weren’t as luxuriously dressed as before. From a distance, one would assume they were the female relatives of ordinary wealthy families. The atmosphere was a bit quiet and peaceful.

"You Jin, you came." Since Mrs. Yu apologized to You Jin last time, the knot between the two had been resolved. Mrs. Yu's prejudice against her had disappeared long ago. Now the two got along very well.

Upon her arrival, Xiao Lin Ru pulled her to sit down and cheerfully said, "You are free today. We haven't talked for a while. Today is perfect timing."

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You Jin merrily responded: "Since Elder Sister doesn't find me noisy, I'm naturally willing to chat with Elder Sister. First, I'll talk with Madam. I'll find you later."

"I thought you specially came for me. Never thought you were looking for Eldest Aunt." Xiao Lin Ru smiled until the dimples on her face were faintly visible. Quite a delicate, pretty sight. Standing up, she spoke: "It's just happen that I should go and check if the medicine for old Ancestor and Mother is ready."

Mrs. Zhao's body was weak, while Mrs. Song's recovery was slow due to old age. Right now, only the two still need to consume medicine.

Mrs. Yu looked at You Jin with some confusion: "What do you need to speak to me about? And deliberately made Lin Ru leave?"

Now that they stayed at home, what else can they do?

Sitting beside Mrs. Yu, You Jin lowered her voice: "Madam, this matter is of great importance. Don't blame me for being cautious."

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Yu had a vague guess in her heart, but didn't dare to confirm it. She hurriedly got a little closer, for fear that she might have missed the news.

"We got through with a petty official in the imperial prison. He is willing to take us into the imperial prison, but only for one hour." You Jin's deliberately whispered but her words clearly fell into Mrs. Yu's ears like thunder striking her body and mind. The smile on her face froze at some unknown point. Her beautiful eyes that were looking at You Jin had already been soaked with tears. She could only watch her silently. Unable to say anything as her emotions were stirred up.

You Jin pursed her lips and continued: "Tomorrow night at three quarter past five, Leader Guard will escort you to the edge of the imperial prison. The imperial prison’s side had already been arranged."

She handed her own clean fine cotton handkerchief to Mrs. Yu to wiping away the tears from her face. You Jin knew that Xiao father and son were the biggest scars in Mrs. Yu's heart. Now that she suddenly mentioned it like this, she might have pulled the scar.

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Although Mrs. Yu was sad, joy took the lead. After wiping off the tears on her face, she grasped You Jin's hands tightly: "Good child, our Xiao Family keeps owing you. You did great kindness to my Xiao Family. I will definitely remember your kindness for the rest of my life."

Although Mrs. Yu's heart ached and even held a lot of resentment toward the current emperor, she knew that the males of Xiao Family had been sentenced to death. She thought that she could only wait to collect the corpses of her husband and Eldest Son. But now she can actually see them for one last time. How could she not be excited and overjoyed?

After saying that, she even stood up to kneel down for You Jin. You Jin quickly supported her up and made her sit down: "Madam, you are trying to torment me! Eldest Gentleman Xiao saved my life. Now I am only repaying a little bit. You are also an elder I respect deeply. How can I receive such a bow from you?"

In all fairness, Mrs. Yu was indeed talented and kind to the younger generation despite her previous prejudice toward her. You Jin was also a young girl with good elder fate. On top of that, she was good-looking. Mrs. Yu only had two sons. She had always wanted a daughter who was snow fair and intelligent. You Jin can be said to be the complete image of her fantasy daughter. That’s why, Mrs. Yu treated You Jin better and better. You Jin also treated her with more respect. The relationship between the two had improved by leaps and bounds.

"I just, just don't know how to thank you for this kindness!" Mrs. Yu clutched her chest. She hadn't calmed down from the excitement. Her slightly red, beautiful eyes stared at her: "I could let you be aggrieved."

You Jin still had a faint smile on her face and replied: "I am not aggrieved."

What was there to be aggrieved about? Thinking about how their farewell from back then turned out to be her last meeting with him, she found it a pity.

Mrs. Yu didn’t hide this matter from Mrs. Song and Mrs. Zhao. After all, the people imprisoned in the sky jail were sons and grandchildren of Mrs. Song as well as Mrs. Zhao's husband.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Song burst into tears immediately. Latching onto You Jin's hand, she didn’t let go for a long time: "Good child, it's really thanks to you!"

