Chapter 126 Turn around

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At the vegetable market entrance. This year, many people were executed this year. After all, quite a number of people were involved in Third Prince and General Han Guang Hong’s conspiracy. So the blood at the vegetable market entrance flowed all over the place and people could smell the stench of blood from far away at the other corner of the street. Amidst the cold and lifeless autumn wind, people couldn't help but feel goosebumps.

Xiao Family was arranged to be beheaded on the ninth day of September. Leader Guard Xiao brought back another news after inquiring this: "The petty official said Eldest Young Master suddenly had a severe illness and died in prison a month ago!"

"What!" Before You Jin could react, nearby Mrs. Yu exclaimed when she heard the news. Her body slumped in an instant and she fainted on the armchair.

"Madam (Elder Sister-in-law)!" You Jin and Mrs. Zhao hurriedly helped her up and called for Qiu Fen. Together, the three of them helped Mrs. Yu back to the room. Leader Guard Xiao knew he had caused trouble and quickly invited the doctor over.

After taking her pulse, the old doctor pondered for a moment and wrote down a prescription: "It's okay. Just out of breath from the emotional attack. Take a few doses of medicine and properly nurture for a few days and she'll be fine."

Hearing what the old doctor said, You Jin and the others breathed a sigh of relief. The Manager Wu's wife sent the old doctor away and came back with the medicine. You Jin instructed Qiu Fen to watch over Mrs. Yu. She took Leader Guard Xiao to the front parlor and asked in detail about Xiao Lin Yu's sudden death.

Leader Guard Xiao only heard a little information from the petty official. He only said that there was a fear of an epidemic after his sudden death. So even the corpse was burned that night and nothing was left behind.

"This subordinate will go to inquire again in the next few days to see if we can find any news." Leader Guard Xiao thought about how the Eldest Young Master he had followed for more than ten years and watched from being a waddling toddler to a jade-like gentleman was gone like this and his half-lowered eye couldn’t help but tear up: "My condolences, Miss!"

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You Jin bit her lower lip tightly. Although she had already been mentally prepared to come to collect his body, it was only now she realized that he was long gone and there were no bones left. The knuckles of the hand holding the armchair tightly had turned white. She suppressed the sourness in her heart and responded with a wry smile: "I'm fine, you go."

If she collapses at this time, the two Xiao Family’s elders won't be able to bear it even more. It was because You Jin knew this, she still held herself up even though her heart was drowned in sorrow.

Seeing that she didn’t want to speak, Leader Guard Xiao, he cupped his hands and retreated.

A drop of transparent tears ran across her cheeks and silently fell onto the collar of the light green shirt worn by the girl, leaving only a slightly darker mark and then disappeared without a trace. You Jin's slightly red eyes closed helplessly. A shallow sigh echoed in the silent parlor, but no one responded to her.


On the ninth day of September, Chongyang was supposed to be a festival for family reunions and admiring chrysanthemums and climbing mountains. But for those criminals who were about to be beheaded and their families, it was just a catastrophe. On the day of execution, 7-9 a.m. was the time when the family members of the condemned prisoner could see them off before going to the execution ground. You Jin, Mrs. Yu and others had been preparing the last meal for Xiao Hai Ru brothers since before dawn as they feared of delaying the little time together.

Although Dafeng State had a practice of visiting prisoners before their execution, it would cost a lot of money if they really wanted to enter the imperial prison to see each other for the last time. Fortunately, Leader Guard Xiao had already arranged everything properly. Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Zhao, You Jin, and another two smoothly entered the imperial prison and met the two Xiao Hai Ru brothers as they wished.

"Today is the Chong Yang Festival. I personally made chrysanthemum cakes and bought Master’s favorite pear flower white drink. It had been a long time since us husband and wife sat down to eat together." The meals prepared early in the morning were brought out one by one and placed in front of Xiao Hai Ru. There were seven or eight dishes such as osmanthus sauce chicken, shredded bamboo shoots with crab meat, goose feet stuffed with flowers, stir-fried lion’s mane and so on.

