Chapter 151. Wind and Cloud gradually rise

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After Baiyun Temple came back from burning incense, You Jin had a detailed conversation with You Bao. After confirming that You Bao was willing, she informed Mrs. Su.

On the side of Wei Family, Fourth Wei finally bowed his head to Mother this time: "Son, Son's marriage will trouble Mother."

"Your marriage? Aren’t you planning to marry the classic collection or go make poems and songs?" Seeing such rare sight of Son begging her like this, Second Madam Wei was in such a good mood that she just wanted to hum a little song.

On the contrary, it was Second Master Wei who softened first at the sight of youngest son's flushed red face and said softly: "Yu Jun."

Fourth Wei stood in front of his parents, still maintaining his bowing gesture, as if he wouldn’t get up unless Second Madam Wei gave in.

"I truly owe you two in my previous life!" Second Madam Wei sighed, and said, "I've long pulled down my face and told Su Family. Su Family’s side had already loosen up and said as long as you were willing, then this marriage can be formed."

After finishing speaking, she glared at him angrily. Who was it who refused so righteously at the beginning? Wasn't he looking for trouble for himself?

The man has affection, the woman willing. This time Wei Family sent a matchmaker, Su Family accepted the marriage. The betrothal gift, giving eight characters, and compatibility confirmation process were intensively prepared. In order to show the importance he attached to this marriage ,Fourth Wei deliberately mounted the painting of the lotus celestial fairy he had made and pasted it on red paper himself. After writing ‘Miss Su's personal letter’ in four petite lowercase letters, it was sealed and sent to Su Family along with the betrothal gift.

"There are three days in total, the eighth day of October, the twenty-third day of November, and the seventeenth day of December. I wonder which day Madam Su find the best?" The matchmaker sat at the bottom with a smile. She had thought his match had gone down the drain. Unforeseen half a month later, Second Madam Wei approached her again to ask for this marriage and this time it turned out to be successful.

Holding Wei Family's betrothal gift list in her hand, Mrs. Su went through it and was very satisfied with Wei Family's attitude of valuing You Bao: "How about December 17th?"

It was currently July. October and November was too hasty. Come to think of it, the last one was the best.

The matchmaker sent the date chosen by Su Family back to Wei Family. Naturally, Wei Family had no objection. The marriage between the two families was settled in this way.

After sending the matchmaker away, Mrs. Su ordered Auntie Song to put all the betrothal gifts from Wei Family into storage together: "Wei Family's betrothal gift is quite generous. When the time comes, You Bao's dowry shouldn't be shabby either."

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Wei Family's betrothal gifts consisted of four pairs of dragon and phoenix bracelets, four sets of red gold headdress, twenty-four bolts of silk and satin, ten liang of gold, and nine hundred and ninety-nine liang of patterned silver.There was also addition of twenty-four carry box of rice, seafood, hide, wine, tea, and books. This kind of dowry wasn't uncommon in Luohe Prefecture.

"Since in-law family attach so much importance, Madam should be happy. Why are you sighing?" Auntie Song arranged for someone to put away all of Fourth Miss's betrothal gifts one by one. When she came to report the situation, she heard her family’s Madam’s frowning.

"Exactly. What is there to worry about, Mother? As long as our girls get married, it will be done according to You Yin's standard." Before Mrs. Su could say anything, she heard Eldest Daughter's words. The voice came from the door: "Our family doesn’t lack this kind of dowry now. Don't worry, Mother, I will definitely prepare it properly for You Bao."

"Although it's a good thing, it's just that Mother’s heart keeps feeling unsettled. If the dowry is too little, I'm afraid that the other party will look down on You Bao. If it's too much, I'm afraid that people will say that we are nouveau riche."So Mrs. Su was worrying about this: "After all, Wei Family is a scholarly family. If we smell too much of copper coin, wouldn't they have thoughts in their hearts?"

You Jin didn't expect Mother to even consider this. She couldn't hold back her chuckle for a while and smiled out. Still, she suppressed her laughter to enlighten Mrs. Su: "Mother, don't think so much. I can always arrange it. It’s only July now. More than five months is always enough time for me to prepare.”

Back to You Bao. Although she was engaged, she still continued to study in Erya Female Academy. Since she received the painting that came with the betrothal gift, she always received things from Fourth Wei from time to time. Sometimes paintings, sometimes books, sometimes snacks, and sometimes a box of rouge...

The two were already engaged, so there was no fear of committing any private exchange. You Bao knew that he was going to go to the capital for the autumn exam next year. When she found a good book, she got someone to send it to him. Although the two don't see each other often, their relationship was strong. It was getting better every day.

The busy time always passes very fast. Time sequence entered August in a blink of an eye.

"Manager Wu mentioned in the letter that the situation in the capital had become more and more tense recently. The sky is about to change soon." You Jin walked at the foot of Houjiawan mountain and whispered to Leader Guard Xiao who was following her: "If the new emperor ascends the throne, will there be amnesty to the world?"

