Chapter 127 Saintly heart

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There were 17 people who were changed from death penalty to exile this time. Xiao Family brothers happen to be among them. Xiao Family had no foundation except Second Master Xiao who was an official in the court. Most people who know about this matter only thought Xiao Family brothers were lucky enough and didn’t guess what the factor that caused it.

"Damn it! They were clearly going to be beheaded soon. Why did His Majesty suddenly change his mind!" In the remote small courtyard of Xu’s house, another white porcelain cup shattered to the ground with a clang. As for the person who threw the teacup, she still felt the fire was burning even after smashing three-four tea cups in a row and fumingly sat on the couch.

As soon as Xu Zhi Tong came in, he saw the furious beauty. His expression became a little strange for a moment. His brows were slightly frowned, as if he disliked his wife. When Attendant Bai blinked and looked over again, she found that Miss’s husband's expression was still as indifferent as before. For a moment, she only thought that she was seeing things. That's right, Miss broke her engagement with Xiao Family and surrendered her status to marry into Xu Family because she fell in love with Miss’s husband. How could Miss’s husband despise Miss? As Attendant Bai pondered on this, she quietly retreated out and left the small indoor space for the young couple.

"Who made Wife unhappy? Husband will go teach them a lesson or two?" Attendant Bai stood guard outside and heard Miss’s husband softly coaxing Miss. Miss no longer seemed to be angry anymore. A gratifying smile appeared on the corner of Attendant Bai’s mouth. Like she said, how could Miss’s husband hate Miss?


To the north of the capital, at a ten-li station.


Today was the day when the exiled prisoners set off for Northern Xinjiang. Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Zhao and others had prepared clothes, shoes, socks, food and other items long ago and sewed some pieces of silver on the inside of each clothes for emergencies.

In order to give the two couples some time to chat, You Jin sent Qiu Fen to give fifty liang silver to the petty official who led the team. After a few more flattering words, she asked him to take care of the two elders a little bit.

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The petty official shook the purse and showed a satisfied smile: "Don't worry. Since you know how to act, we will naturally know how to act too."

Transporting the exiles was one of the hardest jobs. Although some family members will give some money to pay their respects a bit. But there weren’t many families who would spend a few dozens of liang silver in one go. He was a principled person. Since they gave these silver to ward off disasters, he will naturally comply.

Xiao Hai Ru brothers carried the heavy burden on their backs. Head turned back at every three steps, they followed the exile team slowly toward the north. It wasn't until they bypassed a small hill in the north and Mrs. Yu group were no longer in sight, they followed the group on the unknown road of exile without looking back.

"Your Father and Uncle’s life is safe now. Gentleman Xiao can rest assured?" Outside the ten li station, two men wearing masks stood in the dense forest. Through the shadows of the trees, they watched Mrs. Yu's group, who hadn’t left the station. One of the men in blue clothes raised his voice slightly and asked, "Within that military group, there are two of Wangye’s people. They will protect the two Xiao’s Masters."

Speaking of their Wangye, the man in blue clothes looked very proud. With a straightened back, he spoke: "Our Wangye keeps his promise. Since he promised Gentleman Xiao to keep the two masters alive, he will naturally keep it. Gentleman Xiao, you don’t know, our Wangye is planning a strategy. He..."

"Wangye is so kind and virtuous. Gentleman Xiao, remember for the next five years, swear your allegiance to Wangye."

If the other person in black wasn’t Xiao Lin Yu who died of a sudden illness more than a month ago, then who was he?

Solemnly, he opened his mouth to interrupt the man's chattering praises. His eyes under the mask looked through the shadow of the whirling tree and closely followed the girl in the goose-yellow split dress. As if he was addicted, he refused to look back for a long time. Only when the girl at that side cast an unintentional glance at his hiding place did he withdraw his gaze in panic. Although the other party couldn't see him, he acted as if he was guilty.

At the station, You Jin sensitively sensed that someone was staring at her. But when she looked in that direction, there were only green pine trees swaying in the autumn wind. She was a little puzzled. Thinking that she might be overthinking, she no longer searched for that burning gaze.

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After watching Mother’s group leave, Xiao Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief: "Let's go back too."

Xiao Hai Ru brothers went into exile. There was nothing left to keep Xiao Family in the capital. You Jin was reassured to let Manager Wu to manage Sujiacha. Therefore, on the next day, a group of six including You Jin, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao went back to Luohe Prefecture.

This time, they still took the waterway, however the wind and the current was against them. It was much slower than last time. On the third morning of October before the waterway froze, they finally rushed back to Luohe Prefecture.

In the two months since You Jin left, everything in Su Family had been fine. There was Third Master Huang outside. At home, there was Mrs. Song, who had been in charge of Xiao Family for most of her life. It was much more organized than before You Jin left.

"No wonder people used to say that having an elderly is like having a treasure. Now it seems that I have really got a treasure!" Cheerfully, You Jin sat below Mrs. Song and talked to her.

Mrs. Song had received a letter that was urgently sent back by You Jin through a courier. She knew that her children and grandchildren had all survived. It was You Jin's idea to hide the news of Xiao Lin Yu's sudden death from old Madam. Now that old Madam was getting older, she would be excessively depressed when she knew that her eldest grandson was gone. For the sake of old Madam's health, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao agreed.

