Chapter 121 Night Visit to the Imperial Prison (part 2)

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The imperial prison at night was completely silent, except for the occasional ‘squeak’ of rats and the faint sounds of a few jailers drinking and gambling from the place where there was a fire at the other end. These sounds reverberated and were especially terrifying.

The petty official also heard the sound of drinking and fun from the other end. His lip curled. He didn't get to have a few mouthfuls of the good wine and food that was bought with his money. Fearing that the good stewed beef would be eaten by the group of grandsons, he quickened his pace and led Mrs. Yu to turn another corner before arriving at the gate of the prison where the three members of Xiao Family were imprisoned.

He took out the oil and sweat covered key and opened one of the doors: "Go in quickly. I will take you out when the time comes."

After opening the door, he let Mrs. Yu in before locking the door again. He said: "I'll be next door. Give me a signal when you want to come out later."

After that, he turned around and walked to the nearby table where the prison guards ate and drank and sat down. He didn't dare to take it lightly as those inside committed capital crimes. If they escape, he won't be let off.

The three members of Xiao Family were imprisoned in separate cells, but were next to each other. Xiao Hai Ru, who hadn't yet fallen asleep, heard the sound of the door opening and immediately sat up. Seeing a woman dressed in black cloak come in, his eyes slightly closed as he stared straight at the familiar figure.

Taking off the cloak that covered most of her face, the husband and wife who had been separated for nearly three months met again in this dimly lit, stinking and permeating imperial prison.

"You..." Xiao Hai Ru's lips trembled slightly. He dazedly stared at her emaciated wife. For a moment, the husband and wife were speechless, quietly staring at each other quietly like two stones. Neither of them dared to take this step to walk toward each other.

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After unknown amount of time, tearful Mrs. Yu broke the silence between the two. The normally decorous her plunged into Xiao Hai Ru's arms. Not minding him being unbathed and unchanged for a few months, she tightly hugged him as if she was unwilling to let go: "Master, you have suffered!"

Xiao Hai Ru sighed. This was the first time that the couple, who have been married for more than 20 years and have been respectful to each other, showed their inner emotions so enthusiastically. Hugging the person in his arms, Xiao Hai Ru expressed his concern: "Imperial Prison isn't a place you should come. How did you come in without stirring some noise?"

The husband and wife stood and hugged each other. After a while, Mrs. Yu came back to her senses. The lotus-like face was slightly flushed with embarrassment. The husband and wife recovered from the excitement.

"It’s Su Family’s little lass who used connections to allow this access, but it’s only for an hour."

Yu took out two packs of food from the bag that she hid in her cloak as well as the thick fluff, indigo, fine cotton cloak she specially had made. Opening it, she placed it in front of Xiao Hai Ru: "Master, you must have eaten badly in here these days. Although we can't save you, we can only let you eat better and not get chilled by the cold at night. This way we can be at ease if you are well."

"I'm the one who dragged you down!" Xiao Hai Ru held the densely stitched cloak his wife made in a hurry. He was both moved and ashamed, "Now I'm here, this is the worst it can get. As long as you and Mother take good care of yourself outside, I can rest in peace even if I pass away."

Although Mrs. Yu felt as if she was being pricked by a needle when she heard him say this, one can’t go against fate. What can she do?

The couple talked for another quarter of an hour before Mrs. Yu came out of Xiao Hai Ru's cell. Through the heavy cell door, she saw Eldest Son had lost a lot of weight. Tears kept falling like it didn't cost money: " Lin Yu!"

When the still awake Xiao Lin Yu heard the familiar voice, he raised his head in surprise. Looking outside in disbelief, his voice trembled unconsciously: "Mother?"

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Was he seeing things? How could Mother appear in the imperial prison alone?

"My son!" Mrs. Yu was even more agitated than when she saw Xiao Hai Ru just now. If it weren't for being afraid of attracting others, she would have to hold his head and cry for a while.

Naturally, Mrs. Yu knew the doubts in his heart. So she told Xiao Lin Yu about her experiences during this period of time and finally said: "Mother was wrong before. I shouldn't look at You Jin like that. If it wasn't for her, we would have been bought by Bai Ya-er."

Only then did Xiao Lin Yu realize that she was the one who came all the way from Luohe Prefecture to the capital and rescued his Xiao Family’s female family members. His love and gratitude for her increased in his heart.

"You Jin doesn't care about these people with superficial reputations. If she did, she wouldn't have rushed to the capital from Luohe Prefecture in the first place." Xiao Lin Yu thought of that bright girl and a faint smile appeared on his much thinner face. He spoke: "At first I was worried about what would happen to Mother and old Ancestors if we weren't here anymore. Now that she is here, I am relieved."

Mrs. Yu was amused by his proud reaction. For a while she didn’t know whether to cry or laugh as she uttered: "You child!"

In fact, the mother and son weren't considered close in the past. Now it was the last time they saw each other, the barriers that have been between mother and son for more than ten years have all been broken. The two hushedly talked. Mrs. Yu did most of the babbling, while Xiao Lin Yu only occasionally interjected a sentence or two. Still, they were much closer than before.