In the end, You Jin still thought about Xiao Family. If amnesty can be granted, Xiao Hai Ru brothers who were suffering in northern Xinjiang can come back and reunite with Mrs. Yu and the others.

Leader Guard Xiao pursed his lips. His eyes dimmed and he spoke: "If there is chaos in the court, the frontiers will follow."

When the frontiers are in chaos, the exiled prisoners like Xiao Hai Ru brothers will be the first to go to the battlefield to die.

"Internal worries and external aggression. It has only been stable for a few years!" You Jin sighed heavily: "If there is another one, there will be no General Liu this time. Who can resist the enemy?"

The two talked about this heavy topic. Not even the joy of the harvest could wash away the worries.

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Capital city

"Your Majesty, the medicine is ready. Why don't you have it and rest a while?" Qin De Hai followed the imperial physician who had prepared the medicine to the desk in the middle of the imperial study. Then he took the medicine and put it on the table: "No matter how important the booklet is, it can’t compare your health right?"

After reading another crying poverty booklet, his Majesty coughed loudly in anger: "Every one of them is crying poverty to me! I didn't even know that now even the money for repairing the underground palace was gone!"

The booklet was flung far away before it fell on the ground like a ball of waste paper. No one dared to move it.

His Majesty, who was flushed from coughing, sat on the dragon chair, moistened his throat with the honey water brought by Qin De Hai, took the medicine and drank it in one gulp. Perhaps the medicine was too bitter, his Majesty’s already wrinkled face became even more wrinkled: "Why is this medicine getting more and more bitter?"

"Your Majesty, after checking for the welfare pulse yesterday, I added a few more herbs to calm the liver fire. It may be a bit bitter." Administrative Assistant Lin held the wooden tray, bent his waist, and replied respectfully.

After his Majesty took the water and rinsed his mouth, he waved his hand: "Alright. Retreat at once." Maybe due to high age and his health was getting worse, he didn't want to see these imperial doctors more and more.

Qin De Hai picked up all the booklets thrown everywhere by his Majesty, folded them and put them on the table. After finishing tidying, he heard the little eunuch outside come in and announce: "Your Majesty, Fifth Prince seeks to see you."

"Why is old Fifth coming here at this time?" Although he was a little annoyed, he still let him in: "Why are you coming to the imperial study and not overseeing matters in the revenue department?"

The current emperor had seven sons. Among which the eldest son was the former crown prince. After he passed away from a serious illness ten years ago, his Majesty no longer had a crown prince. The third son was the main culprit in the treason case with Han Guang Hong back then. Third son hung himself in clan manor. Now his Majesty only had second, fouth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth sons left.

The status of Second Prince's birth mMother was low and her relatives couldn't provide much help. Although he was granted the title of Ping Wang at the crown prince's request back then, he had no advantage among the six sons.

On the contrary, it was Fifth Prince whose birth mother was Noble Concubine Lan in the harem. Both Noble Concubine Lan's father and brother were officials in the court. Her father had been the crown prince’s minor mentor. In addition, Fifth Prince can be regarded as hardworking. In the past two years, there were more and more voices to make Fifth Prince the crown prince after the health of the emperor had become worse.

"Son heard that Royal Father is ill, so I came here to pay my respects to Royal Father." Fifth Prince stood in the hall, knelt down, and respectfully bowed: "I got a good ginseng a few days ago and came here to offer it to you, Royal Father."

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When his Majesty heard how sensible Son was, his complexion eased a lot: "You are still sensible. Now that you are here, you should stop by to see your Concubine Mother. She said she was feeling unwell two days ago."

Getting praised and rewarded by Royal Father, Fifth Prince left the imperial study in a good mood and headed to the Qingquan Palace where Noble Concubine Lan lived. Halfway there, he met Ping Wang who was on the way out of the palace.

"I haven't seen Second Elder Brother for a few days, why do you look a little haggard?" Fifth Prince blocked Ping Wang's way, looking down at Ping Wang like a victor.

Ping Wang stopped in his tracks, glanced at this overly proud and smug half-brother, and coughed softly: "I troubled Fifth Younger Brother to worry. Maybe due to the change of seasons, I feel unwell. I will be fine in a few days."

"Second Elder Brother hasn't gone to court for a few days. I thought it was because of Official Li's matter that you are too ashamed to face others!" Fifth Prince smiled maliciously: "It turns out that you are unwell? There are still some unused bird’s nests that Royal Father gave me during the New Year. I will send someone to send them to Second Elder Brother later. Second Elder Brother has to supplement a bit!”

Official Li was Ping Wang's maternal grandfather. A sixth-rank imperial censor offered honest advice to his Majesty at the court meeting at the beginning of the month. To put it bluntly, he reprimanded his Majesty. Official Li was so angry that he fell ill and collapsed at home. He didn't even have a colleague coming to express condolences.