Sure enough, being kept in the dark, Mrs. Song’s spirit improved day by day when she knew the good news. She didn't put on airs. Not only was she like mother and daughter with Mrs. Su, she was also very close to Su Family’s girls. As if they were inherently close as a family.

"To those who know, they will say you went to the capital. But those who didn't, they would think that you fell into a honeypot and soaked in it for two months before becoming this sweet mouth!" Seeing that the children came back, Mrs. Song was naturally filled with joy. She smiled wide and grasped You Jin’s group to happily chat for a long time. Due to the elderly’s energy being used up and going back to her room, Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao returned to their own room to leave space for Su Family to have a good reunion after two month separation.

"Eldest Sister missed mine, You Bao and Little Seventh’s birthday. Eldest Sister, what do you say you should do?" Sitting next to You Jin, You Zhu stretched out her hands and eagerly looked at You Jin. That mischievous expression made the rest of the sisters giggle. You Bao and Little Seventh also gathered over and reached out their hand for their gifts: "That's right, Eldest Sister missed our birthday. We can't be short of a birthday present too!"

"Okay, okay, you all have it!" You Jin smiled and patted the hands of the three sisters. Afterward, she held Little Seventh: "Little Seventh is heavier! And you have grown taller, right? It seems that Little Seventh was very good when Eldest Sister wasn't at home, right?"

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"En!" Being carried in the arms of Eldest Sister, Little Seventh vigorously bobbed her head and replied: "Little Seventh was very obedient. Every day, I read and write with Fourth Elder Sister every day. Every meal, I eat full!"

She had turned six years old this year. Because she was well-raised in the past few years, her little face was now round and plump and her pair of big watery eyes were like two clear springs embedded in the fair, jade and porcelain like, little face. Truly a beautiful little doll.

"Little Seventh is a good girl!" You Jin took out a jade pendant carved in the shape of a white rabbit from somewhere like a magic trick, hung it on Little Seventh's neck, and said, "Look at this little rabbit, do you like it?"

"I like it!" Little Seventh lowered her head and carefully examined the white rabbit jade pendant that was half the size of her palm. She loved it. She was born in the year of the rabbit. Eldest Sister gave her such a beautiful rabbit. It went without saying she loved it.

Not only Little Seventh, but all of Su Family’s girls got a gift and they all liked it. You Jin took the box from Qiu Fen and handed it to Su Kang: "Kang-er, don't you want to see what Eldest Sister had prepared for you?"

Su Kang looked at the overjoyed sisters with a look of disdain and primly replied: "I am a man. I don't need these things."

Teacher said these beads and jade were for women. He was an imposing man, what use did he need for these?

You Jin was amused by her younger brother's pedant behavior. She knocked his little head with a little strength and responded, "Why don't you see what Eldest Sister brought you first? Eldest Sister brought the gift all the way from the capital. Does Kang-er despise me?"

Su Kang glanced at Eldest Sister’s heartbroken look before looking at the presents held by Eldest Sister. It seemed to be quite beautiful. He couldn't help being a little moved. Pursing his lips, he spoke: "Okay, I'll accept it this time. Thank you Eldest Sister."

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After speaking, he pushed down the impulse within and deliberately slowed down the movement of his hands as he opened the box. Afterward, he looked up at Eldest Sister in surprised delight: "Thank you, Eldest Sister!"

It was exactly what he wanted for a long time.

You Jin rubbed his little head and nodded in satisfaction. Mentally, she made a note to talk to old Teacher Chen. Kang-er was only four years old. The way he acted just now was too pedant. At four, he became a little old man. What will it be like in the future?

When Eldest Miss came back, Su’s house was lively up and down for the whole day. It wasn't until after dinner when Mrs. Su found time to talk to Daughter.

"You Jin, do you think that Mother’s idea is too simple?" Mrs. Su briefly explained her thoughts to You Jin. Her jade face was slightly red. Her two eyes eagerly stared at her daughter, waiting for her to come up with something.

You Jin didn't expect Mrs. Su to come up with the idea of opening a restaurant by herself. Although Mrs. Su's idea hadn't yet taken shape, You Jin felt it was a good start since she was willing to try to change. Looking at Mrs. Su, she seriously nodded and replied: "Mother, don't think so much. As long as Mother has this thought, we can try it out. After all, Mother is the fourth generation of the imperial chef from the previous dynasty!"

"You child! Mother only learnt the tip. How can you say generation or not!" Mrs. Su panicked at her daughter's words. But knowing that her daughter supported her, Mrs. Su was both meek and happy in her heart. She smilingly gave Daughter a pointed gaze: "Seeing how You Bao is busy going in and out with your Third Aunt now and I'm the only one in the house who is idle, so I feel ill-at-ease."

You Jin never knew that Mrs. Su thought this way. After hearing what she said, You Jin realized that she had paid too little attention to Mrs. Su. So she moved her seat and sat next to Mrs. Su. Leaning her little head on Mrs. Su's shoulder, she whispered: "Mother isn't idle and has nothing to do. Aren't we all raised by Mother? Isn't Mother taking care of so many messy matters at home?"

Hearing her daughter's affirmation of herself, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of Mrs. Su's lips: "Fortunately, Mother has you."

Fortunately, there was this sensible and capable eldest daughter. Without her, she might have already long died in Yue’s house. How could they have today’s carefree life? Whenever Mrs. Su thought about this, she can't help but thank Heaven for such care and for giving her so many obedient and sensible daughters.

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