The mother and son chatted for a long time. Mrs. Yu took out the cloak and food that was prepared for him: "This cloak was sewed with the help of You Jin. You have to be fine here."

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"Mother, don't worry. I will take good care of myself." Xiao Lin Yu held the heavy cloak in his hand, nodded in agreement, knelt down on both knees, and gave Mrs. Yu three heavy knocks: "It's just that Son isn't filial. I can't see Mother in the future. Mother, please take care of yourself!"

Mrs. Yu never expect the normally calm and restrained Eldest Son would suddenly kneel down to her and say such a word that pierced her heart. The tears that had dried up flowed down again. She was speechless for a long time.

After coming out of Xiao Lin Yu's place, she went to see Second Master Xiao and gave him a cloak and food made by Mrs. Zhao mother and daughter, as well as Mrs. Zhao letter . Then, under the urging of the petty official, she left this prison where uncountless innocent souls have been imprisoned with her head turned at every third step.


After Mrs. Yu's night visit to the imperial prison, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Zhao's health gradually recovered. Under You Jin's suggestion, the female family members of Xiao Family followed You Jin on the journey back to Luohe Prefecture.

Back to Bai Ya-er, who had been struggling to find a chance to sort Xiao Family out. She could only get people to keep an eye on the movement of Sujiacha. When Bai Ya-er heard Xiao Family making a move and appeared to prepare to leave the capital, she suddenly had a plan in her mind. She called her confidant attendant and whispered a few words in a low voice. After listening to her words, Attendant Bai frowned: "Miss, isn't this bad?"

"Since I told you to do it, you go do it. It’s just a few lowly slaves and mud legs who came out of the poor remote countryside. The world is currently chaotic. Even if one dies halfway, it must be caused by bandits and robbers, right?"

At this moment, Bai Ya-er's eyes were full of bloodthirsty madness. She deeply hated Xiao Family. If it weren't for them, how could she have fallen to the point where she was kicked out of the house by Grandfather?

Recalling how she begged Grandfather to let her back in Bai Family after the official slave auction, she was dismissed once again. Old Master Bai had a noble life all his life. How could he tolerate this granddaughter who dared to have a private relationship with a concubine-born son of an unpopular singer while she was engaged to Xiao Family and got caught by the victim, Xiao Family? Knowing that she came knocking, old Master Bai was so infuriated that his beard jumped up. Sitting in the armchair, he shouted angrily toward the outside: "Does she think that she can enter the gate of my Bai Family again after Xiao Family was over? Dream on! Although my Bai Family isn't a noble household, we don’t have such a shameless daughter like her!"

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Bai Ya-er, who hurried over to seek mend, never expected to be humiliated by old Master Bai in such a way? Returning to Xu's house after eating such a big loss, she witnessed Husband’s eyes that were shining with expectation gradually become desolate and sad. Despite this, he still endured the disappointment to comfort her. The steam in Bai Ya-er's heart simply shot up sky high.

Now that Xiao Family were about to leave, who could she vent her anger to? It can only be said that people who were blinded by hatred can really do anything.

Attendant Momo raised her head and looked at Miss she brought up since she was a child. The originally beautiful and gentle face was full of distorted hatred. She couldn't help but sighed deeply in her heart. Her feeling toward Miss was like a mother and daughter. Although she knew that it was wrong for her to do so, she still followed the order.

Unforeseen, You Jin considered how the female family members of Xiao Family were all weaker and chose the slow but the smooth waterway. The person Bai Ya-er found followed them all the way on the official road and watched the target board the boat in the end. Since they couldn't find a chance, they had to turn back.

When Bai Ya-er heard the news, she smashed a good few teacups. You Jin and Xiao Family had already boarded a merchant ship to Luohe Prefecture and gradually moved away from the capital.

On the other side of the narrow courtyard assigned to Xu Zhi Tong by Xu Family, Xu Zhi Tong, who was studying in the study, heard his wife breaking the teacup and shouting uncontrollably from the main room. His lowered eyelids blocked the contempt in his eyes. If it wasn't for the sake of getting connected with old Master Bai, he had long since lost the patience to get entangled with this woman who seemed gentle and graceful but was actually ruthless on the inside.

Back to Su and Xiao Family. It was a smooth journey. On the boat, they watched the water for half a month and the scenery of trees on both sides of the bank changed little by little from the capital to the north. Finally, they entered the scope of Luohe Prefecture in late June.

"Look, old Madam, that's our home." On the plywood on the second floor of the merchant ship, You Jin supported Mrs. Song out for fresh air. The ship happened to sailed pass Wuliqiao. So she cheerfully pointed to a house with blue bricks and tiles on the bank in the front left. A few clumps of mountain flowers and fake stones were in front of the door. Behind the house was a mountain of green bamboo.

Mrs. Song squinted her eyes and looked in the direction she was pointing at. She was attracted by the benefits of this home with a lot of rural charm. Although it was located outside the city, a house of this size might not be affordable by ordinary people. After nearly two months of getting along, Mrs. Song already knew the general situation of Su Family. She couldn't help but appreciate and admire the little girl by her side.

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