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13-17 minutes

Chapter 150 Arrangement at the Baiyun Temple

Sitting at the dining table with a pair of dark circles under eyes, Fourth Wei looked like he was about to die. This made Second Madam Wei very annoyed: "Since you love books so much, Mother will leave you be as it just happens that Su Family rejected. You can do whatever you want!"

"What Su Family? What was rejected?" Old Madam Wei sat at the top. When she heard the normally lively second daughter-in-law say this and saw that Fourth Grandson’s face had turned ugly, she interrupted and asked.

Speaking of this, Madam Wei felt aggrieved: "Father, Mother, you don't know, but Daughter-in-law had carefully selected a good girl for Fourth. It’s Su Family that runs the Erya Female Academy. Fourth Su is Daughter-in-law's student. Her character and temperament are top-notch. And this stinky boy! The fact that his whole heart is on studying has long spread far and wide. Su Family is afraid that their daughter would be aggrieved and refused!"

"Su Family of Erya Female Academy. I have heard people say that the Lin County Magistrate's gentleman married a female student of Erya Female Academy last month. From what I saw that day, her character and temperament are great. Her speech and action are quite decent." Old Madam Wei sat next to old Master Wei. When she heard her daughter-in-law mention this, she remembered a matter like this: "If this doesn't work out, then slowly look. As the mother, if you don’t worry about Fourth’s marriage, who would? You’re already a grandmother and still so childish. Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at by the children.”

Wei Family was prosperous in population. However, old Eldest and old Fourth were all officials in other places. Only old Second and old Third were in Luohe Prefecture. Every morning and evening, the whole family ate together. It was quite lively.

"Fourth Elder Brother, do you really look down on Fourth Miss of Su Family?" Sixth Wei, who was sitting next to Fourth Wei, opened his eyes wide: "It’s said that Fourth Su is quite famous in Erya Academy. Fourth Elder Brother can’t even set eyes on Fourth Su!"

Fourth Wei tightly grasped the spoon in his hand, not even knowing that his index finger turned white due to exertion. He hadn't heard what Grandmother and Younger Brother Cousin said. Only one sentence echoed in his heart: she refused, she refused , she refused...

Second Madam Wei looked at her son with half-closed eyelids and snorted coldly in her heart: Brat, you deserve it for being insincere!

"Grandson still has morning classes, so I’ll go first. Grandfather, Grandmother, take your time." Fourth Wei put down the spoon and fled before he finished half a bowl of japonica rice congee in the white porcelain bowl.

Recalling how she had been tossing around for so long and still didn't get any face from her son any face, Second Madam Wei was delighted at the sight of him losing composure. She even ate half a bowl more of congee for breakfast. Although she was very happy in her heart, she still had to consider son’s lifelong affairs. She can't really let him hold his classics and history collections all his life, right?

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Wei's manor wasn't far from Fu Academy. Fourth‘s mind was in turmoil. So he simply walked over by himself, just to relax.

At the entrance of Jiazi Alley where the gate of Erya Female Academy was, two girls in lotus color clothes who looked exactly the same got out of the carriage with the help of the maid. But Fourth Wei recognized which one was in his dream for A few consecutive nights at a glance. All the depression in his heart dissipated immediately. His eyes were fixed straight at the girl ten feet away.

You Bao just got out of the carriage when she noticed a scorching gaze falling on her. She looked in the direction. That person's gaze didn't dodge. The eyes of the two intertwined like spark and flint, bursting out like hot and scorching fire.

You Bao only felt her face was slightly hot. She retracted her eyes and lowered her head. She gracefully curtsied to the other party before stopping looking there.

"You were fine just now. Why are you flushed like this all of a sudden?" You Zhu, who had said a few words to the classmate next to her, happened to miss the interaction between the two. When she looked back, her younger sister's face was as red as boiled shrimp. She couldn't help but ask worriedly: "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Now that Second Elder Sister was married, she was the eldest in the family besides Eldest Sister. She promised Eldest Sister to take good care of the younger sisters. When You Zhu thought about it, she directly touched You Bao's forehead: “Strange. It isn't hot?"