Completely dirty Xiao Hai Ru used his strength to raise his hands, which were tightly locked by shackles, and held Mrs. Yu's hand tightly. A cloudy tear trickled out: "Qing Ru, I made you suffer!" Qing Ru was Mrs. Yu’s maiden name. The first few years of their marriage was the period when the young couple was most affectionate. Although Xiao Hai Ru was young and mature back then, he would call her Qing Ru from time to time in private.

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"Master!" The first branch hugged each other and wept. Over at the second branch’s side, it was a similar situation. Standing a few steps away, You Jin couldn't bear to look at the heartbroken Xiao Family’s elders who were about to be separated by death. Her heart was conflicted with emotions for a moment. She secretly reminded herself that no matter whether it was the current Su Family or in the future, they should never have anything to do with the struggle for imperial power. Just like Xiao Family, which can be regarded as a high-ranking wealthy family in the capital. They all ended up in ruins and their own family will die any time?

"Miss Su, your great kindness, I can never repay it!" While You Jin was still dazed, Xiao Hai Ru gave her a big bow. It turned out Mrs. Yu had roughly shared her experiences during this period with Xiao Hai Ru. After mentioning it, she introduced the little girl from Su Family to him. Only then, Xiao Hai Ru realized that it was the country girl who he suggested to his eldest son to bring into the manor, who saved his old mother and wife. The girl's generosity and cherishing affection made him feel a little bit moved. So he sincerely gave her a big bow to thank her for this relationship.

"I was repaying Elder Brother Xiao for saving my life. I really shouldn't be given such a big bow from Uncle Xiao." After being gently pulled on her sleeves by Qiu Fen, You Jin recovered herself. Though she didn’t express it, she respectfully gave a full bow to Xiao Hai Ru: "Please rest assured, Uncle. As long as I'm here for a day, I will definitely not let old Ancestor and Madam be aggrieved."

"Good child! Good child!" Seeing her clear eyes and firm expression, Xiao Hai Ru can see that she was telling the truth from all these years of experiencing ups and downs in the business world. It was easy to put icing on the cake and hard to give charcoal in the snow: "It's a blessing for Lin Yu to befriend a good child like you. It's a pity that..."

"Master!" The tears that Mrs. Yu held back with great difficulty poured out at Xiao Hai Ru's unfinished words. Xiao Hai Ru knew that he had caused her wife to feel sad. Conscious of his slip of a tongue, he looked at Mrs. Yu with some guilt and didn't know how to speak for a while.

The time to visit the prison was about to end. Xiao Hai Ru changed into the clean clothes his wife brought him. After tidying up a bit, he looked a bit down on his luck, but it was much better than before. With a faint smile on his face, he patted her wife's hand and comforted: "Qing Ru, stay well. Husband will take a step ahead of you. In the next life, let’s still be husband and wife."

The handkerchief in heartbroken Mrs. Yu's hand had long been soaked with tears. Completely sapped of energy, she couldn’t stand still. You Jin stretched out her hand and quickly supported her. Under the urging of the jailer, You Jin and Qiu Fen each supported a person and staggered out of the dark sky prison, where many grievances and dead souls were hidden.

"Later, I and Leader Guard Xiao will go to the vegetable market entrance. Qiu Fen, you stay at home and take good care of the two madams." You Jin wet the clean handkerchief with cold water from the teapot and then carefully wiped the dazed Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao’s face as she whispered orders to Qiu Fen.

When the initially dazed Mrs. Yu heard her say that, she immediately sat up in shock: "I'll go too!"

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However, You Jin refused to agree. Just now, the two elders saw them alive and their state was already like half their lives were lost. If they watched the beheading later, wouldn't they follow them to the underworld on the spot? "Don't worry, Madam, I will bring the two uncles back. You two only recovered now. How can you bear the stimulation? You should think about old Ancestor! Both uncles are filial. If something happens to you, what should old Ancestor? If they know that their old Ancestor isn't at ease, how can they rest in peace..."

Two lines of tears flowed from Mrs. Yu's tightly closed eyes. The silent carriage was shrouded with an aura of grief. No one spoke as they didn't know what to say.


You Jin and Leader Guard Xiao had waited at the vegetable market entrance for a whole day, from noon when the sun was shining until 7 p.m. at dusk. The entrance of the vegetable market was filled with a disgusting smell of blood. The last beheaded body was also taken away. Even when the executioner had finished work, there were no Xiao Hai Ru brothers in sight.