"I accept Fifth Younger Brother’s good intentions. I still have something to do. I'll go first." Although what Fifth Prince said was unpleasant, Ping Wang remained calm and not angry. He nodded to Fifth Prince, led his personal little eunuch, and left.


"What is there to say to a lowly thing?" Noble Concubine Lan heard her son had just met Ping Wang in the imperial garden and talked with him for a long time. A trace of distaste twitched at the corner of her mouth.

Fifth Prince sat beside Noble Concubine Lan. Waving his fan, he cheerfully replied: "I just want him to recognize his place. So what if he is a Wangye? So what if he is the eldest son? He’ll always be pinned down by me." Though his lips carried a smile, his eyes were frighteningly cold. The world’s most respected position can only be his. If someone dares to snatch it, he doesn't mind killing brothers.

"My son, these are trivial things. What you have to remember now is to hold on to his Majesty’s heart. As long as his Majesty’s heart is on you, why worry about not being able to ascend to the most respected position?" Noble Concubine Lan looked at her beautifully dyed nails. In a faint like cloud and light like breeze tone, she said: "Since the former crown prince pass, the central palace is just a rootless duckweed. Concubine Mother will take care of everything in the palace. Outside, you need to interact more with your maternal grandfather."

Noble Concubine Lan was born beautiful. Even though she was middle-aged, her beauty was still the same as before. Thinking that the person who wasn't as good as her in terms of family background, beauty, talent, or even heirs and how she was still sitting in the central palace, craziness flickered in Noble Concubine Lan’s eyes. She can't be a queen, then she must be a more noble woman than a queen!


Outside the palace, Ping Wang's manor

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"My lord, the account books for the first half of the year have been sent back." Ping Wang had only returned to the manor for a while when the royal manor’s supervisor came in with the heavy account books.

Ping Wang gave a faint acknowledgement. After cleaning his hands and changing his clothes, he sat down at the desk and flipped through the account book. He took out the secret letter in it, read it, and burned it in the candle in the lantern beside the desk.

"In the half of the year, this much money is already earned. This Xiao Family truly has some skills!" The confidant standing by the desk accepted the account book he handed over and looked at it carefully: "It seems that the prince didn't find the wrong person."

There was a little smile on Ping Wang's lips. He was obviously very satisfied with the decision he made back then.

"Wangye, Wangfei is here." The two people in the study were still talking, when there was a knock on the door from a trusted guard outside.

When the counselor heard the transmission, he put the account book back to its original place without needing Wangye's signal, and bidded goodbye. Walking to the door of the study and seeing Wangfei, he gave a scholar bow.

"Why did you come?" Only in front of Wangfei, Ping Wang's usually cold face became tender. He walked over to take the food box in her hand, and helped the seven-month-pregnant Wangfei to sit on the bench in the study that was normally for a nap: "It's windy outside. You should add more clothes."

Ping Wang and Wangfei were a young couple. Although they have been married for nearly ten years, they have always been affectionate to each other as before. Apart from Wangfei, there were only two side concubines bestowed by his Majesty in the manor. Ping Wang had always been indifferent to those two side concubines. Only Wangfei gave birth to a pair of children in the royal manor. Now she was pregnant with the royal manor’s third child.

"I’m fine. I know that Wangye leaves the palace in a hurry every time you visit Concubine Mother. I presume you didn't eat and ordered the kitchen to cook a bird's nest long ago." Wangfei sat on the bench. Her hands thumped her slightly sore waist as her soft voice responded.

Ping Wang knew that she was worried about him, so he didn't say anything. He picked up the bird's nest and finished it: "You are heavily pregnant now. These small matters can be handled by the servants below. What if there is a mishap?"

Ping Wang didn't talk much on most days, but happened to talk a lot more in front of this Wangfei whom outsiders thought was from a humble background and could only be regarded as delicate in appearance.

"Mother sent a letter yesterday, saying that Father is in good health. It’s just that he’s a little depressed. Now it is troubled times, Wangye shouldn’t wade in this muddy water." This was the main purpose of Wangfei's visit today. The husband was educated by her father in his early years and he was quite fond of her father. In the eyes of others, she was the object of marriage bestowed by his Majesty to deliberately suppress Ping Wang. However, Ping Wang had already proposed to her father in private before the marriage was bestowed by his Majesty.

Hearing that his reprimanded by the rod father-in-law still concerned about his safety in the court, Ping Wang couldn't help sighing: "Official Father-in-law is very righteous."

Now that Royal Father was getting more and more confused and most of the people in the six department were old Fifth’s, it can be said that he was struggling now. Old Fifth wasn't a good person. If old Fifth achieves the most respected position in the future, he and his family won’t have a good ending. Now that he had no way out, he will fall into the abyss if he can't make further progress.

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