"Perhaps it was a little stuffy in the carriage just now. I will be better in a bit." You Bao lowered her head with a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

Seeing that Younger Sister said it was all right, You Zhu didn't ask any more questions: "Alright. If you're unwell, tell me as soon as possible." Then she urged You Ling and You Luo who were still in the carriage: "Hurry up, both of you. If we’re late, Teacher will punish us."

This year's spring enrollment, You Ling and You Luo were admitted to Erya Female Academy. Now Su Family’s Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Miss were studying in Erya Female Academy. You Zhu felt that the burden on her shoulders had become a lot heavier.

"Coming!" You Ling and You Luo dawdled for a while before finally getting out of the carriage. The four sisters entered Erya Female Academy together.

Fourth Wei's gaze was still following the girl's figure. He only reluctantly looked away when he lost sight of her and walked toward Fu Academy with a sense of loss.


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Although Second Madam Wei laughed at her son's upright speech and act, she wouldn’t really ignore him. Behind her son’s back, she handed an invitation to personally visit Su Family.

After receiving the invitation from Wei Family, Mrs. Su's attitude towards Wei Family became somewhat clear: "Since Second Madam Wei will personally visit, I presume she really wants to form this marriage with our family!"

One must know that Wei Family can be regarded as an upper-middle family even when it wasn't as powerful as Magistrate Qin and Cavalry Liu in Luohe Prefecture. If You Bao can marry into Wei Family, no matter how one looks at it, it is climbing a higher branch.

"Mother, don't be so anxious. Now it's Wei Family who want to marry. We have to be more reserved for the sake of You Bao's future." When Su Family politely rejected the matchmaker, they didn't give a set refusal. Now Second Madam Wei was personally coming, there should be some hope.

The next day, Second Madam Wei came as scheduled.

"I thought the background of Su Family is a bit weak. Unforeseen, there is still some strength." Madam Wei followed the servant who led the way into the main courtyard. Seeing the servants of Su Family acting all in accordance with the rules and carrying the essence of the noble family’s strict management, she thought to herself. Her good impression of Fourth Su increased. A daughter brought up by such a family wouldn’t be any worse.

The people who received her in the main courtyard were Mrs. Su and You Jin. Second Madam Wei and You Jin could be regarded as acquaintances. So the three of them weren't as reserved as strangers. There was chatter and laughter for a long time.

"Why else would there be a saying that parents’ hearts had it difficult? I am worried about my family’s lad!" Second Madam Wei was strong at communicating. After a while, she became friends with Mrs. Su: "I really envy Younger Sister who has so many well-behaved and lovely daughters. Unlike my family’s old Fourth, who doesn't want to tell me anything and just hides it. I don’t know how many white hairs I got from being mad!”

Mrs. Su never thought that Second Madam Wei was such a kind-hearted person. So this marriage gained more recognition in her heart: "Elder Sister's worry is worry that others envy. That Fourth Gentleman is a young talent who ranked in the top ten last year. Quite a bright future!"

Since Mrs. Su's evaluation of her son was considered excellent, Second Madam Wei felt some hope in her heart and became more and more intimate with Mrs. Su. You Jin, who was sitting by the side, didn't say much. She just took in Madam Wei's attitude with cold eyes, but couldn't find anything wrong with it.

In the end, Mrs. Su agreed to the two children meeting. The two agreed to take the child to Baiyun Temple to offer incense on the fifteenth day of this month. If the children were willing, Mrs. Su will naturally not refuse this marriage .

"Deal. See you on the 15th then!" Second Madam Wei happily left the Su's house and got into her carriage. She talked with the attendant beside her: "No wonder Su Family has been established in just a few years. With such a capable daughter, it would be strange if they couldn’t be established!"

"That's right. Old servant noticed the servants of Su Family aren't any worse than ours. I think they are well-mannered people." While massaging Second Madam Wei's shoulders, the attendant expressed some of her experiences just now. Both the master and the servant garnered a lot of good feelings toward Su Family.

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June 15th, Baiyun Temple.

Today, You Bao wore a goose-yellow, brocade ruskirt with flowers patterns, white jade lotus hairpins, small and exquisite white jade bracelets, gold-plated neckband and white jade bat pendant. It made her temperament more soft and graceful. The youthfulness of a girl and the female’s unique softness was just right.