"This is a bit strange. After dark, find to the petty official surnamed Wu and inquire about it, Leader Guard Xiao." You Jin, who was chilled by the gust of night wind and got goosebumps, suddenly felt a little panicked. Before transmigration, she was a staunch atheist. But after transmigrating, she vaguely believed in the theory of ghosts and gods. Now, that countless innocent souls were killed in this vegetable market entrance, it was naturally the place with the most yin energy. Since the sun had gone down, the onlookers had already dispersed. Only the master and servant trio were left. It felt a little desolate and a little gloomy.

Leader Guard Xiao nodded and acknowledged with a yes. He took You Jin back to the Sujiacha in the carriage. Then he changed his clothes before going out to inquire. As for You Jin, she hurriedly informed Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao, who had been waiting for a day. Hearing that they hadn't been beheaded today, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao couldn't help feeling hopeful: "Could it be Master and the others could be saved?"

You Jin frowned and sat below the two of them. She replied in a solemn voice: "Currently, there is no news about anything. Leader Guard has already gone out to inquire about it. Let's wait patiently for now." The worst situation was today's beheading. Now that there was no beheading. Even if it was postponed for one day, it was a blessing for Xiao Hai Ru brothers to be able to live one more day.

"Madam! Miss! Good news!" In the main room in the backyard of Sujiacha, the candles were burning until midnight. Finally, Leader Guard Xiao, who was a little panting with excitement, headed straight into the main room. He cupped his hand as he knelt down on one knee and told the female family members of Xiao Family the news he had inquired in detail: "This subordinate found out that, for some reason, it was His Majesty who suddenly ordered for Eldest Master, Second Master, and a group of people who weren't deeply involved to be exempted from the death penalty. Instead, they’ll be exiled to Northern Xinjiang!"

"Is what you said true?!" Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao tightly gripped the handkerchiefs in their hands. In disbelief, they clenched their teeth to prevent themselves from fainting with joy. For fear that they misheard, they confirmed with Leader Guard Xiao again.

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Leader Guard Xiao vigorously nodded: "It's true. This subordinate had asked a few people when inquiring. I also asked Gentleman Feng Hua to help inquire. The capital crimes of the Eldest Master and the Second Master were indeed pardoned!"

At first, Leader Guard Xiao found it a little unbelievable. There was no news beforehand. They were only pardoned after the execution began. So he asked a few more people and sought Feng Family. Feng Hua was indeed capable. He immediately found Official Feng to ask if the news was true or false. After going around in circles like this for a few times, Leader Guard finally returned at midnight.

"Madam, don't get too excited. Now that the two uncles’ lives are saved, it is the greatest joy. Madam, you have to go back to Luohe Prefecture to tell the good news to old Ancestor!" You Jin rushed to capped Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao’s emotion before they faint from joy. Sure enough, when they heard what she said, they hurriedly suppressed the excessive joy in their hearts: "Yes, yes, you are right, You Jin."

Early in the morning of the next day, Leader Guard Xiao and Manager Wu went out to gather information. They both brought back good news before lunch.

"It's autumn now. According to the practice of exile in previous years, I think they will leave before October. If they don't leave then, it will have to wait until the spring of next year when the ice and snow in northern Xinjiang melt."

Although Manager Wu was only dressed in white, he had been in the market all year round. It was very cheap to inquire about these gossips: "Today, I heard from an old man who I know that they might head out in a few days."

"You two have worked hard." You Jin nodded: "Since they are going to leave soon, we have to get ready. The northern border is freezing cold."

When Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao heard this, they naturally understood what she meant. It was bitterly cold in northern Xinjiang. The clothes, shoes and socks had to be the thickest. The two, who were at a loss before, found a task they could do. Every day, their energy was high as they busied themselves with making clothes, shoes and socks. Seeing the two of them like this, You Jin breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The two took on so much sorrow and joy these two days. She was afraid that these two frail elders wouldn’t be able to bear it. If they fell ill, the joyous time would turn bad.

The author had something to say: Super big fat chapter~yeah~~

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