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Mrs. Yu was also a person who had gone through hardships, but she had never hit rock bottom like this. When they fell to the bottom, Su Family’s little lass was the only one who extended a helping hand to them. Not only did she save her own family, but also took the risk of clearing the way for her daughter-in-law to have a chance to see her children and grandchildren for the last time. Could she not be grateful?

Although Mrs. Zhao felt a little disappointed in her heart, she forced a smile on her face. The pale face coupled with a forced smile made Mrs. Yu feel a little guilty: "Younger Sister-in-law..."

Second Younger Brother and Younger Sister-in-law were childhood sweethearts. They loved each other deeply. Right now she was ecstatic to see her husband and son for the last time and had overlooked her.

"Elder Sister-in-law, I know. This life, we don't have the fate to grow old. I just hope that he can wait for me on the road to the Underworld and can reincarnate to the same place in the next life." Mrs. Zhao's eyelids were half-downcast. A resolute smile was on her face, as if she could die for love with Second Master Xiao at any time.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Yu felt even more guilty. Mrs. Song sighed and spoke: "Old Second’s wife, I know you feel depressed but you still have to take care of Lin Ru and Lin Wen! Lin Wen is only twelve years old this year. Could it be that you don't even care about him?"

Mrs. Song trusted You Jin. It wasn’t a secret that Lin Feng and Lin Wen disappeared. Everyone knew that they disappeared, but only the men of Xiao Family and Mrs. Song knew where they were sent.

Hearing Mother-in-law mentioning that the son whom she was most reluctant to part with and almost carved out of the same mold of her husband when he was young, Mrs. Zhao suddenly felt an unbearable pain in her heart. At the beginning, she really wanted to pass away with her husband. But now hearing what Mother-in-law said, Mrs. Zhao couldn't help worrying that if she left, what would happen to her Ru-er? What about her Wen-er? Gradually, she gave up the idea of following her husband when the bad news came.


On the next day, it was just after five o'clock.

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Although there was no curfew in the capital at night, Leader Guard Xiao was still very cautious. He quietly drove the carriage to a place about a quarter of an hour walk away from the prison. He found an alley to park the carriage and left another guard here. He himself escorted black cloaked Mrs. Yu and silently passed through the shadow of the corner of the houses and the city walls. They arrived at the place agreed with the petty official.

"Chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp!" He searched for a response from the other end of the night with the agreed bird call. Perhaps because the time hadn't yet arrived, Leader Guard Xiao didn’t get a response even after trying twice. Hiding under the big cloak that only showed half of her face, Mrs. Yu couldn't help feeling a little anxious: "The other party won't break his promise, will he?"

"Madam, don't be impatient. Maybe it's not time yet. I'll try again." Leader Guard Xiao lowered his voice and responded. Then he signaled again to the other side.

Fortunately, this time he finally got a response. Shortly after the other party’s response, a person walked over with a dimly lit lantern: "Follow me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked back.

Seeing the person’s arrival, Mrs. Yu’s mood brightened up at once. She followed the footsteps of the petty official with quick pace under the direction of Leader Guard Xiao and headed toward the eerie imperial prison that was covered by the thick night.

"Once you go in, don't look around. Don't scream, understand?" The petty official surnamed Wu held a lantern, looked straight ahead, and warned Mrs. Yu without looking back: "If you don't see how much thought you put in, I won’t take this risk with you. You must know that death row inmates aren't allowed visitors.”

Actually, he was also forced by the casino to a dead end. He owed a full seven hundred liang to usury in a noble casino. There were bigshots backing the casino. Tomorrow was the deadline. If he didn't pay the money, no one would know how many nobodies like him will die!

In order to pay off his gambling debts, he could only cooperate with this family out of desperation. Xiao Family was rich enough. Even after their assets were confiscated, they can still spend 1,000 liang to visit the prison. How rich were they before the confiscation! The more the petty official surnamed Wu thought about it, the more annoying he felt. He almost bumped into the door of the prison due to inattentiveness.

Listening to crude berates like ‘being rich and being unkind’ and ‘deserving to be sentenced to death’ coming out of his mouth, Mrs. Yu clenched her hands under the cloak into fists. She secretly hated this person who opened eyes at the sight of money. She also lamented her situation of a fallen tiger being bullied by a normal dog. However, she knew that the current situation didn’t allow her to comment. If she offended him, she would never see her husband and son for the last time. So she had to secretly endure this breath.

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