"Mother." You Bao helped Mrs. Su get out of the carriage. The mother and daughter each brought a personal servant and a guard and went up the stairs. They had to go through numerous steps to reach the gate of Baiyun Temple.

Fourth Wei, who was forcibly dragged by his mother to burn incense in Baiyun Temple, carried the incense in one hand and supported Second Madam Wei to walk slowly up the long stair with the other: "Don't you always go to Qingyan Temple? Why did you travel so far to come to Baiyun Temple this time?"

Qingyan Temple was located in the city of Luohe Prefecture. Second Madam Wei usually went there to burn incense and worship Buddha. Today, she suddenly wanted to go outside the city to offer incense. Although Fourth Wei was helpless, he still accompanied her.

"What do you know?" Second Madam Wei was a little out of breath from the walking. When she heard her son ask this, she glared at him angrily. If it wasn't for your marriage, would this old lady be this idle?

Fourth Wei, who was glared at by his mother again for no reason, opened his mouth. In the end, he chose to shut up and not speak. He would be scolded for anything he said. Forget it.

"Younger Sister Su!" Second Madam Wei just reached the mountain gate and saw Mrs. Su and You Bao not far in front of her. She happily quickened her pace and chased after them: "It's fate to meet you here today!"

Looking at You Bao, who was dressed very elegantly, she nodded in satisfaction.

"Elder Sister Zhang." Mrs. Su returned with a smile.

"Good day, Teacher." You Bao bowed to Madam Wei. Afterward she stood behind Mrs. Su with her head half down and didn't speak.

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"Hurry up and say hello to Madam Su!" Though Second Madam Wei's smile remained unchanged, she warned her son next to her in a hushed voice: "If you mess up again, don't blame Mother for being cruel."

The moment Fourth Wei saw You Bao, he understood why Mother had done this. His fair face flushed red: "Junior Wei Yun Li greet Madam Su."

Mrs. Su looked at Fourth Wei with satisfaction: "I heard that you are a good child. Seeing you today, it’s all true."

"Younger Sister, stop praising. If you praise him anymore, he won't be able to find the southeast and northwest." Second Madam Wei didn't show any mercy to her son: "Let's quickly burn incense. We have to listen to the scriptures later!"

The two families met by ‘coincidence’ and then went into the hall to offer incense together.

"Son, your Auntie Su and I still have to go to listen to the scriptures. It's so boring. I heard that there is a water lily pond in the back of Baiyun Temple that are in full bloom. You young ones can go and have a look. No need to stay here." After burning the incense, Second Madam Wei came up with the idea of letting the two children spend time alone.

You Bao looked at Mrs. Su with some shyness. Seeing that her mother had no objection, she spoke: "You Bao will accompany Fourth Gentleman Wei to go out for a walk. It’ll be fine to bring Dong Zhi."

Dafeng's folk customs were open. On top of that, there were maids and guards accompanying them. It was fine since they intended to form a marriage.

Fourth Wei forcely endured his accelerated heartbeat, bowed to the two elders, and then went to the water lily pond in the backyard with You Bao three or four steps away.

Seeing the pair of young children walking toward the backyard, Second Madam Wei smiled with satisfaction. It was like she said! She had good eyesight!

"Ahem, thank you for your ginger soup that day." Fourth Wei broke the silence first, talking about the day they first met.

"It's just a bowl of ginger soup. It’s good as long as you're fine." You Bao lowered her head, feeling her heart beating wildly. In fact, when they met at Sujiayan last time, she recognized him as the man who was hiding from the rain outside her house that day. Never thought that he was Wei Family’s fourth son.

The servants of the two families followed the two at a distance of five or six steps behind. They weren't afraid of being overheard when they whispered.

There were many pilgrims at Baiyun Temple on the fifteenth. Because he was afraid of being bumped by tourists, Fourth Wei found a stone table and the two sat together in silence. But when he looked up, he found that the other party was also looking at him. Turning away in a panic, tension and ambiguity quietly diffused in the air.

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